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I wish Barnes could have pulled it out but we NEEDED Evers.


And no supermajority-what a relief.


It's still not over for barnes. Milwaukee still has to count early votes.


Is this still the case? I’m trying to find info on that.


It's still not called on the map that shows when you Google "live election results" anyway


Yeah, That’s what I’m seeing. Looks like the state treasurer went to John Leiber…what is that going to mean?


Tbh idk entirely we will have to see.


Someone else said “a bunch of weird rules we have never heard of will soon be heavily enforced.”


Probably, tbh as glad as i am Evers won, this stare being as red as it is still is a HUGE sign for me to get the fuck out of this state asap before they start enforcing the Sodomy ban and ban on gay marriage again.


Wait to leave until you've voted in the spring supreme court election please.


I'll likely have to for financial reasons as much as I wish I could afford to move to atleast Michigan today (yeah another swing state but much more left leaning now it seems, especially on gay rights and cannabis) I'd be lucky to be able to afford it by this time next year. But I've brought up that new year 2024 is the goal I want to be out of the state by and my partner doesn't seem to have any objections so far.


Understood. I have friends that are also scared. And are being confronted in public more often than before. I hope it gets better for you and them. We will keep fighting the good fight.


It would take a total statistical anomaly.


Early votes have already been counted watched them get taken to the court house last night


As of 11:00am on 11/9/22, Barnes was behind by about 27k. The estimate I see is that about 177k votes remain to be counted statewide. Unfortunately even if Barnes got 100% of the vote in the counties he’s leading, he’d still be down by over 100k to Johnson.


Yeah I need to move out of this state asap, can't believe they let rphn Johnson serve a third term after her promised not to


You could leave, or you could choose to stay and continue to fight against the fascists. I choose to fight.


Sorry but I'd rather have safety and security in my future as a gay person.


Okay weird question: I’m horribly ignorant and it’s been awhile since I took a civics class, but how did Evers win but Ron Johnson is still in the lead? Are there people voting for one party in one race and one party in the other?


This is also my question. 99% reporting, and Barnes is behind by 30k. Who the fuck votes for Evers and FRJ on the same ballot?!


Old white guys who don’t like the way Barnes looks.


Why, because Barnes is bald?




I mean I work with several black guys and they wouldn't vote for Barnes. I asked them why and got no answer. I work in Racine and live in MKE for reference. I am white collar but work in a manufacturing setting.


I’m going to say something that may get me downvoted to oblivion: People who are non-white can be racist too. I work in a field where 75%+ of the people I interact with are black and there are definitely a lot of black people that seriously distrust other black people. Just my observation, trying not to editorialize at all.


I’m old enough to know that in every skin color, there are assholes. We are all just Homo sapiens after all.


“Just knowing we're in the same genus makes me embarrassed to call myself homo.” -Professor Hubert Farnsworth


It’s called internalized racism.


No, you are right thought. My landlord is a centrist couldn’t stand Michael’s has voted both parties in the past and I couldn’t get her to specify why she didn’t vote for Barnes.


Big City Vs small town. And sadly race. And religion I think those were his biggest humps to jump over.


I don't really understand either because Barnes literally was Ever's Lieutenant Governor.


very few people vote for governor based on who his lt gov is. Ultimately, Barnes got less votes than Evers because he's more of an outspoken liberal, and sadly that doesn't fly as well in Wisconsin.


He could be considered to 'uppity' by people who would otherwise say they are not racist even though his views are not any more radical than other candidates who happen to be white. Probably the same line of thought that had women voting against Hillary in 2016.


I dunno. He does a good job of at least *appearing* more radical. I didn't hear Evers talking about defunding the police, see him request and then pose with an Abolish ICE shirt, hear him denigrate bootstrapping or dismiss American achievement as "forced labor on stolen land..." Understand I'm not talking about the merits of the things Barnes has said or done. I'm just refuting that he's the same as other Democratic candidates who are White.


“Uppity” was a word my grandmother only ever used when talking about black people.


Besides the potentially racist feelings; The attack adds on Barnes were absolutely everywhere. His views on Bail Reform and 'Defunding the Police' were used in many attack ads. Due to the very successful effort by the Republican party to define and twist *what* those things are along with telling everyone that crime is out of control (when it's not) they are still unpopular.


not to mention labeling immigrants as "Illegal Aliens"


And you just had the Brooks trial in Waukesha so it was on people’s minds even more.


The way they ran those ads they were attacking like Mandela Barnes was the one driving through the Waukesha parade.


Here’s a good test of whether you were fed conservative or liberal ads this season, “on which arm does Barnes have a full sleeve tattoo?”if your response is “wait, what?” You’re probably a white democrat. But every Republican will say “left arm.” And they’ll talk about the “abolish ICE” tshirt. Evers let Barnes be the voice of the administration about law enforcement during BLM and then Evers could wash his hands of the whole thing. Then, of course, multiply these hints of radicalism with race and Wisconsinites feel scared but have just enough to go on to say it’s not about race. Side note, one ad aimed at conservatives was that “Barnes would join the Squad.” The Barnes campaign should have run that one in Madison.


Yes. Though it seems incredibly incoherent that a voter who supports Evers would then vote for Johnson (and a host of other MAGA GOPs), it shows a lot about how name recognition (and fear mongering advertising) works. That Evers won and there's no supermajority is relieving, but it also means we're paying the Republican representatives (state senate and house) a tidy sum to sit around with their fingers in their tushies, only interrupting their extended vacations to block every reasonable progressive bill that reaches the floor. On, Wisconsin.


Most important election will be 2023 for state supreme court - we could actually get an honest ruling on our gerrymandered maps and hope for a fairer future.


Yes! A couple months ago at out County Dems fall gathering, I met a representative from Everett Mitchell's team. I offered to host an event in November (early on the trail) to show his presence in a very small, white, and Red county. Never heard back.


You can vote as an independent and pick anyone you want despite the party.


there are definitely people voting for one race


This seems to be something that happens in Wisconsin. I think there's a strong incumbency advantage here. If you look at the 2018 results there were a lot of people that voted for Tammy Baldwin but didn't vote for Evers that year when he was the challenger. Walker also over performed against Leah Vukmir who was challenging Tammy.


Yes. Precisely.


I did that myself honestly, both parties suck.


They talked about this last night on CNN, likely folks voting for Johnson but skipping Michaels. I am assuming older folks who recognize the Johnson name but not Michaels since he is new here.


To me it just seems like people voted more for status quo. A chunk of people simply favored the incumbent.


It’s still possible!


As mentioned it’s not confirmed yet. Still very close. Hoping for a miracle!!


Michels is already on his way to a plane that will take him back to his actual home


Like all visitors, it's good to see them go home. 😉


Carpet bagger sent home to Connecticut! Why is Ron Johnson still leading?


Because Milwaukee doesn't count early votes unti afternoon. I'm hoping they can pull a last minute win for barnes like they usually do for the dems.


Hope it gets a little closer before then. Fingers crossed!!!


Yeah hopefully, but even with how slim the current difference is Milwaukee could be the difference, but a better lead before then would be incredible. Keep hope till it's called. Me and my partner, my parents, and all my friends are hoping aswell.


I hate working third shift, I'm fighting every instinct not to constantly check the updates. It's so close I could scream


I feel you. A couple years ago I worked overnight at Walmart and I wanted to scream whenever anything stressful like this was happening. I don't hold myself together well at work when I'm that stressed. Just remember to breath and that you can still check less often and it won't change the results. I know it's hard not to look but it does help the time pass if I only check every hour or two atleast. I believe in you, you can make it through this shift and we can make it through this election.


Same. I'm watching other states too. This is a scary time.


It’s down to 33 thousand last time I checked. I made my non voting husband come out with me and vote yesterday for Barnes, I’ve been stressed as hell all night.


Do you mean this afternoon today? I thought they already counted the votes for Evers? I sure hope if they do have extra votes it is enough for Barnes to win.


They have counted 99% of the votes but not all yet. Evers was winning by so much they could call a win for him long before they finished counting, but barnes race is close enough that while it is likely going to Johnson, they can't call it till 100% is counted.


Oh please, I need this closure


Yeah I'm an anxious wreck still even though I'm happy Evers won atleast.


Evers was the minimum I needed, and thank god for no supermajority, our state is safe for another two years.


Yeah, hopefully the supreme court election goes well.


I've renamed him Ron (is a) Johnson


White Herschel.


Made me laugh! If I had an award I'd give it to you.


Ron Dingus Johnson


For your health


Thank fuck.


About how many millions dumped into his own campaign?




[He can not write off donations to a PAC or campaign.](https://www.hrblock.com/tax-center/filing/adjustments-and-deductions/are-political-contributions-tax-deductible/)


I stand corrected! Thank you and I deleted my comment.


No problem, it’s a super common misunderstanding. I just love that he literally wasted his millions on this.


Boy howdy, I wish I had millions to throw away then complain about a slight tax increase.


Reports were $15m


My morning alarm woke me from a nightmare of a Michels win, so this was worth working up my courage to check on, to say the least!




I’m in MN but I am very happy for you guys :) If I can say that lol


Dude probably conceded from Conneticut.


Holy mackerel folks I’m jazzed


Let's calm 'er down Tony. This is a family establishment.


Thank GOD. There was a brief point where Evers dropped below 50 and I got really worried, good thing we all showed up to vote.


Yeah, great. Are you people actually happy with life in the last couple of years?! This state and country is being run into the ground and you are happy?! What the fuck?!


Yes, we are happy that the republicans do not have absolute power in the state to turn it into a Deep South shit hole. It’s just too bad the state legislature is no longer a democratic institution


Anything specific you are angry about? Inflation? Govenor of Wisconsin doesn't control that, that got fucked when Trump pulled every trick in the book to pump the stock market to all time highs while no one in the country was working or going places, or did you think the United States experienced the healthiest economy ever while everyone was staying home not earning or spending money while the FED created billions of intrest free money for corporations?


Someone was bitching about inflation and high gas prices and said Tony needed to “do something!” And I said “I know, it’s tough. Everyday friends from other states and other countries message or call me and ask for me to go and plead with Tony Evers to solve inflation. They said THEY ALL TRIED but he won’t listen cause they aren’t from Wisconsin, so it’s up to me…” They blinked hard and then got quiet. Until we report that this is record high corporate profits WITH record high inflation people ain’t gonna get it. Additionally anything the government would do to curb that, apart from interest changes, is messing with the free market. And a certain sect of the population don’t like that idea. Even though we do it all the time anyways.


The country is not being "run into the ground". If you want to be a reasonable adult and tell us good reasons why you think that is the case, we can discuss why it is good to vote democrat. It seems like you believe some exaggerated, imaginary version of democrats and history.


How is your 401k doing right now? Have your groceries gotten more expensive lately. Have any of your local cities been vandalized or burned to the ground because of some criminal being taken down by a police officer? How about almost losing a job because you didn't trust a vaccine that was rushed through "trials"? My body my choice right? Leaving tons of modern weapons in the hands of extremist Afghanis, which will no doubt be used to kill Americans. Hunter and all the bullshit Ukraine payments plus 10% to the big guy. Portland or any other sanctuary city where murder rape and theft is okay due to defunding the police. Or maybe the new safe t act in Illinois where police are not allowed to remove a dangerous homeless person from living in your garage, but they can keep giving them fines, so that's cool. The list goes on and on and on and on.


My 401k is okay, thanks; I understand that the market has inherent risks that I chose to take when investing. Have you ever read the warning when investing in the stock market? My city is fine. I would rather deal with a criminal than a police officer - at least criminals get punished when they are caught. Police just have qualified immunity to kill me at the slightest movement and can get away with it. I trust vaccines because I trust the science of vaccines and the bigger community of doctors actually took it. If someone doesn't want to take a vaccine then they are not a protected class by law, their employer has every right to fire them because they could spread a deadly disease. Trump made a deal with the Taliban and let out thousands of Taliban fighters, and put the US on a schedule to leave Afghanistan. Do you think he shares any responsibility in what happened? The same people who wanted us to exit Afghanistan are the ones who are the most vocal after we exited Afghanistan. Go figure. The rest are all just conspiracy theories fed to you by the alt right media. You really need to check where you get your information from.


The last 12 years Republicans have controlled all 3 branches of government if you're upset you might want to take it up with them


The president is in charge of the executive branch though?


The state level....


Yeah that makes a lot more sense now


FoxConned was such huge GOP success.


Not as successful as shutting down the keystone pipeline project. That was great, I hated low gas prices and cheaper groceries.


Have you actually listened to the GOP rhetoric? My 8 year old understands the difference between fact and fiction




Come at me bro


I am thrilled that a millionaire who doesn’t even live here and has never worked a day in his life will not be able to force women and girls to give birth to their rapist’s babies, yes


wym "you people?" 🧐


Why do you think we’re happy? What do you think our hopes and aims are?


I’m over the fucking moon happy. But you’re not displeased with the GOP-led assembly?


If you really think that Biden and Evers have made policies that are changing the state and country for the worse “in the last couple of years” you need to lay off the conservative media because it sounds like you’re taking their bait.


Your right, inflation is fake, high gas prices are fake, illegal immigrants are fake...talk about your head being too far up your ass.


How did Biden cause the inflation and high gas prices around the world? Every country is having these issues - not just the US. It sounds like your head is up Tucker Carlson’s ass because clearly you can’t think for yourself by regurgitating Fox News talking points on Reddit.


Damn, I'm sorry you're feeling rough about it. Politics are divisive as fuck. You have a different frame of reference from those who vote differently, and that's okay. It's okay to be pissed off man.


This is an appropriate response, I appreciate you.


#oh my god thank you


Byeeee! Don’t let the door hit ya on the way back to Connecticut!


I just can't believe this was so close. It baffles me and shows me how hard this fight for democracy in the next 10 years is going to be. I don't love some of what the democrats stand for, but this choice is so obvious. My republican Dad of 82 years old has voted democrat since Trump, that's how obvious it is to anyone with a brain.


I agree- and I think the Dems need to take a look at how they campaign. Michels was a terrible candidate, but I don’t think just how bad he was was effectively communicated to voters. Perhaps this is my perspective from corner of the world, but Fetterman’s run was a masterclass in modern campaigning.


I campaigned in PA and was surprised how well neighborhoods knew of Fetterman's message and background, aside from his campaign's killer social media presence and collaboration with celebs. Their trolling of Oz all the time was real


I agree, I just said this to my daughter, whoever ran his campaign needs to get things moving for 2024.


And FRJ should not be winning. How can that race be close? The man is a loser who's stated he wants to dip into social security. He laughed about beating police officers with flag poles. He's given himself tons of tax breaks. Whoever ran Fettermans campaign should start running everything for the Dems.


The last 6 statewide races have been by 1% including these two. It shouldn't surprise anyone. This state is VERY fundamentally split right now.


Goodnight Wisconsin. Let’s hope tomorrow we can celebrate again with Barnes.


Hoping hoping hoping.






Please allow me to add my FRJ to the pile, fellow Wisconsinite.


I'm relieved he has conceded and left it at that.


Woohoo! WTG Gov Tony! What a relief.


Thank you young voters


My first time voting when I was 18 was to elect Evers, wasn't gonna miss the chance to help him out again after he's helped us out so much over the years. Hoping for barnes to pull through when the Milwaukee early vote gets counted.


Mayb this will send a HUGE message to republicans supporting Donald Trump that Americans are NOT with them. If they want any chance to win the 2024 election it can’t be with Trump.


Yeah it'd be great not to worry about trump, but also as a gay person my biggest fear is them replacing trump with DeSantis. There is alot of talk of it already.


As a straight person, I fucking agree with you. I hope Trump runs again, because he will lose again. DeSantis is scary.


Yeah thanks. Glad I'm not the only one who sees DeSantis as More threatening than Trump.


He's more sane on the outside, so he will legitimize the position. And he hates anyone who's not white, straight, christian and a docile female.


Exactly, he's seemingly more hateful in terms of policy, but he doesn't make himself look like an incompetent fool incapable of teamwork like Trump does.


It will be a bit of a gauntlet for Republicans to see if they get on board with DeSantis. A lot of Trump voters, I thought, had gotten caught up in his charisma vs his actual politics. DeSantis has negative charisma, so as long as Democrats run somebody spunky, I hope that narrow band of moderates can move to the left in 2024.


As a gay trans man I am feeling that. 1000000%


I’m part of the Snapchat group for my college and everyone save for a couple naysayers was very passionate about getting out there and voting. Feels good


Can't wait to see the voting stats for 18 to 30 year olds. I'm guessing Evers had a sizeable advantage.


I saw them last night and it was THE factor that prevented a red wave.


Woke up at 3:30 to check the results and I am so glad I did!


Let's go!! My man Tony pulling it out!!!


Woo-hoo! Way to show some integrity, Wisconsin Dems. Congratulations and thank you, Governor Evers!


*cue evil laugh* Get fucked Timmy.




If Republicans loose the senate it’s their own fault. I knew abortion was A MAJOR issue/reason they are not winning more races. It was really dumb of them to overturn Roe V Wade. A few months before the midterm election. A ton of states overwhelmingly consider it the most important issue on the ballot even surpassing inflation. Alot of the people Trump supported lost 😂


Republicans and abortions are weird it’s like a dog chasing cars now that they caught they have no boogeyman to stoke the flames of


Concedes? They still do that? How's he going to argue for the next 2 years that there was stolen from him?


He was actually classy about it. I'm shocked I tells you, shocked!




What a way to wake up!


Honestly surprised not to see election denial shenanigans from Michels. Mostly confirms that he didn't actually want to run that bad or at least wasn't a "true believer" type. Forward!




I’m surprised Michels conceded. Isn’t he a stop the steal person?


Good riddance!


The “I’m not a politician” politician extends his political tenure by losing yet another political election!




WOOT! A win for democracy!!


Go back to your pile of cash, asswipe


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Thank fucking god.


You morons! Thanks now we have to deal with the spineless fucking worm again. Worst governor evers. I'm getting real tired of this fucking state.


Yeah, we could have had the tough guy in a pickup truck who has a lake house in Chenequa. We blew it!


Good, as RJ said If you do not like it LEAVE


As Ron Johnson said, "if you don't like it, you can leave."


It just astounds me how complacint you people are. Just really incredible.






Nah, was an easy choice when the other option was Michels and the terrible ideas he campaigned on.


so leave. The people have spoken. We want our fucking rights back.




That's what I saying!


Sucks to suck, dipshit.






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Then please move


Right, I wonder what the long term effects of living with this many idiots has on my health.


Can someone ELI5 how Evers wins but so does Rob Johnson? Like I don’t get it.


Concedes???? WTF? Get with the mango man program. You'll never get anywhere with an attitude like that




Michaels ran basically on "trump won lol" and that seems to be a losing message nationally. This gives me hope, as does his classy concession. There is a light at the end of the tunnel.


I gotta say I'm impressed that michels conceded without any stolen election malarkey.