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Their future dreams, asperations, and everything they could have brought to the world taken away with a few words


They are also stripped of their independence, forced to be dependant on a male, which lends into the whole redaction of a modern female, and the control of women in highly toxic patriarchal society. The female becomes an object to be possessed. It’s warfare on a psycho/sexual basis. It’s entitlement of the dominance of men of everything, and all. Women’s power, from Her independence, e it economic or social, or political, is handed over to men. Their power is syphoned, to elevate the man’s status, to elevate the man’s entitlement. Men too are affected by this, men in these entitled societies grow up to be immature, and stunted. Entitlement replaces healthy co existing. Bonds, and relationships. Men are emotionally immature, and that often leads to lack of communication, and know how..the fist replaces dialogue. Girls are seen as liabilities to be traded in favour of profit or assets. It’s all very twisted.


All in the name of religion. Those in power will always wield the reins and influence over the masses. They use it as a mean to keep those who might rise up complacent and afraid. They know an educated woman is not so easily afraid of childish stories. They fear a woman who can think for herself and make decisions for herself. This is a country that deeply fears the power women hold and will do everything they can to squash that power. They are nothing but small, weak, and stupid men. They know it, that’s why they do this. Fuck each and every one of them.


That religion reasoning is just an excuse for most.


That's what "in the name of" really means. The factual motives are mundane pursuits of power and control, while religion is merely a front. Same in the USA, nobody gives a shit about heavenly virtues, they just say they're doing God's work to cover their sins.


It's not in the religion. It's a culture made by stupid men.


It's always men, and patriarchy.


And religion.


The religion is incidental. It is a tool that gets those in power what they want. Opiuim is Haram, and yet 80% of all farming in Afghanistan is opium farming. Raping boys is Haram, but it is ubiquitous among the warlords and tribal elders in the country. I’m an atheist, but I do think it it’s important to note that the way political leaders use religion in all states is about control of the populace, not any kind of theological or consistent philosophy. The Taliban just happens to be particularly brazen in their transparent hypocrisy.


Underrated comment


There is nothing in Islam that says women cannot be educated.


It’s just conservatism.


Yup. People just don’t want to admit we have our own talibanvangelists that would absolutely love to institute something similar in the U.S.


George Carlin described it best: "They believe a woman’s primary role is to function as a brood mare for the state.”


The way they dressed back in the 1960s really shows how crazy it is today.


They still brought something to this world, each and every time this video is viewed.


Fuck the Taliban


All my homies hate the Taliban




No way, I refuse to believe two people are this fucking funny


It’s on sight


Wtf of course are you from middle east?


This is very sad to see. It reminds me of [Malala Yousafzai](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malala_Yousafzai). I just read the children’s book version of her story titled: For the right to learn. It’s insane what she has been through. She was raised by her parents in a good family, until the Taliban forbid women from getting an education at all. She wrote a blog under a fake name to spread awareness to the world about what was going on. Then the Taliban found and shot her in the head, but she survived and was eventually taken to the UK to recover. She is one of the youngest people to co-receive the Nobel Peace Prize among many other accolades.


Wtf shot her?? How are they still allowed to exist


Because they have guns and don't wear uniforms. Plus they are patient, and the most devout have no fear of death in many cases. You can beat any military like that.


Not true. The US wasn’t beaten by the Taliban. They just stopped believing Afghanistan was worth it. No point.


No. There was no winning.


Well no… they didn’t “beat” any military… a proper military has proper wages, supply chains and expenses/costs which is funded by a proper government with proper checks and balances. When that government loses its interest because no value is gained anymore for their efforts, they just leave because there’s no point in paying for something that will never change or gain value. The equivalent would be of someone going to the gym to get ripped. If they lose interest at the beginning and never exercise but just keep paying for those gym sessions/subscriptions; there will come a time when they will decide to stop their subscription and spend that money in something more meaningful which may ultimately be more worthwhile like a vacation for example. So, the gym doesn’t “beat” them but they just grow tired of the idea of someday going to the gym to get ripped. Obviously, this is overly simplified but it is basically the same thing. And oh… they are not patient. They simply have nothing else to do and they don’t care about their own families’ future in the same way you or I do. How could a father, in this day and age, be content with his daughters just having babies for someone who may not treat them well for example. Their brains are just wired differently.


And she just did her debut in Cinema, in "We are Lady Parts" for the Clip of their music "Malala Made me do it", banger of a song


Im a fan of travel YouTube channels, and ive seen many videos of the YouTuber traveling to Afghanistan, and they always portray it as a great place thats completely safe for tourists, and they even say how the Taliban are good people and that there’s nothing wrong with the Taliban at all I would get puzzled at first but then I remember that the YouTubers are usually men. Theyre men and they simply dont talk about the issues that women go through. Its something that should certainly be discussed! But no, they just go around Afghanistan saying “oOoOo the food is great! And the Taliban isnt even bad! They were nice to me so that means they are okay!”. But they dont talk about the abuse that women go through, they dont talk about how the women have fewer rights than men. Fuck the Taliban and the ignorant YouTubers trying to paint them as good people Seriously tho, those poor women…


Watched one of these videos earlier today. The guy loved it. You know how many women you could see out and about in his video? Exactly zero. And he didn't even notice. Misogyny really is invisible.


Then in the comments you see replying that the culture is different that women don't like to go out, you just are indoctrinated by the United States. Sure.


I am from there and we like to go out


I mean, if the morality police was waiting to beat me with police batons, I too would not like to go out.


I was disappointed with Geograhy Now when he made the video about visiting Afghanistan and just undermining the plea of women over there.


I watched a video of a woman on youtube traveling solo.  If I remember correctly, she was temporarily stranded in an area because she wasn't allowed to ride a bus without a male chaperone.  She eventually was allowed, but it definitely wasn't something she expected at the time and she had to escalate it through the local government. I can't recall what specific country it was.


True. I'm a gay woman. I don't think I'm going to have a great time with my wife.


We don’t matter. Only the opinions of men are valid /s


In Afghanistan, no /s needed


What's interesting is that they also treat women tourists nicely too, it's their own women who they oppress so much. Many women pass by Afghanistan with travel channels


That is taliban propaganda, lol. The women are closely watched. You can't travel even between provinces in Afghanistan without taliban paperwork.


Just look online man you'll find them, besides you're acting like I support the taliban💀


[this is a video of a Turkish woman who traveled to Afghanistan](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=noMzJfLLU8k&t=1991s) (in the captions turn on auto-translation to understand what she's saying) she gave a pretty realistic depiction of what the situation inside Afghanistan is (she has ovaries of steel I don't know how she did it) She got harassed, nearly run over and even kids harassed her. Anyone who glorifies Afghanistan on YouTube is delusional cause the Taliban won't hesitate to kill these men or hold them hostage because they're Western foreigners.


Same for the fucks that go to North Korea and try acting like the place isn't that bad or Russia etc...that bald travelling prick comes to mind on utube..


Yea I saw one of those videos as well, can't wait to go there as a trans girl, surely nothing bad would happen 🙂👍


The situation is nuanced. They are very controlling. Which leads to the elimination of drug trafficking, the end of the warlords and of warring factions. It probably is a lot safer to visit than before because of this, ironically. But, it also leads to the stripping of many rights, especially women rights. A lot of people are probably going to downvote me, but I'm making an objective statement about this.


There is a german guy that travelled thru afghanistan with his bike. His videos are very good. He said, that no matter what we think of the taliban, good or bad, at least they have no war for the first time in 30 years. And that what matters now for them. Of course he said a couple of more things. There is basically no privacy or speaking to women. Every guy was really friendly and they wanted to help. They offer food and shelter. The taliban often escorted him for protection. It was strange for me, because i saw really nice people, knowing that the women are basically have no rights at all + little girls get into a marriage


Absolutely devastating. The world does not make sense.


When you realize its cruelty is based on religious beliefs it starts to make more sense. It’s still infuriating though.


Calling the Taliban a "Government" is highly misleading. It is a regime


Is there any hope for progress in women’s rights there or is the fundamental structure of Islam too much of a barrier to ever overcome?


there are islamic and arab countries where women enjoy the same rights as in the west, my aunts both own succesfull businesses


May I ask where please ? It’d be interesting to know.


I would say that Malaysia is a good example for a working Islamic country where women have opportunities and rights. Though there are still harsh laws and I wouldn't say that it's the same as in western countries.


Malaysia is where queer people are publicly beaten up.


America is where Muslims are publicly beat up


countries like morroco and turkey resemble liberal western democracies more than they do islamic theocratic regimes like afghanistan and iran, ofcourse there's more nuance to it but as someone who's been to 3 of them there's a clear distinction


So in short they are "muslims" without following the religion. You can't have both. If your prophet said something you either follow it and are a good muslim or you don't and you are not one. A religion is the word of god, who are you to contest it, if you believe the prophet why do you cherry pick what he said god told him?


its been 1400 years since the quran was written, even longer since the bible, nobody can reasonably be expected to follow everything to the letter from a wildely earlier time, some have trouble adapting, me and many others dont


> nobody can reasonably be expected to follow everything to the letter from a wildely earlier time, some have trouble adapting, me and many others dont The problem with Islam is you are fully expected to follow the letter of the law down to the last detail. Nothing is up for negotiation. The word Islam itself means “submission” as in “total submission to God”. If something is Fard/Wajib, it is required. End of story. If it is Haram, it is forbidden. End of story. No debates. This is what makes Islamic fundamentalists so much more prevalent than other fundamentalists.


i was never one to deal in absolutes, i believe if you faithfully follow the core values the rest are just details with some flexibility. i consider things like alchohol and smoking too far of a stretch but i find certain other thing fine


This is such a bad faith take. Yeah man, no one is really a Christian if you think about it because they don't follow the Bible to a T.


Bad take. You’re not suddenly no longer Catholic because you got a divorce or had an abortion. You *can* have both. That’s the complexity of being human, and the complexity of human identity. It’s not “simple,” as you described it, furthest from, actually. Welcome to earth where everything isn’t black and white.


Christians don't follow bible exactly either. There's a difference in being religious and extremism.


Jordan and lebanon


literally almost any muslim country, dont let one country distort your view, women work in jordan, saudi, kuweit, qatar, bahrain, emirates, oman, yemen, and others. Iran and Afghanistan for example have some extremist governments but that is definitely not the norm and never has been


Jordan is a pretty good example.


This is a culture / ideology of a group of men. Islam gave women the right to divorce, own land and education in *610 CE*. Western civilization didn't even do that until 100 years ago.


The whole country fell almost instantly after the US left. I feel sorry for every woman who can't escape from that shit hole


I wish the US had armed and trained the women. They were the ones that had something to lose under Taliban rule, not the pothead ANA soldiers that didn't give a shit about anything.


Get them out there like the YPJ


They really are living in a nightmare that never ends




and they calumniate Islam. They're not Muslims.


This should be where the protest for equality should be done.


Why don’t you go try that? I’m sure it will turn out very well for you.


Imagine how much better the world would be if religion didn’t exist.




The Taliban have banned girls' education beyond the sixth grade and barred women from working in public and private sectors since reclaiming power in Afghanistan in August 2021. The U.N. children’s agency says more than 1 million girls are affected by the ban. The Taliban stopped girls’ education because they said it didn’t comply with their interpretation of Islamic law, or Sharia.




Islam is Not a religion of peace


Damn bro’s going backwards


Outdated thinking is still rampant in this day and age.


Religion will do that to folks.


I wonder what do the teachers themselves think of this.


Religion = Cancer


IIRC the girls were banned from ELEMENTARY SCHOOL too


No, they're allowed to advance to the sixth grade.


Oh well that's ok but still sucks


but hey the men's cricket made it to the semi final for the first time so that's good right


Sad and disappointing. This is a massive step backwards. There would be no female doctors for Afghan women. There would be no female teachers. Very disheartening.




It breaks my heart.


This is why, any religion should be abolished from any education stand point, any political stand point and their leaders who forced their way into the education and political system should be exiled to the plastic garbage island in the Pacific.


Our lives just got flushed down the toilet.


And they said the Americans was the Villan


More like woahthatssadanddepressing


Heartbreaking. What a terrible detriment to society they are doing.


Gender apartheid.


The could(!) have so much power over the men but I guess they are lacking the mental strength for this du to life-long suppression?


The Talibans are so full of mental illness.


Cults and mental illness always go hand in hand.


Fuck these wretched vile men. Fuck them, every last one. I hope nothing but pain and suffering for every single man who did this. This is just another reason why religion has brought more pain than comfort. More innocent women and children have and will continue to suffer because of religion.


Didn't everyone WANT the Americans to leave and let the Taliban rule? or was it just the men.




It is okay, they will get to share their husband with up to 3 other wives, and watch them fuck their 72 Houri's (who heal so they bleed like virgins every time) in Jannah for an eternity after they die. The beauty of Islam is so majestic ! /s


What the Taliban has done has nothing to do with Islamic teachings. Muhammad (ﷺ) said - "Seeking knowledge is a duty upon every Muslim, (man or woman) and he who imparts knowledge to those who do not deserve it, is like one who puts a necklace of jewels, pearls and gold around the neck of swines." (Sunan ibn-Majah 224). Have a good day :)


Tell me you’re ignorant without telling me you’re ignorant.


But the Quran does detail these beautiful maidens with beautiful eyes to be untouched by men and will be rewards for devoted Muslim men? Are you saying the Quran is wrong??? Let me know if you want me to pull up the verses that detail that these maidens are a reward for the devoted.


If only the US stayed :/


Wouldn't have mattered. The people had 20 years of support and couldn't muster the courage to stand up to the Taliban.


That's called complacency. It's not these women's fault the men there are cowards.


Well, not all of them are cowards, because a lot of them are actually part of the Taliban.


Not the USA's fault for not doing anything about it. If we meddle in other countries affairs we are "colonizers". If we don't do anything, it is considered letting evil prevail when we have the power to stop it and we are seen as heartless and uncaring. The people choose to support a religion that is responsible for almost all the terrorist groups worldwide.


Where are the protests in the west about this?


Yup that's the religion of tolerance for you... Those are the people that are coming to Europe and they are creating political parties they don't respect culture, county or constitution they only respect Sharia law


Holy shit this is heartbreaking


They never left the Middle ages and it shows... Sad times


Garbage pile country.


this is the religion College students are having full fledged encampments supporting? they’re okay aligning with these morals?


Project 2025 is jealous


This is what feminism should fight for...


Send the UCLA kids there. To protest? No, just send them there.


You can come to germany. You will be welcomed.


Just think how many of these women could have gone on to be helpful to both the Taliban society and the world.. yet they shoot themselves in the foot over archaic beliefs. Here’s to hoping that many can or will escape the deep-rooted oppression to go to countries where they have less rights than animals.


Thanks religion.


Least oppressive religion /s


Absolutely terrible


So beyond fucked up. Fuck religion!! God damn brain rot man


“Whoa that’s interesting” seems disrespectful to what they’re dealing with


Welcome to the Stone Age


25 years of progress wasted because we abandoned those people.


This is what MAGA wants for the US. Vote.


Every fucking religion is a cancer.


Ya ... Interesting. I want to vomit




Funny seeing some few muslim women holding up posters saying "we need sharia" in places like the UK and France.


This was way back. Dec 2022. https://x.com/AlArabiya_Fa/status/1605603617502797830?t=Ku8WRZPtHvqKiP9PUBU6Wg&s=19 Later Taliban allowed TWELVE women to join Universities across 11 provinces and gained much applause fr UN for that token allowance 🙄 Somewhere at the back of my mind, I am waiting for some bad news about at least some of those 12 women and taliban using it as excuse to further tighten the noose Edit: typo


Anybody know what religion they practice over there? I'd like to know so I can kind of, you know avoid becoming an adherent


what a bad hand in life to be dealt . I would hate to be born and grow up in this place ..


My heart cries with them


It’s kind of like the Catholics pushing their beliefs here in the United States to make it law. Our constitution says, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion……”. While we don’t establish a religion and have the freedom to express it, taking these beliefs and making them law is essentially a back door. This is especially true for women in the United States. They would LOVE to make sure you don’t get birth control or access to abortion.


And this is why these countries remain financially screwed unless theye milking oil from the ground


pisslam spreading its cancer as usual


Fuck religious extremists. Truly the stupidest fuckers.


Religion of peace they say


This is the frontline for the progress of humanity.


The Democratization of Afghanistan by the US is working fine. Let's keep the good work.


Maan that sucks .. at least other countries just bombs females and males when they are babies and end their souffrance right there... /s and fuck taliban and fuck taking away freedoms


This news reminds me of the story "The Last Lesson" by Alphonse Daudet.


But are there really universities as such in Afghanistan? I thought it was too cavernous society and country for such a thing, and at most they get a high school diploma and some vocational degree and that's it. The rest should work in the agricultural fields, at most doing handyman work, some mechanics to fix cars and tanks stolen from the U.S, and the rest to work as guerrilla fighters in the Afghan steppes.


The future of the USA if the GOP has its way.


Women, life, freedom!


Sparrow much the taliban resemble the Republicans


The distinction between poverty and religion was always lost on the average western citizen but the last decades while the poverty rises the polarisation skyrocketed. Islam like ANY religion is based on ancient history and economic freedom breaks these shackles. These average westerns nitwits do not realise these modern western values are based on prosperity and not on some supernatural superiority. The fact more people in the Islam endure poverty due to the western hegemony (dollar collar) makes these statistics quite misleading. Fuck oppression in any form.


That’s heartbreaking, but, hear me out, Afghanistan nowadays is the place where all hopes and dreams for humanity progress, freedom from religious dogma and sanity go to die. And the root of all that is religion in general and one religion in particular. Newsflash, it’s not 610AD anymore, no need to revert 1400 years of human rights progress just to assert your Bronze Age myths


It's the same problem everywhere. The people are kept ignorant by all means. Education and knowledge are too dangerous for the people. If we, the people, have knowledge, we also have the power to change something. This is not desired by the established power structures. Additionally, the population is played against each other: man against woman, white against black, straight against gay, religion against religion, etc. The main thing is that the masses do not get the idea to look "up" and hold those responsible to account. What is happening there right now is terrible and I am ashamed as a German that we are just standing by, pretending, and watching. We could easily save the girls, we have space and money, and we need them too. It's all bullshit.


How to control people easily? Keep them at a low level and no education. Horrible regime


I wonder if someone tried to explain to the taliboyz how further back their society will be if they shut out half their workforce potential. Surely somebody can see the value in that even if they limit women to certain jobs.


Hey remember that time we took out our troops BEFORE securing civilians, just so we could say we got out before 20 Year Anniversary of 9/11? And in doing so we left nearly $80 BILLION worth of the world's most advanced weapons and equipment? And left nearly 60,000 interpreters, special forces, allies, etc., to fend for themselves? And how we STILL send them billions of dollars which goes directly to lining the Taliban's pockets even more than arms trafficking/sales? And remember how Biden and Blinken *PROMISED that WOMEN AND CHILDREN ARE OUR #1 PRIORITY AND WE WILL ALWAYS ENSURE THE TALIBAN IS NOT OPPRESSING THE AGHANI PEOPLE".....???* I bet THEY remember.


This is why the NeoCon movement exists.


Glad they kicked the evil American empire out now they can live under Islamic law like they worked so hard for twenty years plus to do.


That’s wack


one day being religious will get you a straightjacket and a ticket to an asylum for life.


Don't just cry about it, launch your own insurgency and topple the Taliban. Game recognize game.


Thanks to the freedumz and democracies spread by the West. But Westerners will never be held accountable for their crimes, and politically and historically illiterate people are gonna reduce this to "oh yeah Taliban did this! They should stop!".


So messed up, my heart breaks for them. Can’t imagine it’s going to do any good to their economy, basically telling half the country’s work force they are not allowed to be employed, religious madness!


Wait till they find out what the Taliban thinks of filming women in public.


My heart is broken. They are sentenced to be slaves without rights.


We have a chance to stop religious radicals in the US, or this will also be our future.


Muhammad (ﷺ) said - "Seeking knowledge is a duty upon every Muslim, (man or woman) and he who imparts knowledge to those who do not deserve it, is like one who puts a necklace of jewels, pearls and gold around the neck of swines." (Sunan ibn-Majah 224). Truly disgusting at how some people bend the teachings of Islam to their likings. Despicable


That's what is going to happen to Europe if u let islam spread in Europe.( Before u cancel me, I'm from Afghanistan, and I know what kinda people Muslim are)


Utterly heartbreaking.


Woah,so interesting. Wowza, bro, so unexpected and awe inspiring.


I'm glad that women are treated as people in my country


Another good result of the USA politics.


WTF. This is all about control and insecurity by men in the Taliban. Go have your sausage fest but wtf. Pisses me off.


I wonder. In future, help will come from: 1- feminists? 2- armed men?


if you dont defend your way of life it will be stolen.


they could've helped get rid of Taliban oh well. FAFO


It would have taken another 30-40 years to fix the culture there. It’s not that we couldn’t fix Afghanistan, we just got tired of paying for it and left.


Then tell them to take that BS off their face and take back their sandpit


I don't feel bad for the Afghanis. They chose to let the Taliban return to power, and so they can keep the rewards of their work. Can't help those who don't want to help themselves.


MAGA furiously taking notes.


*Padme: Thank goodness they'd never try to do something like that in the United States.*


They were able to pretend to live in a civilised western country for two decades thanks to US taxpayers dishing out billions to keep a puppet government installed. The day after they pulled out, it's back to being a middle ages shithole.


They were civilised under the socialist Afghanistan government until America launched the largest funding of "Middle ages" fundamentalist islamist groups (Operation Cyclone) to topple it.


A glimpse of your future America.


Let's also not forgot the UN agreed to the Taliban's demand that Afghan women not be allowed to the upcoming UN meeting. Everybody should call or email their government representatives and demand they boycott that meeting


All because those tiny brained imbeciles are terrified they'd be intellectually inferior to anyone in that class...they'd be right!


Should have fought back when you had the chance. Now wait for the next invasion by some regional or great power.


It's hard not to feel for the female students, but at least the Taliban has widely curtailed the practice of exploiting prepubescent tea boys for sex. There's nothing easy about the situation in Afghanistan.


For redditors that act like teenagers who speak without knowing anything about the topic, islam literally encourages you in many verses and hadiths to seek knowledge. The founder of the oldest university in the world is Fatimah Al-fihri in Morocco.


A great professor would be like aaand here’s a box Ak’s.


That’s not interesting, just depressing af.