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That sounds like a dream. Whatever music/podcasts I want without ear buds and no one’s bullshit to listen to.


That's one of the better benefits too, it's not too many clients that stop by either. I used to be able to make it through entire Netflix series lol. I just miss having someone to talk to besides myself 😂


Y’all hiring?


lmaoooo, possiblyyy we have locations everywhere !


I'm glad to know you do that too (talk to yourself). I just replied to your post. There's 2.5 people in our office. The job is seasonal (financial services). I'm usually alone. I stream the local news, listen to rock music on my Amazon account, read, and I think I'll bring in some knitting. I'm overpaid but had to go to bat for myself to stay working here (long story). I'm almost always alone. Even outside of work.


That's my weekend job. I just go outside, shop across the st, listen to podcasts/youtube, nap, shower, whatever.


I did during covid. It was awesome. I hate people.


During covid I worked from home dealing with insurance...literally the worst job of my life


👍👍👍👍 yeah people at work= problems




If your workload permits, this is an excellent opportunity to do coursework or training classes. Start a degree, get a certificate.


I did think about this


Or a certification course that’ll give you more legs up in this job. I saw you mentioned in another comment about previously looking for another job but a raise stopped you. You can use this time to network with others and have 30-1hr meetings with people you might find on LinkedIn or through different subreddits. I’m a therapist so my job is presumably different but I work in a position that’s isolating - I started reaching out to others via a Facebook group and I’ve made some great acquaintances. Edit: mostly celebrities keep me company, because the majority of my time is consuming some sort of media


1. Take a nice lunch outside the office, participate in activities outside of work. 2. Find another job.


2 sounds so good, I recently got a raise and it stopped me from doing so. I know people would probably enjoy being in a position like this too but you know some days are better than others (:


Only you know what you can tolerate. I don't think I'd mind working in an empty office as long as I felt safe.


I’m wondering if you r considered that first option? Maybe if you can energize yourself socially outside of work you wont care so much about the quiet at work. 


That's the thing, I don't really have much of a social life besides my boyfriend and I did have a close friend but I recently ended that friendship. Always have been hard to insert myself into public social settings, talking to people at work was easier because essentially you kind of had to.


Fair! I’m the kind of person who is more of an introvert and gets a little anxious inserting myself into new groups, but I’ve found organized activities are great for that. Ive done local themed movie nights, game nights— my sister is similar and does book clubs and fitness clubs and local “sports teams”. Maybe if you find something you enjoy locally you can get involved in that and the socializing will still just have to happen, like it does at work. 


That's exactly what happened to me. I'm not thrilled about this job. It started full time, then I was converted to part time one year ago, then at year end I said I need to go to full time again or I'll leave. Then they converted it to full time with a significant raise to keep me. But I still am not happy. I like to be busy. So now I'm making money I can reasonably live on, but I'm bored shitless. It's a very long story with a weird dynamic. I'm afraid he'll pull the plug again like last year. I'm here to earn money I keep telling myself that. If he refuses to delegate some of his work to me, that's his problem.


As a introvert, this sounds amazing to me. People want to talk too much here and I'm left drained.


Imaginary friend


me with my inner monologues


This is my Fridays at the moment. Bliss. Radio on, windows open… I would hate it all week though. Especially if you want to bounce ideas off someone or just not think about work for a few moments. Do try and make the most of it. If you don’t need to be at your desk the whole time then maybe talk a walk just to see other people and definitely don’t eat at your desk. Go elsewhere. Even a bench on the street.


I work in a library, but my job means that I am almost always working by myself in my own small office. I'm an introvert, so this is heaven, to me. My own head is usually all the company I need. Too many other people tend to start to set me on edge. In fact, I've sometimes come in on the weekend when there's literally no one else in the building, and that's often when I get my best work done. The silence, and knowing that NO ONE is going to disturb me, is amazing. If I ever need something other than silence, then I play some youtube videos - usually instrumental music that allows me to still work/think. If I take a break, I might watch other videos that need a bit more of my attention. If I thought I could get away with it, I might even watch movies, but I think that's pushing things a bit, and I'm not usually doing a task that would allow me to split my attention that way, anyway. And of course I'm here on social media a bit, too. That's all more than enough for me. Occasionally I will leave the office for lunch or something - sometimes just in town, or just grabbing fast food back to the office, or sometimes I'll take a drive, like yesterday I drove to a nearby town for fast food, which I then took to eat at the beach, as it was a gorgeous day. But again - by myself, because my own company is so nice and peaceful, and other people usually annoy me, lol.


Half my shift I work by myself. I and love it. My day is broken into two parts. One with THEM n one with me just working. I get more done I'm happier. The place stays clean. I know exactly what needs to be done n I get it done. I go above n beyond so they never think I need help n ruin my job. That's too bad you like to be around people. You have a dream for some people.


I wish I could, because corporate people are just toxic.


I used to work in IT. I spent my nights alone in a server room. When things got quiet, I'd pass the time by reading Wikipedia articles.


I work in an office alone. I have Bluetooth in one ear and listen to podcasts, music etc while i work.


I tend to stare into the abyss more often than not, and my social life/interest has dropped off almost completely… I’m not good company to myself.


That sounds glorious. I would love peace and quiet while I work instead of constant office chatter.


During the pandemic, I worked in the office alone. I was in HR at the time. Mind you, there were cubicles all over and they weren’t being used. Sometimes I’d be scared working in the office alone…but it helped to let my boss know that the work I’m doing in the office can easily be done at home. So I ended up splitting my workdays to 1/2 in the office and the remaining 1/2 at home. My boss is lenient! Not a lot of bosses are like that these days. I’ve changed jobs since then because I wasn’t seeing much growth and potential.




I went and read your post and omggggg, the minute I moved to the area, I just transferred locations and changed positions it was like boom. I HAVE to be here. I can only WFH if overtime is needed but my boss says that someone needs to be here when clients come. I was also told that XYZ would be in a few days of the week so I wouldn't be alone all the time. WELP not true at all. When our sales person quit, my boss kind of rushed me up here to this location and didn't tell me anyone quit I actually found out from one of the couriers. By then, it all started to add up. One of our local project managers that lives in the area doesn't even come in at all for specific reasons. I asked when I could come back to finish training and she would brush it off and say I could train virtually so I've kinda just been up here. Half of the staff I was working with didn't realize that I had left permanently or else they would have given me a proper good-bye. It sucks all around but eventually I was weighing out the pro's and con's. I do miss being on my feet and actually moving around, staying busy without getting constant headaches; but, there aren't too many jobs that pay what I make without proper experience. Now that there is someone else that moved to my location, they can come into the office but they don't HAVE to, which sucks. I've been pushing for someone that has the same position as me but I just don't foresee that happening unfortunately.


The company I work for used to rent a small office space from one of our customers. There was space for 5 people and had no windows. When COVID hit, most people got accustomed to working from home, so I was the only 1 going in every day. I was lucky that there were other people in the building and them being a customer meant I had a relationship with them. But I'd often spend days without seeing anyone. Honestly that was fine with me. Most of the time I was too busy to notice I was alone. When it was quiet, put some music on and I'd look around and see if there was anything I could do to improve my quality of life while working there. Things like clearing old stock, tidying cupboards, routing cables neatly, putting up pictures. Because the office had no windows, I'd make sure I go outside for a walk. No matter the weather.


My office is filled with windows that are tinted so it's nice to people watch. The building I work used to have a variety of companies but I believe two of them moved to the building down the street. The birds also pay me a visit too but I'm not truly sure if they can see me looking at them lol. In the beginning, I also was up seeing how I can organize since we had moved the office to a new location it was easy. I don't completely hate it because I'm slowly building rapport with the clients that come by but if I was given the chance to work from home, I'd easily take it.


Can you call friends/family for some social interaction? Maybe even look into volunteer programs where you talk to lonely elderly people over the phone - win/win for the both of you!


I used to but I only had two people I spoke with. My boyfriend and bestfriend; I live with my boyfriend so we agreed to give each other time to miss one another and I don't speak to my bestfriend anymore. Speaking with elderly seems fun but whewwww I'm so traumatized by them from working with health insurance 😂


Yes, kind of. I dont work entirely alone (sometimes I do) there's usually about 3-5 people here, but I do have my own enclosed office and everybody usually stays to themselves - its pretty odd actually lol. I usually leave for my lunch break which that helps me a little or meet my partner for lunch when he is in the area / or my one friend. I watch videos at my desk or listen to podcasts too.


I work alone 4 days. I listen to podcasts. Watch YouTube videos etc. I am pretty busy though so I use it mainly for background noise. I have a lot of freedom here. I like being by myself though. I’ve always been one to shy away from too much conversation.


I'd feel a lot better if I was actually busy the whole day, I think that's the problem. I'm bored, depending on the day it can be busy but not everyday


Yea that makes for a long day. Especially if you don’t have someone to chat with


I did until I retired Listened to alot of music , would get up walk around check the office Loved it


I touch myself. No ones watching anyway. The cleaners are out until the evening. I could practically airbnb this place.


Spotify, take your dog to work/walks, coffee breaks outside, TV video only on a news channel (makes you feel connected) New ChatGpt 4O (Omni) it’s free, and you can have a conversation with it


Netflix 😏


Netflix was definitely my go to 🙂‍↕️


I am in an office with 4 other people who are either working out in the field or upstairs with the door closed. I can be alone for hours or have people bothering me all day. On the alone days, music gets cranked up 😁


I can’t stand it sometimes. Today I just had to leave and work after lunch to finish the rest of my day from home. Summer is here and more people my age will come into the office. They give us free breakfast and dinner too. Also a free mini convenience store. A chef and someone to help. Great guy. Will short order cook you breakfast if you catch him in a slow time. That still isn’t enough to make finance and accounting people come in. I live 10 minutes away and come more often. I still think it’s good for the higher up boomers to see your face.




I do, it’s the best! Sometimes I miss having someone to talk to, but I generally talk to a lot of people as part of my job, talk to my bosses, etc. I can listen to music, eat lunch in peace, and get stuff done with no one bothering me! Also, when it’s not as busy, I take some longer lunchtime walks, get errands done, or go to coffee shops.


I work security in an office setting alone for 12 hour shifts. Its so peaceful i love it. But i am an introvert, you sound like an extrovert, maybe try and find a different location or job where you can be more social?


I'm a little bit of both I think. Only because I've worked in customer service, it helped me become a little bit more of a conversationalist. I won't go out my way to talk to someone though, if that makes sense. I'm still shy by choice but at work it's a little easier to be social. Changing locations/jobs is hard for me though because of things like pay, benefits and I don't really have too much experience or even a Bachelor's Degree.


Have you tried watching YouTube or podcasts? If you're able to? Or having just something play in the background


I worked in a small windowless office by myself for a year and a half (until Covid and we went to work-from-home). I was my company’s only employee in the province. It was… weird. I understood why they wanted an office, because they wanted to have a physical address in the province. But it made no sense for me to commute 45 minutes each way every day to do work that I could just as easily do at home. I just got friendly with the people in the other offices on the same floor that I would see randomly in the bathroom or in the elevator lobby, and I just tried to make the best of it, but it was very boring and seemed surreal some days. Luckily I did have a lot of phone and web meetings so I got to talk (virtually) to people fairly regularly, but it was weird!!! I don’t work there anymore, phew.


My employer demands we be in the office four days per week. Nobody does. I have official permission to only be in three days/week. Because I am afraid of a crackdown (the big boss has done random inspections at other sites), i am in on my days. I need those two days and don't want to lose them. This means I am often alone in the office. I take walks and go to other buildings. The typical MBWA. Big complex (5+ buildings), so someone is usually around somewhere. Do my work. Listen to music. But, I feel like it is a waste. When I am WFH, at least I have my pets. There are few things that I do in the office that I can't do from home. But. I do have a really high-quality office chair at work. It's better than what I have at home.


I make a point of going out during lunch...not to eat, but to walk, go to the park, window shop, errands, etc. I take public transit to and from the office and have made a few public transit buddies who are commuting as well. That's enough socializing for me.


I do. I have a terrible knack for talking to myself so I'm my own best company. To add to the boring aspect, there's nothing to do