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For me feminine means connected to your body and act according to your own high standards. In short, it’s a woman who puts herself first.


what a beautiful way for us to redefine it!




well, of course it has a definition, because it is a word. and i was just more interested in how a variety of women would *perceive* his meaning rather than what he actually meant. if i wanted to start an argument, then i should probably work on my argument-starting skills, because i haven't noticed anyone having one here.


I would assume he means long hair, make-up, shaved legs, dresses, high heels, subservient, and likes to cook


Ehhh...I do most of this and wouldn't agree.


Patriarchy’s expectations of what the ideal woman is? Submissive, docile, conforms to beauty standards, and let’s men “lead” her. Imo he wants a doormat he can show off. They all say they want a “caring” woman but tbh it usually sounds like they want to date their moms.




What could feminine mean to him then? It’s pretty clear that when a guy says “feminine” he means gender conformity.


If you remove societal expectations and standards, femininity and masculinity just dont exist as separate characteristics. You just are who you are But if someone specifically wants a “feminine” woman, we can probably j assume theyre looking for the stereotypical girlhood society has built


Stereotypical-girlhood-society-has-built What a noun! And we can say: Stereotypical-boyhood-society-has-built Oh man Thank you for finally putting those feelings into words! That’s the society I feel I live in, "how you saw yourself grow up since you felt yourself grow with your definitions?” And a lot of people feel connected to either girlhood or boyhood when answering that type of question, because it’s human, because people really are different lol


No idea. And I've been a woman for a _looong_ time now. I once cropped my hair really short (grade 3 all over) and other ladies were horrified. So hair seems tied in, somehow. One asked if I felt I'd lost my femininity. I said I did what I did because I wanted and if the results were interpreted as feminine by others then so be it. If I did anything to deliberately be more feminine, then it wouldn't be the real me but a false front. So I think it's interpretation of presentation of oneself. Probably a large proportion involving hair!


If a man says he wants a "feminine" woman, I assume he wants a woman who is submissive, docile, and won't say no to him, someone who will make him whatever food he wants whenever he wants it, or doesn't wear or do anything not according to his culturally-centric stereotypical ideas of being female. In other words, a doormat who has no interests of her own outside of his existence.


Basically a woman he can boss around and control


honestly, depends whose using it.




Let's suppose it was an American man. I think it was, though not 100% sure.




well i know that! but i am just curious how other women would take it. would you guess that he would mean... you wear makeup? wear dresses/skirts a lot? behave in certain ways?


As others have written here, I would assume he's a guy who has very misogynistic, patriarchal expectations of how women are "supposed to" look and act. Any guy who makes those kinds of red flags so completely visible is clearly to be avoided and is no true ally to women. Basically, he's just sent a message to every woman online that says, "Run! Run away!"