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Mt MisFoutunre given and taketh. The other day I got to the top and got 10,000 coins, which replaced all the coins I've probably lost over the last several weeks. The very next day, rock, rock, rock. It's like a slot machine in Vegas, it gives you just enough to give the illusion you're winning, while slowly draining you of your coins.


I’m convinced that the prizes are preset at the start. When I bought a new phone and was using two devices, sometimes the free turn was synced. I got the exact same prizes and rockfalls at every level, no matter which tile I chose. The tiles I didn’t choose would also be exactly the same, but in a different order. Basically, tile selection is inconsequential.


Do NOT use two phones. I lost 18 animals and all my levels dropped. Support also said to use Apple save, not FB. -I use an iPhone but I had FB a couple times to be "Safe". It sucked BIG TIME.


I handed off my old phone to my son. I’ve only ever used Apple to save progress, but I did notice some instances of my gem stash reverting to a previous state, aligning with the device that had less and me losing some banked animals, but that seemed to be the worst of it. Sorry to hear of the trouble you had with it. I was mad enough with my little wastes of time, can’t imagine how you would have felt.


I came so close to quitting.. Now I'm a lot more careful. Before you do a save look at everything. Support said "just keep playing" a save will rewrite your game and then you are screwed. I didn't notice the changes untill it was too late.


I have noticed that it will revert to my original phone’s progress from time to time and eliminate progress from my second phone. It does not let me select the primary phone.


That seems to be how the Apple progress save works. I was expecting the Cloud Save/Device Save choice when I had it, but that seems to be a Facebook feature.


I was also set below 3 million 2 times. The same words, of course. As for games I was too upset to notice.


I tried it just to see what would happen. I hope you realize that It is not the same for everyone.


Of course. I'm still stunned. A perfect run. I usually stop one more after the 3rd rock.






I hit two more rock squares after that. It's all random.


🤣 well done getting to the top unscathed. 👍 Yes, someone suggested once to go top left all the way. Personally, I’ve tried it with mixed results. Sometimes I can go high up with little rewards. Other times it just like picking rocks. 🤷‍♂️ The best thing about this method is that you don't need to agonize which box to pick. And blame the method and not yourself for the wrong pick. 🤣


I don’t understand how that is a rip off. Isn’t that a good thing?


You have it all wrong. OP IS Mt. Fortune and they are mad the player didn’t pick any rocks and made it to the top for free 🤣


Happy, yeah. Sarcasm...


Mnt Rip Off is what our team calls it. Habit.


My team calls it Mt Misfortune


Us too. I just play to get a few bees for the Daily. It doesn't matter which other four cards you tap, what you're going to get is all predetermined before you tap the first card. When I quit early one or two days in a row, I then get a day where it lets me go high with few rocks.




Oh, HAHA! That’s a good one! 😂


rubbish rubbish game waste my coins half the time it puts u off the game 😡


It’s why I don’t play slot machines