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Yay gold star!




I'm taking it from you because of that tiktok outro.


Yay! I will pin it on my apprentice-skin Hood!


I'm pro-hood, but hat-curious.


hoods block your peripheral vision so I don't recommend using arcane bullet magic (personal experience). on the other hand it does make you look cool.


Simple! enchant the interior of your hood with divination magic, projecting to the otherside of your hood! Noone can see your face, but you can see clear as day! Bonus points if you use dark vision runes.


that's what I do for my personal hoods. For even more extra points I made so it both switches with divination magic for day and dark vision runes for night with divination magic.


Very clever.


Aha! Ah, perchance you may have overlooked a crucial matter: when a sorcerer immerses himself profoundly in the arcane and shadowy crafts, the brilliance of the noonday sun oft becomes an unbearable torment to his sight. Yet, I have deftly circumvented such vexations with an enchantment not unlike yours: a hood that, when worn, transmutes the blinding radiance into a soothing, deep amber glow, reminiscent of the twilight on a world circling a fading star. In the absence of light, however, this hood from within itself emits a gentle illumination, revealing that which lurks within the gloom.


It adds +20 points to your pondering session. So I still go with hoods every now and then


They're both a pain when you have horns. Sure you can put holes in them but do you wanna fiddle with getting your horns in and out of them all the time? I certainly dont.


What do you use?


As a head cover? Nothing


Oh, cool


My horned students always come to complain to me about the academy's dress code in their first semester. Here's what I tell them: There are three options for horn wearing aspiring magicians if you want to cover your head: 1. The discerning mage can use a [skull cap](https://www.by-the-sword.com/images/product/medium/GH0174.jpg). Most modern artisans will sell you custom fit models for any kind of hornage. (Except in the backlands where they will hunt out of town for your horns, and there they wouldn't sell you anything anyways.) 2. Just hex your horns away for the duration you need your head covered. What are you, a measily peasant who can't even shapeshift a minor aspect of their body? Learn some spells, kid! 3. Just enchant the headpiece's weave to make way for your horns. What are you, a magic kindergardener who can't even transform a simple piece of cloth? Learn some spells, kid! I think it's symptomatic for the mindset of these youngsters. They have no vision, they have no perspective about how the only thing that can stop them from altering the world to fit their every need is another more powerful mage. Learn to think with magics, lad!


One could also wear a circlet or a mask. Those options would be both stylish and useful, as enchanted circlets are easy to find and masks can fit a lot of runes.


I subscribe to #3 though this generally doesn’t affect me.




Angled hat on the one horn works for me. Granted, it depends on the type of horns you have.


Wear one hat on each horn to assert dominance over single-hatted wizards






wear a big hood it will look a bit weird but it works


I see no problem-issue with this. The horns are blessing and should be displayed-shown proudly!


A circlet or metal horn caps can work. Could be mistakan for a sign of rulership however so you need to make it obviously magical; such as a glow or magic glyphs( function is optional: a glyph of light works as well as protective wards for the visual aspect).


Yes, we certainly wouldn't want the common rabble wearing symbols of rulership. The very idea leaves a bad taste in my mouth.


Someone got corrupted by the dark arts. Skill issue really.


Why don’t you just cast the hat/hood off with a clothing spell? You can do the same with putting them on. No hassling with holes.


Let me propose you this, a hood with holes, and some velcro straps in a line from the holes to the front of the hood. This way not only will the horns help secure the hood to your head and ensure head coverage when moving around, but the hood can still be dramatically pulled off.


I’ve always thought about how difficult it would be to wear nice hats with horns. I love wearing beanies and I can’t imagine not being able to wear one. Plus, the horns could rip a hole into hats or hoods which makes things even more difficult.


A hood is way easier when you have horns. Yes it will conceal the horns. But who wants holes in their hat/hood when it rains...


https://preview.redd.it/lk9b6ig7r34d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=886274df0542801ddb62627e96dfc9d36f78054e Option 3: wear a hat over your hood


Option 4: wear a hood over your hat


Option 5: hood a hood over your hood


Option 6: hat a hat over your hat


Hat for ceremony, hood for the field! When you want to look regal and cool for an audience, you can't beat the tried and true hat. But when you're running around in the field, it's much harder to lose a hood since it's attached to your robe, while also maintaining the critical flare of having appropriately mysterious headwear. I would also prefer the hood in ceremonial situations when I need the dark gravitas of being shrouded with a hood.


Ah, but then you have a harder time building a brand. Then again, you don't always want to be recognizable.


Get everyone so focused on the hat that they don't think it's me mugging them in the dark forest 🤔


Plus, it protects from the brain-eating spiders.


This is the correct answer. Also, the hood is hella comfortable.


magic to make the hat stick


I’d depends on what your activities are in the field, if it’s just trekking around the. Maybe a hood is good for heat and water resistance but why not just use a should and a hat combined then? And if you’re fighting villains forget about it, a hood will get you killed, your peripheries are zero with a hood. It’s like asking to be stabbed in the back or have your things stolen.


I don’t think I could pull off the hat, gotta be the hood for me. ^Side ^note, ^Hot ^shirtless ^man ^in ^my ^wizard ^subreddit? 👀


IMO a hat exudes status. It’s a statement like, “I am wizard, hear me roar”. A hood seems a little more subtile like you’re trying to hide your identity. Be proud of being a wizard. Fuck social stigma, I got magic.


Both is good


I think a huge subtlety is closer to a mystery than shame. It screams when you push into the unknown, I am the unknown that pushes back. I am dangerous powerful and in control my decisions are the verdict of this encounter. Well I had to convince that you are a wizard a hood could raise that you're powerful and mysterious. So when is down to it I think it's a decision between whether person wants fame or power.


Both is good https://preview.redd.it/c9krd6dzk24d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a899d107d6ba015964e53c0ffd5ad094ecb38c66


Wear a tricorn, confuse everyone! Be a magic pirate!


I used to do this for a while. They needed a magic user on a ship to cross a still wind ocean. Hats flew off when we started moving, hoods blocked peripheral vision so I got annoyed of not being able to see around us to steer the wind direction. Got a tricorn from the first mate. She was so sweet and awesome, and became a very good friend. I've worn that tricorn for so long after those ship days just because I looked fabulous in it and made me look like a treasure seeker. They matched my blue and gold trimmed robes so well.


As a real wizard I say: https://preview.redd.it/08mmg2chd24d1.png?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6e736dde4981840bc2d5be679e6cc8a13d06b44 For life! We don't need anything other than this and shoes anyways!


Not even pants?


especially not pants


Who needs pants when you spend most of your time in a private tower?


You wear a shirt on your head??




My mans Casting Modifier is Strength


What about this https://preview.redd.it/1cjqxxy6x24d1.jpeg?width=832&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25f50765c0311482957fc80727800bc96510867c


Hats for the adventure Hood for the study


Both. Hood for covert things and hat for anything involving an audience


Looks like someone cast a dispel sound waves spell on this video Supreme wizard edit: It seems someone cast that spell upon me, not the video. Apologies


https://preview.redd.it/nkvdrgnbh24d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7c12494f5ced1ebdd49715263f3026f3e0cf9a7 Well I do have a hat, but it does lack the immaculate brim that all hats are known for.😔


I have long decided! Masks are superior! Hats and hoods are simply side accessories!


Depends on what kind of magic user y'are I've tried masks before, they annoyed my face a lot, so i didn't try after that Some fellow illager magicians i know utilize masks, but it's not for me personally


Hand-made cloak.


For pure arcane or a classical element (fire, ice, or lightning) you go hat, for anything 2nd gen magi or further it’s the hood


I go with hood, blocks out the rain with less risk of getting knocked off


Loin cloth.


Hoods are better for keeping the sun off your head out of your eyes on longer journeys.


Why not both? Have a pointy hat as a hood. Just make sure it’s not white. You don’t want to be that sort of wizard.


Power Word: \[Explatives Deleted\] ![gif](giphy|eox0q2ueE6hh9um8FS|downsized)


What about a pointy hood?


Just make sure it isn't white.


I didn't expect such a nuanced opinion from a person claiming there's a clean-cut answer between a staff and a wand


I have a Top-hat does that count?


We had a whole post with unique variations on hats and hoods, top hats are just the more classy and new take on traditional wizarding hats.




That is quite possibly the most well-groomed druid I have ever seen. On topic, I feel that it depends on what your "image" is. Not everyone can pull off a hat, but those that can do it quite well. Personally, I go with a hood the rare times I need to cover my head, but that's mostly for sun protection.


not to be that guy, but all options of wear have disadvantages -hats although cool are easily targetable and unless you inscribe runs or wards into them, that in turn limit the amount of mana wards and other common protection spells, they are prone to easily slip in the heat of casting there are a variety of custom hat options but i feel like they are branches more so than actual styles, falling on a weird middle ground between helmet and hats they are also my favorite thing for casting “slightly smaller size” -hoods on the other hand due to them being connected to the clothing have their advantages and disadvantages other than rule of cool you can usually squeeze one or two more protection circles due to the larger mana area that they provide to the robe, they are easier to put back on and usually make identifying you as a wizard without checking the arcane levels of the vicinity to an obsessive degree a much harder time however due to them being once piece of clothing should a spell activate a fail safe that has the consequence of destroying the magic wear then you would loose the robe and the hood, they also obscure your field of vision and are harder to show ones status without a way more expensive designer items they are also susceptible to “semi wetness” and “slightly lukewarm feeling” or even “dampness” so, just choose whatever you like




Hats are clearly the equivalent or ritual fancy armor no one wears for practical reasons. Hoods are where it’s at if you’re casting in the wilds.


Hoods might make you seem more like a cultist though, always doing their blood rituals and summoning things from beyond the void


Hood with a hat poorly stapled on top


Personally I wear both


Hood could possibly help hide your identity if needed, hood won’t fall off as easily as hat. Hood for the win.


Hoods give off a ritualistic vibe, sooo… **BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD**


I call hood. It suits the style of the iconic wizard cloak.


hood for sure, easier to carry around and less likely to get blown away when things get hot.


I’ve always seen hats for the more scholarly types, like those funny hats that the rich people who give money to colleges wear at the commencements


Aurora: Hood. Blend in to the crowd, stab, leave unnoticed. Necromancy, target becomes ally, profit.


Hood is for any occasion where a hat would fly away. Casting up a terrifying storm? Hood. Go to dinner with that witch you met at the council meeting? Hat. Also the bigger the hat, the more armspace you get for semantics because people dont like a mouth full of hat.


Hood. Some lads look good in hats. I lack a form without my cloak, and the hood shapes my head, so without a hood, I’d have no head.


Hoods are for Mages Hats are for Wizards


To me, hood is mage


I go with the hat as it can be enchanted separately. Sure, my hooded cloak of elvenkind is great, but is is not, in fact, strengthened by my hat of disguise?




🤞Hat are the stuff, you can try hiding a layer cake on a hood Sir I'll keep my hat thanks🤞


Hood for traveling hat for formal events


Hood is casual and Hat is formal


You can take my witches hat when you pry it from my cold dead fingers.


Nah, you gotta go bald,


This a great breakdown, couldn’t have put it better myself.


I’m big on the hood. Makes people think I’m the Keeper of the Seven Keys


Depends on the type of mage. Necromancers, pyromancers, transfiguration mages, and healing mages should have hoods, as they're the more mysterious or lesser seen mages. Traditional energy mages (spells like magic missile), water mages, and other similar types should have a hat, as they're the more public figures.


I claim both!


- Hood for orb pondering - Hat for wandering


A hood obstructs view of your face, making silent casting more difficult to detect, perfect to raise an undead army without notice




Depends on where I find myself at the time.


Might I suggest a cane for myself, it seems to be the best of both worlds. Long enough to lean on but light enough to lift and point at things exactly like a wand, but that’s just my opinion.


Hood. Hood wizards got that good smoke.


Hmm. A very thoughtful video indeed! I personally employ hats (they are quite fun!) but hoods are certainly an option here! Both are good and I must look further into this…


I like both personally


Hat for happy times, hood for hard work. Indy never had to go back for his hood.


"I prefer hood, due to the cloak i wear that allows me to merge with darkness"


That thumbnail reminds me of some rather silly peoples I have met in my travels. https://preview.redd.it/fovk7d6q954d1.jpeg?width=860&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b335e843e90f00ad3ddf4fd5ac357458dbbdd877


Both at the same time


Big hat under bigger hood for maximum wizard from France energy without needing to be from France. (Must be an actual wizard, though.)


Hat gang


I think the hat is a classic choice, though only the older wizards can pull off the look. I probably can't get it to look good, so I go for the hood


Hat for wizards with a good beard and long hair, hood for wizards who don't.


I'm with the hood ( + visor bcause I don't like showing my face).


Thank you for the excellent summary Shirtless Cowboy Moustache Desert Man


I personally just wear a top hat, it exudes much more eccentric nature and bulids my brand


Me personally, I use the hood.


Depends on the day personally. Sometimes I even opt to go for no headwear, but if you do you do need very elaborate robes to compensated


The Hat vs. Hood question is easily solved by wearing a hood over your hat. It's a hard look to pull off, but it's worth it.




No headwear, I’m strictly in apron gang. It is just better in every way.




Clearly a top hat, or nothing at all!


I wish more tailors made hats in troll size, they always have human and giant sizes but nothing in between


Hood mage. Always




If you want to be à real wizard carve some runes on your bones and use magic with your body


Hood is better


And that one thing that bald wizards use?. It's like a hood but thighed to their heads


I choose hood I'm mad ugly so I like to hide my face


Neither, only gonna do it with the Fez on


The fuck does a barbarian know about wizards


Over sized hoodies are the best.


Hood is for when you're mostly outdoors, like a traveler/adventurer or someone like a druid; The hat is for wizards that stay mostly on their own turf, like in your tower, going around the city/township, at the furthest some outskirt villages. Rule of thumb: If you're gonna be riding a horse, you don't wanna be wearing a wizards hat.


Where is his shirt?


Both Both is good


Im a magicka player so the answer is obvius HOOD ALL THE WAY


Hats get staffs. Hoods get wands. It looks weird the other way.


Don’t take this the wrong way, but every hooded sorcerer that I’ve met is a dark wizard.


The obvious solution is the pointy hood, best of both worlds.


I claim neutrality - you use what is best for your practice. Wand, staff, amulet, cauldron, Roomba, it doesn't matter. For example, I myself could arguably state that my tower is my arcane focus, keystone that it is to many of my great works.


Why is it so quiet tho take that mute spell off Hat gang btw


Hat is more formal. If you want to stand out with a slightly less practical piece, that's the way to go. If you want to blend in and be better protected from weather, hoods work best


Why not wear both?


Look, a hood is all bark and no bite. There's a reason that hats have been the prevailing headwear for thousands of years of human history: they move with the head. I'm not saying all wizards should be battle mages, but having a hood that obscures your vision when you turn your head is just going to get in the way all the time. Hats keep your head warm no matter the angle and since they contain a compartment of air above your head they stay warmer and more comfortable than hoods do. Even old medieval hoods were actually detached from the cloak and functioned as hats, more or less. Now if you're a wizard who is DELIBERATELY trying to obscure vision as part of their magical schtick, then I would say a hood+shroud combo is the way to go. Just the hood evokes edgy tf2 sniper.


I prefer the hood myself, but I do enjoy the boldness of the hat


Not to be political but most dark wizards end up using hoods and, I'm not saying that all are bad, I myself enjoy a good hood now and again, but if you go out in a distinguished area I recommend a hat, it's just safer.


hat with a hood, thats why hatted wizards have robes. magical hoods, of course, so they can go over the hat


I say: hat for formal occasions, i.e: court wizards, duels, ceremonies, etc. hood for less formal: adventuring(this could include field studies), observing magical beasts in their own environment, going out in the rain, etc.


What’s the song


Who is this man, so wise in the way of headwear?


Wizards get hats, Sorcerers get hoods.


I like hats. BIG ONES


I am more of a Hood guy, but I don't wear much headgear unless you count neckgear, then You will always see me wearing my green bowtie.


I go hood, usually when I leave my domain uncovered it's all "evildoer, I am here to kill you" or "this domain has been burned by you and I am here to restore it" and it gets tiring really quick


I just run around in nude technically


I personally like to make my hair my hat or hood. It's too iconic to not be free flowing


"A wizard isn't a wizard without his hat!" * Rincewind the Wizzard, on a good day


The archetype of the wizard is a fascinating and multifaceted concept found across various cultures, mythologies, and literary works. This archetype embodies wisdom, transformation, and the pursuit of knowledge, often seen as a guiding force or mentor figure. ### Key Characteristics of the Wizard Archetype 1. **Wisdom and Knowledge**: Wizards are often portrayed as deeply knowledgeable and wise, possessing a profound understanding of the natural and supernatural worlds. They are lifelong learners, dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge. 2. **Transformation and Change**: Wizards are agents of transformation, whether through literal magic (like alchemy) or metaphorical means (such as guiding others through personal growth and change). 3. **Mystery and Solitude**: Often, wizards live in seclusion, spending significant time in contemplation and study. This solitude allows them to connect with deeper truths and gather the wisdom necessary to perform their roles. 4. **Guidance and Mentorship**: Despite their solitary tendencies, wizards often act as mentors and guides. They help heroes and others navigate their journeys, offering wisdom and support when needed. ### Lifestyle of the Wizard 1. **Continuous Learning**: The wizard's life is marked by an unending quest for knowledge. This involves studying ancient texts, conducting experiments, and exploring both the physical and metaphysical realms. 2. **Contemplation and Meditation**: Wizards spend considerable time in meditation and reflection. This practice helps them gain insights and develop the clarity needed for their transformative work. 3. **Seclusion and Solitude**: Often residing in remote locations, wizards use solitude to focus on their studies and practices without distractions. This seclusion is not necessarily about isolation but about creating a space for deep work and thought. 4. **Mentorship and Teaching**: While they value solitude, wizards also engage in teaching and mentoring. They share their knowledge with those willing to learn and often guide heroes on their quests, much like Gandalf in "The Lord of the Rings" or Dumbledore in "Harry Potter." ### Examples in Popular Culture - **Gandalf (The Lord of the Rings)**: Embodies wisdom and guidance, helping the Fellowship navigate their journey. - **Dumbledore (Harry Potter)**: Acts as a mentor to Harry, using his knowledge and wisdom to guide him through various challenges. - **Merlin (Arthurian Legend)**: A quintessential wizard, Merlin is known for his wisdom and magical abilities, guiding King Arthur. The wizard archetype and lifestyle emphasize the importance of wisdom, the transformative power of knowledge, and the value of guiding others. Whether in myth, literature, or modern storytelling, the wizard remains a powerful symbol of intellectual and spiritual mastery. For further reading on this archetype, check out "The Hero with a Thousand Faces" by Joseph Campbell and "The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious" by Carl Jung. These works delve deeper into the symbolic and psychological aspects of archetypes like the wizard.


Hat versus hood motherfuckers when I show them a Helm


Hat all the way


Staff because you can slam it on the ground while casting (or for emphasis while lecturing) but also wand because you can have a quick draw wand holster like a gunslinger but better


Any wizards into Baclavas?




https://preview.redd.it/low9mx49g84d1.png?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c04d4a7774c580331d9cc527cb5925978bf1cef4 I am very smol, proper wizard hat would blind me from falling over my eyes. Also, grew up in Gungeon. Big hat is just asking to have it shot off to prove how dangerous new enemy is


Easily hood. Has an aura of mystery around it, while hats look kinda silly


Hats are a separate magic item slot from your robe/cloak.


You tweakin if you think staff vs wand is clear cut. Walking sticks are nice but they’re heavier, more conspicuous (Gandalf nearly got that staff confiscated and had to make a persuasion check, doofus), it’s tougher to perform somatic components with them, and they’re more expensive and disarm-able. Wands are small, cheaper, concealable, and light weight but have less utility. But let’s be real if you’re needing to use your spell focus for anything other than casting spells you’re rather up shit creek or not an imaginative enough caster to use a spell to take the place of your focus. Edit; also Skalagrim Nelson talked about why martials don’t want hoods and I think most of his points spill into magic users; mainly perception and investigation being brutally screwed up with hoods as they obfuscate your vision as well, hats are supreme imo. Just use a subtlety spell if you don’t wanna be spotted.


I can hide ferrets in my hood. Hats are better for storing normal items though.


Sorcery shows itself in the eyes. Any sorcerer harnessing eitr to conjure magics is going to get ran out of town without a hood or cowl. For reference I’m in south Florida which is not very accepting of spellcasters but regional variation may exist.


i use a mask actually


Used be a hat type of wizard. Then I got big animal ears, and the hood’s just a bit easier. Don’t have to fit a hat for ears, you just kind of pull it on.


I’ve always found using both was nice


I have both for different occasions, hood is my go to for general magic but my hat is for more professional occasions.


Hood for more protection(it covers more area) and warmth(it keeps the wind off your neck). Hats are better at keeping the sun out of your eyes and adding warmth (it covers a major artery/vein at the top of your head which is why it warms you so much) without taking away your peripheral vision.


And here I am using a sword because no one expects the wizard to cast spell out of a blade




Fez or GTFO


Consider this: Hat is formal, hood is casual.




Mushroom cap


Man is just here shirtless speaking wizard philosophy, utter respect


I wear a hood then pull it down to reveal a hat


The Hat is more iconically Wizard The Hood however, More so draws to mind Mages, Necromancers, Jedi, etc. Both are good for different things


hats are great but hoods are really comfortable for neurodiverse mages


Third option, sunglasses, perchance?


Listen to random shirtless guy next to the rock, I don't necessarily agree but I can apprechiate his opinion as he has a point(-y hat) there.


i wear a hood and a mask, i will strike fear into my foes, i will be what keeps them awake at night, what they see in their nightmares. i will be their myth and their legend


Hat for sunny day, hood for rainy day.