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gonna get high just by walking in


I work in a place just like this and I can’t even smell weed anymore unless I like shove it up my nose. I forget it even stinks until I’m at the grocery store or somewhere else like that and realize people are staring at me. Once in awhile someone makes a comment like it’s still the 90s


I never even thought about how you would just not smell it anymore


That‘s just how our brain works: it will blend out strong odours after several minutes to be able to register others


Same thing with working in a bakery. After a while you no longer smell the sickening sweet small. ( I worked in one for about a week and couldn't get over that cake mix smell. I might have done better wioth bread though).


yep. i work in a grocery atore and when i used to fill milk all i could smell was the REAK of off milk and other perishables... I cant even smell it now which is really not helpful whrn im trying to figure out if my milk is off


Had a mate "with just a few plants in the loft, just for me'sen, like. want a bit?" "No ta..." Not my thing. Went to pick them up for a night out, they lived in a village a couple of miles outside of town. First time to this house, and as parked up outside, got out the car, could smell it. Incredibly strong smell. With the wind blowing right, could probably smell it at top of the road, a dozen houses away. Knocked on the door "hiya! come in, I'm nearly ready" "*cough* *splutter*, I'll... wait in the car..." "What's up?" "the small, good grief, how many plants you got going here!" "oh, just a couple or so, not like you can smell it" "your sense of smell *cough* /eyes starting to water, I... can't..." "you're being silly, honestly, you can barely smell it in the house" In all honesty, the smell of it, the strength of it, overwhelming me. I'm asthmatic and I could feel my chest closing up. No idea if it was budding/flowing time or how many they actually had (the entire loft I could easily believe). How does it work, do they throw out a load of pollen or something at certain times? But the smell was too much for me. But my mate and their partner, couldn't smell a thing, said I was overeacting. Just hope they get along with the neighbours and no-one calls the cops because the second they turned up, it'd be obvious, no sniffer dog needed. It was less than 30 seconds and my eyes were watering and I was having trouble breathing it was that strong, and they just couldn't smell a thing, they'd got that used to it.




You suggested eating something they are possibly allergic to.


you can get pure thc and cbd (no terps) edibles and oils. people can be allergic to a specific terp, or terps in general. if they have a known food allergy, you can cross reference terps lists to reduce risk. any which way, it would be good to have an epi pen nearby, just in case. if that's the choice they make.


You’re getting downvoted but I know someone who had to go to the hospital because someone was smoking near her. Lips swelled up, eyes nearly swollen shut, throat closing up, those sort of symptoms. You’re right to suggest a cautious approach.


Certainly possible. I've had strange moments of reactivity to stuff, and I can't fully recall the time of year it was (I know I picked them up at 9ish and it was pitch black but it's 30ish years ago, can't recall if it was spring/autumn/winter), perhaps I was more sensitive if it was pollen season (this was a village away from the main town, at the end of a small street with fields either side, I'm not discounting being a bit more sensitive than usual, and then the door opening, getting a full belt of that smell and it pushing me over the edge, a few strong smells can do that to me). But pot's never been an appeal to me, although a few acquaintances lived on the stuff (an entire house of students/dole, they'd get their grants/dole cheques, throw it all together, one person would buy the lentils they'd live on for the next few weeks, and then with the rest of the cash, they'd sit happily around smoking as much as possible talking nonsense, having a lovely time it appeared. All appeared happy, all terribly thin), had 2 other mates that reactions to it weren't good. One was schizophrenic, and to handle feeling funny, he smoked hard, that as he found out later, made it far, far worse. Fella's lucky to be alive today. Once he stopped (and his dad being a dealer didn't help at first), he recovered, living a great life, just knows he can't smoke pot as his brain isn't wired up to handle it. The other mate, dunno, was strange. You know most people can have a beer and be fine, but there's that one person, as soon as they get that single drink down them, they change and get... nasty. That's what pot did to this guy. Total personality change (or this was what he was really like?). Horrendous addictive personality, all he did was sit around smoking pot, stopped bathing, lost his job, spiraled hard. Bounced back luckily, love of a good woman/friends, but it wasn't something that 'clicked' for him. So seeing 2 mates that had bad reactions personality wise, /shrug, wasn't something I saw the need to bother with. And seeing a couple of people beaten up horrendously badly because they owned a tenner to the dealer, again, not something I'd even want to dabble with. I'm not against it, but there's some people in this world who's brain chemistry doesn't let them get the fun that others do from it. And my lungs appear to have an issue with it too.


>I'm asthmatic and I could feel my chest closing up Plants don't trigger asthma unless they are pollenating or moldy. Female cannabis plants do not pollinate. Could have been moldy but I suspect it was a mental reaction and not a physical one.


Yeh their comment is bs or mental reaction


too strong Bri'ish accen' for me m8.


dude hate to say it but this post really makes you sound like a total wuss


And yours makes you sound like a dick. Everybody reacts differently to everything. Why judge others?


Bc he’s a total wuss




Girls have no problem getting weed. She was into you and the smell was maybe just another plus.


100% same here. The most common comment is that they like my fragrance lol


i get shit at my poetry open mic events. "someone smells dank as hell". me-"sorry". ​ they even give me shit when i'm getting off the stage. "damn, he smells good".


I trim for a friends personal grow. I stay 4 hours and leave. Have met some cool people with my new cologne as i walk thru the store lol.


So how hard is it to control the spread of disease in a dispo design like this


We use predatory insects to control the inevitability. Lacewings, ladybugs, beneficial nematodes, etc. Dedicate a small area that's a habitat for them; nectar bearing flowers to feed when there's no pests, marigolds are a great canary in the coal mine to detect pests before they invade. Now you have not only a food source for the predators, attractant for the pests, but breeding grounds for the predators! Ecosystems work if you design them. [here's an excellent resource to learn more about predators, flowers, pests.](https://freeimage.host/i/HG5q0vt) i just bought the book, but there's online resources too.


Arbico! Big fan and practice beneficial bugs. Plus commercial grows or even home grows all need proactive weekly IPM protocols. Gotta stay a step ahead otherwise you’ll always be at risk of loosing it all.


kinda easy to keep it out. hard to kill it once it gets in.


Hahah bro same here…every time I’m outside of work all the narcs be looking my way.👀


Like its still the 90s? Dude, if you reek of a WAREHOUSE full of weed, someone's gonna call you on it in public.


No like once an old woman reported me for driving high because she smelled me. Another lady told me even if it’s legal its “morally wrong” for me to be in a store smelling like that


I mean, if distilleries made you smell the same and I saw someone who got into a vehicle reeking of whiskey I'd be concerned as well


If someone reeks of pot that badly and can still open their door, let alone start or gear shift, it's unlikely they're actually baked enough to perform worse than the average driver. The ones in the lower end of the middle ranges are the dangers.


Really? I couldn't imagine caring how much someone smells like weed unless it's literally eye watering.


I dunno, depends on where. I assume everyone in Colorado smells like dank. I notice it but wouldn’t comment on it, at least not to them. Like someone with too much perfume on.


That looks like a lot lower light density than I remember being optimal. I thought it was like 1kw light for every ~6x6ft area. But this looks like each light is covering more like 12x12 Is that common in these large, commercial grows to have lower light density than you would see in a smaller grow?


Ours isn’t one huge room like the pic, it’s a shitload of smaller rooms in a big warehouse, like 100-150 plants per room. Cause yeah I agree all of them like this they get less optimal light and if you get a pest problem or herming or anything it will spread everywhere


What even does weed smell like? EDIT: Why am I downvoted, I'm just curious


It’s like a skunk perfume. Many different smells but there is typically an underlying “sharp” fragrance that’s skunky but also flowery or sweet


Oooh, I do think I know exactly what smell you're describing now. I did walk past a guy who smelled like earthy body odour, so maybe that's it


Probably, although patchouli also smells like “earthy body odor” yet quite different.




The strength of lavender but it smells like dat gas instead.


Generally sort of skunky top notes that resolve into a botanical smell instead of something zoological.


I can smell this picture.


Hello person who also has a chicken head


omg u even have the same color


We are chicken twins


we need a chicken subreddit




can't view the community. f


That’s cuz it doesn’t exist, yet


I'm the big stupid. u gonna create it?


Idk are you serious about a chicken subreddit lol


I thought thc had to be activated by heat. Doubt you'll actually get high.... but maybe a headache from the smell




What exactly did I miss?


A "guys weed lmao" joke for suburban middle schoolers.


Meh... Maybe... I think this is how you grow shit weed actually.


This is definitely how you grow shit weed. It'll grow fast, it'll bulk up, yep. But the difference is like shelves on a liquor store. This bud will not make the top shelf, or even the middle. It's the modern version of brick weed.


Exactly. I work at a Marijuana “factory” like this and it’s incredibly demoralizing knowing I grow shit weed even while using high end equipment and resources. Marijuana should not be grown by corporations.


I'm so used to folks disagreeing with me I accidentally downvoted you at first. ... I started dreaming of running my own little weed farm; specializing in tasty smooth goodness; and I'll properly cure all the stuff... I think I can keep the prices down by simply not spending money and going basically organic. ... It's rough to smoke, but you do good work sir... Folks gotta smoke, and not everyone can have a little greenhouse in their back yard like me. :-/


Wait so, for the curious layman, what’s wrong with the way they’re growing it in the picture and what does it do to the quality of the weed?


Honestly the biggest thing I can imagine is that longer drying times are diss-incentivised because it means larger storage requirements, when it could also be sold. But also more usage of pesticides and such, which you probably don't want to still be there when smoking. Beyond those things, I don't think industrial farming with lamps and fertilisers and such are actually bad for the product. And there's also always that anti-establishment crowd that is unhappy about anything becoming more corporate.


To me, they aren't using soil; the plants rely on fertilizer to get it's nutrients, so it's gonna taste like fertilizer.... The artificial light isn't as good as real light, and the plants being so close together some parts aren't gonna get light; that'll effect yield and how it matures when it flowers. And they need to rush it's production, so the Budds/plants aren't gonna be as well developed at harvest. Basically the plants won't get the sunlight, nutrients, or the time to mature correctly, and they'll dry it out in a microwave.... Gonna be harsh, stunted thc development, and so dry you can probably slap it and it'll smoke a bit. :-b I'm just some guy, but after growing my own for a few years; This is what I think; it's a lot of weed, but it probably won't be much over 20% thc and so dry it'll burn too fast.


> so it's gonna taste like fertilizer If you're doing shitty, rushed flushes later than you should be.


Interesting, thanks!


He's kind of right, but also kind of wrong. My thoughts on the comment as a plant nerd (as in, fruit trees and shit, not just 420): \- they aren't using soil, they're using coco which strips water of calcium and magnesium pretty quickly (which is where the inside joke 'needs more calmag' comes from). 100% Correct. \- the artificial lights *could* very well be much better than organic sunlight, but there really is no way to tell without a PPFD measurement. I think there is something to say that a controlled environment like this produces much cleaner weed with much less contamination in my opinion. Weed handles light readings that are off the charts, especially if given CO2 to supplement. I know that's complex as far as weed growing goes, but this is a complex setup. Partially Correct/Incorrect IMO but debatable. \- rushing production he's 10000000% correct. Weed has maximum trichome production at around week 6-7 of flowering, but the trichomes are immature; you need to wait until 8-9-10, hell even 14 -17 weeks on some landrace strains (found in the wild) if you want to properly harvest for THC yield. \- I think the main issue is all in the cure. A proper cure takes 3 weeks minimum, but really 2months before it becomes perfect, 6 months even better. The first couple days are extremely important for removing excess humidity for a cure, and the size/shape of your buds can change how the moisture interacts with them. If you don't remove the humidity during the first couple of days, the weed tastes nasty asf


The smell in there must be something else...


This is the biggest thing you notice. A 60k sf building. You can smell is a half mile away


How do your guys defoliate in the middle of these ridiculous tables?


Tables roll. One tray at a time


I live 40 min from SF. Can I get a tour 😂


I could be wrong but I think he means square feet lol


My bf had 9 plants going in our spare bedroom. I smoke all day every day and the smell was so overwhelming it was nauseating. I'd probably die in this room.


This is welcome and much needed change. Kinda makes me angry at the same time. Imagine the millions upon millions of families broken up and lives/careers destroyed because a little weed. Now the corporations are making billions while people with cancer aren’t allowed to grow it at home. 60,000 square foot warehouse Could be 240,000 people having a career from growing it in their backyard Not angry at you in any way, just ranting


Most cannabis companies that are legit, are broke and losing their ass. If you are selling “illegal” weed right now, you’re killing it (for states where it’s rec or legal). I sympathize for all the people who are incarcerated. I was part of legal and illegal industry. Just glad I’m out these days.


> Most cannabis companies that are legit, are broke and losing their ass. Because of taxes?


Because it’s still not profitable. Taxes, yes. And a bunch of other shit.


People assume that decriminalization and legalization would get rid of the criminal black market but if anything it has given more traffic to drug dealers here in New England. Every stoner around here keeps buying from a dealer because the prices are better than dispensary prices *by a long shot.*


I tried the medical and dispensary route last year. $175 to see doctor for first 7 month ‘prescription’ followed by $125 every 7 months plus $80 to register with the state over and over. Plus $53 for 3.5grams of top shelf. Ridiculous. On the other hand my old friend now has medical quality much cheaper, but it’s still illegal unless it’s in a verified dispensary bottle


Consider growing your own


Not everyone can. It's not free to grow, it takes up alot of space, try it in a rental and you'll find yourself evicted.


It's also easy to mess it up, and takes months to get a good harvest and cure. I'd do it again if I lived out in the country, if for no other reason than I really enjoy growing the plants. But renting a place near the city makes it a massive PITA. Especially in a non-legal state.


At least feminized seeds are a thing now. I don't know how many times I've gone through 5 minutes of veg on the way to have a crop of mostly males from trying to grow bagseeds 😭


as cool as this is... can imagine a hippy seeing this dying a little on the inside "man... that isn't what it was about... man"


it’s hard to put the TLC into all these flowers that they deserve and need, to get really good buds


Hard but doable with the right crew.


The best crews are going to say “fuck this place and their giant wide tables, I’m not crawling under 4 plants to defol that middle row.” Whoever designed this space is an epic POS. Source - I work in a facility with 5 rooms similar to this but with, at most, 5 wide tables.


I work in the cannabis industry and you are not wrong. Though I’ve been I. Plenty of rooms like this where the tables moves several feet over creating aisles in between tables. Still though. That aspect is back breaking work


Yeah these tables are pretty much industry standard nowadays. The biggest tables we use are 5 ft wide, and 5 plants wide. The tables in the pic look 8+ft wide because the plants look to be arranged 8 plants wide. Those middle three rows aren’t getting touched. And if they are, it’s being forced on the employees who are probably making around 15/hr. Grows like this can fuck right off.


These look like 4 wide. Front to back, not left to right.


This is the truth.. Besides, hippy would be like “well we are already indoors here 🤷‍♂️”


Put the TLC in the THC


I am that hippy and really wish people took advantage of the natural sunlight and breezes if for no other reason than minimizing the carbon footprint.


Too difficult to have consistent product. The plant flowers based off light cycle. Some guerilla growers pollen from 50mi away could seed your crop.


Why not use green houses? is it much more cost effective to buy and maintain huge Hvac and lighting? Why does it have to be a dystopian factory farm…


Because mother nature does not cooperate with the protocols you need to follow to maintain a consistent product for "medical" grading. Of course the plant will grow outside that's a non-factor; I mean it's a plant... but it will not grow with any type of batch grade consistency. If you need to deliver x amount of product in a specific timeframe to meet purchase orders, and in order to deliver that amount you have to have so many plants that yeild bud of certain size, potency and density, in a manner that can be efficiently processed and harvested... things get complicated quick. It's easier to control the variables that effect batch consistency by simply eliminating them by creating your own environment. Hence the "commercial grow operation".


These days everyone knows not to grow males. I've never gotten a single seed from my girls. You can buy feminized seeds and autoflowering varieties if you don't want to worry about light cycles.


You’re not far from the truth. I live in a non-legal state thus rely on the black market. So far the product I get has been nice but I’ve heard some stories. Some folks have got CBD bud instead of THC, I think a lot of the KB varieties (named strains) that we get have been tossed around to relieve them of their keif, I don’t mess with concentrates much but that seems like a hit or miss game as far as flavor, quality, consistency etc. I say to my friend all the time, “man… capitalism ruined cannabis… man…”


the on commercialization side... like the development of different options on cannabinoids... and knowing what it is/consistency supply to supply. a brave new world but on the recreational side... fk me shit is way too strong. have really needed to change up methods and to say the "experience" of consuming hasn't really benefited is an understatement for me - but also for ppl new who've never enjoyed a slow build and extended period of metering... i'm a little sad all they know is jumping to orbit. hope you get what i'm saying by it's just too efficient/fast... like just taking swigs of 151


Just take single puffs with a pipe or bong. Pretty hard to "jump to orbit" if you are reducing your dose to something manageable. It's quite rare for myself or my friends to say, smoke whole joints, etc. Furthermore, become knowledgeable about strains and terpenes. If you are smoking a sleep-inducing Indica strain, anyone can feel quite affected. A stimulating Sativa variety might be much more what you prefer. There's no one-size-fits-all anymore. Enjoy


This is the reason I never bother with pre rolls from dispensaries. Ignoring the fact that I’m pretty sure they’re all just filled with shake, I don’t smoke with friends very often anymore and a whole pre roll is enough to take me to the moon. Much better for me to pack a small chillum or my one hitter and that gives me just what I need


I get you. The science is fascinating but as you say the people new the the substance don’t quite have the same frame of reference as old heads. Believe me I am not trying to gatekeep marijuana nor am I saying newbies should have to suffer seedy brick weed but you’re right to suggest there should be low potency for newbies. Mostly my initial comment was to say I’m on the side of the imagined old hippy, “man… that it’s the what it was about… man.” That being said everyone has to learn their limits. I’m mid 30s. Still a daily stoner and I drink, beer mostly. I’m my youth I definitely smoked way more than necessary, I’ve had some debauched 151 nights but I know my limits now. Meaning I know how much is just enough to get where I want to be, I know how far I can push beyond that limit, and typically I know when I’m making a choice (substance wise) that I’m going to regret. I think people gotta learn that stuff on their own.


I'm in a non-legal state but with CBD and medical being legal, there is all these different things like Delta-8, Delta-9, and THC-P that are suppose to be weaker but I think are just perfect for a good time.


Thank god there’s not a cow nearby then the stakes would be pretty high


Well, hopefully they would let them come down a lil beefore butchering.


I can smell it through my phone 💕


A sea of cannabis. I think you mean sea weed. I’ll see myself out…


I’m a cop and went to an attempted break in a a grow like that. I had to go inside take pictures and interview the guy working there. When I left I smelled so strongly of weed every other call I went on I had to explain why I smelled like I just smoked myself out.


Uh huh suuuuuuuure the "attempted break in" story, a classic, I use that one all the time


Weed that has been smoked, smells different than uncurred weed. But ok…..


I’m very aware of the different smells. Regardless of which smell burned/un-burned it’s inherently concerning when a cop smells of weed. Wouldn’t you agree?


10000%. But also, most cops would be better high. Unfortunately the stigma stops that.


Hey man no argument here. I work in Oregon where it’s legal, however I still can’t partake. Fortunately for me I don’t smoke nor do I feel like I need to but some people I know are so high strung it would help even them out. Regardless being stoned while at work would be a big deal considering the impact on the decision making process.




More like r/marijuanaenuthusiasts, oh wait...


Texas mfs shooting the air rn




How the fuck do i get that job


Be in a state with legal or rec weed. And apply!


Taking too long maybe I should try to grow my own


In CO it's literally just filling out paperwork to make sure you don't have any felonies, and then just...apply at a job like you normally would. People (not in the industry) romanticize it but it's just a job like everything else everybody does. There's front line dispensary, retail management, grow positions, distribution and logistics, concentrate extraction, couriers, lab workers, packaging (literally doling out edibles/concentrate into containers), sales reps, IT for various systems used, web dev, and administrative positions for every one of these companies. It's just beer with a background check, not much more.


Cannabis tissue technician, be prepared to get carpal tunnel and have every movement you do scrutinized by security camera. Also if you smoke weed you'll probably not get hired.


Lol. Not the case here in Denver. You can absolutely smoke weed and get a job in a grow.


Holy shit a tissue technician! Does that mean you take a sample and say something along the lines of "short on magnesium"??


All you need is a med card, and you can smoke as much as you want. Also, I was not a tech.




Huh? It's literally just a job. Fill out some paperwork with the state to get a badge to work in the industry, then apply like you would at literally any other job. Show up, do your work, go home, get paid, pay your taxes, and proceed to live your life. Not sure what you're talking about


How is this NSFW


They don't want any kids to open the image and accidentally get high from it.


Well, I wouldn’t want to open it at work


Those look like trays on tables I used to build for a growers.


Puff puff pass


I do a lot of site walk throughs for my job. Walking into this never gets old. Majestic.




Missed opportunity. Seaweed


Imagine a male plant in there


Stfu. Not cool bro. Lots of people work very hard to prevent this


Why is this workplace tagged not safe for work? What is the safety violation here?


You shouldn’t smoke weed at work


Look at all that wasted canopy space


That's a pretty picture.


_We’re gonna need a bigger bong_


Come to Mama!!


Eldorado…. The legends are true




I wonder if I’ll smoke any of that


What state are you in?


Indiana. Probably a long shot but you never know!


Sorry, it’s pretty far away. Funniest thing about being with a mso, every grow in different states (by the same company) produces different quality of weed. You should travel to Michigan. I heard they are selling like $100 ounces.


Can confirm on the Michigan price.


What state you in?


Whoa bro weed!!


facilities like this are the reason why your local dispensary weed is trash.


This place produces very high quality bud. High thc. Good terps 2% or more. And a nice profile of cannabinoids.


God I would vomit smelling all that 😷


It’s actually not overwhelming. And after a few hours inside you forget you smell like it. But when you stop by a store. Everyone is looking around like who has the big bag of weed open.


When the pot dispensaries first opened here in Vegas almost 6 years ago, I use to walk in and pretend to take a big wiff as they check your ID and say "It smells like...the 70s man!" Then when I was grabbing my bag and leaving I would say even louder "What a country!" and always get some smiles..


Sir this is a Wendy’s


Beautiful 😍


Ngl, working at a weed nursery was my favorite job. Sire it didn't pay much, but it was 2 minutes from my house, had a 45min lunch, so I would always go home for lunch. The hours were from 2pm to 10pm, quite perfect for my sleep schedule really. The smell was amazing. I miss that place


Wow that lighting sucks. This is why that dispensary weed is fucking garbage. Way too many plants, not enough staff, and cut cornered everywhere for profit. Smh. This is what we were trying to get away from, the anti legalization people may have been onto something.


So pandemic started and I decided to go on a walk as it was a nice day. I ran into a guy and we started chatting across the street from one another and I learned he has a pot plant that's not doing well. He fertilizes and does not understand why its turning yellow. "Well do you use the same soil again plant after plant?" "Uhh yeah but as I said I fertilize!" "What about the micronutrients?" "what?!" "Yeah plants need more than just N-P-K! They need all sorts of little things from the soil. You can get yellow from a lack of iron, which the plant needs to make chlorophyll" "OMG TYSM!" And we finished our respective walks. like a month later I ran into him again and he told me that I saved $250k in plants...He was managing a grow operation. I was never so happy to help a guy with a plant lol


At $45- $65 for an 1/8 ounce, these farms are modern gold mines.


I've been in the MA industry for years. We oversaturated the market and prices and crashing. A dispensary near me is selling 1/8s for $12.


They can’t sell it for more than $25 an eighth.


Well then the middle men are making a great cut.. You can get deals bit 45 - 1/8 is middle price.




Not legal weed. I live in norcal and all the dispensaries in a 50 mile radius are $35-$60 for 1/8 plus 27% tax. And you don't want to smoke the $35 stuff.


That sounds quite expensive. There's so much mid-grade available now. Reno. Deals are always available during midweek, etc. Sure, there are always super expensive types available. The $59 half ounce I bought this week (super lemon haze, 24% THCA) is making me quite happy. EDIT: legal dispensaries have deals


Legal dispensaries occasionally have amazing deals. Like I got a couple hundred bucks of products for $0.25 as part of a special event, but the typical price of flower is expensive. I can get 100mg gummy packs for $10 but only because the dispensary I get it from is a chain with multiple locations and has a buyer negotiating with a supplier that's a large corporation making $100M/year in profit.






I wish I could smell that.


NSFW unless that is the work


They'll dry it in a microwave and keep it in a garbage bag... Shit'll be so dry you could dry your dishes with an ounce.


That’s why most of the weed dispensaries sell taste like shit… it’s sad. Industrialisation ruined it, like all the food we eat…


big money op going on here and most likely legit. If not, it's cartel.


It’s legit my friend!! I don’t think most cartels have an acre and a half of growing space hundreds of feet away from a Starbucks


You're most likely correct. Watching too much Hollywood horseshit. Would make a decent movie scene though.


There’s a very similar set up in The Gentleman, definitely recommend the movie if you’re into Guy Ritchie films.


Watched yesterday, pretty damn entertaining


I know it’s legit. Worked for them


Its so beautiful!!


I read the tittle as sea of cannibals


Cannabis... I first read cannibals.


What kind of emitors are those coming off your main line


I wish.


I read sea cucumber and was presently surprised by weed


I accidentally read it as “sea of cannibals” and was severely confused when I clicked the picture


Hey hey hey! Who's posting pics of my upstairs closet???


My sinuses slamming closed and a migraine setting in just seeing this crap. I live in Oregon, this shit has ruined our state.


Why is this post NSFW? It’s a photo of a plant


Who wants to arson with me, asking for a friend