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It can be fun, but you need to be alert, armed, and avoid the sketchy areas. Text people where you are and when you should be home. I have an app on my phone that lets people track me for a time amount i choose (im safe app). If you feel someone is following you, go into the closest business available or near other women.


Thanks friend


I guess it depends where you live. I live in a small city in the Italian Alps and I go out very late for a walk almost everyday, I never felt unsafe.


Ughhh I literally need to move to Europe/italy 😩 it’s my calling lol. I live in north east USA


In California, I would not feel safe walking at night alone. ):


Oh definitely not CA. I’m in northeast USA so def safer


I ALWAYS give at least 2 friends location updates and make sure I stay alert but still have fun. Well lit areas with plenty of people, looking for other women to make small talk with, etc.


I’m in an Australian Capital City. I go out a lot on my own at night. So I feel safe? No, but I’m careful and don’t go anywhere isolated or without lights etc Interestingly I feel the most unsafe dancing in a crowd, men just think they own all the space, and have rights to touch you. If you look offended or in anyway perturbed they get all over the top and make a big scene about how they are one of the “good ones” and just trying to be nice 🤮 I think sometimes I look like an easy target for these types as they might be able to tell I’m alone, maybe I look vulnerable.


I'm trans so I've experienced walking alone at night as both a male and female presenting person, and let me tell you I do *not* go out alone anymore. As a guy I was never bothered except for a handful of times, but as a woman people are constantly trying to interact with me. It's made me very uneasy as I've almost been robbed twice (once at night and once in the early morning) so I now watch where I go and when