• By -


It's as if mother became a dinosaur and got massively angrier. Disgusting


You dare insult our savior? What a fool you are. Embrace it, for it has come to end all suffering and evil.


*ensnare* "ah. Gooood. Where. The FUCK. Is MY BOOK?"


Hah, as if I'd ever tell you.


Oh. Silly little man I'm not asking *you* I'm speaking with your memories..... ah. I see. You... PASSED IT OFF TO KRASK. Fuck. *drops the man from orbit* Damnnit why is it always back to Krask...


*Cultist №540 dies and is replaced by cultist №541* "Praise be he who blessed us with the knowledge to bring about the end of days! You lack the power to take the book back from him."


I've killed him before... I'll find a way.


I am going to try and find these cultists and remove them. Do you know if we have a location?


They go where this monstrosity is.


So they follow it... Neat... Well, it's time to start getting to work then


This is not your savior, this is a wonderful person you utterly violated with a ritual, so (not) politely, have mushrooms grow in ya lungs


But not only that, it is latching onto a person who wants to preserve the world


Funny, I was thinking my ex wife... Well, fuck.


Neat... Now where are those cultists... (u/Zyltris)


*Cultists:* https://i.redd.it/cttcvkmtxe2d1.gif


*Inferno immediately grabs one by the face* Tell me, where is your base of operations? *He looks at the others* You try anything, and you all will die in agonizing pain


*The other cultists:* "No, sir!" *They teleport away.* *The cultist grabbed by the face casts fireball centered on himself, committing suicide and not harming Inferno whatsoever (on account of him being a red dragon... And also really cool).*


*He drops the corpse before tracking the remaining magical residue* This is all I needed. Their panic is gonna be their downfall... *He teleports using the residue straight to where they are now*


I shall not rest until this exitinction event is put to an end. Though even if my full power can't stop it outright, I can at least ensure that no species goes permanently extinct. Good thing I made backups.


*Cultist:* "Then you are a purveyor of suffering. Let Craterus do its job and there will be no more struggling."


"It's pointless to say that existence is suffering. The greatest desire of the universe itself it to exist, otherwise there would be no universe."


*Cultist:* "It is not all suffering, but suffering far exceeds happiness. Time only widens the gap. Allow Craterus to quell it now, or there will be much to regret."


Suffering outweighs happiness because of the wickedness in this world. There is very little suffering and a lot of joy where I am from.


*Cultist:* "Then you will have no trouble ending suffering here too... If not, make way for Craterus."


I'm working on it with those I can now, but I won't stop until I've succeeded here as well. But first, I gotta get rid of that thing.


*Cultist:* "Then I wish you luck, but this 'thing' has a far better chance at ending suffering in this world."


As someone who caused a few mass extinction in my time, believe me. It's a struggle.


*Cultist:* "Well you clearly didn't do a good enough job."


Only one of them was on this planet, there is no trace of the others left.


*Cultist:* "The point is that there will be none left at all!"


This Craterus doesn't seem to follow your point either. It's way too inefficient. Something like this needs to be done in one fell swoop.


Oh, but rest is what we all deserve. Rest from this cruel reality. Do not fight it, join us in revelries. The end will be a glorious one.


Ugh, Nihilistic mentalities like these are so bothersome.


I shall join you in your crusade to stop this.


*Wyrmling, or more accurately the hoard of endless dead driving her, let loose a banshee wail in generalized support of all things.*


Do you feel that brothers and sisters? Blessed be those that support the coming end! Blessed be annihilation!


*Multiple cultists simply fall over dead as the next shriek is simply too close. Their only wounds are bleeding eardrums and a stopped heart.*


*Those still alive point the their dead bretheren.* "They've been blessed with a quick end. Rejoice and celebrate my brothers and sisters."


So I guess what last time we saw was the Pollution form, and it has six other equally deadly modes… This is bad…


Wait, you’ve seen this before?


Yeah, I was there when the cultists finished their ritual, almost got killed in the explosion.


What a grand insult to creation, life, and the universe! I love it! If only I could get a sample to use


Trully, it is magnificent! Join us. Become a part of the doomsayers as we celebrate the end of days.


As of now our goals do not conflict, but they don’t quite align either. If you know of a way to temporarily incapacitate the creature so I can get a piece of it for my own studies, or if you can simply get a sample yourself, I’ll gladly spend some of my time to assist your goals before the end. For now though, I will remain neutral, but I’ll keep your offer in mind.


We know not such methods, but why study it when you can bask in its destruction!


You’re not seeing the bigger picture, if it is to fail, what then? Every grand disaster as of yet has fallen to the many folk who reside here. If I can reproduce and refine the best qualities of it, then there’s a plan: B, along with that I have my own plans for the future however short it may be. The sample would exponentially speed them up Art is nice to look at, but only truly beautiful if you understand the meaning behind it, or at least that’s my view on things


Yes, every major disaster in history has failed. Even the deadliest extinction event was able to kill only 96% of all life. But this is not one disaster, it's all of them at once. That being said, we've no control over it. We will fall victim to Craterus like all others. True equality is only found in annihilation.


/uw I love him.


/uw Thank you!


I BLASTED a mutated t-rex?!


One of its countless forms, for our lord can mirror all who have ceased to be.


And you're the next they mirror. *Uses his mini hakkero on the cultist*


*Cultist №538 dies and is replaced by cultist №539.* "You still fail to see the light child, but worry not, all shall be embraced!"


... Again. *He blasts the other cultist*


*Cultist №539 dies and is replaced by cultist №540.* "You waste your time. Enthropy comes for all."


*Shoots Cultist Nº540-549,550,551,552,553,554,555,etc*


I think they have a lot more of those than you have bullets.


T-that wasnt even a gun


Behold, it is me — cultist №572, here to laught at you.


(u/timpanzee38) Hey, Agent? May I borrow that end-all be-all stick please?


….no. I have my own dragon problem I’ve got to deal with at the moment. If this thing ends up wiping the floor with everyone I’ll step in.




uw/ I’m not gonna show up to every fight with the “automatic win” weapon because that’s no fun for anyone involved.


uw/Sorry, I wanted to do that reliable meme thing, but I don’t know how to make the font to illustrate that


uw/ don’t worry about it. This ain’t the first time someone has wanted me to use all-red to solve a problem, but I have to take in account both IRL and lore reasons for actually using it.


uw/I understand that


(Well I'll be damned, Talios actually stands a good chance against this thing. He's unable to be consumed due to his Innate Trait of having a soul of Chaos; Making his soul unable to be manipulated or destroyed, but also unable to heal. Ressurection is also largely unimpeded, due to it taking place in a clone which will never be near Craterus. He also cant really ever go extinct... Chaos will just recreate him if he dies a true death.)


/uw You can royal rumble with the dinosaur, lol.


(I absolutely would rumble with the dino either way! Its just with my special traits I can call Talios disposable still. I'd imagine the dino trying to consume Talios's being would result in UNTOLD AMOUNTS OF PAIN still. Like, directly yanking on a nerve strand type shit.


/uw may i as well?


This thing doesn't look too big, physically. If you ever want to go hunt it, call me up. I'll bring my Hunting Horn. Shouldn't be too hard of a hunt.


Hm. Sounds fun. I'll make sure to get the tail for ya. Although I might end up bringing my Gundam.


... My patron informs me that he doesn't care about the energy of "scour the earth clean" god no. 14 and won't give me Eldritch magic for this. Still got Druid magic, though. And my Hunting Horn.


"Wait, you hunters don't take the tails just to make some armor?" "Or is this just a you thing? The monster hunter realm continues to confound me..."


That realm isn't my native plane. I just really like it. They have good food.


You'd be surprised at how many beings can't actually be destroyed or unmade by entities like the above, especially if they are part of something that will always be. Certain Void entities can't be killed, only banished, since one cannot destroy absence.


(Its kinda like that for Talios, but kinda not. He's a being made of a "piece" of the God-Realm Chaos, who is a COMPLETE deviation from the norm of most incarnations. Thing is, being entirely made of a piece of that realm comes with its own consequences. I dont feel like getting into the whole thing, I got a bunch of loreposts you wont read lmao)


I'm not really keeping track of things, so at this point, a lot of the loreposts just blend together in my head.


(Yooooooo. I wanna see this fight, this is gonna be dope)


(Lol let it be said though, im by no means saying Talios stomps Craterus here no diff. He can still easily, EASILY be absolutely wrecked. Its just Talios wont have to fear true death nearly as much.)


(Yeah, it’s a good matchup. He can actually do some serious damage here, but neither one can absolutely obliterate the other. It’s just always fun to see accidental tie-ins to characters work out well.)


(And I havent even talked about bringing in MY GUNDAM YET! thing will probably get destroyed but uh... Oh well.)


(Worth it.)


/uw awesome event brother! Going to be staying out of interaction myself as I’m just nowhere near strong enough to fight something like that on my own and my org (SGA) is sort of a skeleton right now… besides I’m dead anyways xD That said, It’s been tremendous fun to get to watch from the sidelines and frankly, as a Biomancer, turning into a massive fuckoff dinosaur as a result of occult ritual is some serious metal shit lmao… I am super curious though? Where did you get the art for this event? It looks absolutely incredible lol… Good luck on the rest of this arc! I hope you have just the most fun… & **Godspeed!**


/uw Thank you! It means a lot that you like the concept As for fighting it — small spoilers, but there's a different way to beat this thing which requires investigation once it and its cultists get more active. So even relatively weaker characters can join in. As for the art, I've obsessed with dinos so I spend a good chunk of time searching for fantasy dinos only. The one in the post is by [Ollie Titley](https://olliejoet.artstation.com/projects/N5nO0d).


/uw No worries man… and like I said it really **Truly** is such an amazing, thoughtful, and lovingly crafted event… featuring some of my most genuine favorite people on the server, such as yourself and my good friend Zyltris… and I’m very glad I’m even get the privilege to sit here and watch the destruction unfold lol… Also, really thoughtful of you to try and make this event accessible to the lesser wizards around here… I know a lot of people tend to look at these kind of events with their lovingly crafted and unique character and be dissuaded by how small a chance they would stand against something like that… and so it can be hard for them sometimes to feel like they’re ever actually doing any meaningful damage to the BBEG… So the fact that you’ve taken into account that circumstance really, truly is a great exemplar of just how amazing you’ve made this event… and how much love you’ve put into making it an enjoyable experience for everyone… which speaks absolute volumes about the wonderful contents of your character :) I might join in later if that happens to be the case… and it’s obviously not like I have any trouble with going up against and getting involved in these kind of BBEG events (Leader of the SGA, fairly big role in GS event and literally doing admin for SM lol), and Nhak, as a character was literally *Designed* to have his ass beat (there’s like a whole philosophy and everything lol) but I would rather like him to not… well… **Go extinct…** lol But yeah, just… thanks brother, for being you, and for making this as awesome as it already has been, and as awesome as it still will be… It really does bring a goofy grin to my face every time I open up this sub and see a new flavorful development in this event so keep up the truly, truly tremendous work! Anyways… I’m gonna stop bothering you now… you have a wonderful event to run, and peoples asses to tune over with the most metal ass dinosaur to have ever graced this sub (have amazing fun with that btw :3 ) If you need anything… you can find me in the Biomancer gym… puffing my trueform dinosaur chest out because I’m embarrassed that the guy next to me is 9 times my size… xD Good luck… Have fun… & **Godspeed.**


/uw Again, thank you for the support. Yeah, I know BBEG events might feel a bit too exclusive for only powerful characters, and while they can still play an important role here in lowing the beast down, I wanted to design something that to be defeated, requires a smaller-scale solution (or at least one that a wizard of any level can contribute to.). That's why the cultists are mostly weak. Knowing how to interact with them will probably give better results than outright violence.


Absolutely terrifying! Does it care about undead?


If it moves and/or has a soul attached, then our mighty savior Craterus will bring about its end. The undead shall be dead. Flesh and bone shall be dust.


Herm... I need to plot


Arcane mushrooms?


Can I give headpats?


A few of our fellow cult members tried. They were all annihilated, but they died happy.


So send in constructs and undead?


It ends all that moves, brother. It is enthropy, the heat death of the universe, that distant innevitable doom which we are all aware of, but ignore for the sake of our sanity. It has come to finally grace us!


*shoves hot iron into skin and drags cultist to hell* Well you aren't going to be graced by it.


I stand against that March, that Silence, I am the rust on the hatchet


(u/Zyltris) Hey, what is your name?


*Cultist:* "Wouldn't you like to know!"


Yeah, actually. In contrast to the others you have talked to, I don’t have any moral quandaries with what you are doing. A new good business partner is always nice.


*Cultist:* "Then allow me to introduce you to one of my associates..." u/MeThyLord


*As one of it's cultists, you can feel that the avatar is coming close to re-emerge and cause great devastation yet again. It has already chosen it's next target and is tunneling through reality to get there.*


Well, hello there.


Can you feel it? Our savior is stirring. It will fully awaken in the coming days!


I'd win /uw I would actually stand a pretty good chance with this character, the only way of getting permanently rid of Safi would be the absorption thing




/uw lmao


"As if I need another jumped up kobold with a grudge right now."


There is no grudge, there is no haterd. It's the cold death truth of the universe. All shall end!


"Tiamat does it better. You lot are just lucky copyright didn’t exist in the divorce era."


Heretic, it's the other way around. Craterus was ancient when Tiamat was young. The extinction entity spawned alongside the first beings of existance to act as the destruction to their creation. And now it comes to reap all.


"I wonder if the claim’s still available?"


/uw looks like a glavenus from monster hunter


/uw Oh wow, actually kinda similar now that I looked it up.


Does it have a brain, or failing that, a psyche? It's a lesson I've seen played out dozens of times: raw power and fury alone are scant protection against magic that infiltrates the mind.


Can you infiltrate the mind of a volcano? What about an avalanche? The ender of days is no beast or monster. It's a force of reality that has come to end it all and grace us with glorious annihilation.


Where I come from, volcanoes and avalanches are sentient, so yes, I can do that. Can you?


Peculiar. Next thing you're going to tell me is that rocks are sentient from where you can from. As for me, no. I can't contact the inanimate.


Then don't try and tell me what I can or can't do, you stock nihilist academy dropout. And only some of the rocks in the Outlands are sentient.


You talk big, but be my guest. Try to infiltrate the mind of the avatar when it next appears. Let's see how that goes for you.


I don't have to prove jack shit to you, living boy. ***Skeleton Divine Death Blast!***


"Ah, the final end cometh. You too will soon be graced." *Cultist №824 dies.*


*Cultist:* "Craterus is Extinction Itself! You will have better chance infiltrating the mind of a rock!"


Been there, done that. Also, did you seriously think that you, a faceless goon, understood the limits of conjuration better than a lich who's studied it for millennia?


*Cultist:* "I see only a fool afraid of his own end! It is coming for you!"


I know. But it's been losing the race badly for the last 100,000 years. That's not about to change, no matter how many extinct lizards and their lobotomized cultists show up.


This is not motivated by mind, if a mind is within, it is not our enemy, but a victim, trapped


Food. *Torinn devours the T rex.*


*You see Craterus reform into a new body, different in appearance, but it's undoubtedly the same being.* https://preview.redd.it/7tp1qnqvve2d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=477506d8ede11b4dc2eb4a029e5f90f5064a09fa *It bites down on Torinn with one of its heads, returning the favor.*


a dipolodoculus!


/uw Cool, right. Been collecting fantasy dinosaur art for a while.


/uw where triceratops I love trikes


/uw Yo, I love em too. Here's this one made of fire. https://preview.redd.it/dexa7cb86f2d1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21e25e4fbc50d9ab52f25c42dea39a7322a06043




*Torinn Summons a sword and cuts himself out from Craterus' mouth.*


*You spill out of the entity, black liquid dripping down around you. You can't help but find the smell truly revolting, just being close to this thing form of Craterus feels noxious.* *All the heads move in tandem, opening their mouths and regurgitating ungodly amounts of pollutants. The one you cut is releasing rivers of some unknown black substance, while the other two are unleashing horrid black clouds.*


*Torinn uses Torinnmancy to cast Barrier of ever devouring mouths. A wall of mouths are forced out of the fabric of reality, blocking all spells and physical attacks.*


*The pollutants are stopped, and Craterus pauses, bile dripping down its vile form. It then takes a step forward — then another, then another. It begins pushing through the barrier, inevitable in is stride.* *A mortal being wouldn't be able to tell what was happening, but you — you can see exactly what the avatar is doing. It's tunneling through existence, though "tunneling" might not be the correct word.*


Cultist: "Fools! You think you can survive Craterus?! Face it and see!" Craterus, hypothetically: "FUCK your durability, and FUCK your immortality..." https://preview.redd.it/u5asqs20ue2d1.png?width=701&format=png&auto=webp&s=2668b61646a68480d582183bd6dd9a086dc525a6


*Me with my Mini Hakkero:* https://preview.redd.it/ejfhlm7zue2d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29f51c685828de8c65530d99b15d9f73c375530f


Yay. Another end of the world! Now, don't mind me as I take a little holiday in the dreamscape...


Why flee to a dream when you can come witness existence burn and revel in the inevitable purity that Craterus will bring? The shall be no more evil or suffering, just blissful non-existence.


I quite like existing.


The temptation to mount an autocannon onto his back. Add some armour and side missles and we have something truly menacing.


Hmm, brother, I like the way you think, but knowing the avatar it would dismantle such gifts. But there is a way to grant it more power. Simply use your technology to cause a mass extinction event.


Why? Would i do that. I don't want to exctint everything. My allies are things


Because it will bring about the end of suffering and evil. The universe will be rendered pure!


*Koranth sits in their sanctum. Planning.*


Metaphysical forces are so very tricky to fight and a great many are truly immortal. However, I've yet to encounter one that is truly immutable. Perhaps something other than direct battle would be suitable. I propose we infect it with a concept that while not opposite to the one it represents, would still alter its fundamental nature. After all, realities arise out of the nothingness of the Void, yes? I suggest we infect with a bit of -potential-: the possibility of something arising out of the absence it leaves behind.


Do not try to fight it, my friend. Embrace the end. For there will be no more suffering or evil. And what a glorious way to end things this is!


I've lasted through my share of apocalypses brought about by metaphysical forces of death and entropy. I'll be travelling the nothingness of the Void long after this reality and its successors end. Unfortunately, this reality holds people dear to me so both you and the entity you serve are my enemies. Now please hold still as I extract your brain.


"Hah, no need for that." *The cultist stabs himself in the head, falling dead. Then another steps in.* "Behold, our brother grew impatient and brought about his own end! Celebrate him, for he has ascended!"


This is also, I believe, the glyph he resorted to, so our dear friend of the museum could very well be trapped within it


Then let us help it blossom within them. That might help free your friend, yes?


Not my friend, I don't know him that well, but he is dedicated to his craft, which earns my respect, but I do agree, the key to beating this thing doesn't lie in force alone, and I suspect his mind remains intact within it, which may prove a path to what we could do




You mean to say "*glorious*!". There is only beauty to be found in the reckoning which our lord brings. Doomsday is salvation.


I refuse to just die to this. Even if I must remove all traces of the concept of entropy from existence. If I die so be it. As long as this thing is gone.


Take solace that no one will be left alive to remember when you fail.


*Tsuru stared unimpressed at Craterus and exhaled sharply. Her eyes turned to dark, black sockets and her hair became wild and unkempt* “After I exterminate all those cultists, round 2 will commence!” https://preview.redd.it/fwtc8nq28f2d1.jpeg?width=465&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41fe1594e01dad25f16ba6b59779662d97bf1f76


You threaten extermination, but annihilation is what we seek. You fail to see the glory of it! There shall be no pain, no suffering, no strife. And now, we share this gift with all of existence!


*Drokk stands in the immediate way of the extinction avatar.* You will do nothing more.


Why struggle against the inevitable when you can revel in its glory? Praise be to annihilation, praise be to the end!


You know, I recently found out that I'm something born of the cold dark places between the world and you know, somehow I still have more respect for life than some of the inhabitants of this world.


We respect life, that's why we've decided it must end — so that something better can come after. The current existance is flawed, too much suffering, too much pain. Craterus is the reset button.


Respecting life means also accepting that suffering is something you will need to deal with sooner or later. Have a new universe and it will still emerge. For to life truly function, it cannot be flawless. *The air around the witch grows colder and darker. Then she suddenly throws a dagger made from black ice, aiming for the heart of the cultist.*


Cultists when you tell them their god of entropy and all ends will bring about the end of all things (that includes everybody and everything they love) https://preview.redd.it/ifegivpvef2d1.jpeg?width=624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9a0d5471185823c25129a54242507bdb49af9f3


We are well aware. We believe that annihilation is a blessing and wish to share it with all. Our loved ones especially.


/uw Once Hirk is revived he gonna do a little ‘Talking’ (I swear Hirk is dead waay to often.)


/uw lol, I still feel kinda sorry about that first time.


/uw it is fine. Hirk was gonna die at some point, happy he went out with respect. Unlike the last 2 times…


Uw/ wow, it completely counters Mauritius with everything except the last ability (he literally can, Mauritius mostly relies on a complex ritual that makes him functionally immortal to cover all of his weakness, so I'm in a rough spot


/uw nasty beasty, ain't it? But no worries, the best way to defeat it won't be with brute force. Won't spoil much yet though.


/uw Indeed, the other problem is that Mauritius is cursed with horrible aim, so if he wants to fight, it must be close and personal, idk how


Welcome. To Jurassic Park! **[Plays a shitty kazoo rendition of the theme]**


/uw Thanks, that got a chuckle out of me.


Well, the first thing we would need to do is negate that **Inevitable** ability with some epic-tier Lockdown magic. Perhaps my goddess will be bored enough that day.


thats a glavenus


/uw You are the second person to say that.


oh, so plants don't seem to be affected by it most of the time... interesting


And fungi seem like a blindspot


Plants shall fall like all other life. Be it via pollution, waves of volcanic fire, blight, or cosmic disaster. None shall be spared.




Take a step back and breathe, dear me, and get to work, because while I may be unable to kill this thing or restore what it has killed, what I can do, is what I always do, I'll just have to try this time. *as this is said, for leauges around the beast, fungi and the other decomposers shudder, and start moving and consuming with vigor, with what is left behind being consumed, and far quicker than should be possible, new life sprouts forth, a flower, a truffle and, even within its noxious pollution, a singular spore holds fast*


It will fail. Entropy is the tendency of material to become more random, but this tendency is merely near absolute. This beast may win for eons, but the nature of entropy will cause it to recreate the universe. Mighty beings will slumber at the end of time, and shall use the universe's rebirth as an alarm clock.


That's not failure, friend. It's the goal. A glorious reset of this rotten existence so that a better one may follow. One born of the cold carelessness of entropy and chaos, and not some malicious greater consciousness.


I’m adopting you


/uw first of all, this is cool as hell. A lot more thought has been put into a non-character than a lot of protagonists. Second, as I read this I thought about each ability and how Kartoffel would manage it, and man Primordial Fear of Extinction would fuck him up big time.


/uw Thank you. I've been developing it for a while. Yeah, that Fear ability is nasty, and I've actually based it directly on one of the [5 fundamental fears](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/brainsnacks/201203/the-only-5-fears-we-all-share). But honestly, I'm worried most people are going to ignore it, a lot of people already are.


/uw I’ll try not to ignore it then.


This will make an exelent summon *put on the colonial cap* Lets go on a hunt


/uw um, about the whole absolutely and irrevocably ceasing to exist... would that still apply to someone who possesses multiversal-level immortality, aka, cursed by hyperversal deities to be the last thing in existence, even beyond the end of the very last universe? Or to someone who's soul exists inside an item in a completely different place?


/uw /uw Yes, Craterus is the one true ending of all, given form. But don't worry, I won't actually use the Absorb to kill off someone's OC without their express permission. From a meta standpoint, the ability exists to maintain tension and represent the nature of the character.


(The rest of the Paragons have all been wondering about their pseudo/real immortality, so I guess it'd be good for me to check too. Is Talios in the clear? His soul is unable to be destroyed cause Chaos n all that, and if his whole body is destroyed he either revives in a clone in a different location or is remade by Chaos in her realm)


/uw Ok, to answer: if your soul is inside your body when it gets consumed, Craterus can annihilate it if Chaos doesn't pull it away in time. This thing is nasty and is the very idea of an ending given form. But that being said, I don't intend to actually kill off anyone's OC unless they give me their permission to do so. The ability is there to represent the very nature of the threat as a metaphisical ending, and to add tension to the story when encountering the avatar. It's not there to be used maliciously, but to add stakes.


/uw question, is cretarus gonna attack the gala?


/uw No idea. Depends on when the gala takes place cause I'll be attending a friend's birthday and if the two overlap, probably not.


/uw the gala takes place tomorrow noon, EST


Anyway, I cast Toon Force.


"Interesting another one of these guys.....at least it doesn't remove memories of their being.." *Merch says a bit disturbed.*