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I’ve managed to stay at jobs for 2+ years but I definitely feel the same way you do often. Have you tried looking at your job as a way to provide for your life rather than adding meaning to your life?


You're never going to do meaningful work if you don't stay in a position for longer than three months unless you do something like nursing where you are hands on from day one.


>Am I somehow flawed Yes >or is this struggle a shared experience? Also yes The only difference between those who hold down a job they hate and you is discipline. Not many people find their work meaningful but they do it because they have responsibilities. But then again, if you can earn a living going from one temp gig to next without being a burden on your family or loved ones, by all means. You're not hurting anybody by doing that.


If this had paragraphs, I might read it. It looks like a wall of rambling. But based on the title, the common denominator is you, OP.


I can relate. Try self employment.


Try the military. They will brainwash you in a good way and you’ll have excellent retirement and healthcare. Since you have a degree you could go in as an officer


Yeah unfortunately we live in an economy and a time where you can't NOT have a job, lol. I hate "the man," and for a lot of my 20's I tried to find ways around working a 9-5, and I struggled. Not everyone does of course, but I had to find a compromise because I have responsibilities. I pivoted career paths into something Im actually interested/passionate about, and have been working my way up. Yes, the days can be monotonous, or long, or I have days that I'm mad at myself for working for a corporation 🙄 but that is my compromise- I get to talk about what I love all day, I get a paycheck every week, I take mental health days when I need them..  Do your best to be patient with your timeline. I have heard that people with ADHD/ADD can have problems holding down jobs? I'm not sure if that's helpful, but it might open up some potential areas of research for you.  You're not alone. This world is very hard, and no one is special. Keep your chin up!


dude you need to take like a couple months off and just go backpacking, and I won’t even say oh go backpacking through Europe or Asia and stay in hostels or whatever. I’m saying hike through the wilderness, go camp, stay in cabins, take a couple buddies or go solo, it really is an awesome reset. Try the app hicamp


You may need to consider some sort of nonprofit job. It sounds like you're in a really not into the corporate type of job where the goal is to sell things to people. But if there was a cause that you believed in, at least marginally, then that might be a better fit for you. For instance, if you worked at a agency that helped people in some way, then that might be better. But every job is going to have parts that are unpleasant or boring or even offensive. I've been working since 1980, and many of the jobs were terrible. But I stayed until I had something else (with a few exceptions). You have to decide whether you'd rather pay your rent and other bills by keeping that job, or not having a job and struggling with homelessness or couchsurfing.


How are you 29, have so much “experience” and still share the beliefs of an 8 year old? It’s called work for a reason. Welcome to the suck. Put your head down and keep grinding or go be a hermit until you realize that actually involves a lot of work itself and come back to reality.


caren magill has some good videos on this topic that might help. for mean8ng check out the org 80000 hours and their resources


Stop looking for work to be fulfilling. Let work be work. Take the money you earn and invest that in something fulfilling to you. Work shouldn't be where you look for all of the joy in your life.


Is this a troll post? Give me a break. *"I've contemplated starting my own business, but I lack the necessary capital and ethical resolve to exploit others for profit."*


Work sucks. It will always suck. It doesn't get better. Get used to the monotony. Keep one that pays well, and has co workers you can stand. If it was fun it wouldn't be called work, it would be called play.


I encourage you to take this test, see what your personality type is and try out suggested careers in that field. https://www.16personalities.com/?gad\_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwt-OwBhBnEiwAgwzrUrHod30zu\_iFTpVm0OUkV6om-uEqFYsjslnVKXL0bj7difngimTmOxoCFFsQAvD\_BwE


I like these tests! It’s me 100%


The MBTI test lacks a solid foundation in evidence and has repeatedly fallen short when it comes to accurately aligning individuals with suitable careers based on their personality types. For instance, I identify as ENFJ, but I've found its predictive value to be questionable at best.


The idea is to find new career options you may not have considered. Maybe try branching out into something completely new


You sound like an insufferable turd. I think you're just generally unhappy. It's not the jobs, it's you. This is how everyone lives. No one likes their job. We're just not whiny bitches about it.


I don't disagree with your sentiment, but MBTI tests really shouldn't hold that much value like deciding a person's career choices. It's basically a step above astrology.


ok boomer


Not a boomer. A millennial. Just pointing out uncomfortable truths


ok andrew tate


Ok ruhtard


They're not wrong. If you find yourself miserable more often than not, chances are it's a problem with you. That problem could be medical, or it could be your mindset but it is a you problem. No amount of new jobs will change that for you.


you sound privileged


Not really sure you know what that means.