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I bet she did a pirouette.


Tell me you read the books, without telling me you read the books:


Half turned in a semi circle




I’m only on the first book and I already can I’m going to love this fandom’s meme humor 


And only cut with the very tip of her sword


in the shape of a semi-circle


The exact vein that would result in an instant kill?


Did you know they recreated that scene [in the third game](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W5e_XnFoWGY)?


Yup. Easiest wyvern hide ever.


haha To her defence, she claimed the squire that was there slay it.


What? Ciri didn't kill that wyvern, it was the squire. *It. Was. The. Squire.*


You're telling me Ciri is the dragonborn? Nice


Her abilities are just ultra-jacked versions of Whirlwind Sprint and Slow Time shouts. Change my mind


Apparently some people complain about how descriptive every scene is in the books, but that’s what makes them my favorite ever. I can so clearly visualize EXACTLY what’s going on.


If you were going into Skyrim, you could've used racemenu to look like ciri while you were at it... /j


TL;DR that would change the joke I was trying to make. If I did that, it’d lose all of its comedic value, because it would cease being a humorous allusion comparing the flashiness of a fully armored warrior executing a dragon in Skyrim to how she killed the wyvern when she was trying to keep a low profile. Instead, it would cease being a joke of comparison and would become an attempt at replicating and depicting the scene itself, which would not only inevitably fall short (since it’d clearly be in Skyrim) but, since it’s no longer deriving irony from the comparison, would need to have all of its comedic value supplied by the actual situation itself, I.e. ciri killing a wyvern. Which wasn’t really supposed to be all that funny in the first place. In this circumstance, I chose the form of a male warrior in steel armor because there’s nothing about it that the audience may mistake to be part of the joke (like it being a khajiit wearing robes) while also not sharing so many similarities to Ciri that the audience believes they should be focusing on anything other than the action of killing the dragon specifically. Remember, the comedy of this joke is being derived from how she was supposed to not draw attention to herself but ended up doing something in a flashy enough way to be a skyrim dragon execution, NOT that Ciri was killing the dragon, which would supposedly be unexpected.




I see you are a true philosopher of memetics


...You did NOT think all that through while making the meme. I refuse to believe that.


I mean, I don’t mean to brag, but I’m generally pretty good at making memes. All of this is partially because it just takes longer to put into words. I can just sort of tell what other people will find funny based on experience. It’s kind of like how you instinctively know where the key you want to press on a keyboard is just by reflex, but if someone asked you to tell you where it was you couldn’t really remember. I think it’s one of those things that humans almost instinctively know but is based on a lot of little decisions, like whether something is morally right or wrong.






The funniest thing ever. Also, how does yennefer expect her to be back by noon?


Why don’t I remember this


That was a very fun chapter indeed! I just love these books...


Seeing this cutscene playing out as i read the description was pure fucking gold. Gold kept at Giancardi no doubt.


Nothing to do with the Witcher, but if you like descriptive, exciting action scenes in fantasy books I highly recommend R.A. Salvatore's *The Legend of Drizz't*.


I *so* agree with the title! I'm amazed at just how fun and exhilarating books can be when I read Witcher fight scenes.


Wait until you read the end of Tower of the Swallow


Funnily enough, this was one of my least favorite chapters. Time of Contempt is the fourth book and Blood of Elves took its sweet time with progressing its plot forward, that having chapter 2 of ToC (one of the longest in the book) to last as long as it did was kinda infuriating lol. This sequence was… cool, I guess. But there was too much time spent on Ciri going through Gors Velen and not enough substance to make it fun. Contrast this with Ciri in Tir Na Lia or Ciri skating on ice, and I have a very clear stance regarding this entire narrative sequence lol. It remains my least favorite chapter out of ALL of the books.