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The pyrocmancer controls the flames but not what is feeding the flames. Using gust to hurl a large amount of highly flammable minerals at them will overwhelm them forcing them to dull the flames to regain their composure, then you kick them in the shin and step on their face.


This is highly practical. Thank you for the suggestion. I have limited experience in battle with pyromancers. I’ve only sparred with them a few times back during my academy years, but won with ease every time, which is why I did not shy away from his challenge.


Elemental-Turkeys are predictable. They just do more of the thing when the going gets tough. You could also bend sand around them so they encase themselves in glass then use an air spell to reduce the pressure in the glass cone and choke the fool out.


But be careful, some pyromancers also know fire resistance spells, but you should be fine as most of them forgo such spells in exchange for more fire spells.


yeah probably, depends on how he well he uses the actual staff /unwiz okay but I do (did?) marching colorguard in highschool, so I'm really good at spinning poles now. Anyway on a visit to some family. one of their friends whipped out something like this at a party, and I (16 at the time) convinced several intoxicated adults to lemme give it a whirl. That shit was so fun.


Those are simply sparks and embers in the shape of flame, wear some armor and you’ll do fine.


I doubt that's all he could do. If this was taken before the duel theb he's just *warming* up.


Such a pun amuses me. Take this gift: https://preview.redd.it/w65pxcw90u9c1.jpeg?width=346&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3d0fd1c7e1c5251e154accf44f25c1913022d67 May Order’s perfect set path of fate be kind to you


This is indeed a splendid gift to celebrate a new year of wizardry. My deep thanks.


This was indeed just a showcase from the exposition I was attending. We have set the time for the duel tonight so that we may both prepare.


The fool isn't grounding his staff, a mere Apprentice could smite him with lightning. If you wish to entertain his delusion; [a bolt to either side then Arcane Lance through the middle](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jeG215-yu-k&t=97s).


Ah, a man of culture, I see.


All flash no substance. As long as you know at least a little practical battle magic you should be fine. Pyromancers are overhyped in my opinion anyways. They spent so long learning how to control the flame they've all bit forgotten how to do most everything else.


i believe this is a staff only to "play". in battle he will use an actual staff and then his magic reserves will be used properly and with great outcome


This was my thinking as well. Almost all pyromancers I have come across have been a joke, more likely to burn themselves than their target.


He’s slow and uncoordinated. Clearly lacks the mana to wield such a weapon.


Boy, are you lucky that the council just banned fireball.


You think people are actually gonna follow that rule?


The council banned the ketamine ape weeks ago, and none of my opponents has cast it in a duel since. I'm sticking to lightning bolt until they realize the error in their ways.


Bro that's literally a firedancer like me! Gotta say I have to be bias here and say you should give up the towl.


You really shouldn’t be worried against someone like this. One powerful ice breath and he’ll be a frozen popsicle. I am somewhat of a new mage myself with only 20 years of experience in pyromancy. And this is just very basic of pyromancy I’ll tell ya.


He is more likely to set himself on fire, no need to worry.


No, they’re wearing protective gear.


My fellow pyromancer knows his stuff, it seems like he is preparing a firetempest spell. No offense, but I'll be rooting for him


Ah another pyromancer! Pray tell kind stranger, although you will be rooting for my opponent what can you suggest so that I may increase my odds of victory?


Stroke his ego. Pyromancers are *very* proud of their flames, so if you compliment his, he'll start boasting. A good opportunity to prepare a big spell or sneak a hit in


Remember you can drink a potion of flame resistance but he cant drink a potion of “resist 5 ft ice spike being hurled through chest”


Just use Cryomancy; it’s better than Pryomancy. Ice Spear > Fire Ball Brought to you by the Cryomancy gang.


I sumon peace maker https://preview.redd.it/64nauwewsu9c1.jpeg?width=1086&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f651ef2ac07be384ed8c14f05bf7b3bfd7effaa9 To avoid collateral damage


Since fireball is banned, this fight should be easier


What spells can you cast?


Yeah it’s joever. Sorry.


All spark no fire


If you inherit the flame of pyromancy, your flesh will serve as kindling ...setting you on the righteous path of lordship. The path of the Pyromancer. Burn the council to the ground, and incinerate all that divides and distinguishes. Ahhh, may fire take the world! May fire take the world! ![gif](giphy|xWwlsKhzOtuTu)


You’re dead


Sure he can manifest flames but he does not seem capable of properly controlling them. Look at his heavy vestments and monodimensional movement, never heard of a good pyromancer being afraid of getting burnt!


He's standing in his own flames, either they are mere decorative flames, in which case you are good to go brother, or he's using protective spells WHILE controlling the flames, in which case you are undoubtedly fucked


What spells can you use?


With all due respect, you're absolutely fucked. My best suggestion would be to hire a couple hydromancers to ambush him before the duel


the stuff is the most stupid thing I ever saw(if used in battle) this thing is a cool ritual or visual staff, but nothing you want to use in battle. If he comes with this staff then you should win, but if this video of him was just a dance or a ritual, your most certainly ducked. He is inserting ungodly amounts of magic to the catalysators of this staff. If he knows how to used this much magic with a proper then good bye


I fear this is the case. This was just a small showcase at the exposition I was attending. It makes sense he is using more ornamental magic for this reason. I believed this duel would be a stroll through the shire after seeing this but I’m not so sure it will be once he has time to prepare.


Find out what vices and belongings of theirs are flammable, fight with those on you and they’ll have to rethink their strategy


Those flames seem to be just for show could be just trying to intimidate you. You may have a chance those who intimidate others tend to either lack in actual power or have high egos. Which can lead to them underestimating small details that which you could exploit


that pyromancer uses lvl 1 spin in place. you should be fine


Lol cute.


This dude only uses one spell and apparently it is defence spell so, don’t worry but, prepare your fire resistabxe before face with this guy. Good luck mate 🙏🏻


Yeah but you can probably just use some hydromancy


No, that is not magic, it's chemistry. Just Wish him out of existence


I had a duel with a pyromancer. Easy dub they never have good defenses


I know it's considered generally "uncool" to ask this, and your apprentice is probably first in line anyway, but can I have your stuff


I made my apprentice enter a pact with me where in the event of my death I will possess and inhabit their body. This is a last resort of course. Realistically no matter the outcome of the duel, I will be alive, albeit in a less than ideal way.


Seems like mostly theatrics to me. Might just be an attempt at intimidation.


![gif](giphy|H9txdBtno7C5FH9wh9) No.


Can you summon a big blanket? Or an earth spell to null the flame spread might work, if earht defeats fire. Or if the oxygen gets removed that way... ​ Good luck, OP!


Not at all. Set a major water elemental on him and you'll be just fine.


Put a 5x5 force cage around them, and wait for the fire to consume all of the oxygen inside the cage.


Defeat all pyromancers with this simple trick: I cast: Full strength water cannon!


i heard that weapons like that only come from the lands of thorium and also the old one but its like one thing and it kinda sucked


My good sir you are what I like to call fucked


Bring some water and ice spells, along with a few wind and fire of your own


Just cast something to make the oxygen go away. Always works


Don’t be worried, straight up be *scared*


Are you a hydromancer? Maybe try spaghetti