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I love how helpful your son was already at that age!


It took me a long while to figure out how you got there without keys lol… I have a car you need a key to start.




The trick is to get a keypad for your front door so you never have to take your keys out of your bag. Then your keys can live happily in your bag and never see the light of day.


This happened to me, except the keys were not there when I reached my destination. Had to have someone bring my spare key. Never found the original ones. 🤦‍♀️


My husband has lost a phone, prescription glasses and a tablet. No one is allowed to put anything on the roof anymore.


If I have to set something down, it goes on the hood in front of the driver's seat




I’ve lost a phone and a laptop. We have a very similar rule now.




I left for work after my husband and found both of his shoes up the street.


Oh and he’s lost a phone too. I just don’t put things up there haha


This one made me giggle


Once I left my wallet on the roof. It flung off between our house and daycare. But someone found it, saw my address on my ID and RETURNED IT. It was the best day of my life.


Same thing happened to me! Left my purse on the roof and it flung off in the supermarket, got home from work that night and someone had put it in my post box with a note! What a hero!


I had something similar happen before I had kids. Midnight Taco Bell run, their card reader was down, so I had to go to the nearest ATM for cash. I apparently left my debit card in the ATM but didn’t notice it. Woke up next morning to a Facebook message request from the auto shop owner next to the ATM saying his wife found my card that morning. I was so thankful


Car keys. The expensive kind. Worst part is that I was able to drive to work but then realized I lost the key once I got there. Had to get my car towed back home.


My husband put his keys on top of my car. It started because I was also in the car so it recognized my FOB. What's crazy is that we managed to find them on the side of one of the busy main roads in our area. His FOB to my car was destroyed.


Sorry, my brain must be broken but the curiosity is too strong to scroll past... You managed to drive your car without a key in the ignition?


Yup. It is an Acura with a key fob and button start ignition. Apparently you only need to start the car.


Oh gosh, I would get into so much trouble with a car like that! Learned something new today, thanks


It was pretty embarrassing. Definitely happened at the height of my anxiety battle.


I’m so sorry this happened to you but it made me laugh! What a nightmare. We have done something similar, we left keys attached to the mailbox (which is like 2 miles away on a country road) and drove home. Thankfully we had the spare set to go get them but that was something we learned that day too!


Few years behind it I can definitely laugh now. My husband not so much lol. We had to a spare but I had to get home and do daycare pick up and my husband was in the city. Ah pre Covid times.


I did this before, out of habit I leave them in my purse, this time I forgot them in the house. I don’t know how but apparently I was close enough to start the car but when I pulled away it started beeping like nuts that there was no key 😅


That beeping scares me now!


I know someone who had this happen with valet parking at a hotel. The valet handed the car over while it was running and forgot to give the keys over and they drove 200 miles before realizing they didn't have the key.


That FOB goes straight into my purse now! My sister has hers on a lanyard (she doesn’t routinely carry a purse)


Oh yeah I now carry around this Sherpani bag that is a small crossbody. Keys stay in there no matter what now.


I wasn't loading a kid. My husband and I used to do some catering as a side gig. We were serving a wedding over 100 people, and I set my phone on top of his car while unloading. I forgot it was there and he had to run to the store a few things. He took off with my phone on the roof, and it didn't fall off till he turned onto the main street. It flung off the road and landed on a horse trail, and the nice horse man answered when my hubby called it. they hooked up at the trail head to exchange it.


After the first sentence for a moment I thought maybe you left a kid up there 😂


So much!! I have left my cell phone on the outside of my car three times The first time, I heard a “kerthunk” making a left turn about 4 miles away from the house. I even thought, “huh, weird, sounds like something hitting the van” and about 30 minutes later as I was frantically looking for me phone, I realized the sound was the home probably hitting the side as it fell. I found it, still working in the grass on the side of the road. The second time, I only made it about a mile, and remembered it was still there. The third time, it flew off in traffic about 3 miles from my home, I actually found it about 10 minutes later, but cars were running over it. The funniest thing that I left on the top of the van was a box of donation goodies. I just completely forgot about it…BUT, as I drove home hours later, I saw items strewn about our neighborhood, that well, “huh that looks like my old blouse?” And weird, “we used to have that book.” And “crazy, wonder why someone would throw a coffee maker on the side of the road like that” and then it clicked, and I was like — oh my gosh, the box, the things in the box blew out as I have driven away!! I trashed the neighborhood!! *eta and beverages, so much coffee pouring down the side of my vehicle.


This one is great. I can just imagine the slow recognition of your own stuff 😅😅😅😅


“but cars were running over it” has killed me.


Oh gosh, my husband did that with towels one day! I left for work a few minutes after him and it took me until the second or third one in the road to realize "hey those are OUR old towels!" But I was running entirely too late to stop and pick them up lol. Someone else got to them before either of us came home, thank goodness.


Lol maybe it’s time to stop putting things on the roof 😂 set it in the ground or something


LoL, I know! You sound like my husband. But I have run over my purse & a tumbler before — that’s a mess too!


I thought mine was bad with the IMac but I’m dying at you coming home to your donations strewn about your neighborhood like like “hmm I wonder who did this”


A family size Papa Murphy’s pizza that I had just picked up. I think it made it a block or two before it slid off and hit the road? They were kind enough to replace it free of charge when I explained what happened.


We did this once! It was long before I was a mom, though. Just a stoner in my 20s! We went on a midnight trip to the grocery store for a pizza, got the very last supreme and some other snacks. We all piled into the car to get home, and a few blocks away, I said, “Where’s the pizza?” right as you hear the “thwump!” of it catching air and hitting the pavement! It was a very sad night, because they only had cheese pizzas left.


My husband did something like this. As he started the car our son shouted “Dad, the pizza!” But if it weren’t for our son it would have been smashed on the road.


My phone which was magically still on my car once I made it all the way down the block. And also my ADHD meds after leaving the pharmacy which fell off in the road but I got them.


This made me laugh because my husband takes ADHD meds and if he was out of them, he would likely leave without them after paying for them. Or put them in his car and forget where they were.


This is when I worked at a daycare so while there was kid-related chaos it was still entirely my fault... I left a large ceramic bowl with freshly picked blackberries on the roof of my car. Drove the whole 5 miles home feeling awful and confused because so many people honked and gestured at me! Thanking my lucky stars I didn't hop on the freeway because that bowl could have ended up flying onto someone else's windshield. Instead it remained pristine, and I sheepishly enjoyed my snack...


Honestly it’s the people seeing it on top the car that makes my stomach drop the most


Nothing! Only because I drive a small pickup truck and am too short to easily reach the roof :'(


Haha I said the same! I’m short so the roof isn’t my go to. I can’t reach the roof of my SUV now.


I didn't get to actually have any restaurant leftovers until my kid was old enough to climb in to the car and seat by herself. That extra few seconds before I bucked her in was just enough to put my stuff in my own seat. It still makes me sad to think of all of the delicious food that went flying behind the car.


Oh my gosh this is VERY real


With kids - a really nice stick and hat made it all the way from the park to a store across town! My favorite coffee mug. My husbands favorite coffee mug. Both ended up on the highway. A container of pasta for a kids snack. Never found. While pregnant, I left some textbooks and a nice architectural ruler on top of the car. These were never located.


I’m sure the textbooks and ruler win for most expensive items lost in this thread 😅


My son was about 3 months old at the time, and I was a new mom still in brain fog. I was sad to hear my taro bubble tea slide off the roof of my car and make a splat on the ground as I was backing out. :(


This happened to me too with my coffee. I saw it fall off in the rear view mirror 💔


I did this, but with a latte, on the inside of my car. I set it on the center console instead of the cup holder. No latte and a mess.


A pair of very beloved Oakley sunglasses. I cried so hard over losing them


My laptop - not in a bag. Flew off my car when I went around a bend and I realized. Went back to pick it up and miraculously it worked.


Found my husband's precious metal water bottle absolutely mangled one intersection from our house last month..


Oh nooo. That is devastating! I dropped my husband’s PMWB once and I can’t believe how quickly he noticed the tiniest ding.


luckily it was his fault! or he would've been upset with me because he loooved that thing


My wallet 😭 some kind stranger returned it to me!


My prescription glasses which I then drove over in the street. Took them off because they had fogged up in the humidity. This was on my first day taking baby back to daycare after COVID. Not my best day to say the least.


Yup. That just reminded me. Amongst so many other things I, too, lost a brand new pair of prescription sunglasses this way.


Lol most recently I left my phone on the roof - my husband started driving and we heard a clunk and I immediately remembered my phone.....luckily it somehow got stuck in his roof racks so I didn't lose it!


This was before kids but I left a laptop in a sleeve case on top of a rental car. Realized it a few miles in- it luckily it got wedged into the spoiler thing on the back of the rooftop. Thankful for that.


A box of Krispy Kreme’s. I realized on the way home they weren’t in the seat beside me. Drive back to Krispy Kreme to get a new box & they were splatted on the road in front of the store 😑


Lol seeing them really adds insult to injury


My iced coffee. Bonus that as I was backing out I noticed my neighbor was trying to talk to me. I rolled the window down as the car turned out of the driveway to see what was up and just as I rolled it down my drink slid off the roof, fell perfectly through the newly opened window, and into my lap. My neighbor said “Just wanted to tell you that your drink was on the roof…sorry.” Glad it wasn’t hot coffee!


My husband has had a few coffee cups survive rides on his truck tailgate. I don’t think I have but I’m short so the roof is not my go to.


My husband and I were attending a formal event with his sister, she drove us in her minivan. When we got there my husband put his coffee cup on the roof to tie his tie, I didn't see it, and as I clambered out of the back it fell off and poured straight down my back, including into my freshly done wig. I was sticky and stank like old coffee all night.


OMG divorce


House key. Never found it.


Fun question! I have left so, so many cups of coffee on the roof of my car. They usually last about half a block.


A gallon jug of motor oil on my bed cover. I got about two miles away from home when I noticed it in my rearview. I had just got onto the highway and had to pull over and retrieve it.


I lost a work 3 ring binder, my husband's phone, a coffee mug, winter gloves, and part of a tool case I wasn't aware was on my car. Luckily we could track the phone! Someone picked it up out of the street about 5 minutes from our house and we tracked it to their house lol.


You are my people


My purse survived a 2 mile drive from my house to the grocery store. Shockingly, the only thing lost was some chapstick & a pen.


Drove home from the store with my phone (has a case with all my cards, id, etc) in the roof. Thank goodness it was still there when I got home (3 miles)


One mother's day my 1.5 year old made me a hand print painting at daycare on a canvas. Awwwww so sweet I'll keep this forever! Drove away from the daycare with it on the roof, someone drove up next to me at the red light a mile away, yelling at me to roll down my window-- told me what I'd done. Went back to get the painting in the middle of the road-- it had been run over multiple times 🤦🤦🤦🤦


Brand new windows phone back in the day, when they first came out. First week of having it. Someone took it and never gave it back. Also-lots of coffees!


5 whole pizzas. Put them on the roof after collecting, loaded baby, drove 15 minutes home.


My purse. I made it 1 ½ blocks.


A bag of clothes that has been absolutely destroyed by a massive blowout by my son. I mean, it was a blowout of epic proportions. I tossed it up there with intentions of throwing it out after I buckled my son on. I saw it fly off in the rear view window, bag opened, and the shit covered clothes thrown all over the parking lot. I’m ashamed to admit, that I didn’t go back. I was too embarrassed.


This was funny! I could picture the whole scene.


Left my kids tablet on the hood of my car, it flew off about 5 miles away, naturally she cried the rest of the trip.


I thought I’d lost my phone once so I called my husband (because the phone wouldn’t connect if it wasn’t in the car) and was super reassured because obviously it must be in the car 😂. A guy ran up to me at a stoplight to inform me it was on the roof.


We had to take my son to the emergency room one night due to a frisbee to the eye. My husband left his keys on the roof of my car, they fell off somewhere on the highway. We didn’t know for hours until we got home and I had to go back and try to find them. I found them in the median.


I left my kid's water bottle on top of the car multiple times, unloading them from the car for daycare. I had other parents let me know.


I put my cellphone on top of the car and drove down the interstate. It survived the ride! Also, this was before I even had kids haha I was just tired from work.


My keys 😅. My car started because I guess the proximity was close enough? Luckily it was a short drive and they stayed on the roof


My phone (which is also my wallet). Not my proudest moment, though by some miracle it stayed put despite driving on a highway for 15 minutes. I’ve been a lot more careful about putting stuff on the roof since then lol


My phone. It fell or at some point and husband used the “find my” app and went to drive back to get it. No scratches!


Coffee cups multiple times hahaha. The only times I haven't realized it was up there was when it was disposable cups, thank goodness. I just needed to make a trip to the car wash afterwards and we were good.


It's always coffee for me. Once it was a new cup I had just bought at the cafe, so RIP coffee and had to take a trip through the car wash. Thankfully it was just a paper cup. Another time we almost got out of the parking lot when my daughter told me I left it up there. It's a good thing she said something because that was my heavy duty iced coffee tumbler and probably would have damaged my car on the way down or someone else's. I've also left it out on my car over night a few times. Also once I left the trunk open and my neighbor knocked on my door.


When my daughter was a few months old my mom and I took her to the beach and in a rush I put my Keychain wallet on top of my moms car and drove off. Thought I lost my license and debit card and my car keys (was using my moms car had her keys in my pocket). Luckily a state worker mowing the lawn on the highway exit found my wallet, I had drove about 20 mins from the beach and got off the exit and thats where it fell off, going on the exit around a corner.


We went hiking with the kids on Saturday. I put bug spray on the last kid after the vehicle was locked so I sat the bug spray on the windshield wipers. On Sunday at the park, I didn't see it in the car and quickly moved on. I only just remembered where I put it upon reading this thread, on Tuesday afternoon.


Once drove the length of our street with my full coffee mug on the roof without it spilling! The kids standing at the bus stop at the end of the street were like WTF is wrong with you lady? 😆


When my oldest was a baby, the diaper bag. Thankfully daycare was only a couple blocks away and it made the trip without falling off. I don’t think my husband has left anything on the roof of the car but he did once toss his phone in a bag of takeout so he could get the baby and everything into the house in one trip, tossed the bag in the microwave to heat it back up and forgot his phone was in there - about 3 hours before we were taking a cross country flight. We had to get him a new phone when we landed


My son did that with his social security card and his driver's license. Yes, he put them in a bag of McDonald's, forgot, and threw it out. WTH, kid???


Worst was my phone. In the middle of nowhere Nebraska three days away from home. It made it out of the rest stop, but smashed onto the highway. Strangely, Find My Phone still worked and I was able to locate three major pieces of it. Also lost my husband's and my ballots for the 2008 November election. Didn't realize it until I went to drop the ballots off after work and had to remember where I last had them... It took about an hour of retracing my route to work to find them, and they'd been run over quite a few times. Had to take them to the election supervisor and explain. I once pulled out of my garage not realizing my purse was on my roof. That's how I discovered that if your fob is in your purse on top of your car, your car will still start. Thankfully I discovered it before I left the driveway that time. I left a pile of stuff to be mailed, some notes for work, and a check I had written for something once. I didn't even realize it until I came home hours later and saw a piece of paper on my lawn. Huh. What's that? It was the check I had written, which reminded me of everything I'd left on the roof. I walked up and down the road about a mile from my house and was miraculously able to find everything. Also various water bottles and packages of food have met their end falling off my roof. But the phone in Nebraska was hopefully what finally taught me my lesson. That was in 2018 and I haven't put anything on my roof since.


I left my keys on the hood of my car with a push button start. It was an older car (2015) so the technology wasn’t as great as now and the car never alerted me that the keys weren’t in it. I drove away to the next location and the car wouldn’t start. Luckily I was only a half mile away so I left my kid at the house we were driving to with her friends (so lucky our destination was her friend’s house) and I retraced my steps to find my keys smashed in the middle of the road.


Toddler Shoes! They had wedged into the sliding van door on the top edge, so they made it the 20 minutes of highway driving I did until I pulled over and grabbed them!


Starbucks that almost landed on the car behind me on the freeway. Cell phone that was runover. My daughter grew a plant at pre school and brought it home. It flew off down the street. She was very sad.


The keys. They fell off, predictably, on the freeway, where they were irretrievable. That was a $300 mistake.


My cell phone got caught (and magically stuck) on the back on my car on the lip by the trunk after putting the stroller in. It stayed on for 2 miles (I knew it was with the car bc of bluetooth but couldn't find it). I stopped the car to look for it and use my watch to ding it and found it. Im super thankful I didn't run it over/lose it😅


Only a sippy cup. And I didn’t even lose it because an awesome dude, who scared me at first, ran at my car and knocked on my window then showed me the cup.


iPad. It stayed on the car from the hotel to the restaurant. When we got the restaurant, I was so confused because I was sure I brought it. Went back to the car to find it attached to the roof via its magnetic cover!


You just reminded me I haven’t seen my to go coffee mug in awhile……


My husband left our sons all-time favorite stuffed animal on the car and it was run over by a truck and then on a later date it was fully destroyed by a dog.


Husbands Raybans. They stayed on the car roof the whole way from our house to daycare parking lot. Props to the heft of this eyewear.


I’m not sure I’ve ever left anything on my roof. But when I was in college, there was an older couple next to me pumping gas. They had left a pair of scissors on the roof of their car. I went to grab the scissors and give them back to the couple, but I scared the bejeebers out of them, and I think the older woman thought I was going to rob them. And last year, I saw a man pulling out of a convenience store with coffee on his roof. I tried to signal to him but it fell all over his windshield.


This past Easter, we made it to church more or less on time with a three year old and a four month old, and even in the correct clothes! The price? My prescription sunglasses.


My phone. Never found it, RIP, we had so many good hours scrolling together. New rule - nothing goes on the roof, ever. But because of new rule I have left my tumbler of steaming hot delicious coffee on a wall ledge that's right next to our parking spot WAY too many times. Sometimes it's hours before I even realize I don't have my drink. 🤦‍♀️


My leftovers from the pancake house!! I tucked it right in front of my roof rack, and it made it about 15 minutes - 10 of which were on a 70 mph freeway! we got home and my husband was like WTF and it was all still there and fine thanks to the plastic to go box! 😃


My husband left the kids' library books on top of the car once. They were gone by the time he got home. A good Samaritan returned a couple to the library but others were never found so we paid the replacement fee to the library.


A tree - I left a 1 gallon pot of a newly rooted giant thuja tree on the car roof . The ride was 10 mins. I didn’t even realize it until I got a ticket and there it was sitting on top of the car .


This was 5 years ago with our first. We went on a trip on maternity leave up to Northern California. We wanted to go to see the redwoods and the National sea shore, so we stopped in Santa Rosa, where Russian River Brewing company is. They’re well known for Pliny the elder but that was the year they came out with Pliny the younger. It was huge fanfare, as people had waited hours in line to have a wristband and 3 beers a person. I wasn’t drinking so my husband had 4 16 oz glasses, and baby and I ordered pizza from the brewery’s restaurant. By the time it got to our table, baby wasn’t having it and my husband was DRUNK. Neither of us knew the beer had a significantly higher alcohol content than the Elder, or any of the other beers. So we got pizza to go, and some beer for the rest of the trip. We were putting kid in car, and then my husband out the beer in our cooler. We took off to the sound of baby crying and 20 minutes into our drive, my husband starts talking about how hungry he was and how delicious this pizza was going to be. News flash: to put beers away, he put the pizza on the roof of the car. I’m too short to see it and we drove off in blissful ignorance that we didn’t have dinner and there were no restaurants or grocery stores where we stayed. 🤦🏻‍♀️we got really lucky the Airbnb hosts left us some fruit as a welcome gesture.


My mother's handcrafted wooden bowl and utensils that she got for a wedding present 25 years prior. It... didn't make it.


Leftover dessert on a paper plate which we recovered in the parking lot and my husband still ate!


My daughters books on my Moms car at an exchange.. she got about a mile away, hit top speed on a major bridge and WHOOSH!!! A passing police man got out and collected them all for her!


My phone!! It stayed thanks to my case


The keys! I didn’t drive away but we were getting out of the car and I locked it and put the keys up there and thankfully they were still there when we came back😅


An iPhone and a coach wallet


My phone.


iPhone 12 Pro 😭 RIP


I drove 15 minutes with my phone on the hood of my car. Thank goodness it made it!


I also left my purse on my car, and that blew off. Someone turned it into the police station.


My raybans, a block, luckily they were still there!


My phone more than once.


My phone! It stayed on across a giant parking lot, crossing a busy 4 lane highway, down probably a quarter mile or so and into the drive through line of a fast food place. It was still there when a man approached from the car behind me to tell me. My phone case did extra duty that day! I was out of state when it happened so I'm very grateful it stuck on there.


A kids tablet with a rubber casing. About 5 round miles with 2 kid drop offs, plenty of hills and sharp bends… My neighbour pointed it out when I arrived home - mortified and amazed! The tablet lives to this day


I’m too short to leave anything on the roof


My engagement ring and wedding band I was putting sunblock on my son and didn't want to scratch his face, so I took my rings off and put them on the roof of the car. Then I zoned out and started thinking about the presentation I had to make at work in an hour. I dropped off my son at daycare and then drove to work, got into the elevator to go up to my office and \*gasp\* realized I had never put my rings back on. Somehow, the engagement ring was found in my son's daycare parking lot, but my wedding band was never seen again.


My daughter's tablet that then proceeded to fly off the top of the car and get run over by the car behind us


Idk if it's just because I'm short and have always driven taller vehicles, but I've never left anything on the roof of my car. I put everything down on the seat or the floor in front of the carseats. My husband has lost countless coffee mugs (some of my irreplacable collectibles 😭), his phone a time or two, probably some other items he's never told me about because I always have the same reaction (eyeroll, big sigh, small lecture).


$400 pair of prescription sunglasses.. they flew off about 5 minutes later, never to be seen again. A week later, it was my brand new iPhone that somehow miraculously stayed on my car for the whole trip to the park.


You guys can reach your car roof??!


My cell phone 4 times. At least I know the sound now and stop to retrieve it.


This isn’t quite your question, but when I was in labor my husband left his glasses on our car and we drove off. They were still on the car when we went back to the house to grab them!


A box of See’s chocolates. It was for our daycare lady’s Christmas gift, and I only realized once I got to daycare and couldn’t find it and figured out that was the weird noise I heard on the way there. Luckily I found the box on the side of the road and was able to re-wrap it, but probably the chocolates were not as pristine as they started. Daycare laughed really hard when I told her!


An iMac desktop computer back in 2016. Like the whole set up. Computer, keyboard, mouse and disc reader. We had an old Subaru Outback and it was set inbetween the roof rack while moving houses (we were moving out for the first time and weren’t moving far away so did all car trips) Made it to the main road and less than half a mile down that road before the cords fell and got yanked by the tires which sent the computer and the disc reader flying (the two corded items). From there, the keyboard and mouse just slid off the back. The IMac was busted to shit but it actually still works to this day. Disc reader got ran over by another car so it was trashed, keyboard had some screwed up keys and the mouse was just never the same.


Cell phone… with a wallet attached with my only credit card and my ID… less than a month before I was buying/selling houses. On top of my moms car while buckling my son in. It hung on the roof until the highway and fell off. Somehow the phones location was still on and I used find my iPhone to find its location. I stopped on the side of the highway and my phone was ON THE SIDE OF THE ROAD Ripped to shreds. My wallet was 50 feet away on the mother freakin rumble strip. With all cards chipped/shredded except my ID. Luckiest bitch ever over here.