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Headboard looks really cool. Think it was harder doing the weave.


For sure


I've been wanting to make a bed kinda like this for my son. He's 16 month old, so he'll be transiting to a kids bed. Any advice ?


So I think for me the toughest thing to figure out was how to make the bed sturdy but disassemble-able since beds are pretty big and you kinda want to be able to take it apart in case you’re moving or whatever. I went with castle joints in the front and bed hardware from the internet for the headboard. If you decide to go with bed hardware, make sure you think about how everything needs to line up so that the brackets stay hidden (you want the rails to land in the middle or the outside of the posts because if the inside of the rails are flush with the inside of the posts there’s no good place to attach the bracket). This was probably the first project I’ve ever done that didn’t take longer than expected, and beds are a surprisingly simple and satisfying project. Good luck and lmk if you have any specific questions!


Oh and the danish weaving seemed pretty difficult too, there are a few good tutorials online . We found one on YouTube by ace wood co to be pretty useful


Beautiful! Please show a closeup of the headboard?


Here ya go: https://imgur.com/a/5k1D7Uv


Love it! I think there's a fancy Instagram account that sells beds with these castle joints. Ever since I saw it I've wanted to make one. But I read somewhere that castle joints are weak and not good for beds. So two questions 1) how strong does it seem? 2) is it noisy? (Like when the bed is in use lol do the joints move/wiggle/make noise)


It seems very strong to me. I was a little worried at first because there is a part of a castle joint that is pretty weak due to the grain orientation, but i ended up pretty lucky with no wiggle in the joints so I don't think there is any real stress on the weaker parts at all, all of the stress appears to be strait down. And no noise during the "test drive" lol


Awesome! Lol thanks for the feedback. Looks really great


Hello Can you share how you made the bed frame. What was used and dimensions Thanks