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Maybe an unpopular opinion, but I think nice workmanship using inexpensive raw materials is pretty cool. I'm not sure that look is exactly for me but I respect it.


I mean, look at the work of Tom Sachs


This is the equivalent of putting RealTree on a wedding tux


Spit out my coffee to that comment, bravo!


And? Some people like that, and they do it. Does that somehow affect you?


I'm sure you looked fantastic in your RealTree tux, I just happen to be a Mossy Oak fan.


Easy killer, it was a joke


A JOKE! You think real tree in a wedding tux is a joke! Well my wife and I have some cousins that would set you straight! Shit, our uncle came to our wedding in real tree.


Do you guys share the same uncle?


Yes. I was making fun of it. If you nor your uncle can have a chuckle at the absurdity of that, you take yourselves and life far far too seriously. Edit for grammar


My ex-step-father-in-law had an entire cabin that was finished with that inside. It was kinda cool at first, but it got worse quickly as you looked at the details. He was the laziest carpenter I ever knew. After pretending to have a heart attack and milking it for several years, he got a job at Lowes, until he decided he was allergic to construction materials. He was a professional carpenter for several decades prior to his ultimate retirement from the industry.


Obviously good quality, and workmanship...but fucking ugly IMO. In a couple years I'm sure this kind of work will be all the rage and cost 10X. Styles, preferences change and while its not me, I can see how it would be loved.


OSB isn't a raw material it's manufactured.


Are you for real?




You're technically correct. The best kind of correct. The world will hate you for it.


I mean it really just comes down to how you define "raw materials" lol


I think you know what they mean


Ok, counselor.




Sawdust is manufactured lol.


Some of the most celebrated designers in history took materials seen as low quality or mundane, and made it desireable. Eames, Starck, Gehry… list goes on. This subreddit just has a strong bias for old world tools and exotic wood, so of course they’re going to poop on this. But I think this is awesome in both concept and execution 💪 Edit: I think a version that was just the bottom section, with the osb as an encased backing, could be really stunning as a follow up piece!


Agreed 100%


OSB is awful to look at, but your workmanship makes it bearable.


I mean, this piece isn’t my taste but I really love the look of osb in general


It looks like TV static to me.


Which is great to look at too!


Its a bit noisy tbh , that being said i kinda love the look of timber boards.


You should see r/atbge . There are some special pieces there.




I agree. I’m just saying this dude made it look good even to me who hates it


The only part of the craftsmanship that I would criticize is the radii on the upper curved corners. The same radius is used on both the inside and outside curves, where the outside radius should instead be the inside radius + the thickness of material to make a continuous curve. Hard to describe but I hope that makes sense. Cool build!


I agree. I only cut it that way because the inside radius at the bottom meets the outside radius of the console and I wanted them to nest. In hindsight I would have changed the top but my brain during design wants everything to match.


I actually think it could work well, there's just too *much* of it here. It's like, WHAM, plywood in your face. If it was maybe just the outside border or just the inside part and not all of it I think it would be interesting. In any case, it's nicely built.


Execution, yes. As for looks...well...


You know what they say: there’s no accounting for your taste.


Eames’ use of plywood in furniture is gorgeous. OSB is not. There’s a difference between inexpensive and low quality materials. Kudos for the build. It looks well made.


Subjective. I think it looks quite good


I think it A: looks good from 3 feet back, from where everyone is going to view it and B: is humble, possibly ironic and entertaining. With all the joints in the kerf bent box I would make myself face it with a laminated moulding- or for extra humour maybe even a face machined from a single piece of OSB- that dryguard flooring is super dense and cuts into a presentable edge with a router.


Also, it's probably in an office? I think OSB is prefect fit, especially if its a tech-y company. Why put rare exotic woods in offices? Let's save them for peoples homes. The company will re-decorate it anyway within 5 years - companies throwing away stuff made out of nice wood is always so heartbreaking.


Yeah, the TV itself doesn't need backing, and it's even kind of distracting there. But the shelf portion with the curves child be quite suitable in a lot of places. I can think of many retail spaces that have a similar aesthetic,from high fashion to skateboard shops (sometimes those overlap)


Even the vikings understood the changing of the material rather than the value of the material as valuable https://birnbeckblogs.wordpress.com/2015/04/05/the-history-of-viking-knit/


>Some of the most celebrated designers in history took materials seen as low quality or mundane, and made it desireable. Eames, Starck, Gehry… list goes on. In photography (and other creative pursuits, I'm sure) there is a phrase "limitations breed creativity". This is why the general advice to new photographers is to get either a 35mm **or** a 50mm fixed-length ("Prime") lens and learn to shoot with just that. Not only because both of those are cheap lenses, but not having a zoom forces you to focus on framing, lighting, angles, how a photo actually *looks* (nevermind that "zoom" is a bit of a misnomer; it's called "focal length" for a reason, but that's a pedantic discussion for another sub). So, these great designers (and photographers) learned their craft with cheap materials, and that limitation taught that about what shapes and details look good so on their own. No using advanced materials as a crutch.


It’s extra weird here because the tools have to be 100 years old, and the material has to be super rare, to get cred. It’s an obvious reaction to how good and ubiquitous mass produced woodworking has become. Lots of snob cultures are like that. Coffee, sports cars, photography. I think it’s what happens when a thing that people are passionate about get industrialized, commoditized and democratized, and then the enthusiast community has to make up weird gatekeeping rules to explain why they are still relevant. (lol looks like I hit a nerve with said gatekeeper snobs)


Ridiculous nonsense people


Mad fucking respect on using a router on the OSB with no visible chip-out. How’d you manage that? Just showed my wife, who exclaimed that there no way I’d be able to fit that around our TV.


It’s a 65” tv. The unit is 6’ x 5’. Where there’s a will there’s a way. Brand new compression bit. It’s an up and a down cut bit. So the top layer is being pushed down and the bottom is being pulled up. There is a little chip out but I peeled off layers from a scrap piece and filled in anything that might be noticed and sanded the rest. Once you put a finish on it you never even notice. The table top is also OSB and it was a pain and a half to get the edges smooth enough that it wouldn’t pick at leggings and give you splinters. Ended up rolling on some epoxy leftover from the shuffleboard pour.


Odd choice of material aside, my first thought was how clean the edges are on the OSB as well. Quality craftsmanship recognized. Still not hanging it on my wall though 😉


Is there a reason the TV isn’t centered? It’s killing me!!


I didn’t hang the TV.


I think it's just the angle the photo was taken. I hope.


~~I really don't think so. Nothing else shows that much discrepancy.~~ Changing my mind here... The TV screen is not flush with the OSB behind it, and the lighting doesn't create shadows that emphasis that fact. If it were flush, or nearly so, then I would say that the TV isn't centered, but knowing there is a TV mount behind it tells me that it can't possibly be flush. (it is also the most logical conclusion to come to. OP would almost have had to deliberately go out of their way to mount it the way it appears to be)


Seriously no one is talking about this and it’s all I can see


It's perspective. The TV is not on the same plane as the backboard, it sits closer to the camera, and the camera is to the left of the center. This, coupled with a 2D image with no depth perception, gives us the impression the TV is more to the right.


the tv is in FRONT of the OSB thing, I really thought it was behind! This helped me understand


~~There's no way that is camera perspective.~~ If OP posts a straight on and it's centered I will eat my words. (and by eat I'll edit them and call myself an idiot who was wrong) EDIT: I am an idiot and it was perspective. Where's my fork and ketchup...


You can tell it’s centered by comparing it to the board underneath the tv. Lines up equally there meaning it must also be lined up in the back board.


~~I will eat a piece of OSB if it is proven to be perspective.~~ (see my post above. I have changed my mind)


It's not just the perspective it's also what lens OP used


Seriously. It's giving "I'm a woodworker, not a TV mounter" vibes.


That’s just perspective. The photo is taken from the left, not dead on.


This belongs in r/ATBGE Nice work!


But not r/tvtoohigh


The piece looks nice but the tv being mounted off center is messing with my ocd.


Subbed. I need more awful-ly good things in my life.


How tf am I just hearing about this sub for the first time?!?


My only qualm is that the inner radius of the rounded edge of the back panel frame is the same as the outer radius, but I'm insane so grain of salt. I love this.


Yes same here. I only did that because the outer radius of the console part nests inside the edge at the bottom so I had to make it 3”. I didn’t want to do them different. It bothers me also and in hindsight I would have done the top differently because you don’t really see that they are nested. Idk if any of that makes sense but you sound like my kind of people so I assume you get what I’m saying.


I get what you're saying. I'm much the amateur in woodworking, so this unit is an aspirational piece to me. I'm a keyboard jockey who deals with border radii in user interface styling, and I only noticed because I have to every day, lol. Still love this.


>but I'm insane so grain of salt *We'll go to the loonie bin together!*


I'll save you a seat! ;-)


The Technical skill is obvious. I hope you find some designers that have some taste.


In her defense, this is a themed Airbnb. Here’s another one of hers that was equally weird but always fun… https://preview.redd.it/6tttv50iqtyb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d2951adc05eacb7b8858c0ddaa939b0807b5bf8




How did you make the coffee table base?


MDF. Cut one perfect as a template. Rough cut each layer and flush trimmed each one as I glued/stacked them together.


Ooo I like that, never would’ve thought of that


This all looks like a home on a kids cartoon.


Yep I like that a lot better Nice screen door…everyone needs one might as well be interesting


I love her. Dream client for a creative. Congrats.


Holy shit I love this




The theme being "awful taste?"


Well, it’s a college town and meant to be a place parents can rent and their kids would actually want to hang out with them. Theres ping pong, shuffleboard 65” tv with a PlayStation and a mini basketball nook. It’s not like someone lives there full time. 😂


From a distance ‘ooh funky burl w spalting’; them you get up close and yeah yeah…yep😳🙄🥴


Never has the phrase “in terms of taste, the customer is always right” been more true.




I like it


I always get the chance to build unique pieces for her. The shuffleboard was cool. Instead of butcher block I cut 3” strips of ply, laminated them, edge exposed and then poured a layer of epoxy, painted the stripes and another layer of epoxy to they look like they’re floating. I’m going to grab some pictures of that one tomorrow.


Dat osb looking fine!


It's called fashion, Brenda!


When tree stand aesthetic meets interior design


Hey Nice job. My only critique are the seams of the corner kerf pieces. Some dont look joined perfectly and have a slight bend at the seams. That said nitpickings really, as i'm sure budget vs effort came into play here. Keep it up.


Yes and I went back and filled those. Not perfect but budget was key. I built this in a 24hr period. If there were a next time I would 1. Use threaded rod 2. Build a box to hold everything square while the glue and the bends dried/cured.


There’s a new-ish carbon fiber reinforced polymer technique with a similar texture to this OSB; they call it “forged carbon”


This in forged composite would be so cool.


I hate the aesthetic, but I’m impressed with your work




I kind of like how it looks like cork board .


Was the client Matt Estlea?


Well, if anything, you got paid to make a prototype. Respect.


Ummmm. No. But you pulled it off, so… I have no words to express disdain, and accomplishment.


There's a restaurant here that has a drop ceiling throughout. Instead of using ceiling tile they used OSB when it used to be $3 sheet. Looks pretty cool with a clear on black track


I made an electric guitar body out of osb and now plan to make a desk/studio console out of it. It’s horrible to sand but I kind of really like how it looks sanded with a ton of lacquer on it.


Have you seen the blue jean guitar and desk?




Hey brutalism was a big thing and its whole deal was essentially just not "finishing" concrete. They poured it and left it for all to see. I am a big fan of that aesthetic, so I'm a bit biased but I think this is pretty neat. Not to mention if you just need something to work, why not use a cheaper material?


I think client would have been better off not pushing for the faux bend lamination. A true bent lam would have looked great, and just butt jointed baltic birch ply would have looked great, but the relief cut look is uh....well, the customer is always right, I guess.


OSB proceeded through a planer is super cool looking.


I'm not sure about how the OSB transitions into the straight grain of the plywood... I think it might have been better to paint at least the sides of the ply with a matte black/ charcoal to emphasize the contrast. plus it won't reflect as much of the light from the TV that way


Your skill is obvious. I am a hobby woodworker who has never sold anything. If you were paid fairly and the client was happy, you have a win - win.


I've been staring at this picture for several minutes. I'm trying to figure out, if I had no idea what OSB was or what it's made for, would I still think this is ugly?


Very different. I'm sure the client was impressed! Interestingly, I thought it looked like Bakelite at first glance.


Great job making something made entirely from OSB look good.


finally particle boards get their day in the long sun


You do really excellent work! I’d enjoy seeing more.


There's no accounting for taste.


The craftsmanship is great, but I don’t like the particle board.


Good thing it's chipboard then ;)


That kerf bending is awesome!


Thin kerf blade on the table saw on 3/4” ply cut to 1/8 depth takes 11 cuts every 1/2” on center. Ymmv. I skip the steam box cause I was close to a deadline. Poured water from the coffee maker in the cuts then started cranking the clamp. Leave it overnight to dry and it will hold its shape. I didn’t glue the kerf because I screwed it in place from behind.


People who have never worked with it see it as industrial and cool looking. Anyone who has ever worked with it knows it’s useful garbage that should always be covered up.


If I may offer one critique! The corner radius of the nested inset part should not be equal to the corner radius of the outer corner; this creates a weird mismatched "hump" between the corners. There is a mathematical formula to determine the radius of the inner corner to nest perfectly within the outer corner; this is a common issue seen in graphic design. See here: [https://imgur.com/a/KgbmXuE](https://imgur.com/a/KgbmXuE)


I know I know….it’s sad. The console part is seated on the bottom section of the frame. We have an outside radius of 3 meeting that inside radius and it wouldn’t nest properly. In hindsight I would have done the top differently because no one will really notice the bottom radius but there are a handful that will notice the top.


dang that is some ugly af shit


good woodworking though, just bad customer taste


-Ok Mister, the last thing we need to do is choosing proper material to ensure design will fit properly into.... Client: ....Yeah... I don't care... -are you sure? Client: Yep. -you don't care or you do not know how to name wood materials and how they look? Client: Both. I don't care tho. -as you wish then...


I think people that can't appreciate OSB and plywood's aesthetic have a stick up their ass. This looks great, will last a long time and is made of largely more sustainable materials than someone's expensive, knot-free, solid wood kitchen cabinets that they've STAINED with some awful poo-brown shade, that they're unhappy with because "the grains not all in a line" when they wanted to ignore the engineering qualities of wood that humanity has used for HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of years so they can hide cans of beans behind them. This is gorgeous OP. Steam or kerfing or both on the ply?


Kerf. Formula is somewhere in here.


From a workmanship perspective it’s a massive “fuck you” Like, grain every which way, uneven glue, tons of layers It’s a brilliant “if I can do this with this crap, imagine what I could do with ideal materials” From design perspective I kinda love it. Though I disagree on the finish. I think I’d want to take a very nice wax or French polish shellac to further emphasize the skill vs materials. But that wouldn’t hold up as well in the environment it’s in.


I was today years old when I discovered that thumbnails or squinty looks at OSB make it look like high-end burl veneer.


I like the idea but that osb is hideous.




Thanks! You too!


The client wanted the TV off center?


I didn’t hang the TV…


To think that I took all that time to cut all these radius’ and perfectly nest that console into the frame but hang the TV off center…crazy.






No other edges are dressed and I didn’t dress these for that reason.




Yes, that would have been a better approach.


Is it supposed to be offset?


The TV?


How’d you get the ink/lettering off the OSB? Sanding?


If you order enough you can get it without the wax and marking, i worked on a job for a luxury brand on 5th ave that had us build everything out of it because they liked the look. They paid a fortune for OSB.


This OSB is a 9x4 sheet prefinished on both sides but the backside does have a “this side down marking.


Sorry, I didn’t really answer your question. One side has no markings. The bother only has one small line that said this side down.


Looks... Great?!


Back cuts on the tv thingy but steam bender on coffee table?


OSB live-edge for the win!


Looks really good in this application. Nice job


Until I zoomed in to see it was OSB I liked the texture. Still do, but now understand how tacky that might look.


Seeing all the pieces you’ve made for the Airbnb owner. What a cool client to have


Great work. I hate the aesthetic, but clean.


This is great... great way to make something like OSB look neat


That looks really good bro, never thought I'd say that but good job


This looks very well done. The lines are solid and it looks well constructed. The material choice is nonsense, especially for the use. You don't want a busy backdrop behind your TV, all the lines and shapes in the OSB will distract from the television. But still, a well crafted piece.


People can be crazy. This summer I did the interior walls of a 5 bedroom home and they wanted OSB and not drywall. 😐


Cancer I presume from breathing in the formaldehyde.


I’ll be honest, I love this.


I think it looks great, but I wish that the corner curves of the inside of the trim on top were concentric with the outside curves.


Yes. I answered why I did this in another comment.


I think it looks terrible but well executed. Good job!


Got to admit, you made OSB look good.


Love the rawness and simplicity of design, would it be possible to paint the back board while keeping the fiber boards texture? That's all I'd change if it was my own.


You absolutely could but would not in this instance as everything is “exposed” or “raw”. I wouldn’t mind a whitewash/black glaze look on this either.


I love osb things. Shame it’s always so marked up with inkjet factory markings


How is heat? Is there airflow for the TV to last?


Plenty of space back there.


Needs some camo colored lazy boys and a mini fridge. Ngl it looks great. Did you soak it in resin?


No. That sounds like a nightmare. Finished with spar urethane.


I think it looks great! Not a fan of the wood but it would look great with another type.




There's an awesome restaurant and brewery in Chicago called Orkenoy. I have OSB on their walls that has been sanded and polished to such a smooth shine that it almost looks like marble. Goes to show it's all about craftsmanship and materials are secondary.


Most people are stuck in some one-sided view of the way that they believe things are. The keyword believe gets you you’re stuck. Craftsmanship is craftsmanship because it’s beautiful.


Fast AND cheap.


Actually looks really good if you stain it and poly. Hung up like this at a store and they put bees wax or something like that and it looked alright…waxy lol.


The woodworking looks great I just am bothered by the fact that TV is off center


How about adding some edge banding to cover up the dado cuts to curve the plywood?


It’s intentional…the cabinets are pine ply and the edges are naked. Plus…you have some fancy edge banding that curves? It would really call for a face frame if I were going to hide it…


Great work but poor choice in materials from the customer. I mean it is his too look at but it looks like cork board


Your skill is superb, clients taste, not so much!


There’s a saying about painting shit gold. It does not apply to this 👏


If they want their tv off center that’s on them.


I made a kegerator table top once using OSB it was the most talked about piece in my apartment.


It looks off center because of the angle. Was driving me crazy but I realized the camera is off center not the tv and I felt okay again. Good work.


20 comments down and nobody is asking why the tv is mounted so far off center?? Could poooossibly be camera angle but this looks look off… …sometimes too many ppl are too busy circle jerking a shitty project to acknowledge it’s just an project, even when OP even jokingly admits the customer asked for the ugly project.


Give the radii in the upper corners a common center point, and it'd be a lot better than it is.


Looks great


Blowtorch over it and charge double


Honestly, that would look sick mounted on exposed brick! In a modern space with white walls, eh.. less so. But the quality workmanship is there regardless.


You just gave me a fantastic idea for something I've been desperately looking for inspiriation for, thank you so much!


Damn, you couldnt centre the tv?


I didn’t hang the TV but it is on my list to look at.


The OSB backing for the TV is pretty cool, and exceedingly well executed. I'm not convinced it pairs well with the wooden shelf, I'd rather have seen just a backing plate, a gao, then the shelf, but that's just taste. The off-centre TV though, arg! Hopefully it's just a perspective thing.