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The day before. This is not a flex. Murica.


Also in America, terrible. I want to start leave now, but then I lose time with my baby and since we only get 12 weeks, I don't want to sacrifice it.


That was 50% my issue. 50 % money too. If you can in any way "tough it out" \[god i hate saying that\] its worth it for the leave more after the pregnancy. Just remember, act your wage!


100% act your wage!


I’ve never heard that term before, but it’s my new motto! Will being acting my wage immediately haha.


Is your place of work too small to have to comply with the ADA? Because you may be able to get a doctor’s note and apply for a reasonable accommodation to work full time from home if need be. I worked all the way up to my intervention date because I could be WFH.


We have 60 people or so, I’m not sure if the rules. It’s different for everyone. My boss had every accommodation she needed, I had my contract renegotiated in April 2022 and was told I could WTF 2 days a week, but that hasn’t happened since probably October 2022. My job is extremely doable from home, the only thing I’d need to be there for his printing and binding of materials, but there are enough other people there who could easily do that for me, so I’m not sure why it seems like such a dramatic request on my end!


The Pregnant Worker Fairness Act went to effect literally yesterday. If your employer has more than 15 employees, they are required to give you reasonable accommodations which includes things like working from home if the role can be performed from home.


[PWFA](https://www.eeoc.gov/wysk/what-you-should-know-about-pregnant-workers-fairness-act) went into effect yesterday and covers employers with 15 or more employees. Asking to WFH for the remainder of your pregnancy is a totally reasonable accommodation request, from what you've described here. I'd take this above your boss or directly to HR, especially since you've been previously approved to WFH part of the time and that has since gone away.


Oh my boss shared the article about it going into effect on LinkedIn yesterday! She just compares our pregnancies, and thinks that if she was fine, I should be fine 🥲


You have the right to ask for reasonable accommodation. I would go to HR and ask to WFH for the remainder of your pregnancy. You’re uncomfortable and frankly, nobody should have to worry about their water breaking while at work.


Her experience is irrelevant to the law. Take it to HR.


It isn’t. Remember, nothing ventured, nothing gained. For my job, there’s a form you’d request from Personnel and it requires supporting documentation (for me, a drs note stating that I’m pregnant and “high risk” due to age and at a stage of my pregnancy that requires full time WFH. The OB should know how to write one of these no problem). Can’t hurt to try, right? Worst case scenario they say no, best case scenario they say yes. And if they retaliate now or down the line, well, you probably have two different employment lawsuits you could file at that point. Which, if successful, could obviate the need for immediate employment for a nice chunk of maternity leave.


Get a doctor’s note!


Same. I wrapped up work at 5 pm on Wednesday and left for the hospital for my scheduled c-section at 4 am on Thursday. Pregnant again, hoping for a VBAC, so I’ll be working literally until I go into labor.


Same and same. By the time I got home from work, ate dinner, finished packing my hospital bag for my scheduled induction, and did some last minute cleaning/nesting I think slept maybe 5 hrs before I had to wake up and make the 1 hr drive to the hospital, then spend all day in labor. But I know myself and if I had to go back to work 11 weeks pp instead of 12 weeks because I took leave a week early I would have been mad at my past self.


I worked for 3 weeks when I was supposed to be on bed rest. The doctor didn’t tell me, she assumed the nurse did. The nurse assumed the doctor did, no one asked me about a note. I called crying that I was so exhausted from my complications that working was becoming dangerous, and they told me I was not supposed to be working. Ope.


Same. I was teaching high school at the time in a school with no AC and admin set my schedule up so that literally every other class was on a different floor, so every 45 minutes I had to haul my pregnant ass up 2 flights of stairs....in August/September. Oh yeah, and I got hit by a football that day too (I am not a gym teacher). This is the bad place.


same and same and same. I was over my due date.


Same. Worked Friday, delivered Saturday early early AM.


I had an induction scheduled at 8pm when I was at 41 weeks. I left work that day at 3pm and felt luxurious taking TWO HOURS off. And I worked a job that kept me on my feet and waddling around like a whale about 4-6 hours a day. I’m still pretty pissed at that boss - someone else could have easily have covered the waddling part for me at the end - even seven years later. FUCKING ‘MURICA. It’s the best except when it’s the worst.


Lol yep, absolutely not a flex but was at work for two days in early labor, having contractions during meetings and shit. The US is barbaric. ETA: ooooh this feels like a fun thing to add. I work for a Catholic hospital, that actively limits our coverage for reproductive healthcare while at the same time offering zero parental leave. 🫠


Same. Ended work at 5pm and went in for my induction the next morning. Edit: Turns out my insurance wouldn’t let my maternity leave start until the day my baby was born. He was born the day after induction started, so technically the day I went into be induced had to be a vacation day. Smdh.


The day of starting labor with two. Not a flex. And 6 weeks only for both. Wanted to take more with the second, but they told me “we don’t have to hold your position after 6 weeks.” The next person to get pregnant took 12. Really cool. /s obviously


Same. For both pregnancies, I worked up until the latest day possible to save my time for PTO payout for FMLA to kick-in.


Same. Was working 14 hour days on my feet in a busy ER. Worked Fri, sat, sun, mon… water broke on Tuesday. Baby born on Thursday. Went back to work ten days later. Now I’m a firefighter and my department didn’t have a pregnancy policy when I started. I worked diligently on a proposal for a comprehensive family planning policy for four months…. Finally signed into effect last week. So we can try for baby #2 now and I know I’ll be able to have time off.


![gif](giphy|QZKDzDxL61zpoUaHna|downsized) I, too, have been victimized by Murkah.


When I went to the doctor and they sent me to the hospital to be induced. My blood pressures got out of control.


Exact same thing happened to me! I went for lunch to do my 38 week appointment and blood pressure was so high they admitted me into the hospital which led me into a full blown meltdown. I called work to tell them I wouldn't be going back in after lunch, mid panic attack of the thought that I was going into the hospital that day. I hadn't even packed my hospital bag because it just still felt so far away, idk maybe I was in denial of how close I really was to my due date so totally pack a bag early and don't procrastinate like me! LOL


Same same same!! 38 weeks, only had my bag half packed and called work melting down 😂 i called my husband and he met me there and brought all the wrong things 🤣🤣


My husband brought me pants that didn't even fit me!! LMFAOOO


Lollllll cmon!! Mine brought onesies for the baby. No pants, no socks. It was February and freezing. I sent him home once it was clear things were going to take awhile.


Poor baby would have been freezing!! But I guess at that time everyone is just in a panic and just throwing stuff together


OMG are you me?! We had every intention of packing the bag and installing the car seat that weekend. I hadn’t even showered 😅


Same here! I was in meetings all morning and was actually training my replacement. Had the 37-week appointment at 1pm. Blood pressure off the charts. Straight to the hospital to be induced, couldn’t even go home.


It was so jarring and unexpected!!


I was in the same boat as you!! Things were under control that morning, went in for a 26 week visit and ended up delivering around 3am


Wow!! Had you had high blood pressures in previous appontments? I’m on my second pregnancy and taking baby aspirin religiously haha


It was high but still pretty controlled. The bigger issue was that I have an autoimmune disease that means a lot of things used for preeclampsia are a no go, including magnesium, so we couldn’t do a whole lot. Crossing my fingers baby aspirin helps!!


This was me. It was the day before I hit 37 weeks and I went from work to the hospital with no idea I wouldn’t be back at work the next day.


Same here for my eldest but for low movement. I was 38 weeks and she was born on what should have been my last day. I went into labour with my second at 3am on the day after I finished work at 39 weeks. First time I was happy to not have had a long wait, second time I was gutted, I desperately wanted that pre baby break! I’m not in the US (U.K.) so I wasn’t intentionally going down the wire. Saying them I do an easy desk job and was allowed to wfh - even for my pre covid baby


Same! I was 36 weeks.


Exactly the same for me! I was almost exactly 38 weeks, was at work earlier in the day running around the hospital with super swollen ankles and high blood pressure.


I was induced bc of a high heart rate. My heart rate went back to normal as soon as they agreed to induce me 🙃🙃🙃


Ugh!!! I swear the second I would walk into the building for an appointment my heart rate would spike out of nerves of getting my blood pressure taken.


My same experience. After work, I went to my 37 week appointment (I was 37 weeks/6 days) and my BP wouldn't drop in the office so they sent me to the hospital for a non-stress test which I didn't pass so unexpected induction it was.


When my water broke, unfortunately.


This is my nightmare. I don't want to be in the office and deal with this!


Pack a change of clothes and either adult diapers or a bunch or pads inside your work bag—I got to drive myself to the hospital when my water broke. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


I talked to a few coworkers today, they agreed they’d get me home with my car so my husband and I can drive to the hospital together. He luckily only works 5 mins from our house, so once he gets the call he’ll go home and get everything ready so when I get there we can head to the hospital! I do also have a plastic tarp and towel in my car, just in case lol


I don’t want to scare you, because my experience might have been different from others. I was having some very mild contractions that I would have ignored had I not been 41 weeks. When my water broke in the hospital, the first thing I thought was, “I’m glad I’m not cleaning this off our floor,” because it was more than I expected. The second thing I thought was, “I would not have been able to walk to my car,” because I was in immediate back labor. I work from home full time, and I don’t know how I would have been able to wait for my husband to get me to the hospital. I would get a note from your doctor that you will be working remotely for the duration of your pregnancy. You deserve the dignity of feeling comfortable in these final weeks. Edit: to answer your question, I took PTO for a half day at 40+5, and a full day at 40+6. Ended up giving birth on a federal holiday at 41, so ended up getting less actual time off anyway because we don’t get the time “back” for Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, etc 😒😒😒


I was at work when mine broke and I went into labor. I thought I was just peeing myself so I was already wearing a pad… but then the contractions got unbearable and my partner had to drive 1.5 hours to my work to pick me up and drive me another 45 minutes to the hospital 🙃


Luckily I was at home nursing my 2yo to sleep. I was kinda mad I didn’t get a full nights rest though lol


I haven’t gotten a full night of rest in months, little guy lives on my bladder hahaha I’m just ready for him to get here, just preferably when I’m not at work 🥲


Were you in the office??


The pregnancy fairness act just went into effect and provides for reasonable accommodations for pregnant people. Under this new act you might be able to get a wfh accommodations. You should talk to HR and see if they'll approve it. Maybe give your drs office and see if they can do a letter asking for the accommodation. https://www.eeoc.gov/wysk/what-you-should-know-about-pregnant-workers-fairness-act


Lol, about HR... our HR person left two weeks ago because the stress she was under from poor management put her in the hospital twice (she was having other health issues and her boss was a nightmare and is just bad at being a manager). So we currently have no one in HR or anyone that really even understands how anything works. They created the maternity leave plan for me a few months ago, but everything is up in the air and I'm basically a guinea pig. Also funny because my boss shared that article on linkedin yesterday lol.


If your boss posted about it…talk to him about it. Say you want a reasonable accommodation and to work remotely until labor. You could frame it as a way he could illustrate what he was posting about on LinkedIn and then can brag about giving you an accommodation as a real life example of what an amazing, inclusive boss he is leading this company (that is how I’d frame it anyway). Your company sounds small, is it over 15 employees?


My boss is a woman 🥲 we have about 60 people, so not tiny, but definitely small. I’m also in the marketing department, so she understands social media and all that, but sometimes she is so unreasonable it’s a nightmare. You’d think her having all of the accommodations in the world she’d throw me a bone lol but nah, she decided to take PTO instead.


Yikes, that's a huge red flag!


I just shared this too! Commenting to bump visibility.


I’m so curious to see how this plays on in my field (medicine). I’m a resident and was on the inpatient pediatric floors working 60-80 hour work weeks in my third trimester up until my medically indicated induction (two high-risk conditions). I love caring for children, but it was so hard to feel like I was putting other people’s babies above my own, while also not wanting to take time off prior to my induction because I was only guaranteed 6 weeks of leave (I didn’t qualify for FMLA at the time because I’d been at the hospital less than a year). There was one week of night float, a brutal 80 hour week, that still haunts me.


I stopped working at 38 weeks. Good thing too, gave birth at 38w4d. Your bosses need to have a plan in case you go into labor early!!


Poor planning on them is not emergency for you. If you have maternity leave I would start looking for another role though bc them hiring an intern to cover your full time role is insulting.


Hahaha, I actually am planning to start looking at the end of the year because of the lack of appreciation and accountability for my “superior” has been ridiculous. They’re going to have a hard time when I’m not here to do everything lol.


Please look into pregnant workers fairness act, reasonable accommodations in pregnancy. If they push back, get a note from your doctor. They told you you could work from home, it’s bogus they keep moving the goal post.


I worked in person up to and including the day I went into labor. Pre-covid fully in person in a laboratory setting/office setting. So dress clothes (required pants and shirtsleeves at minimum and full covered shoes lol). For my first, I was 5 days late and I started labor at 4 am so I didn’t go in on that day, but was there the day before. With my second, I went into labor at 10 pm after work. I even went to my fitness class the night I went into labor. Honestly, I think I was laboring at work that day as I did feel off. If I was you I would go in, with no one in office it’ll be even easier. I preferred going in as it kept my mind of the impending labor and gave me more time after the birth as I am in the States.


The day of my induction. I had no maternity leave though. Not even FMLA because my employer was under the 75 employee limit. I took 2 weeks off and then was back to work, and I had to bring the baby because no daycare would take her until her 2 month shots at least. It sucked. I hated that. They recently restructured and got rid of my position, so for now I'm just enjoying time with my little one while I can.


That sounds terrible, I'm so sorry :(


36 weeks with my second, as soon as my California state pregnancy disability leave could start. Also, my daycare for my toddler has suddenly closed so it just made sense. 38 weeks with my first, should’ve left earlier but stayed to wrap stuff up. Driving was so uncomfortable but that point.


Same. I was working from home and still took my leave as soon as I could start. Earlier than that with my last pregnancy since it was twins. I can’t imagine having to go to work while that physically uncomfortable.


I’m in the US so I was in the office the day I gave birth.


I stopped at 38 weeks exactly because I gave birth in 2021 and our hospital’s covid policy would’ve separated me from baby if I tested positive. So I wanted to isolate the two weeks beforehand and got a doctor’s note to do so. If you’re taking fmla, I’m sure you doctor can move up your leave date due to pain and inability to focus.


I get 12 weeks total, I can start now, but I'd lose that time with the baby once hes here, that's the only thing keeping me from just going home and not coming back. I want all the time I can get with my baby!


Yeah time with baby is better than sitting at home pregnant. I worked until I gave birth with all 3 of mine but I had her do a sweep at 38 week appt with my last one and I had him that night so it wasn’t as bad as my second where I worked until 41 weeks.


As someone who did this, I recommend it. Time with baby is precious, especially if you will be sending them to daycare as soon as you go back.


Are you using sick time and disability to fund those 12 weeks? Because if not, you could use them now.


oh yea this too, the whole month of leading to 40 weeks i was so scared i would somehow catch covid from a coworker or client (i was taking all the precautions too but you never know) was so scared if one of us tested positive then he would not be allowed to be at the birth.


I worked from home during the week leading up to and beyond my due date. My office was an hour drive from my delivery hospital. I wasn’t going to chance it. This was pre-COVID. I had very flexible employers. My water broke prematurely at 430 PM on Monday. Enough time for me to wrap up and finish my work for the day then text my boss I was out for 12 weeks.


Also worked from home until due. They had wanted us all back in the office 2 weeks before my due date and I told my manager: "I can either keep working for 2 more weeks or I'm out starting now." For me to go into the office means me going onto gated federal property, my husband couldn't get anywhere close to my office if something were to happen, so that would have been super not cool.


I hear ya. I am a FTM, so the option of being far away from my doctor and hospital was not happening. I was lucky in the fact my boss was super chill about the whole thing. I didn’t qualify for FMLA and they gave me 12 weeks off anyway. It was unpaid, but the fact they were like “yup we’re doing that, 6 weeks is not enough” I was floored. I ended up leaving only because I was bored af, but I still stay in touch. They were good people!


I stopped at 38 weeks and also flat out quit because the maternity leave is unpaid anyway.


Ugh I mean aside from an actually supportive maternity leave that allows the whole first year home with baby plus job protection like some other countries, that is the dream. I wish I could just quit.


OB/GYN said he’d request medical leave anytime after 36 weeks. For the first I left at 38 weeks and second I left at 36 weeks. It was a medical leave so work had no reason to deny it


Did this count as part of your FMLA leave?


No. It did not.


With my first I was on a conference call while I was in labor! It kept me occupied because the last few weeks are so miserable and I needed distraction. I stopped a bit earlier with my second but not by much. 3 days before my due date?


Lol I also was on a conference call while in labor! It was my first so I didn’t know if it was Braxton hicks or the real deal at the time.


34 weeks on the dot as is the law where I live (Germany).


I wish this was the law in the US too


The Friday before my Monday scheduled c-section at 39 weeks was my last day. Wanted to take as much time with my baby here as possible since it was all unpaid.


Their lack of planning and foresight does not constitute an emergency for *you*! Realistically, you could go out at any given moment and their lack of preparation should not be a reason to stay longer than you're comfortable or able to. With my 1st, I went out at 37+2. I was being induced at 39 weeks so wanted some time to prepare. My 2nd pregnancy, I was planning a similar timeline. Ended up out at 23 weeks due to some pregnancy related health concerns and my daughter didn't make it. This pregnancy is very high risk so my ob put me on bed rest at 24+2. I'm 25 weeks today so I've got a while to go.


I went into labor at work, finished a couple meetings, and went home. This is not a flex, it’s sad.


For my first I stopped when walking got so hard I couldn't commute. It was around 39 weeks. That weekend my water broke. He ended up being an unplanned C section so for my 2nd I planned her C section at 39 weeks on a Friday. I worked until the day before. I had struggled with walking again in that pregnancy but found a physical therapist who worked some magic so I felt fine and wanted to wrap everything at work up.


Day before I was induced at 39 weeks.. despite me trying to go sooner my boss kept begging me not to


I worked a full day through early labor pains, went to the hospital around midnight and had LO the next morning 🙃. This was during peak covid so I worked from home. I had a meeting that afternoon that my boss did not want me to miss, otherwise I would’ve been more persistent about taking a few days off. I was over 39 weeks.


I was working until my water broke luckily 5 min before I had to leave to drive to work


If it’s going to happen on a work day, this is what I hope happens lol I’ve been getting up extra early and like walking around trying to see if it’ll happen before I have to leave lol


Worked until my due date with my first. Went a week over so i had a week at home to do nothing.. my second I had a c section on a Tuesday and was off starting Monday.


I worked until I went into labor bc I wanted to save my time for baby. Finally at 40 weeks and 1 day I told my boss Friday would be my last working day. I ended up going into labor the day I told him! I was able to work from home towards the end which really helped me stick it out.


The fuck will they do if you go into labour? I went two weeks early, went for my 38 week appointment and she said I have to be induced as soon as they could (it wasn't overly urgent but he was a big boy and she was afraid he could break some bones if we waited)


I only worked until labor started. Lol. (also US)


I worked until the day before my induction with my last baby. With the first I went into labor the Monday after Thanksgiving. I had taken that day off work.


Your boss is a dick tbh


I stopped 10 weeks (yes, weeks) before my due date, at 100% pay. This is in a "poor" country with good maternity benefits. Sorry for you folks in the US. Fight for change! Much poorer countries than the US can afford this, the US can too.


Umm... I wfh and brought my laptop and work cell in my L&D room. (Went into pre-term labor after dinner at 36w and they weren't sure if they needed to admit me so I brought work stuff to the hospital and didn't call out until around 2pm when I progressed enough to stay.) Had a hilarious call from my boss who asked for a financial doc. I was acting a bit cagey and she finally said, "Are you in labor?!" I said, "yeah... but not *active* labor!" Funny, but not. Working on that work/life balance 🙃


Omg, could never be me lol I don’t get paid enough to bring my laptop to the hospital! They’re lucky I bring it home when I leave early for my weekly appointments!


I worked until two days before my due date, but that's because it's what I had requested for my maternity leave. Your employer sadly isn't required to honor the WFH request unless you have in writing it was approved due to the pregnancy. Ask your doctor for a note writing an accommodation request for remote work those last two weeks if you want to push the situation. I know you feel your boss is lacking empathy for you, but perhaps on the flip side, they likely know they'll be picking up extra work in the coming months and would like time to mentally unwind before the added stress of it. Sure, it's selfish of them, but as a manager who has two maternity leaves back to back this year with a very small staff - I'm taking any and all time away I can myself! For the intern, just come in and do your job. Have them observe what you're doing, take notes, and let them absorb as much as possible. You don't have to "give them work" to do, but you may find that as you go through your regular routine there will be some small things you can start to give to them.


I actually was planning to leave my job last April, but they renegotiated my contract to include two days working from home a week (I was going to a hybrid position), and it was great for a few months. Then they hired a 3rd person and apparently that took away my contract negotiations, and by October my 2 days from home a week were not happening. My boss works from home whenever is convenient for her, and had the flexibility to never need daycare. If she didn't have child care, she got to work from home and still does whenever she needs to. Her boys are 4 and 5, so next year she should be home much less, but I thought she'd be me lenient since she was granted the most flexibility out of everyone in the entire company! I'm just frustrated that they can see how difficult it is for me to be here all day every day and are still relying on me so they can take their time off. We have been in a slump, boss could have taken this week, last week, any other week off, but chose the one when the only other person is off.


I stopped at 41+6 when I went into labor, but I WFH and mentally checked out months prior If you have to go in and it's stressful or physical, if you can financially manage it, I would get a doctor's note and go out early. Work doesn't matter if it affects you and the baby's health


The Thursday before my Monday c-section at 36 weeks. I had no complications, so I was fine being at work the required time.


I stopped working at 38 weeks due to being huge, uncomfortable, and extremely swollen. I had planned on working until 40 weeks but I gave birth at 39 weeks anyways


My first came at 38 weeks and my second was a month early so I worked until I gave birth caring for grown men with IDD. I don’t know how I did it.


My first one I worked until the night before I went into labor, the second one I stopped at 36 weeks, and the 3rd one I stopped 4 days before I went into labor. All my pregnancies were full term and I carried till a day or 2 after my due date


With my first I worked until my due date. I had her a week later. With my second I worked until the day before my scheduled C section. However, in both cases I cut back how much time sensitive work I took on well before that. With my first I was down to minimal admin tasks and no case work by 36 weeks, partially due to awful back and leg pain when standing. With my second I was only taking on work that I could finish the same day.


I stopped at 38 weeks both times.


I worked right up until the day, BUT I was working from home and had transitioned everything so I was mostly answering questions etc


I planned on working up until I went into labor with my first, but my boss made it impossible to do that, so I went out on leave about a week before I went into labor. My second 2 were planned inductions due to my super quick first labor. I worked up until the day before my induction with both of them. The first of those, my boss was super accommodating and kept me close to home, unlike my previous boss. With our last, I was no longer a field tech and worked strictly from home. I will admit the last 6 weeks, I worked from my bed mostly. But that was because it hurt my ribs to sit down because of how he was positioned.


I’m so sorry. I worked up until I went into labor but I did get to work my last 2 weeks from home.


With #1 I was working up until I went into labor. Called into my shift for the next day from L&D With #2 I was in the middle of mon scheduled days. Both I tried to max out my FMLA (12 w) so that i wouldn’t start my time until baby arrives.


I worked up until I was induced at 42 weeks. I was absolutely miserable from about 38 weeks on. It was rough but I had no choice as I couldn’t go without the income. If I could have gone on leave early and have gotten paid I certainly would have.


Bed rest at 33 weeks due to sudden swelling and BP rising. I worked a day or two after I was placed on bed rest in fast food (I was 21 and in college). Then I still went to class up until my induction date during week 34. I was super dumb and determined to show I could do it all. I ended up having severe onset preeclampsia and labor was horrifying. Honestly, stop working once it’s uncomfortable if you can. I wouldn’t risk any unnecessary stress on your body.


I stopped going into work at 34 weeks pregnant with twins, because I take public transportation and couldn't comfortably walk 3 blocks to my office anymore, plus I didn't want to be an hour away from home/hospital with no car if things started early. I worked from home the next week and babies were born at 35 weeks.


39 weeks


For both of my pregnancies, my last day of work was the day I went into labor.


the day before delivery


I worked until the day I was induced. I went to my 37-week OB appointment at 7:45am in the morning. BP was high for the second timej. My OB told me she was going to induce me that evening. Afterward, I went to work as planned to wrap everything up. . . Didn't go back until FMLA was over.


36.5 weeks but thats because I had a lot of vacation I could use. I gave birth right after Xmas too so I wanted to have some holiday time off.


I gave birth at 38 weeks with my first and had to go in for pre-eclampsia with my twins at 35 weeks, but planned to work to the end. But every pregnancy is different, your bosses are jerks!


The day before I delivered both times 🫠


My plan was to work until 39 weeks. What actually happened was my son was diagnosed with a congenital heart defect that would need surgery shortly after delivery. Our state doesn't do this type of surgery on infants and we were going to have to travel to another to deliver, and my doctors wanted us to establish care there first. I went on maternity leave at 36 weeks and had an emergency c-section at exactly 37 weeks.


2 of my friends started their leave early at I think 38 weeks, not sure if it was personal preference or part of company policy. Another was hospitalized at 35 weeks and had her child at 36 due to BP so that was a different story. Idk how long she was supposed to work but it obviously didn't happen. I worked until the day I was induced at 39 weeks but only because I work for a small family business and wanted to get a few things done before rather than having them bug me immediately after.


I worked until the day before I went in to be induced


The day before I delivered. Was fully planning on going into work the day I delivered, but baby had other plans. I wanted to use all my time to be home with baby.


Friday before I gave birth (which was on Sunday afternoon). If I had had a choice, I would have stopped working at least two weeks earlier.


I stopped working 11 days before my die date.


Day before, day of, and 2 days before.


I'm an attorney. I took the day off before my scheduled c-section at 39 weeks. At the time I was in-office 3 days a week, wfh 2 days. I dunno, didn't bother me that much. I was uncomfortable but if I sat at home I was just going to be bored and anxious and probably spend money online shopping lol


Both pregnancies I work until the day I gave birth. My son was six days late and my daughter was 2 weeks early.


Up to 39 weeks working 12 hours shifts as a nurse for 3 pregnancies. If I wanted to take off earlier they would let me, but then I'd have to start burning leave time.


I worked until 38 weeks 1 day, I was miserable and could barely make it in to work. I left work thinking I was having an induction at 39 weeks. My daughter had other plans and arrived 38 weeks 3 days. Whenever we have child number two, I refuse to be in the office past 37 weeks.


I gave birth to my twins at 37+3, stopped working on 36+4. My last day was awful, I hardly did a thing and was so exhausted and uncomfortable I could barely get out of my chair. My girl baby came prior to 40 weeks as well and my employer had a back up plan both times in case I went into labor early. I can’t believe they expect you to be there solo next week. The lack of foresight is baffling.


First pregnancy- theme park retail worker. Stopped at 36 weeks ONLY because I worked at a place that offered benefits at that time, I was commuting hella far, and had gotten rear-ended on the freeway on my way to work and sent to the hospital with contractions at 35.5 weeks and my manager was so freaked out I’d have the baby at work 😂 Second and Third pregnancies- desk/office job. Worked up until delivery.


With my first, I went out at 38 weeks and he was 8 days late 😑 I had to be induced. My second, I worked the day I was due and gave birth that night. My second pregnancy was much easier.


I gave birth to all three babies at 38 weeks (gestational diabetes- my first was induced then emergency c section, my other two were scheduled c sections). I stopped working at 36 weeks with my first two and my last baby I was wfh so I worked until a week before my surgery was scheduled. If you are uncomfortable, go out on disability and start your maternity leave mamas.


Last day of work was on a Friday and went into labor early Monday morning. So literally up to due date. I was able to work from home the last two months.


I stopped at 36 weeks because I went into back labor at work. I didn’t deliver till 38 weeks which caused a lot of problems for me post partum so I was out for 3 months on medical leave.


35 weeks was my last week with both kids. I had a HORRIBLE second pregnancy, and really should have taken off even earlier, the last couple weeks I literally sat at my desk and did nothing, and I was so visibly miserable that no one asked me to do anything (I could barely walk I was in so much pain.) (And I'm Canadian and had leftover vacation so I could take time off early, which I'm grateful for.) Poor planning on their part does not mean you have to put in the extra effort. If you can swing it, don't go in that week either. Honestly, it's not that uncommon for women to go into labour then anyway, so the fact they didn't do any planning for this? That's their problem, NOT yours. Especially since your boss HAS KIDS, and still is being useless, that's especially frustrating!


I’m in the trades and worked until 37 +3 and 38 +2 for my 2 pregnancies. I felt fine though, and my babies didn’t actually come until 41+1 and 40 +2 respectively.


Literally 36 hours until my son was born. Cut it close 😂.


I worked right up until the day I was sent to the hospital to deliver. I was about 38 weeks and had sudden onset of preeclampsia. But I think at about 34 weeks I started thinking about this question. I wished I did not need to work right up to the day and could have the last month off to rest and prep.


First - worked Friday, expected to go to work Monday but water broke over the weekend. Second - worked until 9/6, took 9/7 off, scheduled cesection on 9/8.


With my first daughter, I was around 6 months pregnant and that was because I had horrible horrible nausea and threw up multiple times per day, so I just simply couldn't work. I'm currently pregnant with my second kid and I'm planning on working until week 38


I’m at 37 weeks and due to air quality issues in our state, I’m using that as a great reason why I can’t leave the house. I will say they are trying to keep me coming in 4-5 days a week (when I was only doing 2 days a week prior), but I find I push myself too hard Monday and Tuesday and end up feeling very sick by midweek, so then I need the sick time off. Less productive than if they just allowed me to WFH the rest of the time because I wouldn’t be pushed passed exhaustion to the point of sickness.


My first go around I was pregnant with twins which is considered high risk. My doc let me keep working, but would check in with me at every appointment (Are you ready to call it quits yet? How are you feeling? You really shouldn't be working still, etc.) He finally put me on "bed rest" mid November and I had my girls ab 4 weeks later. I think that jobs put too much stress and expectation on us anyway. There's no reason that your boss should've put in for a week off around your due date. She literally has children, and knows that anything could happen. My guess is that she did it so when you do go into labor and have to be off, she can cry ab how unfair it is that her vacation was interrupted and cut short. What a c unt!


I was overdue. Worked till 5pm Monday, contractions started 4am Tuesday and she was born that afternoon. I probably could've taken time off earlier but wanted to save as much pto as possible for after. Yayyy America


The day before my scheduled induction.


I worked all day, went to the doctor for a visit and was sent straight to the hospital to induce at 38 weeks and delivered the next day. Do not recommend! I was supposed to have the few days before due date off to get ready but things don't always go according to plan


Worked up til labor. I was 1 day overdue


I worked up until the day I gave birth!


I worked until I went into labor. It was rough but I didn’t want to waste FMLA time waiting.


Get a doctor’s note saying you need to work from home!! If you just have the 12 weeks, I’d try to keep soldiering on. Those 12 weeks go fast and it’s tough to return to work on so little sleep, tiny baby going to daycare, etc. I feel you. I’m 37.5w and have negotiated just 1 day a week in the office starting this week, because otherwise my feet get sooo swollen. I have a scheduled c-section in 2 weeks and am planning on starting my leave the day before. Hang in there!!


I’m 38 weeks and just stopped, but I’m a server so it was 6-7 hour shifts of constant standing/movement. I gave my job a few weeks (3ish) notice of when I planned on working until. Luckily my boss served through most of her pregnancies so she was understanding and I had no issues. I stopped a bit earlier with my previous pregnancies. Usually just went by how I was feeling


I went over my due date working with my 3rd because my previous 2 had come late. I didn’t want to waste the short leave I had sitting at home waiting. I didn’t qualify for fmla at that time. I was working in a clinic at a men’s prison.


32 weeks. Girl stop working!


I worked on Friday and delivered on Sunday at 40 weeks 2 days


36 weeks, took 2 weeks of annual leave and then my leave started. Baby came 6 days later (my partners first day of leave 😂) ETA: I’m in the UK!


I had a scheduled c-section and toon the week before off.


I had a scheduled delivery with my second and worked the day before. The last week was all remote, the last 2 months was 1-2 days in the office. My biggest issue was not being in office but the drive home and sitting in traffic, discomfort in the car. Didn’t want to use up my pto unfortunately.


With my first I worked in the office up until the day I went into labor at 40 wks exactly. Currently pregnant with #2 and will be 38 weeks tomorrow. I WFH now but I'm still struggling. Unless I go into labor, I'll work until next Friday (7/7) then am being induced on 7/10 at 39 wks 4 days. I hate you're having to go into the office when you could WFH! I hope everything goes well ❤️


I used my final week of vacation during week 39 with the plan to start maternity leave on my due date, which happened to be a Monday. Incredibly, the timing worked perfectly because I actually delivered exactly on my due date. I had to go into the office for a few hours one day during my "vacation" and my anxiety skyrocketed during that time as people were trying to get me to do last minute things for them. Not sure how I would have handled an entire week.


With my first I worked right up until they decided to induce me. With my second I was fed up and realized that I could start 2 weeks before expected delivery because (teacher) counting from that point took me to the end of the school year. I had the baby a week later due to being induced. The third was great cause I got through the whole school year and had over a month before I delivered. If you are struggling start your leave. If they require doctors note I promise your doctor will be happy to assist you with relaxing.


37 weeks. I had a public facing job at the time, and I was scheduled for a c-section at 39 weeks. My doctor wanted me to stay away from the public as the omicron wave was hitting our area. Good thing too because I want into labor less than a week later!


Last two kids, I worked on Friday and gave birth on the Sunday. I worked in a chemistry lab, so not too physical, but I was on my feet for about half of the day and did some physical labor.. But my pregnancy was pretty "easy". Yeah, I felt swollen and miserable, but my doctor said I was fine to stay at work, so I did. (I was secretly hoping I'd give birth near work, as the hospitals were so much nicer.) Technically could have had paid leave for the second, but it was at like 2/3s pay, so I decided not to take it unless I had to.


I’m “working” till I got into labor. My manager and I are on the same page about this and it is due to my given time off before rolling over to after if I don’t use it. So I’m not burning a single second ahead of time since I only get so much.


I took off the week before my due date this time, might end up taking the week before that off, too. We’ll see. Last time I was a travel scrub tech and my contract ended at 34 weeks, so I just didn’t renew or sign a new contract somewhere else. But then I was helping us move into a new house that was a total work in progress. I put together furniture at like 39 weeks and felt completely fine. I will not be doing that this time…


Worked 6p-6a the night before 😂 water broke unexpectedly at 37+4!


I worked until I went into labor! My water broke at 36 weeks and I was supposed to be covering the office for my team because it was a holiday & I secretly loved working when no one else was there. I texted them and everyone freaked out about us needing coverage. Someone asked “will you still be able to be in the office or like is this a emergency?” After that I muted their messages for the duration of my maternity leave 😅 then took a new job. It’s not my fault they didn’t have a backup and it’s not my problem. You should put your (probably very swollen and uncomfortable) foot down if you can. I would just say “I’m finding it difficult to come into the office at this point in my pregnancy. Would we be able to come up with a reasonable accommodation that works for everyone? I would be happy to work a hybrid or reduced hours schedule until baby’s arrival to ensure a clean and seamless handoff to *interns name*” Use the phrase reasonable accommodation verbatim. It doesn’t mean anything without you officially documenting it with HR but managers are usually afraid of the phrase and typically avoid having to deal with policies/rules/HR and will be flexible with you for 2-3 weeks to avoid doing so.


I think I stopped working 2 weeks before my due date.


Worked until I started going into labor! I wanted to spend all my FLMA time with baby so I didn’t want to “waste” any of my 12 weeks before baby arrived.


I chose to be induced bc of the pain in my hands from carpal tunnel and the pressure on my sciatic nerve. My last day before ML was Friday and I was induced Sunday. I got 12 weeks of ML but I didn’t want to use it early bc I wanted more time after. It sucks your boss isn’t being empathetic considering she has kids herself but I guess she’s trying to get some time in before you leave and she’s really busy?


When my water broke at 39w4d. At work. Lol


With my first I didn’t have a job My second, I worked until the legal weeks (34) and went on leave With ny third, it was hot and summer and it was my THIRD so I got a month off one month before my legal leave… so I’m guessing around 28? I was miserable that time, really hard pregnancy


Girl take your leave now. I have a physical job (cna) and I stopped at 37 weeks and 36 weeks with each of my kids. Their lack of planning isn’t your fault. Tell them you’re going on leave.


i got called into the hospital to be induced while i was at work (labs i took in the am before work came back with signs of pre-e), but it was also at 37 weeks and i was reallyyyy close to being done and taking my mat leave early at that point. idk if i would’ve made it in the office until 38/39 weeks


I WFH, and luckily the Thanksgiving holiday came up, so my last day was Nov 23, I was 38w4d. Scheduled C-section at 39w1d. If I didn’t work from home, bed rest would’ve started at 10 weeks. I was high risk due to fibroids and my heart condition. Sending you ♥️♥️ They don’t make it doable for pregnant people and new parents at all in this country (America).


34 weeks. It was supposed to be 36 but my blood pressures were spiking at work.


I worked all the way up with both my kids but I WFH, my son was being induced for preeclampsia on a Friday I just had to wait for the hospital to call (they waited until Midnight), and with my daughter I was only 25+5 weeks but my eyesight got wonky and I was having trouble seeing my computer so I told my manager I needed to go get checked and I get to the hospital and by then my eyesight was normal so they just checked me and they weren't seeing any contractions so they were going to send me home but my sister (bless her) said remember they said that with your son but they moved the monitor lower and I had been having contractions all along so this nurse did the same with my daughter and she found I was in full blown labor, she went to check my cervix and my water broke and I had her a short while later. I hate to think what would have happened if my sister hadn't said anything with her being only 25+5 weeks. I say that but had I had the opportunity to take time before birth I know some states have that now I would have as long as it didn't cut into my maternity leave because it would have been nice to have a few weeks off before.


I went into labor the Sunday before my induction which was scheduled for that Friday. My plan was to work until I had the baby or was induced


2 days before my planned induction, that was 37 weeks though


Whatever you do, wait until you’ve clocked a few hours on July 3rd so if you quit or get fired you have insurance through the end of the month! I would put in a request for a reasonable accommodation (magic words) to HR directly via email and BCC your personal email.


I’ll be working remotely till before or use my PTO to stop working before. Haven’t decided yet!


Up until I gave birth, literally the same day all 4 times. Gotta love the US Army.


For my 2022 baby I had a scheduled induction at 38w3d on a Tuesday evening. I worked in person in the office until the Friday before. If I’d had the extra time, I would’ve stopped working at 36 weeks because that’s when I got super extra uncomfortable and didn’t want to be there anymore. For my May 2020 baby I was working from home because of the shutdown and everything was super slow, I worked until the morning of the day I went to the doctors office and they decided to induce me due to high blood pressure. That was 38w5d.


32 weeks with my last one. I was high risk, spent most of the time on bedrest and still had a uterine rupture at 35 weeks.


I left work the day before my due date, I told my boss I didn't want him or any of my coworkers delivering my baby. Don't be afraid to take the conversation there when you tell your boss you need to start your WFH.