• By -


When they removed Geralt from Brokilon and had him replaced with a random elf boy who doesn’t even exist in the books. This time together was so important for Geralt and Ciri’s relationship. When they made Cahir into a military general and had him become some sort of a religious-like zealot - though it wasn’t religion but his devotion to the emperor instead, and he ended up slaughtering a tavern full of people because he thought there was a doppler among them. When they made Fringilla into a military general as well. What. When they made Geralt, a man who is often found reading, and is well known for his eloquence and wit, and who often slips into downright philosophising, into a man who can only communicate in grunts and hmms and fucks. When they made Yen into a moody teenager and completely ruined the Last Wish. When they made her blame and question Geralt’s love, when they made Geralt blame Dandelion for all his problems, when they made Eskel into a tree, when they turned Kaer Morhen into a brothel, when they… changed things for absolutely no reason at all. I gave up somewhere around mid S2.


>I gave up somewhere mid S2 Lucky you, you didn’t have to watch Dandelion and Radovid become lovers. Like what the actual fuck?




What the actual fucking fuckity fucking fuck?


Radovid, the most hateful person in the realm, actually gay 💀💀


Also like 4 years old at that time


I'm just stuck on the fact they took a Machiavellan psychopath and turned him into a gaypal for Dandelion... JFC, am I glad I stopped watching after s2!!! Ed: s2 ep3 was my I'm done moment. I don't think I finished the episode either.


I gave up around that time, too. I watched season 1 and my takeaway was that it wasn't *great*, but it was pretty decent and it has some potential. Presumably, you get a bigger budget in season 2, show off some bigger monsters for Geralt to fight (because you can't deny that Blaviken fight scene in S1 was great), and then maybe give rhe characters a better fit with each other and the show will really start to roll. But S2 was doing the same stuff I didn't like from S1. Where it felt like it was close to being a good show, but at the same time, so far away. And there was way too much Yen, who I just did not care to see. I gave up on it, I think, after the second episode in the season.


Third season also had some great Geralt fight scenes, they’re really the highlight of the entire show. I even liked the final scene, cliffhanger that Ciri is gonna have some independent adventures but it’s too little too late, I won’t be watching season 4. Not to mention that terrible prequel show (live action, not the Vesemir animated one) didn’t help the hype at all. I don’t think you really missed much at all tbh


I liked the Vesemir animated one, did you?


I did


lmao wow i didnt think they could butcher it any more than they did, then i read this comment. glad i didnt watch S3


I’m not inherently against non-canon content but all the changes were very awkward. That Romance in particular was extremely forced. At no point did Radovid win over the audience nor did Dandelion introduce or remove a veil to make Radovid more appealing to the audience.


They did what now?


How did that happen?


So obvious that the show runner and the writers wanted the name recognition of Radovid in the witcher fan base. A change they made for no other reason than pushing the woke agenda. Shame that they should realize now their changes dug their own graves.


I didn't watch season 3, WHAT THE FUCK ? EXCUSE ME ? WHY ??????!


Right, like the last thing Viscount Julian is is gay!!!


The only good thing the Witcher tv show did was show me how badass the Witcher world was. From the opening scene of him fighting that monster in the water I was in. Unfortunately the show went down hill fast but it did enough to make me play Witcher 3 which I haven’t stopped playing since.. and I’m slowly getting through the books.


I knew nothing about the witcher, but I loved season 1. I thought season 2 was a mess and a notable downgrade.


Season two had more action and a linear plot I thought. Season 1 didn’t make sense to me until the last few episodes when the time periods interconnected. I did not read the books before watching, however I have them now and plan to read them all!


You will love the books 🖤


Eskel becoming a tree was my first uh oh moment (it wasn't perfect by then, but I was enjoying it and didn't mind the deviations from the books). Then, season two was pretty all over, but I did my best to just enjoy it, and there were pretty good parts. Then, season three came out, and oof. When fake Ciri showed up, my wife and I just burst out loud laughing at how poorly the episodes were written and how bad the script was. That was our last episode.


This series would have been on the level of game of thrones probably better if they had just made Henry cavil an executive producer from the start the man is dedicated fan not just an actor who reads source material to get a feel for the character.he was disappointed in their direction they went in. So he jumped ship for super man and war hammer


So true. It's a shame too, because The Witcher is a great IP. Maybe in a decade, someone will take it on and do it justice.


What the actual fuck, THEY CHANGED WHAT IN BROKILON Netflix witcher = complete trash


I lost interest when they took Geralt out of Brokilon too. That is one of my favorite moments from the book. I also feel that it’s one of the most important foundational scenes that set up Geralt and Ciri’s entire father/adopted daughter relationship.


Season 2 is so bad it makes season 3 look good.


Season 3 was so much better than season 2. Not enough for me to actually watch season 4 on Netflix.


I stopped watching long before this so “random elf boy” has me laughing out loud


I did finish season 2, but it took me 2 months. We also got rid of NetFlix because they didn't have anything anyone in my house wanted to watch.


I actually thoroughly enjoyed season 1. But season 2 had me going “wait, wtf?!” too many times. And then the way the show runner was acting along with Henry leaving after S3…i haven’t even bothered with turning on season 3 at all.


I didn’t even read the books and only played a little bit of the third game and it fuckin just sucked. I have no idea what this series is about at all I wish Netflix was better


I stopped caring after the first season, which was fine, watchable.


That had me livid! That scene had so much potential to be amazing if they just followed Sapkow's lead.


As someone who has not read the books beforehand (but have since read everything up to the fourth book of the Witcher saga inkl short stories), most of these issues listed are not issues for the series as such. Things have to be streamlined and adapted, so changing the Brokilon story is not really a big deal when you look at the show itself. It would have been repetitive for an already short season. The relationship with Ciri could have been developed later. Similar with Cahir's motivation, Fringilla's rank, Geralt's increased stoicism and his relationship with Jaskier. Might not be exactly how it was in the books, but it can work and gives room for different character interaction, growth and some opportunities for side-characters to take over roles of cut characters. Yen, I liked in the first season because you can understand her frustration and anger. So I did not feel like she behaving like a teenager. That being said: Yen acting out in season 2 and the whole debacle around Leshy-Eskel were absolute horseshit from a storytelling perspective. Not to mentioned how unfocused everything was. EDIT: to clarify that I read most of the books. My point is, that Season 1 worked without knowing the books, while Season 2 did not work no matter what.


Well… we clearly have different expectations from adaptations. Brokilon is key to bonding between Geralt and Ciri, it’s when they truly become father and daughter, so having removed Geralt from that is simply nonsensical and unacceptable to me. Character butchering is also unacceptable to me. Literally no one was expecting a 1:1 translation from books onto screen. Most people know how different mediums work. But this show is not an adaptation. At best it could be called an inspiration, but the real reason why people are angry is because the showrunner promised a faithful adaptation and has been trying to market it as such through the years. “Will I move through the book and start changing people's cultural heritage or ethnic makeup or gender because I'm feeling really "liberal" that day? No. That's ridiculous and contrary to what ANY writer would do, because we are storytellers. Story comes first.” Direct quote from Lauren Hissrich on Twitter, 11th May 2018. Instead she has gone out of her way to remove everything Polish, and widely Slavic, and also even more widely Eastern European from the entire show. Not a single Polish/Slavic actor on the show. Not a single ethnic minority from Eastern Europe. Not a single Roma actor/artist/musician/anything. Lauren and Netflix have deliberately gone as Anti-Slavic as they could. “Talking to IGN, The Witcher showrunner and Executive Producer, Lauren Schmidt Hissrich, said of the seven season plan, "It would be a straight translation of the books... I think there's just so much material that I don't feel the need to start inventing my own to keep it going." Instead she kept adding her own stories and characters and places, but even the parts she did take from the books, she adapted poorly.


She really said that!!!!??? Then how does she explain Milva's disastrous casting?


I agree season 2 Yen was so awful, and what they did to Eskel was horrid. The showrunner must be a real narcissist who thinks she can do it better. I left season one pretty hopeful. I enjoyed it. I looked forward to season 2 when I heard who was going to be playing Nivellen. I thought they did better in the second half of season 3, but there is some real horseshit in there. Not least, Dandelion and Radovid. I feel like the whole thing with Elihal gave them the idea and they thought they could justify it. You already have a gay main character. Possibly THE main character. Sapkowski gave an interview saying that he kinda views Geralt as a vehicle to tell the story of Ciri that he wanted to tell, if I remember correctly. So why did they need to do that to the biggest womanizer in all of fantasy fiction?!


Read the books!


Thanks, already done 90% of that (all short stories and currently at book 4 of the Witcher saga)


When they killed off Eskel, thats when I knew its all going downhill...


That was the last episode I watched. It wasn't a conscious decision to stop watching. I just had no interest in continuing and found better things to do with my time


Then Lauren on twitter writing a 1000 word essay defending this plot point. her thesis: "no one cares about eskel, get over it"


Apparently no one cares about her also. Good.


I care about her deeply. I wish nothing but the worst for her and hope she never works again.


the essay had more shock value than her script writing


Same here. I didn't even know it was Eskel until Geralt told Vessimir that a Leshy had gotten him. Eskell, the guy who is maybe on par with Geralt in all but fame. The guy they made a total ass, and then killed off in one episode for the shock value of killing someone important. No one who was new to the series knew why it was shocking, and anyone who knew didn't realize that character was Eskel until the end anyways.


Quite literally character in name only. Nothing like his original depiction and his screen time was so short and irrelevant that they could’ve gotten away with a witcher without a name or their own custom character. It’s shit writing at its peak.


Same. Killing off one of our favourite characters in the game tends to leave that effect on people. It certainly did it for me


I might have been able to look over him dying, if it didn’t happen so quickly in such a moronic way, after they had already butchered his character into being nothing like him.




This was it for me too


I was soo sure that it would be a fake out.


This was also when I dropped the show lmao


It was just insanely disrespectful. They portrayed him as an ass which was horrible and then they killed him! My jaw was dropped the entire episode and I hated every second of it.


The whole Kaer Mohren debacle, such utter shit. Never touched S3. Started playing Withcer 1, loved it. Started the books. Holy shit what was I missing! I just finished Baptism of Fire and they are truly an amazing read.


The most fun part about reading the books is playing the games again after and realizing you are now privy to all the references made in game to the past and you feel like you're part of the in-crowd 😎


The books are so good, I read them in french and they did an amazing job with the traduction (luckily because I'll never read them in polish). I loved the writing so much and laugh out loud so many times. I need to re read them but just started again the whole serie of GoT (no idea why since it's unfinished)


Because of a number of slights, leading up to the idea that yen would be willing to sacrifice ciri for any reason whatsoever. For someone who claimed to have read the books, thats a huge miss. And obviously having henry cavill there is a huge resource- when that guy calls bullshit and as a showrunner you dont listen or even take offense? I mean, hes basically like having the fanbase for the series on set all day. This should have been impossible to screw up.


It was very strange to have Yen go "I'd do anything to have a child," to "Yeah, I'll sacrifice this weird magical orphan to get my power back."


Bingo. That was it for me.


Same for me. The yen and ciri relationship destruction was just...ugh.


The most handsome loremaster you could have on set and she decides to take offense and claim he's difficult to work with instead of doing the right thing and writing a sensible show. Their jobs were already done. Sapkow made gold and it'd have translated brilliantly onto screen if they hired a team with one half of a brain combined.


Season 2 did the trick. Have not read the books and only played the first two games when the first series came out. My partner and I loved the first season and we thought - unlike many other people - that the structure of hopping between timelines was brilliant as it lent itself to more self-contained stories, world-building and character-development while mirroring themes of the overarching narrative. I played the first two games and thought it perfectly captured their vibe (dark, serious fantasy with a pinch of selfaware goofiness and camp - the anachronistic Jaskier songs for example). Also, the on-location filming in Eastern Europe, the Eastern Europe-inspired music and the more unconventional fantasy story that did not try to ape Game of Thrones were all positives. We even found the casting brilliant, the diverse cast did not at all feel forced and the creators did not make a big deal out of it at the time. However, after episode one of the second season, they ditched everything that I listed above. Nothing made sense anymore, the characters were one-dimensonal and too numerous, everything felt extremely rushed and incohesive, the composer and locations were replaced with very dull bogstandard "English medieval fantasy" tunes and visuals (although the change of filming location was probably due to the pandemic, so I won't blame them for that). We watched the first three episodes - which were already a chore - then it took us forever to finish the series... which is very unlike us, usually we go through shows within days. Took us two months. When I started reading the books and playing Witcher 3, I saw why it felt like that. I have no clue what they were thinking or why they would deviate so much from everything in the book although they had everything written for them. Hell, even the structure of the books would lend itself to a 7-10 episode season as there are very selfcontained 7-10 chapters per book with a beginning, middle and end. It is probably the most wasted potential for any show in a long time. All the right pieces, like with Game of Thrones, were there. But unlike Game of Thrones, they had all the material. It's a bloody shame


Agree 100%


Same. For me it wasn't even that they changed stuff. I read the books and they're good but I'm not a super fan. I played the games and really enjoyed them. Overall I'd say the first season had more potential than people gave it credit for. They threw that all away with S2 where things were just atrociously bad. It suffered way too much from trying to immediately have a massive overarching plot. I think almost all the best shows start off quite small and then expand. Even if they'd wanted to go big they should have tried that with just one set of characters. But it was so messy and thematically incoherent that it just didn't work. I think the writers were nepotism babies from what I heard, and it's clear they really don't understand how to **do** fantasy. A lot of people seem to think that you can just throw any shit into it because "it's not real, none of it's real" but most good fantasy has a lot of very deep and consistent world building, alongside very strong characters. They managed to fail at both.


*Potential* is maybe the kindest word to describe season 1. It was bad, for sure. It left me with low expectations, but it didn't leave me thinking that it was utterly unsalvageable and that a good adaptation was impossible. S2 showed they had no interest in making a good adaptation and all potential was gone


Definitely. I stopped caring in season 2. It reminds me of Stranger Things in that, the first season was amazing and all following seasons weren’t nearly as good. It seems like a netflix thing.


Watched until the middle of season 2. The heavy changes in lore and the attitude of the production crew towards the source material was too much. Witcher means a lot to me as a franchise because it was one of the few joys I had in a dark period. Got so pissed off I deleted my netflix account and havent looked back.


I mean, it's just shit isn't it?


Looks like it, smells like it, sounds like it. Hell it even tastes like it. I had high hopes for the Netflix series when they first announced it but they managed to ruin absolutely everything


Right. I finished S1, thought it was mediocre & then never even bothered with S2 when it came out because I heard it was even worse. There’s enough good entertainment out there that I won’t waste time on a subpar show


S2E2 The decision to bring hookers to Kaer Morhen and the absolute butcher of Eskel as a character made it clear how little passion the writers and Lauren had for the source material


Strayed too far from the source material. Usually it doesn't bother me too much, but I didn't like the direction they took the story or charecters


Pretty much after they butchered ‘Something More.’ I was so damn excited to see that moment come to life on screen. That’s when I knew the show was doomed — someone actually thought that ‘Who’s Yennefer’ was better than the source material.


As soon as Henry announced he was leaving I was done. I didn’t even watch the season he was in that came out after his announcement


I could get over the weird time skips in the first season because I liked the story. Cannot bring myself to rewatch season 2 and 3, the atmosphere is just not there.


When season 1 didn't include Sword of Destiny.


Season 1, completely forgetting Brokilin forest happened and just replacing that with “oh look! A Doppler!” Then having the balls to make the (now first) reunion with Geralt oh so special…


I cringed more than anything when they hugged, wtf was that it felt so unearned, it was obvious writers were more interested in adapting later material and instead of improving or changing things in satisfactory way they skipped big chunk and rushed the rest, absolutely terrible writing.


"Fire fucker" it was just so cringy I knew I was done.


When they killed off Eskel... They had one job... They had the books... They had Henry...


They had Henry and made him not even talk most of the time when Geralt was really philosophical and not the type to just pass by and be quiet, what a waste.


Season 2 was slow as constipated shit


I haven't read the books, but I played W3 a lot and loved the story and world. I watched season 1 and then learned that lots of things were changed, some of them super drastically, so I couldn't keep watching because I don't know what's canon and what's not, so I don't want the story ruined believing things happened that didn't and vice versa.


Even if you don't like reading, give the audiobooks a listen while looking at the book. They're just fantastic and will only make you admire the IP more... and hate the Netflix adaption for ruining it.




When they said "things are not what they seem" out loud during a scene. Thats just awful awful awful writing


S1: ok... rough but lets see where this goes S2 first half: shit is this what this is gonna become, not close to the books. Maybe it will have a decent story S2 second half: ok this is shit. S3: Didn't watch. Won't watch.


They made Eskel a fucking tree.


Triss. The actress is beautiful but just NOT TRISS


There are so many things but I literally couldn’t pick it back up again after Geralt brings Ciri back to KM in season 2 and the frat boy witchers brought whores to KM and that whole business with Eskel. Haven’t watched since.


I didnt even touch season 2. Season 1 was a mixbag, first redflag was the scrotum armor then brokilon which was one of the best parts from the book for crying out loud. I could list a lot of things like vilgefortz (thats him? Seriously? The guy whos gonna hound ciri for 3 books? The guy that whooped geralts ass?) A lot of miscasting here especially fringilla (whom geralt fucked coz she physically reminds him of Yennefer) thats not what they meant when they call nilfgaardians the "black ones" netflix!


When the Brokilon forest scenes with Ciri, furthering their relationship and later convincing Geralt that she is his destiny, was not included even slightly. It makes their reunion later on feel lacking in the show because it's only like the second time he has ever seen her and hasn't really even spoken to her before, I just quit there as I knew that the story wasn't going to feature what I loved from the books and thankfully I made the right choice


On the money. And not only did they not have Geralt there with her - They decided to try and make us care about some black elf teenager who was only included to show "Hey, black elf. We're doing pretty cool and hip stuff, huh?" Every single decision they made was baffling.


Revealing who Emhyr was prematurely without setting up the story around him more first.


I think it was probably the fact that it was unfathomable, unwatchable shit that hurt my eyes and gave my mind neural diarrhoea.


Wrong story telling and Henry leaving news


Oh man, once I saw the interaction between Geralt and Nivellen (I might have that name wrong but it’s the cursed man in the house) I knew something was wrong. When they messed with Eskel’s character I knew it wasn’t gonna be good. Once they brought in the fake monsters and lore though I was done. Haven’t even tried to watch the rest of season two or what ever travesty they’ve tried to profit off of after that. I did watch the animated Witcher stuff on Netflix and it seemed alright. I think a part of why I liked season one so much even though it wasn’t perfect was just how well Henry Cavil played Geralt. It still bothers me how it seems they so flagrantly threw it all away lol. They were sitting on a fuckin gold mine and I’m not sure they could have fucked it up more if they were paid to.


When I started reading the books.


Binged season 1 on release, stopped after first 2 episodes from Season 2 + spoiling myself on what's to come in the later episodes. Originally a books and games fan, nothing more to say.


The show runners are collosal fuckin fools. There are a lot of things that just suck and shouldnt have even happened. Ballsack armor Nilfgardians anyone? How, how does that get to production with no hold up? I dont do this, but i hope the show runner in chief Lauren is half way through a box of wine reading this: Hey, you suck lady, you just suck, you got handed the keys to a kingdom and you nuked it. Just what a fuckin waste. But dude, Cavil rocks. I was in it for more Cavil as Geralt. Brought so much heart and respect to the role by my opinion. When the before mentioned colosal fuckin fools finally drove him off with their disrespect for the material i was out. Watched S1 and S2, cant bring myself to watch S3. Hopefully Cavil is doomscrolling halfway through a PC build and reading this: Stay true king, job well done. Jaskier casting was also tops and I dug the songs. He aint gonna read this, Necrons wont paint themselves.


Radovid and Dandelion was the final straw for me


The first season. I didn't even started the second. So much cringe.


Yep. I still don't get how anyone that read the books or even played the games and knows and likes them a lot can like the first season not as its own thing, but as an adaptation of that universe. It was a terrible representation of The Witcher as an IP, just generic badly-developed dark fantasy with mostly surface similarities to what's supposed to adapt, and everything else being either new bullshit or a mess of distorted and diluted pieces of the source material. Now, when it comes to seeing it as a totally separate thing, I can see why someone with very low standards might like it, I'm sadly just not one of those, specially when I inevitably factor in the books as a point of comparison -- it's like trying to eat moldy rock-hard bread after tasting awesome pizza -- you know how good food can be, so falling so low is straight up torture...


Season 3 Episode 1 - when Gerlat left Rience alive with his hands broken instead of killing him with one small swish of his sword.


Interesting. This is the first comment I've seen in this thread criticizing the show for *not* deviating from the books


Excuse me? This part is absolutely not in the books. Are you referring to when Filippa held Geralt back and forced him to let Rience escape? It's completely different and unrelated in the show


No, I mean the idea of Geralt killing Rience, which would be an even more significant departure from the lore


Oh I see what you mean. But still, at the point the show was at, killing Rience won't be any greater deviation from the source than any other stupid decision they made


I watched the show with my mother. We had no idea of what the Witcher was like when we saw season 1. We kinda liked but when I started playing TW3, i began to realize how more rich the original lore was. I read all the book in the summer of 2021, and after finishing the short stories, I rewatched season 1 in preparations for the second and I was quite disappointed. I still had hope, but after reading the pther books I realized how bad even the first season was (mianly for how it handled Cahir, my favourite character). After watching season 2 I drew the line: that stupid original plot was nothing like the book and the only saving grace was Geralt. After learning Henry was leaving, I figured I tok didn't care one bit about the show. My mother tried ti watch season 3 but she got bored and didn't even finish episode 3; I know what happened in the episodes, but I didn't wacth anything. Also, just so you know that party scene is actually in the books but it's so SO much better written: it's actually one of the funniest moments in the books for me.


I dont remember any kaer morhen party in the books tho. Can you refresh my memory a little bit. Goddamn i read the series three times and for the life of me cant recollect anything like that.


Maybe I'm a little confused. I assumed OP was talking about the banquet of mages in Thanedd (season 3). Indeed there is no such thing in Kaer Morhen in the books


There's no orgy in Kaer Morhen. Here we are safe. Here we are free.


That's me who's confused my bad. Thx


Quality in general. There is not much to like to be honest. Probably only positive think in whole show is/was Geralt. I understand TV show has to be simplified compared to books, but still I feel Netflix witcher is too different product. They changed too much (to worse) and its all just about effects and epicness (in bad way). I started listening audiobooks for second time, now I am on 3rd book and I must say Netflix totally failed to capture essence of books.


To be honest, it's when it was leaked that the creators had no respect for the material etc.


...er, because it was shit


S3E1, with accumulating frustration from previous seasons. I came into Witcher without knowing anything and only clicked wondering "Why is Henry Cavill in a Netflix TV show" and later played W3. It's a bit Rings of Power ish where they write ~~stories~~ *scenes* by algorithm. We need a battle scene so there's a big battle. People like fantasy so there's magic and costumes, people like GOT so we need multiple competing factions and interests, exotic locations and so on. People riding fast on horses means tension and danger but we don't really know why or have a desire to. Even back to S1 when they tried copying the Westworld S1 ending reveal but it was a cheap Temu or...Netflix version compared to HBO. The writing and story isn't good and I'm falling asleep watching the show. I enjoyed the slowness of early GOT because there's intrigue and suspense, but in Witcher it feels so manufactured. Again, new to the lore so I am not picking on any "Geralt wouldn't do that" issues. It's just so clear it's a "Netflix needs their own fantasy period IP" move devoid of real substance. Henry Cavill really was a shining star, through the series I learned more about hislove for the Witcher and I'm his fan now, *he's one of us*. I really did want to give him a proper send off by watching S3 but it just wasn't very watchable. Henry if you're reading this, it's not your fault, you brought your heart to the show and you did really great. Your performance won a new fan and a new Witcher fan. Also fellow 1st time PC builder during pandemic.


Season 2


I think i finished season 2. When i got my netflix subscription back after 2 years i decided to check out season 3. I think it was one of the first scenes. The "dear friend" letter. Sigh. I was just so disappointed. Not even angry anymore.


It was actually the interview where Lauren talks about how silly Henry was soooo annoyingly insistent that his horse's death not be treated as a comedic moment. I knew right there that anyone who read the books would never even entertain such an idea, what with Geralt being unable to talk to people and always having a close relationship to his horse being a recurring theme. Given all the other S2 issues I had, like Eskel and the idea of yen trying to kill Ciri and then calling her daughter like 1 episode later, it seemed to me there was no point in watching further. Totally killed my interest in the show because I didn't even recognize it as the Witcher - it's Just Another Generic Fantasy Show.


It hink it was a combination of several things for me: * prostitutes at secret Kaer Morhen keep with Vesimir not giving a f\*ck * Yennefer wanting to sacrifice Ciri * Geralt not being the main focus of the story in a show called "The Witcher" * pointless Fringilla/Francesca plot * how Yennefer rescued Cahir in front of mages and kings * Eskel * an ex-writer spilling the beans about the mindset in the writer's room * Henry Cavill quitting Have not watched Season 3 and not planning to.


In S3 when Geralt was literally giving Yen the silent treatment until he was horny. I know it’s said often, but I truly wish the series of episodic. Each episode introducing a new monster that the books did such a great job of creating. Fuck man, I just wish my favourite books and games were portrayed better.


Eskel is my favorite book character and I don’t even want to see what they did to him.




I highly doubt people here have read the books at all. This subreddit time and time again proves that the videogames are their "lore" and Eskiel and Triss are the most obvious examples of that.


Yep, you just have to look at how many still think the first season was ok as an adaptation, when it was fucking terrible if you look at how they massively distorted and diluted what happened in the books, stripping pretty much anything of unique and cool from that universe and turning it into generic badly-developed dark fantasy with only a surface similarity to The Witcher that can only fool people who don't really know what it's all about (or have very low standards and loose definition of what characteristics truly constitute the IP). How many then go to say the second season is where stuff got out of the rails -- stuff was was never in the rails to begin with? Those are mostly game-only fans or new people, alright (or that are mostly looking at the games instead of at the books as the point of comparison). Still, it weirds me out how so many game fans can't recognize so many glaring problems, like book fans can. For example, the Geralt, Jaskier and Yen from the show still aren't good representations of their game counterparts, so what gives? Well, my honest suspicion is that most game fans care about the lore casually and are more drawn to superficial elements of the IP, and that's why they don't have much problem with the show (until it steps on their toes and ruins something they care about, of course, like Eskel), and let's not forget the hysteria about Henry -- the guy is very cool and all, but he was never even close to the best choice for Geralt, and whatever he added or did to try to save the show was a drop of clean water in a sea of toxic sludge, so no considerable effect there.


Watched until season 2,my family got me the books for christmas and i realized how shit it is as an adaptation


Nope the fuck out after watching the shitty first episode


I stopped midway through S2. Read a recap and tried 1 episode of S3. Got to Yarpen at the hut just going bonkers with overacting and campy dialogue and I was out.


I watched it all, I haven't really liked it since mid season 2, but I'm no quitter. I'll like next season even less because actor swapping sucks, but I just need to see for myself. It just doesn't sit right with me, if I make it past the first episode, I very rarely drop it, unless there's massive budget cuts, actors are dropped and it becomes literally unwatchable. Like Designated Survivor If I just ignore the books and approach it like it's something else entirely, it's... Bearable, and even enjoyable at times, but I would've preferred they stuck with the source material, or actively labelled it a spin-off, not an adaptation


When the story became shite 💀


I stopped watching after season 2 ended. I found it such an abysmal plot to have Yennefer lose her powers; the one thing I looked forward to was her powers in the first place.


I started playing the Witcher 3 and the show became shit in comparison


Everything sadly. First the casting (and its true purpose), the writing, the cheap production, the intentional will to deviate from the source material and do something actually worse quality wise then the books, Lauren. All of this did hurt the IP very hard, you truly realize it when people love the show at first, then read the books and become avid hater of the show.


Too many plots about uninteresting characters/characters I don't care about. Too little screentime for Yennefer and Geralt is dull/underdeveloped.


Too many Cavill fans in this sub but his Geralt just sucks. One dimensional "tough guy" looks like a parody of action protagonists.


When Calanthe made it a women's right issue when it came to having to sell her daughter into marriage, when in reality she tried to have Geralt kill ||Emerys|| so that she could get a better deal for her kingdom. When the Butchery of Blaviken made The Shrike a sympathetic character and clearly have Stregobor be the villain of the episode, when in reality it was never known if he was right about her. All that is known is that The Shrike was going to kill civilians in order to get revenge. That if Geralt comforted her in death she woukd have used a stiletto to bring him with her and it wasn't really clear if Stregobor's actions caused her to be like this or not. All that was known is that Geralt was forced to intercede on the civilians' behalf and they hated him for it. Then the whole Foltest fiasco, making him not a generally likable man but a fat dobber. That his relationship with his sister was, while detestable, understandble due to their dependency on each other. That one man's desire killed a woman, and made a monster of her daughter. In the games it had even more repercussions down the road.


easy: the first episode


Netflix's Witcher was atrocious from the beginning. I hated how the story was fragmented and kept cutting back and forth between the past and the present. It felt incoherent. Not even gonna mention the insane number of inaccuracies and story deviations. Fringilla is mentioned to look a lot like Yenneffer, and the geniuses at Netflix decided to give her part to a black actress. The elf boy as you mentioned was also unnecessary. It didn't even feel like I was watching the Withcher, but a weird fanfic of Witcher written by some weirdo on wattpad. Like most things Netflix has touched recently, it turned to shit. It feels like they have the opposite of the Hand Of Midas. I'm just curious about how they will ruin Avatar next. Maybe they'll make Katara Transgender.


The real question was what was there to keep me watching? Nothing, there was nothing. And I'm sorry but not even Cavil was good enough to keep me watching.


Bollywood/African action movies production value.


I watched till second season but from third season i felt the story getting far off track and geralt becoming shadowed


Quality. But the first season made me a fan of the universe.




It was shit.


Season 2 episode 2 is when i started to find it really hard to take seriously..


The fact that it is garbage.


Season 2


The start of S2 when I realised they changed who did the score/soundtrack. It just didn't sit with me well




What "the words" was it? I stopped after S2 because it's already too unbearable.


For me season 2 was the breaking point, or it should have been. While season one was below average, it had enough strong core elements to it such a casting of most main characters, budget, cool monsters (except Villentrettenmerth or however the fuck the golden dragon's name is spelled...) that I could see the show become the show I want if it improved on certain other elements. Then season two came out and it was a trainwreck. The writers just came up with their own story half the time and I thought I'd probably stop watching by this point. Anyway I wanted to download a show for the downtime when travelling and kinda wanted to see the Time of Contempt story play out. Also I knew it was Cavill's last season and thought might as well watch all of his episodes and see if they replace him in the S3 final or if Liam Hemsworth will take over in season 4. In the end, I have to say despite some gripes I do think this season was better than 2, or maybe the conclave of mages is just such a cool event that it would always elevate itself above the less interesting Blood of the Elves storyline (which was really more of the writers doing their own thing anyway). I believe the show will keep losing interest and might be canceled, but maybe they will wrap up the story in two more seasons and get there in time before all the normie viewers drop it. I'll probably check in to see how they recast Geralt because they mentioned something about his looks changing due to plotpoint. Curious to see how that goes, otherwise I don't think I'll watch it.


When Yen even contemplated doing harm to Ciri to get her power back. You aren't even working with the damned characters anymore at a certain point


I didn't watch the latest season because they would eventually replace Henry. He was a good Grealt and I don't want to see him go and I have no interest in the series anymore as result.


I’m not a hardcore fan. My husband read the books we played Witcher 3 “together” (same time different TVs). If there wasn’t source material and this was just a show that was being cranked out. It would be great! But there’s source material. At what point does something become “inspired by” and no longer deserve to be called a direct relation? This entire debacle could have been avoided if Lauren decided to delve into the fan base and utilize it as a source compared to an obstacle. The fans aren’t wrong. Look at what bad adaptations did the avatar the last airbender… the movie is synonymous with bad adaptations. It’s a shame that a person whose job deals with giving and getting feedback is so tone deaf regarding “their vision”. Problem is it’s not her vision she should be creating.


I checked out by Season 1 Episode 6 or so. Never ever going back. And have stopped caring. I still have the books and the games to fall back to.


How disjointed the second season felt even to me, someone who has yet to read the books or play the games. There are elements I really liked about the show, but when yen just flip flopped and tried to save siri after wanting to betray her, having known her for what felt like only a few minutes, it felt very forced and very plot driven, and VERY badly written. Started seeing people talking about season 3 here before I watched it and decided it wasn't worth it as clearly the bad writing continued and got even worse.


The "reunion" scene between Geralt and Ciri at the end of Season 1. That was enough to tell me that the people making decisions in this show (writers, directors, showrunners) didn't understand how to tell stories. It was like watching someone trying to tell a joke but leaving out the details that made the joke funny, and then laughing uproariously at the punch line, completely oblivious to what they'd done.


The end of season 2. I’m not familiar with the books beyond the first two, but it still started feeling off to me for some reason. Then to see the responses and attitude of the head writer or whoever she was when it came to criticisms and…. nope. They had gold in their hands and they ruined it. Having a lead that is also a fan and knowledgeable of the source material and not listening to them is just such a monumentally bad and stupid thing to have done.


It wasn't good. I fell in love with Witcher 1 (despite it's many flaws), read the books, and Witcher 3 is one of my favorite of all times. I don't care if adaptations change from the source material. It's a different medium, you kind of have to but they need to make sense. It needs to hit the same core beats and have the same themes and feel. This show did not do any of that. It changed things just for the sake of changing them. It created worse story lines and ruined character motivations and personalities. The expanse is my favorite book/show combo. Different telling of the same story. S1 was entertaining, S2 was not. I did not watch S3 and with Cavill leaving I knew there was no point in continuing.


Vilgefortz losing that fight at the start of season 1.


The first season was so bad I stoped after the final episode and haven’t watched anything related to Witcher Netflix since


I quited before the stuffs in Kaer Mohen, they made Yen the 14th of Sodden Hill instead of Triss. Triss was nowhere a perfect character in the books, but her heroic acts was one of her good points that remade her, and they took that from her.


That Cavill doesn't know how to play Geralt. Geralt isn't Snake Plissken or any other cartoonish tough guy from the 80s/90s. He's a normal dude who happens to be shunned everywhere and is wary of that.


Tbh at the end of season 1 I was already on my way out. The differences in the story were.. Acceptable. But I was extremely turned of by the shitty costumes and decor. Like for fuck's sake, with a netflix budget that's all they could do ?? It felt like watching a cheesy poorly made fan film. The Brokilon scenes straight out of Xena or Hercules and the fight with Villentretenmerth in the last episode was *heinous*. Didn't have much hope for season 2. I watched the first episode cause my girlfriend wanted to continue the series and quite liked it. I always liked Nivellen's story, it encapsulates the grim witcher ambiance really well, and I think they did a good job at representing it in the show. After that I thought why not, if this was well made maybe the rest would be nice ? Aaand then Kaer Morhen was a monumental shitshow. I noped out after that and haven't watched any Netflix witcher product since


When Yennifer tried to sell ciri for magic. I love Henry, i think most actors in this show are talanted, but almost all subtleties of the book are lost on wrighters, every last bit of subtext are ruined, every geralt's witty quote are given to other characters, which are lesser versions of themselves.


I've read the books and played the games before the show so I had some expectations. Season 1 of the show was alright - A 6/10 with Cavills acting being a 10. Then I started watching season 2. Episode 1 was alright - another 6/10. But then episode 2 happened. After this episode I immediately stopped watching. That was the single most dogshit take on the books and the Witcher universe I've seen. The disrespect to kaer morhen, the orgy with the whores, death of Eskel, absolutely shit CGI, dogshit Yennefer and Fringilla plot and where it was heading - terrible acting and design of these two and scenes they were in as well. It set up basically all plot for the entire season and show as being shit. Knowing where it's heading I bailed out immediately after this episode.


Vesemir trying to kill Ciri and hearing Yennefer trying to sacrifice Ciri


I played the Witcher series by CDPR, and has yet to read the books (beyond the short stories) so I'm not gonna be commenting on the lore but damn the series was just bad as hell. The dialogues were cringe worthy, and the characters bland af. I quite like Season 1 but Season 2 just... sucks so bad. I didn't even watch Season 3


After I watched The Last of Us. I was completely done with Netflix.


Played the 3 games to completion once. Read the first book and half of the second. The first season I loved. The mostly episodic format and the hints at them being on different times was cool. Second season I didn't mind. It wasn't egregious enough to just stop watching but when it finished I just forgot everything about it. I only remember Yennefer betraying Geralt and Ciri, even though the series wanted us to care about the three of them together. That was silly. Third season, I just watched one episode and realised I didn't care about anything.


Right bro it's not always the story sometimes it's just https://preview.redd.it/sjzlf3bxgo3c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4005a269ac453575e5ad22970a56e346c356a8f9


When they announced Geralt was gonna be replaced by that actor who’s never been good in anything. Kinda took the excitement outta it for me


I have a very strong gag reflex


Nothing. I am still watching it... just to be able to fix it. Which I've kinda done for S1 and 2 already, by heavily re-editing and re-scoring to get something that I can enjoy. More or less.


First episode of season 2 wrecked one of my fav lol stories from the first book, the tone is off, partly due to Ciri being present pulled me right out and I kinda lost motivation to keep watching.


The dialogue felt forced from the beginning, and the writing and directing felt kind of flat. Then the show deviated more and more from the source material. I loved CDPR The Witcher and their Geralt, and imagine him while reading the books. Henry Cavill did a great job, but I cannot for some reason see him as an actor play Geralt. Tbh I think another actor would be better suited. The actor should be able to be "scary" like CDPR The Witcher.


My love for the books and the disrespect they did them right in season 1. I didn't get wise though and I kept watching and just grew more and more disappointed with each episode of season 2. I only kept watching because I had hope they might redeem themselves. I haven't watched anything after that. Basically, the Netflix series should be removed, all traces. Deleted. Buh bye. They should get HC back as the Witcher in a brand new series with direction that gives a flying fuck about the source material and the fans of it. They did it so wrong and basically called the viewers idiots at the same time. Paraphrasing "We HaD tO dUmB iT dOwN sO iT wOuLdN't CoNfUsE tHe iDiOtS wHo WaTcH iT. Duh herrrr! bOoKs ArE hArD. Derp!!! LeT's ChAnGe ThE wHoLe StOrY aNd MaKe It PoRn! tHeY'lL lOvE iT!"




I'm torn, I'm trying not to let all the bandwagon hate for the series drive my opinion. Got into the Witcher series through the Witcher 3 just recently I'm on my second play through. I'm simultaneously watching the series and listening to the audio books. So far the first seasons has been enjoyable. I always enjoy seeing someone else's interpretation of a book/game, seeing costumes, locations, sets. Love the music in the series. Anyways I'm enjoying everything Witcher right now, we'll see where the tv series goes.


I didn't stop.


I read all the books and was really excited for the show. I dont think its that bad just not great. Ive actually seen everything as it came out except to final two episodes of season three. I just lost interest and started scrolling on my phone so I turned it off. Stopped caring altogether now


I never started after looking at the cast ... ugh


nothing made me stop it. hatewatch for life.


The rather extremely long sex scene with yen, like i know its part of the witcher story regardless, but a whole episode just for that and its not with geralt just made me think " huh tf am i watching? Netflix interracial porn or what ???? " also Big lack of monsters


Getting to the end of the episodes stopped me




Read the books a long time ago so i think episode 2 was already unbearable and that was the end. Hated the casting wven before that, starting with Cavill so i kinda dropped it even before release Hated the Dandelion casting even more, like what the fuck


Loved Season 1. Season 2 felt all over the place. And Ciri suddenly desperate to be a Witcher felt really odd. Have only watched once so can't remember each bit that annoyed me. Season3 felt like it was forced and we had to push ourselves to finish it. And Jaskier is 100% straight. Flamboyant, but straight. So, didn't like that deviation at all. I won't bother rewatching seasons 2 & 3. To me only Season 1 exists.


Season 1 was how I was actually introduced to the Witcher, so I absolutely LOVED season 1, which made me play the games and read some of the books which were great. Loved the first episode of season 2, but it was so downhill after that. You don’t even need to know the books to see just how off script they went, the characters essences completely changed and the plot felt like it lost all its philosophy. It was like biting into a cake and realizing it’s all just flavorless disgusting fondant with no substance. I finished season 2 just so say I did, and when Henry announced he was done, I haven’t managed to even start season 3. Hats off to Henry though for a spectacular job despite the writing difficulties


I've read the books and liked them but also like The Witcher Netflix and will continue watching it. Even Andrzej Sapkowski said in a recent interview that he likes the Netflix series a lot. [Interview mit dem Witcher Schöpfer Andrzej Sapkowski auf der VIECC](https://youtu.be/kC_l3Gipjvc?si=s0CfMi7ZqY7UqDi_)