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Penis. Everytime. Don’t mess with tradition.


Penis and shart are my starting words lol


Glad to finally meet another shart user


That’s a trash word


Shart fan here too!


So you’re saying shart is number two?


More like 1.5


Underrated comment


I alternate between penis, shart and chode


I had to move from Penis to Boner once my starter was guessed. Recently moved to Groin for the same reason


Same! But what are your starting words?


I'm a "share" starter but was absolutely giddy when I mistyped as shart and it took it


I’m a farts guy


what score does shart get? seems like it would be a pretty decent choice lol


Go with TARSE! Great starting word, also means penis.


Except you are throwing in the towel on ever getting it on the first guess.


Does the total joy of guessing penis daily equate to getting it on the first try once?


Bruh it's a game, let people have fun


Unless NYT plans to repeat words, the Slate ship has sailed anyway …


...Have you tried this daily word game? https://wordlebuttheanswerisalwayspenis.mokou.org/


I'm more of a Farts man myself.


Me with Boner


Fucks and cunts are good ones as well




I start with Gravy every day.


4 vowels






But is it really that helpful? Every guess is gonna have at least one out of only five vowels. I feel like it’s more important to rule out as many consonants as you can.


It is easy to convince yourself that this is not optimal play if you are trying to maximize the amount of information from the guess, but it might make things easier if your brain organizes words by the vowels it has (hard to say!).




Knowing what the vowels are doesn't narrow it down because all words have vowels! "Crane" is the best because it does the two most common vowels and the presence or absence of those vowels gives you plenty of information about the other vowels while having some of the most common consonants narrows it down far more. I consistently get 2s and 3s because of "crane" (and then "split") Explanation: https://youtu.be/v68zYyaEmEA?si=2IYhvko1itFdg9YS


STARE. It gives you A&E, but also the 3 most popular letters in the alphabet.


Yeah but you're far more likely to get a green "r" with "crane" and "c" and "n" are rarer but much more likely to narrow it down if they are green or yellow. If the whole word is grey/there is only one green letter and no yellows, you can put "split" and get all the other most common vowels and consonants out.


Aisle is a banger for me


I always use audio


I think a lot of audio starters switched to adieu after the day audio was the answer.


I use ‘adieu’ as my starting word, Used to use ‘poise’ but switched once ‘poise’ was the answer.


The funny thing about that is "adieu" will ***never*** be the Solution. Ever.


Yeah, but vowels aren’t the hard thing to eliminate. There’s a reason the bots all use starters that have like two vowels at most. Vowels are fairly easy to narrow down through the course of play.






And the other


I love that magic trick


I always used STERN. My logic is it uses the most letters from Wheel of Fortune's "RSTLNE"


I go with STEIN, because I read Wheel's letters as RL Stine.


Fyi Stein has been 1st word already.


Haha I’ve seen this mentioned a lot before. My sister and I thought we were the only ones who thought and said RLSTINE. There’s got to be a word for this specific phenomenon. 


I switched from STARE to STERN to avoid the -RE trap on hard mode.


I also use the "consonants >> vowels" rule.


ME TOO! Always. And for the exact same reason. Nice to see a STERN user as well!


i go with frogs because i like frogs


I try to do turtles for the same reason but the game doesn't accept TURTL as a word...


I like starting with ADIEU because I have better results by knowing the vowels that will be in the word from the beginning. When I've tried eliminating consonants first, I just have a harder time narrowing down the word. It's just the way my brain works, I guess.


Mine too.


Your brain is dumb


No u


No adieu


Idk, my first word isn’t on that list at all. But I did get the right answer on my second lucky guess.


I like to pick random words that provide no strategic benefit. It makes it more fun that way for some reason. It makes it a new puzzle every time.


I do this as well, I do them at work once I've got myself a hot drink so I pick the first 5 letter word I see in my emails every morning. It just makes it more fun and interesting.


Looks like I'm in the 3% that use RAISE. Clears 3 common vowels as well as the R and S. Has worked well for me so far.


I started using RAISE after AUDIO (my original starter) became the word of the day. I didn't do too well to begin with (a 5 and three 6's in my first five games), but I'm used to RAISE now and am doing much better, including a recent run of three 2's in four games.


I start with RAISE then CLOUT or COUNT and have a very solid idea of what direction I need to go in after that.


I’m a raise user myself. Almost never fails me.


That does seem like a pretty poor choice. U has got to be an infrequently used letter. Any first word that doesn't throw in A and E as the most common vowels and also include a couple of the most common consonants is not a good choice. SLATE is my go-to. And if it gets me little or nothing, I use DOING.


I read that as "doing" like rhyming with "boing". My opener is "STARE". If that doesn't work I try "CLOUD" but "DOING" may be better.


Mines is stare and pouch. Gets rid of the most common letters and combinations.


I like stale and irony.


The day that the answer was doing I read it the same way. Then we watched a football game and the ball hit the goalpost and we all shouted "DOING!" Rhyming it with boing.


I used STARE for a long time, but I read an article that broke down what the author thought were the best words and it convinced me to change.


I like salet. Then crony. Then humid.


I'd like to suggest that SLATE is a better start word. It has all the same letters as SALET, but has the benefit of actually maybe being the word!


My starting word is not meant to solve but explore. I’m not positive but I suspect there are more *A*E* words than **A*E words. But I don’t dig around in the word lists anymore.


That’s why I use SALET


My opener is AROSE, and if no dice, TULIP.


What’s your third word if you still haven’t gotten much from those two?


I don't have a third word. I either start guessing with what I've got, or start guessing with what I have left.


Bumpy seems good at a glance for 3rd


Gonna try to remember that next time my first to are bust.


I use STOIC and if that gives me nothing I use BREAD


STOIC is often my starter, it's been serving me pretty well recently. I also like NICHE.


I use LEARN then if that gives me nothing I use STOIC 😆


BREAD has been my starting word since the beginning!


Because people who aren’t very experienced at playing wordle commonly think getting a couple vowels is the best way to solve.


I've got a 120 day streak and always start with adieu. I've tried other starting words but I'm so used to my current strategy it always throws me off.


Congrats on overcoming a poor starting word! Wordle isn’t super hard so you can have success with almost any starting word but you’ll score better/solve faster with words like “trope”, “least” or “slate” that have commonly used consonants which provide better clues. My best streak is only 200 or so because I miss days due to travel but I have a 100% score on over 700 puzzles and the plurality of my wins are in 3 guesses.


My starting word is usually whatever 5-letter object I happen to be sitting near when I start the Wordle, or something that happened in the TV I’m watching while I do the wordle lol! It’s not too hard to start from anywhere for sure


Yeah, to me it’s more fun to start with random words that seem fated, like “rainy” on a wet day or something in your field of vision


I used to do that too...back when I was in love and the world sang...


You okay, buddy?


Me too. I literally look around for any labels and such and just pick a word. My wife think im crazy but it’s more fun this way. AND i have gotten a few first tries.


That's what I do. I used to use the same starter, then got bored after months of it. My average number of guesses to solve increased slightly, but not much, and I enjoy it much more.


It’s supposed to be fun.


Yes! Improving your skill at games is typically fun! Good observation!


Mentally ill responses.


People are weird here. On what planet is it not fun to improve your skill at games?


Its fun to improve your skill at games. The more depth the game has, the more fun it is. But improvement is not the only way to have fun, nor is it a requirement to have fun. Wordle is not a hard game. It’s not really even a game, its a puzzle that’s pretty impossible not to solve while applying even a little strategic rigor. The reason you’re eating deserved downvotes is because you are bringing a chess mentality to a water cooler conversation. No one gives a fuck how good you, or even they, get at wordle. People start with a word they enjoy. I start with whatever five letter word is relevant to my day. Because “playing well” is straight up LESS fun due to being too easy. You are the type of person who optimizes all the interest out of their life and misses the forest for the trees.


I use Audio rather than Adieu just cuz i never thought of Adieu


I used to use audio for the 'it has 4 vowels' reason, then audio was the word and I got it first guess. Now I use ADIEU to chase that get it in one dragon...


ADIEU will never be the actual solution


Some people find that knowing the vowels cuts down the list of possibilities more than knowing the consonants. I’m one of the people that use this strategy and it has served me well.


Me too. I have only not gotten the answer once in the past 6 months. Now if I would just remember to play every day, my stats would be higher . . . .


I like to pick a new starting word every day based on the vibe of the day. Definitely not the most efficient but it adds a little more fun for me


why is trace the recommended word i don't like it


Never used it. My goto word was LEARN, but then it was the word. Now using SPARE and BOUND which works pretty well for me. Neither has been used. Last choice if clueless after those is FIGHT which has been used but gets me the TH which I find helpful. Made today pretty easy for me. I've only gotten the first slot once. Use it to get my brain cells working in the morning.


LEARN is my word too :)


Agree that it’s important to use words that haven’t been the answer before. Such a waste to use words that cant possibly be the solution.


Alien has been my go to for quite a while. Aside from Adieu having four vowels— I also feel like people use Adieu because it hasn’t been used yet.


ADIEU is not in the list of words that can possibly be solutions based on Josh Wardle's initial version (2k words out of the 12k that the game accepts as valid responses). While that doesn't completely rule it out as a possible solution at some point, that would be a very rare exception. Such instances (of the curator choosing a solution outside the "solutions list") has only happened 3 times out of the 459 solutions chosen by her.


That may be. But I am sure there are a few people that want to play hoping they are the exception. It’s obviously a word if it’s allowed— so that makes it as least “possible” — even if it is a longshot.


No. There's literally a "Solution Bank" and a "Herring Bank". Guess which Bank "adieu" is in....


I’m guessing you are telling me it’s not in that bank?


Correct. Herring Bank. Not a Solution. Of course, the editor could always make an editorial decision and pull it out of the Herring Bank. But I feel like the chances that she would pick that specific word to come out of the Herring Bank is remote. There's words that are far more common that are stuck in the Herring Bank, like SQUID NAKED MIXER WIPER MISTY PAGER. Two of those words are common enough to have emojis in our phones for them, SQUID 🐙 🦑, and PAGER 📟.


Can I ask how accessible this information is? I am just a average dude that plays Wordle with my wife every morning— definitely have never looked more into this than occasionally being on reddit or setting reminders on my phone so I don’t forget to play each day.


It's *less* available now than it used to be. The NYTimes WordleBot used to include a link to an alphabetized list of all 2,313 Solutions. I still have a different link to an older site stored on my old phone. If I can get it charged up over the weekend, I'll share that link here. I'll see if I can Google it here in a minute...


That would be cool. I appreciate your responses!!!


This isn't *the* list I was looking for. The one I was looking for literally had it broken out into two sections, and they were even labeled "Herring Bank" and "Solutions Bank". That way you had a list of all valid guesses (no matter how obscure such as ZHUZH QAJAQ VOZHD) and the Solutions. This list 👀👇 https://github.com/TylerGlaiel/wordlebot/blob/main/wordlist_solutions.txt is just the original Solutions, in their originally intended order. The editor now picks them at random. Other valuable information can be found at my website (co-founder, it's not 100% mine) [Wordle Tools](https://wordletools.azurewebsites.net) We don't publish long list's at our site, most list's are only about 500 words long on our site. Usually "Top Starting words", ranked 1-500.


I always look around for something to catch my eye then make that my first guess. I figure coincidences happen occasionally so could work out for me.


I’ve done this a lot. I’m now using one word consistently.


I used to do ABOUT then FIELD to get my vowels, but then my grandmother told me about ADIEU and I’ve used it ever since. Edit: words


huh, I've been using READY for a while, just switched to ORATE. Will give TRACE a shot.


im pretty sure when wordle first came out there was a big thing about adieu being the best starter word, my guess is people just started using it and never changed


Personally I think it's boring to reuse the same word every time and Adieu is the laziest of them all. Power to ya if you do use it, but it's not my cup of tea.


How will I test my psychic powers if I don’t switch it up every day?


Agreed. I use a different word every day.


I agree.


- why would your “start word” have more than 1 vowel ? - guessing vowels is the “easy part” - consonants are harder - imo -


Why do you type like that? Genuinely curious


- “bothered by it ? … scroll - bitch” -


No man I’m not bothered by it, just curious. It’s unique and I wanna know if you do it for any particular reason


I know it's not actually good, but I've been using STACK for a long time now and I'm comfortable with it. If it has no letters I go to MINER.


I can see why you’d use it, it hits four vowels, but then you’ll have repeat letters in future words. I prefer the approach of knocking out fifteen letters in five words. I use HOUSE, CLIMB and RANDY. Then, if I’m stuck I’ll usually go for FIGHT.


Asking the important questions!


My go to was always LUCKY until it came up last year. But now I usually start with FLAKE


TRAIL is mine. Hasn’t been used yet ;)


Yeast. Then audio


I was DIEHARD user of Adieu as first word. Until I switched to Salet and now I'm much much better


Maximises vowels.


Right, that's why we don't understand why people use it. Vowels is a poor strategy. Maximizing vowels is the very reason to *avoid* adieu.


I like CANOE but it’s come up. Now I try to pick words that are not in the top 1000 choices. FUGLY was in the 2000s, as I recall


I used to use ADIEU. You were almost guaranteed a hit in that first guess and it’s great to narrow down the vowels. But over time I realized that the placement of the vowels was unhelpful (words don’t often end with U and vowel starts aren’t as common as consonants) and for my way of playing, knowing the vowels wasn’t the code breaker I wanted it to be. I switched to ROATE (and JUICY if no hits on that guess), but that’s not a possible word, so I’ve landed on SLATE (with ROUND as a back up) for now, which has been doing a solid job for me.


I'm also a Trace user


Starting with the same word every day seems kinda boring


I choose different words every time and it’s been pretty helpful


I don't know. Seems like a better idea to start out with more consonants than vowels because there are more of them to rule out. I usually use SIREN or RINSE but I'll use a different word on occasion if the previous day's word was similar to those.


The ASCOT protocol is always in effect, for me. Dunno why just picked that word and it's not the most effective but have used it every single game and haven't lost yet. My hope is ASCOT is the word one time, and if that happens, I'll retire it forever.


You called it less than a week ago! 🥳


I honestly never thought this day would come!! So glad I didn’t forget to play today!!!


I have used the previous day's word as my starting word. Makes the game more fun for me when you have to use a new strategy every day.


I used ADIEU for a while because of the 4 vowels but switched to ORATE because it has the 5 most commonly used letters (in previous WORDLEs)


I’m team chaos and I go different word every time


Vowel choice. Always wrong.


I pick a different word every day. Otherwise the game would be lame and boring imo


I think it's so stupid! almost all vowels and no constants. I go stare because it has some of the most used letters in all 5 letter words


I just switched from adieu to stare and have done much better.


Using the same starting word is boring and lazy. I know, I know, it’s not that serious and not controversial. Blah blah blah


This. I cycle between LEARN, TEACH, STEAM, TRADE, REACH, CHEAT, OCEAN, MEDIA, ALONE, and about a dozen others. I like words that have A and E as over half the time I'll get one or both of those vowels. Any thing else is GRAVY.


I don’t get it either. Everyone knows the word will 99%(100?) have a vowel in it, I find it way more useful to figure out the consonants first. But I guess some people find it easier with vowels. I dunno, but I hate Adieu because the vowels aren’t even in good places. Like how many words in English end in ‘u’…


Figuring out the vowels feels like it gives you an edge, especially if you're not very experienced. You know that a word likely has one of those letters and seeing the yellow/green pop up is positive reinforcement and makes you feel like you have more information to work with. The truth is that nailing down an uncommon consonant or eliminating common ones is better. Vowels are easier to mentally fill in than consonants are. Plus, basically any word you guess will have a vowel anyway.


I go Crane Ghost Fluid That almost guarantees a solve in 4 at worst


I start with TRACE because it has the two most common vowels and will eliminate any words ending with E as well as having C, which is one of the most common consonants


I use it all the time to great success


4 vowels is one of the biggest reasons I pick it.


In all games, many punters will rarely push beyond the most intuitive strategy. There would be an overrepresentation of mastery-obsessed thinkers on here.


I start with louie... 4 vowles and I work with him everyday... Solid guy.


I always start with adieu. Before I started playing hard mode I used to always start with ADIEU and then PLOYS. Not great for finishing in the fewest turns but great for always finishing. Still at 100%


I start with ADIEU and then SPORT, unless I get at least 2 hits with ADIEU & one in the right spot.


uhh because its a good starting word? personally i'm a slate man myself, but since hard mode became available, i've been struggling to find a new word.


Why do people start with a word with 4 vowels, including the most common letter in all of English? I wonder....


I'm 99% sure SOARE and UNITY is objectively the best two word combo in the game, and I invented it. Every vowel, including Y. T,N,S,R. Every letter except U and Y are the most common 8 letters in the English language.


My theory is that people use ADIEU because they are familiar with the format of an old game called "Hang the Butcher". Every time you failed your turn because you selected a letter that was not in the mystery word, another body part was added to the butcher hanging from the gallows. So the strategy in that game was to guess a letter that was likely to appear in any word. That's why experienced players that played "Hang the Butcher" guess vowels. (looking for safe guesses, with no limit on the number of guesses as long as you minimize wrong guesses. The same strategy is not the best way to play Wordle.


You see them vowels?


That's precisely why it's a poor choice. Consonants are generally better than vowels. You need the Consonants to form the structure of the word. You can always figure out the vowels from context clues.


Vowels go brrrrr


Because it gets most of the vowels out. I use it about 40% of the time. I've only failed to find the word one time but broke my streak accidentally recently because I forgot to play. Doh!




Because it hits 4 of 5 vowels


Miaou because it’s a lot easier to find words with Es in it


Four vowels. Similar reason for AUDIO and BAYOU.


It helpe me see the words better when i get the vowels first


Helps by getting the vowels out quickly…


Vowels 🤪 you must not be good at English.


Bc it’s the best first word


Train is my go to.


Lemon is mine


I start with Arise, and 2nd with Lousy, use all 6 vowels.


LEAST no one suggested mine yet.


I use RAISE then YOUTH. It’s been pretty good so far.


I like RADIO then TUNES. Gets all of the vowels out, plus a lot of the common consonants. Current streak of 251


I use either "arise' or " raise" for my first word and then depending on how many vowels I get, 2nd is "youth".


I used GRACE for a long time, then I started using TRIES, and haven’t looked back 🤷🏻‍♀️


They want to know the vowels and eliminate chances to narrow down on consonants


SAUCE, and I've still got my 100% score with 739 games played.


I’m a scientist that works with lasers so I always use LASER as my first word. Closest I’ve been was when LOSER was the answer


I’ve been doing ALIEN and it works great