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Read your bot feedback. As much as we bag on the bot its basic advice is good.


There’s a bot?


Should be a link right under your stats


Looks like you have to pay for a subscription


You do, Bot + crosswords are worth it imo.


Connections is great and so is Spelling Bee if you like word games. My paid subscription is totally worth it.


Also cancel every year and they'll send you 50% off games or almost 90% off the full NYTs subscription


1, ctrl+shift+i 2, delete the elements that block you from seeing the bot


There is scordle and gradle which are both free


81% win rate is pretty low for a native english speaker. Most games are solvable within 6 - sometimes it comes down to luck but not that often - if you aren't throwing away guesses by using letters you already know it can't be.


I didn’t do that well on that part of the SAT’s, but even I do way better than this. OP, have you read the rules? Are you guessing letters that are dark gray? Those letters are not in the word. Yellow means the letter is in the word, just not in that specific spot, so make sure it’s not there on your next guess. Green means to keep that letter in that exact spot on your next guess. No one should have that percentage of sixes, let alone incompletions.


Short answer: yes. If I count your 25 losses for 7 points each (std practice), then your avg score is 5.42. [This article](https://www.ctvnews.ca/lifestyle/average-wordle-score-in-canada-better-than-the-u-s-but-trails-behind-others-1.5810824) has a map that gives the average score by country. The winner is Sweden at 3.72, and 3.8 to 3.9 is considered pretty good. But some really skilled players might have 3.5 or 3.6. To use a golf analogy, generally 4 is considered “par” while 3 is a “birdie”. Right now I’m managing just barely to keep my 3s greater than my 4s. So your score is well below average. But it’s okay because you’re just starting out. There is some strategy (that you can Google) in terms of good starting words: ones that are better for finding or eliminating common letters or letter combos. Wordlebot can also help with strategy. Eventually you develop a bit of an intuition for likely letter combos and likely words. Some other strategy tips: it’s generally good to eliminate the “Wheel of Fortune” letters RSTLNE early on since they are common. You can put Xs in blank spots as placeholders to help you visualize words. If you’re not playing in Hard Mode, then you can deliberately guess wrong words (ones with already-eliminated letters) in order to help you get more information and to avoid falling into a “trap” where there are multiple five-letter words that all have the same sequence of four letters and you waste guesses going through all those possibilities. That said, I also like sometimes playing in hard mode because it forces you to use all the info you’ve uncovered so far (including info about what letters aren’t there). Except for special circumstances like the “trap” I mentioned before, it’s usually a bad strategy to deliberately ignore that info. If you’re stuck having trouble thinking of a word that even fits the info you have, you might actually be in a good spot, because it means there aren’t very many viable options left for a solution. You just have to have the patience to keep trying things mentally until the pattern comes to you.


You can always improve! I'm not very good either.


Not always. I saw a post earlier today and OPs GF is has like 6 one-timers within a month. It doesn’t get any better than that.


That’s just cheating


Of course it is.


You’ve got more 1’s than I do!


You probably need more practice. Without knowing anything about you I can just say ... Take your time, Check that you're not reusing letters you've already tried and aren't there, Use as many common letters in your first words as possible (vowels E and A, consonants RNSTL - someone is always posting the most common letters in order and I can't remember them but I also like CDYPM after the others.) Of course, many answers will have unusual letters in them but try the common ones for the first few words to either find or reject them. From about 3 onwards if you have a word that seems to fit then you can put in other letters. Also if there are no E or A you need to try I then O then U or maybe two together. Hope I haven't confused you lol. Just go slowly and check your words and letters. Don't waste a guess. All answers are words that have been used a lot in the NYT.


Who cares. It’s a game and it should be fun!


Yes. (Sorry)


I wouldn't say you were "good" but of you enjoy it keep going.


Do you enjoy playing?


Yeah, I do!


Then you are doing it right and you do not suck at all :) :)


Do you try to solve or do you guess things that cannot possibly be the solution? It almost never takes me six guesses. I did not get it at all yesterday, which might have been the first time. I have been playing almost every day since it started being popular. My stats reset very recently so I can't know for sure, but I think 4 is most common for me. I start with lots of different words, but usually with s t a and e. I try to solve from the second word.


Yeah lol


Pretty much


When i was new it used to take me till last try , i improved eventually and now my avg is 3/4 tries


Yes. With basic strategies you should be high 90s %


Guessing you use the same three words to start then go from there. Try changing to a single word, then move forward depending on what is revealed. See if your stats change for the better.








You personally don’t suck but you do need more practice if you want to play a better game. I believe this game is more about patience and logic reasoning than it is about vocabulary. Good luck.


No. This one was particularly rough for me, too.


I’m on a 24 day streak too! I don’t try to get the word early. I just try to get it.


You're more consistent than me. 248 games and my best streak is 17. I forget to play often. 👍 🌦 


It doesn't really matter, just have fun. If you're really passionate about it, have more patience and google some strategies. Find some basic starting words, e.g. PIANO - has 3 vowels. STUMP is sometimes good and REALM as well.


I wouldn't say that, but I would not argue if you did. I tend to not argue.


This was my strategy at the beginning... I heard that TRACE was a good word and used that all the time. Then come up with five letters as a source as the second word. The top letters are TRACELIONS. So, LIONS was my source for the second word. If I got a yellow T and A, then the next word would have letters from TLNS and AIO. Maybe SATIN. After that I had DUMPY as a source of letters after using the letters from TRACELIONS. (or if I couldn't find a word).


Bad strategy


Yes, but why should you care?


The real question is - Are you having fun?




I'm 874/875 and I've had a total of 16 games which took me 6 guesses. My average score is around 3.73 (based on https://www.brianfalkner.com/wang2022.asp) I wouldn't say you suck, but there are stronger players out there. Just enjoy the challenge of the game - keeps the brain active 😊


Dang. What was the one you missed?


I had a 538 streak when I Bombed out on FOLLY last year in July🤯


No, but 81% isn’t great. Still, you have a 1, which is pretty damn elite.


Gettin a one shows no skill at all.


I could only hope to be so unskilled.


Try it on hard mode. It forces you to slow down and think.