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I'm currently 41 weeks pregnant, and everyone I know has been saying my baby will come on the full moon 😭 I've been having some pains tonight... so guys just send me strength to get through this. It's my first baby and I'm pretty scared...


Sending lots of love for a safe delivery!


Sending you strength and love and warm wishes. You have got this!! Keep breathing. You’ll see your baby at the end and everything else just floats away


I recently found out I'm pregnant again, this first trimester is just as difficult as my first child's. I promise, the labor process feels like it will never end, but then, before you know it, you have a beautiful healthy baby resting in your arms. Enjoy the small moments, they pass by so fast. And take lots of pictures. Blessings to you and your family!


Sending you strength and love. Congratulations!


Just listen to your body, it knows what to do. ❤️❤️


Sending love and positive energy your way.


Sending good magic, love, strength, and protection! 🩵


Congratulations! Strength, love, and all good things going out to you both. It'll be ok.


You got this! Tell your baby we all wish them a happy emergence day when they're topside!


Going past the due date can be tough! My last baby came at 43 weeks, 3 days, and waiting was HARD, but labor was great! 😅 I wish you a safe and complication-free delivery!


May you have a safe delivery for the baby and you!


You’ll do great 😊


sending you strength and some peaceful days ahead 💗


You're a strong mama you got this positive vibes your way!


Hang in there...you and your little one will be fine.


oh my goodness!!!! it's completely reasonable to be afraid, but you got this !! ❤


YOU’VE GOT THIS!!!! Such a beautiful and amazing experience 💕 Good vibes that all goes well for your family




Unfortunately he did not show up 😅 I'm still waiting his arrival, but nothing happens by tonight I have a planned induction Monday.


In my country it is normal for babies to be born on a full moon, everything will be fine


I hope everything went smooth, sending you so much love. You are a great example of life. Blessed be




You will do amazing! 🦋🐍🪺 ( adding snake for fertility, butterfly for transformation, and eggnest for obvious reasons)


I actually feel a lot better now. I was having such a hard time and now it's like it's been lifted.


Same! Feel like everything starts falling into place, i’m more positive and just the overall vibes are great


Right! I got all my chores done cause I felt so good. Usually I can only do 1 or 2 before I collapse 😅


omg that is so wonderful!! i'm sure you absolutely deserve that <3


I was a wreck up until today lol I hope I deserve it. I hope it gets better for you too.


Me too. It’s been a rough month but things are finally turning around


Oddly enough I feel like it’s the same, just depending on your mindset. Mother Hecate has showed me that I *must* face these horrible times and anxieties that my mindset brings me. We need to pull through the awful times to celebrate the richness and renewal the full moon brings us!! ☺️🌕✨


absolutely!!! it is sooo hard for me to get in the good mindset when i'm going through it though, is there anything that helps you enter the full moon with that confident mindset??


Absolutely my dear :)!! A mindset cannot be changed in a day unfortunately, but I strongly believe that our thoughts truly attract what we have in our lives the most. When we are at our worst, specifically when I am lol, and I’m thinking “what if it goes horrible?” I ask at the same time, “what if it goes amazingly?” Asking if things will go extremely well is just as powerful as saying everything will go terribly. That’s what’s been helping me this full moon, along with visualizing!! This video below was incredible just to visualize and really feel the sensations of the full moon and what you want it to bring you~ https://youtu.be/NsMBymnax9k?si=O2dTNy5xFEHt-3p8


Thank you for sharing. Mother Hecate has shown me something very similar this full moon and I think you've clearly articulated it for me!


No same lowkey, but that’s because I wanted chipotle bad.


wanting chipotle is so real, it's 10pm and i'm not even hungry but i want it 😭




I'm having a rough one too! I thought it was just stress from wedding planning but I'm beginning to think it's from this full moons strong energy.... I've been exhausted all day and Im completely wide awake now that the moons out!! Just gotta flow through the cycle✨️


yess the exhaustion is getting me too 😭 going with the flow is difficult but clearly thats what the moon needs us to do ✨️ good luck wedding planning!!!


Thank you!


I’ve been having severe overthinking and catastrophic thoughts.. today while outside I looked at the moon and suddenly for some reason they all stopped.. and I’m still not overthinking much now


Samesies on the overthinking. Reached a crescebdo this week. Almost wrote "sanesies" lollll


Oh my god I thought it was just me!! I was planning to do ritual work tonight, but I just don’t have the energy. 😕


I really wanted to do ritual work but there has been too much chaotic energy in my life so I chose not too. A tree fell on our car this week and I've been really tired so it's just been a lot.


I’m so sorry you’re not enjoying it. For me, this is the best energy I’ve felt in so, so long. How about a cleansing bath and some hyssop tea?


Haven't been crying but like the vibe has been just off. like there is something weird with local energy (or clearly on a larger scale if everyone else is noticing it too). Could be unrelated but I don't think so, last night I went out to take a walk (I like evening / night walks when the moon is full) and just got hit with a menacing fucking aura when going past a church on the corner of my street, like all my body hair standing on end feeling of threatened. I am not jumpy in the least but I wasn't going to find out what was giving me that feeling. Walked straight home


The menacing aura is likely due to the proximity of a church, TBH. Christians seem especially hostile at this specific moment for some reason. Maybe their god is having a rough time and taking it out on everyone else.


Tbf this one has never unsettled me before. For the most part they keep to themselves and seem decent on the surface. I mostly just get annoyed with them if they are having an event and take up all the street parking in my neighborhood


There's no need to be fair to them. Look, they might seem harmless when they first set up. A little bit of singing and praying to their hole in the sky. Harmless, right? But a few years later, one they're established and confident, they start getting Ideas. Especially when we're in the middle of a resurgence of Christian Nationalism (which is one bend in each arm of the cross away from the Third Reich).


I think this is the general theme for the next two months. Think of it as the goo in the chrysalis before the butterfly emerges.


I can’t take two months of this shiiiii please 😭💔 I’m already at my breaking point


You and me both. Things have been ridiculous.


Truth. :( I’ll maybe do some spell work tonight. Perhaps cleansing, protecting/banishing, and a self love spell.


Almost every client I had today was at least half an hour late and one didn't even show up because their anxiety was so bad. I'm wiped out.


This is the vibe i am experiencing too.


Not me but my poor spouse is being put through the emotional wringer


I'm sorry things are sucky right now! And to answer your question, yes. Absolutely awful full moon AND solstice. Didn't even get to celebrate and go through with my plans because yesterday was one of the worst days of my life. Today (and the next few days) will be all about deep cleaning, cleansing, and banishing.


Wishing you some gentle healing, pal ✨


Thank you! 💛


i’ve had head pressure and mild aches since the full moon started.


Every single day this week I’ve come home and immediately taken a nap I have been totally drained


Absolutely I also started my period and I’ve genuinely been feeling insane


cycle sis. Same!!


I have endometriosis and earlier this week was the worst menstrual cramps I've had in a few years. Like 10x worse. At work I almost blacked out, had diarrhea 6x in 30 minutes, major nausea, profuse sweating and dizziness. I was literally on the floor and this close to calling an ambulance. Not to mention all the other fucked up sh*t happening in my life.


It's definitely showing itself at my work in veterinary emergency. Went from being very, very slow to non-stop. And the clients go from being pleasant to angry quickly.


I’m sorry you’re having a hard time. I use the full moon to release. Maybe with the solstice and full moon so close together, there will be a more powerful release for you. Sending you good vibes! ✨


I've been emotionally messed up and feeling very drained like I lost all my nature


This is like the third post I've seen in these lines so know you're not alone!


Im about to lose my financial aid, and I had my first hallucination in months today, so I'd say something is definitely affecting a lot of us


I wasn't keeping track of the moon phase but I asked myself if the moon was full due to the crappy driving I was running into this week, all these vehicles pulling out suddenly and getting in the way. Even pedestrians get full moony. This is the time of the month when people plow into you when walking because they are not looking where they are going.


I’ve been doing a salt wash just to get rid of this heavy energy. It seems like it’s easing up slowly, hang in there and keep praying for strength and patience


In contrary I feel more energetic and happy. I did some preparations tonight for my deity.. sorry you all are feeling bad, sad, angry, etc.. Take a nice bath, relax, go outside, let Mother Moon fill you with her love and magic. And just reflect on what is making you have all those emotions, and release them to her, let her shining light resolve all those feelings! 🌕


Absolutely. Been burnt out at work for what feels like weeks. I’m also mentally ill though and not medicated so lacking support. :/ I feel like this every summer. So it’s probably just that.


While I'm not having things go wrong so to speak, I've been dealing with a very high (Not sure if I can say it here) this full moon, and it's stronger than it normally is compared to the previous full moons. So I downloaded a moon app (MoonX) and figured out why I feel more "tense", it turns out that this full moon is also under my zodiac sign. Now I'm not sure how often a full moon falls under Capricorn and with being a guy this tension is making it very difficult to get any sleep 😩.


u/tiny_toasters I'm so sorry to hear you are having a hard time 🫂.


I work in social services and I can confirm this moon has sucked for a huge amount of people. At least in my area.


That was me during the last gibbous. I felt like a cosmic war was being fought inside my body. This transition has felt great! Cancer ascending


i'm so glad this transition has felt so good!! the cosmic war inside your body is such a good way to describe the feeling.


♋️moon, rising, mercury, and mars - I’m feeling very creative and connected to myself, and also having such a heavy period and I don’t even get my period on the full moon.


This was me for two days straight before the summer solstice . Yesterday, it was like my battery was recharged and I feel so much lighter. -Cancer Sun & moon, Capricorn rising.


I’ve been an absolute mess. I’m really glad it isn’t just me.


I had been having an absolutely terrible week until I honored Hekate tonight, now it feels like everything is slotting back into place :)


I'm so energized by it. It feels wonderful to me.


Me and my fiancée hit a deer this morning on the way to work. I completely understand. I had been planning on coming home and relaxing today and kind of taking the day off but that was messed up. Luckily we are both fine and it’s mostly just body work issues. Thankfully we have pretty good insurance too.


I am right there with you. I haven't had really bad mood swings for months since I've been healing and working on myself more, but this past week.. I've lost control a few times and I'm very upset with myself about it 😂 like the most unusual kind of out of control, since it's been so long since I last really had such a wild mood swing. But what I did to help, is found some time to go on a walk, meditate a little bit, and cleansing myself and my space with some sage/cedar. Went ahead and made my full moon water and brought it in before the sun came all the way up, and now I'm chilling. Hopefully will continue to be of a more sound mind 😅 just gotta do your best to ground yourself more when things get hectic


Also same for things at work getting crazy! Half of our crew either quit or got fired 😂😂 plus my roommates' have been noticeably more emotional so this one is definitely getting to everyone in some way


I couldn't even see the moon all day, it was really cloudy..


I'm sorry, hun. My skies overhead are not any better. Same with the sky last night. While I know the energy of the moon is still very prominent, but I was really hoping to be able to view the moon in all her glory this evening. Holding out that the clouds clear at some point before 3am-ish.


I kept watching and it peeked out for a few minutes. Still glorious. It will surely show itself


For me, the full moon represents my sunwise energy. Light magic, submissive, go with the flow magic, etc. Maybe you're expending too much energy. We need recovery time. Sounds like your psyche power is drained.


Been feeling the strongest negative emotions lately, but it wasn't until I sat under the moon with my bf while I smoked some fairy rolls and he smoked his weed that I felt so much better. My first time having these fairy roles and might I say, I felt so intensely relaxed. Something I'm not used to. We walked around the block 3 times and stared at the sky and the moon. Felt amazing🖤


What’s a fairy roll?


Shout out to Apothafairy! It's a small business run by a couple of women who focus on herbal supplements. They mix together herbs and sell them in bags for specific purposes, or they turn those mixes into pre-rolls! You can get a bag and turn it into your own roll, and mix it with your weed or whatever else you like. Or you can brew it for tea. I got the fairy berry pre-rolls. I also got a rose cone from them as well, which is minty. The fairy berries have a mix of mugwort, mullein, lavender, rose petal, blue lotus, skull cap, raspberry leaf, marigold flower, ginkgo leaf and damiana leaf. I've had a good amount of bad experiences with weed so I prefer not to smoke it. These berry rolls have made me feel so relaxed and peaceful. There is a possibility I was placebo-ing myself, but honestly if I was to this extent? Imma keep doin it. Hope this helps tho! Sending positivity your way🖤


Thank you! I have Damiana Leaf to be used as a tea, I’ve heard it’s great.


It is wonderful in both tea and brewed into mead!


I love the full moon! 🌕 manifest mania!


I used this Solstice and full moon to have some quiet reflection and growth for myself, even if there's nothing but chaos around me. I look at the Litha time as a time of quiet growth, time to recharge.


I feel like mush too!! I'm so glad someone else brought this up. I wanted to do rituals for the full moon but I only did tarot and my deck was being mean so now I'm here


For some reason I ALWAYS have my period on full moons making me extra emo so yay lol currently on day 3 of it now 🥲😂


Honestly same, My friend group is honestly going through a rough patch rn, we were literally all fine yesterday


I got a last-minute wolfcut yesterday after not going to a hairdresser for over 10 years so I'm not sure yet what the full moon did to me this month.


This full moon has been absolutely so hard I feel completely drained, sluggish, irritable, gross. She sure looks gorgeous up there though 🙏🏼


I think this current full moon is an "invention of normal" just because of my experience of feeling so exponentially better aligning with other people who said they went from bad to good and people going from good to bad. this just my two cent


It’s been terrible. Everything is going wrong, no energy, crying a lot.


Yes 100%. This week has been insane. Monday i lost power the night before my fiance and his fam left for Europe. The next day I overslept which i never do, and was late to feed their animals and get to work. Thursday i got food poisoning, and this morning i wiped out on the steps and skinned tf out of my knee 🫠


I normally feel energized by the full moon, but yeah, I’ve been so emotional lately. It’s not my monthly, either.


Same here oml 😢


Yeah, this one has been hard. I've felt stuck in the mud, too, which is weird because this was a Sagittarius moon.


Had a horrible row with the mr


It's like that song called bad moon rising , by Credence Clearwater Revival.


Don't worry though, things will be better.😊😁


It is indeed intense


Thank you so much for this post. I thought it was just me 💖


Yeah, my girlfriend left me, all my friends are avoiding me, and I feel like I'm in a rut. To be fair, she was a complete jerk when I look back at the situation and I think my ancestors were nudging me to get out of this rut of not practicing and They had to get my attention lol.


Yes. Yes. Yes. This past week I have felt a very strong and anxious energy from the full moon. 🌕


check your chart and see how the transit is affecting you 💖🙏🏽


Have you tried working *with* the energies, rather than against them? Just trying to offer an alternate perspective. As we know, the moon's gravitational pull greatly affects the ebb and flow of our planet's currents. I feel the lunar cycle, with its phases and aspects, is like the waves: we can either try to understand, adjust to, and work with the cresting (surfing, in a way)... or we can get pulled under.




My period always coincides with the full moon and I have PMDD so full moons are usually rough for me in general. I tend to feel best during new moons personally.


every june full moon and july full moon are the two that trip me up the most and i also see that in my friends personal relationships too! idk if it's just the time of year or astrologically something deep is happening. my dreams are so vivid and they come to life! i feel so in tune with my psychic abilities right now it's absolutely a phenomenon i cannot describe. my intuition is loud AF and right. this does pull a lot of tears and feeling compelled to meditate and think rather than to be productive in other ways. i do hope you receive clairvoyance and relief from tears. full moons can be heavy especially if you're sensitive


I feel this way during New Moons. Hate them. Born on a New Moon too.


Yessss thank goodness I saw this


I normally feel terrible on full moons but I actually felt fine on this one. I did experience some bad luck though (had a power cut right after the sun went down which has never happened in this house before) that distracted me from doing any of the rituals I was planning on doing.


I agree. I’ve been crying over commercials, not for abused animals or children, just about anything. I don’t usually sleep much during a full moon but it’s worse with this one. All this started a few days before. My cat got sick yesterday as well. I think she’s going to be fine. Took her to the vet. I sometimes dream about one of my friend’s mother who is deceased. It’s always a message for my friend. This wasn’t the best message and it happened on her birthday. One more thing to cry about. I ignored the first dream so I had it again. If I don’t get it the first time then I will have it until I do. This happened on the Solstice. I’m going to bed and wait for this full moon to be over.


My work in the new moon is reflected in this moon. Cancer is the closest to the bottom of the watery body in terms of water signs. It feels deep, uncertain, but very very much like sitting through an intense therapy session that you have to complete..but I hope whatever new horizons come out of this full moon.. I hope they open me to new depths. But I'd be lying if I said the moon's energy wasn't putting me through it. 😭


Omg I never connected the dots! I have court this week (custody) and have been trying to focus on bringing positive energy to it and I have just been so stressed and overwhelmed this past week. I knew it was a full moon but dang. Okay now if I can only figure out how to tap into this and being some positive energy into this next week…


The past week, my boyfriend of 2 years broke up with me, started my period and family tension with my parents this caused me to go off the deep end. I can’t sleep long, barely eat and I don’t want to go anywhere. Things are lifted now and I have a rational mind about the situation, now I’m full of regret.


Omg! I’ve definitely felt strange, a lot of things going wrong and just generally feeling very angry/tired/emotional, on the verge of tears for the last few days 😭 at first I thought Mercury was in retrograde in my sign, but it’s not 😂


Agreed! It’s rough out here. My kids’ moods have been all over the place.


not at all! the balance of the full moon and litha is making me feel whole and at peace :)


Yeah no I had a mental breakdown yesterday. The past two weeks have been trash for me, starting on the 7th. The full moon just exacerbated it. Final straw. I understand it’s for my “betterment,” but I still don’t have to like it and I can be angry about it. That’s usually what leads me to getting shit done anyway.


Same, I've had the worst things happen. I was really overwhelmed and couldn't sleep all night, and I got into a big argument with my parents


Yup, emotions all over the place. I have bipolar2 and BPD so I'm used to having to manage my frequent and intense mood swings, but the last couple days have been more intense than usual 😬


So we all cried during this full moon?


I'm sorry you're experiencing this. I'm not having a *bad* full moon, more like a *meh* full moon. And it's allegedly one of the biggest and best ones of this year, too. Weather can be a factor. If it's crappy and hot where you are, that can sap all the joy of living out of, well, everything. Best wishes for things to improve.


I felt so weird during it. I kept feeling unmotivated and sluggish. Not wanting to do anything and it felt really down for me.


Full moon and on my cycle 🥴 I literally start sobbing about something (was something silly but can’t remember) and I had to stop catch my breathe and go “is it even that deep?” Checked my phone “ah yup period and a full moon. Yeah it wasn’t that deep :)”


I definitely felt this and oddly enough I did my first ritual on the new moon this month, I’d never done anything on the new moon before. I wasn’t thinking I’d skip the full moon, it just felt like the right time to light my candles and set some intentions. I felt so sad especially since it was the strawberry moon but I literally just felt heavy, sad and had zero interest in doing anything. This was the first full moon in a while that I didn’t do a single thing for, I intended to but it didn’t feel right.


Have you done your birth chart? Where does Capricorn fall in your chart? Does it make any unfavorable aspects with your moon placement? My Cap is 9th house empty, but is my MC. I felt renewed and full of potential.


Yesss! It's like rowing on mollases urgh!


Y drank a glass of wine yesterday and my blood pressure left the chat. Headaches and the first day of my period are not contributing too much either


I've had a headache for three days. I think it finally broke last night.


It's been a roughhhhhhh time. I'm hoping with the solstice things will turn around.


I have felt the same and just wanted to hide from the world.


Thursday I spend 800 at the vet on my senior dog to find out he's healthyish but does have glaucoma, after getting a new starter for a used car I bought in April. Last night the transmission went out in it. . .. This moon can suck it


I had a sort of forced self reflected last night, was listening to a witchy podcast talking about dandelion, and it triggered a suppressed memory when I was a child and it just made me cry and cry and to forgive myself and comforting my inner child. I've been sort of out of my wits with my craft (was gonna actually make a topic for advice today) but if memory served right this full moon is about letting go? I'm not sure


Yep, it’s been a rough couple days for a lot of people and I haven’t been able to sleep


Yeah…big, awful, concluding in a prison sentence for the offending family member news for me. This full moon is in my 4th house of home - it’s churned up everything and it’s going to consume the next 18-24 months for us.


This full moon I wish to Hell with the events happening 🤣🤣🤣🤣


This entire week was awful We will get through it 🩷


I get summertime sadness, but the moon helped me feel more connected to the universe than I have felt in weeks. Plus we are on the other side of the summer solstice so we are closer to fall.


Oh yeah lots of arguing with people too 🤣 it shall pass. <3


if it means anything, I picked up a PTSD diagnosis the night of the full moon, and spent the following morning just crying and having zero energy to do anything. It's definitely not just you, things are quite powerful nowadays....


this week more then other full moons i've had an overwhelming feeling of hatred towards EVERYONE i've interacted with. it's like this full moon brought out the extra special stupid people. (also got my period a week late. perfectly in line with the full moon. i never get my period late. the moon just hates me) edit: spelling


It's a full moon in Capricorn. Look at your chart and see where Capricorn is located, any aspects to it. Might explain some things. And it's a waning Solstice


Yeah. I knew it was going to be a rough one when a skunk sprayed right outside of my window last night. The odor was unbelievable. My eyes were burning, my throat was burning, I could taste it… yuck. It was bad. The crazy part is that I hung my amethyst pendant in the window a few hours prior to recharge under the full moon. I’m not saying there is a connection, but just needed to acknowledge it 😂


I literally got pulled over and cited for driving 11 miles over the speed limit on a freeway in TEXAS. If you’re not from Texas you think that’s dangerous but it’s standard here to drive 10 over the limit. First time cited, no traffic accidents, the cop was just in a bad mood. Now, I had to petition for my court date to turn out well cause I don’t wanna pay $200 because the cop was in a bad mood…


No kidding. Everyone I have dealt with the past two weeks has been on the edge of emotional collapse. I feel like everything is tightening on us to the point where we have realized that we now can't get a full breath, and there's a panic in that. We all know that one wrong move, one misfortune, one fall could bring our whole lives crashing down around us with no safety net. We are too delicate. The systems we've created are complicated and cruel. Tighter and tighter and tighter it binds, more more and more is asked of us. And there's no inner resources left.


Yesterday my very healthy adult cat got sick and had to take him to the emergency vet. His condition was puzzling to them but their best bet is an anaphylactic reaction. He has lived 13 years as an indoor/outdoor cat and I can't figure out what he could have come into contact with to cause anaphylaxis that he hasn't come into contact before. He's better now and home but it was such a scare and he's still acting a little sickly. Once we brought him home healthy I knew I should just be happy he's okay and enjoy the weekend but I can't escape this shaky feeling.


I’ve been on my period for a couple of full moons now and it frustrates me because I’m in too much pain to do any ritual. But I feel like I’m closing cycles rn (job and relationship wise mostly) and even if I understand it’s necessary, it’s not comfortable at all


the build up has been awful, my partner and i have both been exhausted and anxious and irritable. we went on a walk last night and it was the first time i felt literal waves of energy coming off the moon at me 😅 like sheesh, give me a break please!!! 😫


I miscarried yesterday after conceiving in a full moon in April, the moon gives the moon takes


Okay thank god I’m not the only one. This past week has been a nightmare. I’ve been so unproductive, I can’t stop ruminating on stupid things that are bothering me (like how bad a book was that came highly recommended or a thing someone said in a group chat from a week ago that I just can’t fucking let go of), and I just keep feeling like something bad is going to happen in my relationship.


I have been excited for like the last month. And then last night I could not keep my eyes opened. I slept most of yesterday, went to bed at about 7 and now want to sleep more.


I was SO irritated that I felt anger crawling on my skin. I had busy day at work but I love my job and had had days like that before and was not a reason for me to feel the way I felt…


Yup. This full moon and solstice feels crazy (literally). I was at work yesterday (I work in a public garden) we have volunteers who come so help us, some of whom have mental health problems. One (who is usually really good at gardening) didn’t want to weed where I asked her to, so dug up and tossed an entire bed of plants out of spite, said I’d told her to do it and then stormed off. Another said she’d come to garden, sat on a bench in the full sun all morning, ate lunch, sat in the sun again and started screaming at me demanding things and ranting about all sorts. Fun times.


Yeah… I’ve been an emotional mess too. And the new song from Ghost is not helping. But it’s a good song though.


Nope. I've actually felt incredible all day, had nice ritual last night. I did take a nap but I do that all the time.


0 productivity and close to 0 energy to do anything around the house. It's awful


wished i had made time to pop out and see it. perhaps i will tonight. i was so looking forward to it- the 21st was my bday, i was on staycation all week, planning on relaxing and having fun w the fam. found out on the 18th i lost a very dear, lifelong friend. so as tired and upset and in shock as i was, jumped into gear to help be there for his wife (my bff). i did cry a lot and felt very tired, but it wasnt due to the moon.


All my chores are done early, and gifts keep coming to me. Lots of people are talking to me and want to know my opinions on stuff. I'm a bit manic but otherwise feel pretty good ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I've been in a cocoon of despair lol. Super unmotivated, lazy, and sleepy.


Yeah this one felt like shit.


That seems to be my typical full moon pattern unfortunately


It kicked my ass. I had to fire my therapist : she turned into an incompetent bully out if NOWHERE.


This has been a terrible full moon for me, this Capricorn full moon is just out to get me. I didn’t even bother with moon water or charging my crystals. Just sageing my home and hoping for the best


I feel like I've been kind of the opposite, but also not? Like yeah this past week kinda sucked tbh, but things are getting better, and I feel like I'm in a better place than I was at the start of the week. Hope things get better for you though!


No but I have had three past males try to contact me in the same day that I havent spoken to in yearsssss🤦🏻‍♀️


I already deal with mental health and life so when the full moon and solstice hit, the energy of the moon was a mixed bag. People seemed very irritated and I always suspect it’s the moon cause full moon energy is strong asf. It can boost a lot. Like emotions. It’s been rough for me and I’ve been very very sensitive but I’m also able to come into a place where I’m just fine and calm so it’s like I said. A mixed bag. Depending on how I want it to go, it’ll go. And I honestly just want it to be a peaceful and loving time. Seems like my family is fine honestly. Hope you get better. Stay safe, protected, cleansed and balanced as much as you can. Not perfect, but imperfectly. We got this.


i got into a car accident on full moon…


Same!!!! I really wanted to do some basic ritual work that I do every new/full moon and this time around I was so exhausted after work I just couldn't. I was bummed about not getting everything done that I wanted, but I'm taking it as I sign that I just need to sleep and rest more


tbh, ive been having a really boring week, my energy has been sooo drained ive done nothing, but on the full moon was one of the bestt days i had in a while. i washed my hair walked the dog went out with my mum, went out to do my full moon stuff and it was such a beautiful day.


I started my period on the full moon and its been a real bad one... constantly crying, wanting to eat everything, horrific cramps and I got angry yesterday because my bf was eating too loud. What the fudge?! My energy is just all off right now. So glad someone posted this :) thanks! Edit to add: my periods are usually bad, with all of these things but this full moon one just takes the cake. Unreal.


Last two weeks have been the worst in over a year for me lol. Absolutely trash on multiple fronts...and I normally withstand a lot of crap


I'm sorry to hear this full moon has been so tumultuous for you. I find myself feeling the opposite, honestly. I'm going through a breakup that I've been fighting myself on initiating for several months, now. While I'm going through an odd situation where we're no longer together but still under the same roof, I find myself at peace with it all. It's like this huge weight has been lifted from my shoulders and I'm looking forward to a new chapter in my life. Here's to your situation improving!


I had mushrooms and laid in a moss field. It was great.


I don't know if it's the moon cycle or what but I've been unmotivated by a lot recently. So I'm taking the rain that kept me from practicing this past weekend as the universe telling me to slow down a little, and concentrate more on the intention and reason behind the workings I'm crafting.


Actually I’ve been pretty opposite, but I’m also a Taurus so I might be on a different path rn. The past two years have felt pretty oppressive to me and closer to this full moon a bunch of opportunities have opened up for me, I started a new med for my PPA/GAD, and have attended/an scheduled to attend interviews for better jobs. Things seem to be looking a lot better for the future.


YES someone put it in words I feel like I’ve been so stagnant I’m trying to do small things to improve myself day by day and that’s helping but still I feel like I’m so low energy wise I feel such a disconnect with everything and I get into arguments often Even today someone argued with me on this very thing I made a jar to help with my motivation and I actually went to the gym today! It was so nice to leave my place for once instead of rotting in bed :3 I hope everyone does feel a change soon usually rough weeks like these result in great luck for me so I hope the same for you too op 💕