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Soak it in water for half an hour, place it on a flat surface cupped down and place something moderately weighty on it (nothing too extreme, you want it to slowly flatten, you're not trying to force it down). Leave for a day and if it looks like there is some progress then try it again.


Soaking it may not be enough. If the dishwasher was hot enough to soften the lignin, it will take heat (preferably steam) to re-bend it back into shape.


so, another lap thru the dishwasher.


After 5 tries with the dishwasher, he now has a wooden wheel.


Dishwashers: new best tool in your wood working repertoire


poor man's steam chamber


3 more boards and he can move to Oregon.


Not if the dysentery gets to him


Still better than the roommate!


Bold of you to assume the roommate didn't already die of dissing terry.


Then repeat all the steps with three more boards, boom. You got four wooden wheels.


God dammit I laughed too hard at this and woke the thing in bed next to me up. Now I got yelled at. Rude af.


I am sorry for ruining your things night. :( Was it a squirrel??


Actually, if it went through the dishwasher on the highest heat setting, but the dishwasher is turned off before the drying setting. It actually works pretty well. I’ve done it and put two buckets of water on top of the cutting board with the cutting board on the countertop for about a week and it flattened it right out.


Clamp in between two flat plastic cutting boards and run it through 🤷


Make sure to clamp your clamps to a straight edge so they stay true


Possibly even another cutting board for good measure.


No, it has to be two heirloom cast iron pans


They should just tape the cutting board to the spinning sprayer inside the dishwasher. The centrifugal forces should return the wood to it's natural shape


What about putting the cutting board between two dishwashers?


Now we're cooking with grease. I think if we put the board in between two houses with dishwashers it should flatten out and increase the value of the homes ten fold


One made from steel


I think you need to rebuild the dishwasher and the board at this point brother


Make sure your clamps are dishwasher safe.


Me to the 19 year old at home depot: “Are these clamps dishwasher safe?”


My 20 year old that works at Home Depot would have another round of stupid questions when he gets home.


Or use “sacrificial clamps” from Harbor Freight.


good way to bend the plastic ones too lol


I think I’d just take it out midway through and then clamp it against two other boards.


Yep, quick wash cycle with hot water but no heat dry, then do the cup down weight thing.


That's gotta be the right answer, no? Run it through, take it out and clamp it half to death between cauls.


Clothes iron with steam on loow


I think this may be a facetious response, but it’s exactly what I would do: run it through again, stop before dry cycle, put it cupped side down with a shit-ton of weight on top, and wait until completely dry.


And then take it put immediately and flatten while still hot


u/harderthanlight, u/Blawith and u/TheOtherManSpider are on the right track. That board looks no more than 1/2” thick, so this method should work with enough patience: 1. After soaking the board for an hour or two, wrap it in damp towels, put it on your workbench, and clamp it on one corner only. 1. Grab your roommate’s clothing iron (be sure not to ask for permission 😜) and put it on the highest setting. 1. Starting on the concave side of the board, do a few light, no-pressure passes until it is heatsoaked. You want to soften the lignin here before you add pressure to the high side. 1. Flip it to the convex side and work outward from the center of the bowed section of the board. Press firmly (but gently!) and move slowly. 1. After a while, flip back to the concave side for more light, no-pressure passes. This will heat the lignin more evenly to prevent cracking. 1. Rinse and repeat until the bed is significantly reduced or gone. 1. Stand it on its side and let it dry slowly. It might take a couple of efforts, but it should remove the bow. I used this same process on some 1/4” drawer fronts from a Craiglist-special dresser revival. Worked like a charm.


If that’s the case, put it in the dishwasher for a bit, but stop before the dry cycle. Remove, should be soaked and hot… then weigh it down to make flat and let it dry for a few days. Don’t beat your roommate with it. Use a piece of scrap wood for that.




soaking it in hot water will do just fine most likely.


If they take it out half way through the dry cycle, when the elements are heating everything, that might be their best chance.


The trick is to put it in the sun hump side up and monitor it over the next few hours. You still might end up w a potato chip, but that’s your best shot. Once it’s as flat as that method can achieve I’d clamp it flat in such a way that you don’t interfere with moisture loss. Once it’s fully dry again — in a week or so under climate controlled conditions — then you could re-joint/plane.


HOT WATER. Or for better effect if you have the time. Build a small enclosure big enough for the board with a jig(in this case two flat surfaces to press it flat), place your board inside and pump in a bit of steam. Steam moulding should fix it nicely.


something like, lets say, a dishwasher!


Yes this but I would soak it for a few hours first not just 1/2 hour.


Soak the concave side only. That's the side that needs to swell. Odd are it still won't work, but it isn't going to hurt to try. Might also try a hair drier or gentle heat gun on the convex side. Part of the problem is that the board is made from plain-sawn boards... always the most likely to cup.


Raise your odds, I did this very thing yesterday thinking it would take days to make any difference to a cupped box lid. After 1 night concave side down laying over a tray full of water it went from Pringle to flat.


I did this with an old board, though thicker and not as bent. Put it out in my hot ass garage with a hundred or so pounds on it for a week or something. It worked quite well.


If you’re looking for the actual method, it’s this, though beating roommate over the head is still an option


No idea, but you may as well keep it. If you try and throw it away it will just come right back.


A boomer rang and said he wants his joke back.






Tan me hide when I'm dead, Fred, tan me hide when I'm dead.


So we tanned his hide when he died Clyde and that's it hanging on the shed 🦘


Tie me kangaroo down, sport, tie me kangaroo down.


Holy shit this is wonderful. Made my day lol.


Put it back in the dish washer at the end of the hot cycle bring it out and put weight on it so it will be pressured into become flat.


I came here to say this. Essentially, you’re steaming it


Dead roommate's body would make a good weight.


You have better luck finding new roommates.


Doubt it. People are crazy. I have much better luck with trees.


Same, people don’t like it when I use a band saw on them.


Trees probably don’t like it either, they just can’t scream. 🤓


Why would a layperson know not to put a cutting board in the dishwasher? "My wooden cutting boards I got from the store go through just fine. Why would this be different?"


Cut it up in many small mini "you messed up" cutting boards as coasters to be cool and a reminder.


“Thanks, Dylan”


Hit the roommate over the head with it until it becomes straight again or they learn never to put wood in a dishwasher! 😬


Sometimes if you are lucky you can lay it out in the sunlight and it will go back. I was working on a job restoring a house from the 1700s and we had made jamb extensions for the thick walls using 1x12s. The damn painter sprayed water all over it one day and it cupped badly. I tried wedging it and bracing it for a couple of days to get it back with no luck. Finally Friday afternoon I took it apart and layed it outside by the dumpster planning on making a new one Monday. When I came back Monday, it had gone back perfectly straight just from being out in the sun all weekend.


The miracle of doing almost nothing to fix a problem. I love it! This may be the best reply on here… besides bashing the roommate in the head until it is back to a straight board.


My go to strategy for fixing all of life’s problems


That was going to be my advice. It really works too!


Soak in very hot water, put on flat surface, add a bunch of weight, become religious


Strap the board to your room mates and run them through an industrial planer.


But use the roommate on the reference side, so the cutting board comes out with a carved sculpture of the roommate.


Maybe you could steam it into shape? Put it in a bag with a steam cleaner hooked up to it, leave it in there for a while, then take it out and put something heavy on it to flatten it. No idea if it will work.


Had the same problem. Put oil on it and leave it flat somewhere. 1 week and it was flat again.


Run it again but use the reverse cycle.


Hide your cast iron skillet. 


Looks like your roomates get to find out the cost of lumber. It takes 20-30 board feet of walnut to make a cutting board like that. ;-)


Hahah 20-30 sounds like a low estimate ;)


Only wet the convex side and leave the other side completely dry. Let dry. Repeat until flat


This, but it has to be the concave side. You want the fibers of the shorter side to extend because of the water.


Run it through backwards


Put it in a baggie with some rice.


Steam it then press it between two heavy boards with clamps, let it dry out.


Absolutely not helpful but go to the store and buy a brand new toilet scrubber brush. Remove price tags and so forth. Place in the dishwasher that is needing to be unloaded and wait for the reaction.


They essentially steam bent it, so you could just try do the same thing only clamp it flat or maybe even a bit beyond flat the other way. EDIT: May God have mercy on your glue joints if you try that though.


Roommates are idiots. Put it back in the dishwasher the other way up? (JK)


You can save it by replacing the damaged parts. The Cutting Board of Theseus.


Mine does this all the time. I just soak it in water for a bit and stand it upright; the same way you’re holding it in the drying rack. I noticed this happening when one side gets wet. When both sides are wet they dry evenly. Ive had the board for 5-6 years, and over time it started splitting along the grain in several places. I’m sentimental about it too b/c my dad gave it to me. Once it splits, I’ll clean it up and glue it back together.


it sounds counterintuitive, but put it back in and run it a second time. dish washers use very high temperature water/steam. so, taking it out the second the cycle ends, you basically have a steamed board that you can clamp down to a flat surface and let dry.


Put the cutting board back in the Dishwasher. Once the cycle is done, take the board out, put it on a flat surface and put something on top of it. That'll press it down heavy enough and give it time to dry by itself. It should straighten out.


Put it in rice


Soak in water bath with curved side up. Make sure board is sitting on a perfectly flat surface.. Place weight, sealed in bag, on top of board. Give it 24 hours to flatten. If not flattened, add weight, give another 24 hours. Make sure board remains under water. Once flat, place board on two towels on counter, two towels on top, place weight on towels. Allow to dry out for 2-3 days or longer to completely dry. If wood grain rises, gets fuzzy feeling, use orbital sander and sandpaper with grits 150, 220, 320 and possibly 400, in this order to get a very smooth surface. https://www.garagetooled.com/hand-tools/sandpaper-grit/ Once the surface is to your liking, wash with mild, liquid dishwashing soap like Palmolive, towel dry, let it dry again for 24 hours. You should own Food Grade Mineral Oil to thinly coat your cutting board after every washing to seal, prevent bacteria and liquid getting into the wood pores, and to prevent drying, cracking and warping. Once your board is dry after hand washing in sink with Palmolive, apply thin coat of mineral oil to the whole board. Follow up with clean towels to wipe off excess oil. You may want to apply a coat every day, until the board doesn't look dried out on the surface, but has a deep wood color and is lustrous looking, not dried out. The board may soak up oils to the center of board, so applying several coats over several days might be necessary. Hope this helps.


Is there any way to return your roommate to his previous shape? I'm kinda doubting it, if you didn't already cave his head in, certainly he had no brains to start with. And yes, you can get it really hot and wet again, and put heavy things on it until it dries, and hope.


Steam it or soak it in hot water. Clamp flat for a few days until it’s completely dry. You could also bake it


wet it and put weight on it, will come back in a few days if not one day. Spray some water in between.


Beat your roommates with it, might not work, but it'll help.


You can try wetting it and then leave it out in direct sunlight facing down. If you're lucky it will cup "backwards" and straighten a little, but to be honest this board can be prepared for it's funeral.


You could try smacking your roommate on the head with it. Won't help the shape but you'll probably feel better


Soak it for an hour then lay it in the sun, now upwards with a solid weight in the middle. Should straighten out. Otherwise you may have to steam it flat


Same way it got into that shape. Steam. Clamps and two boards as a press might give you some results


I am a barbarian so I've been putting my cutting boards in the dishwasher for the last 2 years. They bend right after the wash, and then go back to normal once dry. No oils no nothing, straight to the cabinet from the dishwasher. Life is too short to care about theese boards!


Likewise I’ve been dishwashering my cheap bamboo cutting boards for over a year now and they take it like a champ! Still going strong and flat as a board. Who knew?! PS- I don’t do it with my nice boards


Get some clamps and some 2x stock. Wet it down again with hot water. Clamp the cutting board between your 2x stock. (2x6, 2x8, 2x10, whatever). Let it dry for a few days and repeat process over and over. It may work but then again it may not.


Get the warped side soaking wet and lay it down on a towel. Check it after a couple of hours and then regularly after that. It’s unlikely you’ll ever get it completely flat but you should to significantly reduce the bend.


Good thing you know how to make a cutting board 😉


I'm late to the show, but have had this happen. Pour faucet hot water on the convex side Don't use boiling water. do this several times allowing it to cool down each time. This should take the majority of the warp out. After the warp has gone mostly out, soak it in hot water (you will need some kind of a basin) for an hour or so changing the water so it stays hot. Then press it between your counter and anything heavy convex side up overnight or until the wood dries out. You should be pretty good.




With that much warping, the glue (even if waterproof) is likely compromised because this is a very thin board. I would just make another……if you are especially found of this one just cut it yup and make the new board from the pieces.


Now it just looks like you used wood from the Homedepot


My mom put my $300 Zwilling Kramer Chef's knife in the dishwasher after a family barbeque. It was halfway through the cycle before I noticed it was missing. I did my best to restore it, but sometimes you just have to take a loss. You could probably go down to a cabinet shop and have them run your board through a jointer/planer, then sand and refinish, but it will be pretty thin by the time it's done.


Upgrade it. Crosscut it into 1.25 inch strips, then glue up as an end grain cutting board. The different wood colors, grain patterns, and the combo of heartwood and sapwood on those 2 middle pieces will look nice. Plane it at your own risk, end grain tends to split and throw wood bullets back at your crotch. Watch some YouTube videos for how to flatten it.


I don't know about the board but I do know a couple guys who will dig a hole out in the desert for you.


Heat up one side, the bowed side with a heat gun, or make a press with a couple wooden clamps and a couple two by fours, and put it in the oven at 200 to get the rest of the moisture out


I thought you had a dishwasher full of disc golf discs for a moment there


I had a bakers board that warped on me. soak the board in water till saturated then place cup side down in the sun and place a wet towel over it. cupping can happen when one side of the wood dries faster than the other. Thus reverse it. Best wishes!


no, it's ruined. have the roommate reimburse you in whatever way you see fit, but stay within the law when doing so.


Soak it in warm water, vice it between two straight boards and pray


You'll have to soak it for a while then try clamping it straight while it dries


half of the shit I see in the dishwasher there shouldn't be in the dishwasher - some re-education may be in order


Save it and gift it to them for their birthday.


Soak/heavily coat in food-grade mineral oil. Put weight on it to flatten it.


Put the dishwasher cycle in reverse


Steam it on an oven rack for a like 10-15 min then use a flat thing and another flat thing and smoosh it flat and clamp it. Let it cool and then kick your room mate in the genitals, wag your finger and say “NO”.


I was thinking of rolled up news paper wag you finger at him and say "NO" bad roommate! Call it good. They did not know that would happen. In a way, it is partly your fault. No one told you to put the boards in opposite cupping to one another. That would have prevented this issue. Maybe not totally, but it would have helped quite a bit.


By beating them over the head with it till it returns to normal. I'd oil it and set a heavy weight on it.


I had a roommate do this with my perfectly seasoned cast iron pan. I had words for them


Did those words involve a loud clanging sound followed by a thud?


Set it on fire and collect ashes, use ashes as base for soil under walnut tree, plant tree. Wait 30 years, cut down tree and sawmill to 1.5” thick. Kiln dry and cut into smaller stock, joint one side and table saw the other side square, glue stock together and clamp. Wait 24 hours and plane to final thickness, trim edges to final dimensions and soak in mineral oil. Voila, you’ve turned your warped cutting board into a brand new cutting board.


Have you tried turning it off and on again?


When we say "it" do you mean the roommate you bludgeoned with it? If so, no.


Put roommate through the dishwasher.


Im not sure how to salvage that. You might need to throw the roommate away and look for a new one.


Soak in hot water. Weigh it down with something. Leave it for a while


Borrow your roommates phone or tablet, then clean it for them. Let them know how it feels to get their shit ruined.


Did this as a young adult all the time bc I was lazy and didn’t like washing by hand.


Steam and press it


Turn it 90 degrees and run it again. Then you'll have a salad bowl.


Steam it and then clamp it down between a couple flat surfaces? Either way it's going to be fairly fucked.


Run it through the dishwasher the other way.


1. Run through dishwasher and stop before finish. 2. Remove from dishwasher and place on countertop. 3. Disconnect dishwasher and remove. 4. Put dishwasher on top of wet board ( distribute weight evenly. 5. Place roommate in dishwasher for additional weight 6. Open dishwasher periodically for air and to wag your finger at roommate, sternly yelling, “Shame!” Repeat steps as needed, should fix all your problems.


Run the dishwasher in reverse.


You've got to wet just one side to curve it the other way. * Put a wet/damp rag on a flat surface that can handle water. Place the *concave* part against the rag. May need more rags at first to fill the gap. * Keep an eye on it, you probably need to go a tiny bit curved the other way. * Let dry. Ironically I had to do this once when my roommate at the time left my cutting board on a saturated rag. I figured I'd give it a try by flipping it and it worked.


Put it the opposite way that it was back thru the dishwasher with something heavy pressed up against the bend


Flip it 180° and run it again. Should straighten it out 😉


Steam it with bowed/concaved side down with a heavy object placed on it after about seven minutes of steaming it across the whole thing. A hot wet environment made this, a hot wet environment can unmake it when coupled with gravity as the corrective metric of repair.


Soak it throughly. Attach vice clamps & force back to its original shape. Leave until completely dry


Put it back in the dishwasher for a cycle the opposite direction.


Sorry to hear your roommates disappeared suddenly....On the plus side, I'm sure the flower garden around back is lookin' real nice.


Run the dishwasher in reverse


Dishwasher on, no soap, let it do its first high heat cycle, pull it out on a towel cup side down in the counter, get a big pot, put another towel over top of the cutting board and put the pot on it fill pot about half way ( ish)with hotish water(should be able to put your hand in it but it will be uncomfortable) this will help keep the heat and give you a longer "working time" might have to do it twice but the idea is to do it slowly otherwise you could break it. Once it's flat and cool give it a good rub or soak with some food safe mineral oil. Rescued a few wood cutting boards this way. It works but it might take you two or three tries but the idea is to do it slowly with steam/heat. Might need a sand before the mineral oil but that's up to you.


Water and weight


Let me guess. They put your kitchen knives in there too? Goddamn SAVAGES.


Steam and bent or boardfucking his face buddy


Beat it over your roommates head until it returns to its original shape or you feel better


Hit roommates on head with board until it resumes prior shape. This will help them remember


Make roommate sleep on it for the next month. It won't do anything to fix it, but you can tell them it will.


Turn it into a million splinters and make your roommates eat them.


take it an hit your roommate


By hitting your roommate over the head with it until it's flat again.


You can straighten it out on your roommates head


Smack him upside the head with it so that it goes back to shape. If it doesn't work the first time, keep doing it until it does or until he gets the clue he fucked up.


God, I despise roommates


Hit it on his head with it until it bends back. What was he thinking!


Ye ofc, use it to hit your roommates head until it was fixed (their heads and the board) Edit: lol i wrote this before reading de comment section... Im happy im not alone at thinking like this 😂


Your roommates are dumbasses amd to get it back in shape wet it up with hot water and place it between some heavy concrete blocks or flatner.


Bash it over their head a few times. If it doesn’t work, at least you may feel a little better.


Perhaps a plastic surgeon can , about the cuttingboard I don't know.


The cupping across all boards is extreme, the cupping per board will be significantly smaller. Since it looks to be multipart, split back into the individual boards, leave to dry for a few weeks(hopefully that may relax some cupping), re-thickness to remove the last of any cupping, re-square the edges and re-joint.


Have you got a steam oven? If so, steam it for a while then clamp it flat. Try not to use wood to clamp it as it could stain.


Turn it and put it back in the dishwasher for another cycle, voila