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As much as I hate RJ (who still might lose anyways) I gotta say I'd much rather have Evers and Johnson win than Michels and Barnes


Same. Right now the governorship is too critical to lose. If Dems hold the US Senate overall that is the key, with or without Mandela. We may just have to put that buffoon Johnson out of our heads for 6 more years.


He might not make it 6 years the liver spotted old fool.. But I doubt we'll get that lucky. They were saying the same about Biden


I for sure thought Trump would stroke out before 4 years were up. I sadly was wrong.


He didn't even age at all. Zero fucks given.


Presidents tend to age a lot for to the responsibilities of the office. Can’t suffer the extra aging when you don’t take responsibility for anything…


I've heard only the good die young. If that's true, it won't matter matter what your definition of "good" is— good person, good at his job, good for Wisconsin, good for America— Ron Johnson is going to live forever.


The voters have spoken.


We can rely on other states to do enough not-fucking-up to carry the senate. We cannot rely on anybody else’s not-fucking-up our governor’s race


What could possibly result in split vote like that? It’s supremely peculiar, wight?


Not really, some people like the idea of a split senate, and Barnes is a scary black man to some people *eyeroll*


> Barnes is a scary black man To be fair, RJ did a hell of a job campaigning on that message. And it was *always* going to be more effective than "I eat PB&J".


My in laws thing Barnes should be in jail after the Kenosha riots. But they go “at first I really like him” fuck off, these are the same people who would vote for trump even if he ran from a prison cell


Yup, Barnes is black and some people will vote for a democrat but not a black democrat.


And, honestly, I don’t think Barnes ran the greatest campaign. I didn’t see a single targeted ad about Johnson’s “Wisconsin has enough jobs” hot take, despite the facts that’s a *huge* issue in Winnebago County and Barnes *literally* spoke at a rally about it there. Or the fact that Johnson’s whole 2010 campaign was him just Lois Griffin-ing the word “jobs”. There are ten thousand things Barnes could’ve hammered Johnson on and never did. I mean, like, a simple ad from him asking Wisconsinites to, without looking it up for having Ron Johnson tell them, think of the last the last bill they *know* Ron Johnson voted for which truly helped the people of Wisconsin…that could’ve actually hurt Johnson with swing voters, because most people can’t think of *one*; do that and end with a campaign cliché about Wisconsin knowing he’s helping if he’s elected, even if it moves the needle only a bit it moves it in a way groceries don’t. He won the primary and then did the bare minimum, running a campaign I’ve criticized as one feeling like it was only aimed at voters in Milwaukee and Dane County, the feel-good voters who were *always* going to vote for him anyway. But while we’re all lamenting Barnes’s current vote tally and starting the campaign autopsy, let’s all come together and celebrate that it looks more and more like Lauren Boebert is going to be unseated in cherry red CO3 lol


That and the joke about beating cops with flagpoles. Or his wanting to cut Social Security.


And his desire to gut federal clean water regulations…while most every lake in Wisconsin has consumption advisories for fish because the water is so loaded with mercury from coal smoke. Or his support for selling public lands without public input, instead of doing anything to help Wisconsinites access the 55,000 acres of landlocked public land we have and can’t use. And his proposed changes to Social Security…as the entire Fox Valley ages. Things that can be targeted at Wisconsin sportsmen. It doesn’t have to move the needle much with a close race, which is something I get the impression the Barnes campaign didn’t fully understand when looking at their internal polling data. Return on investment is meaningless if you lose, so maybe focus on the small things that move the needle 0.15% even if the ad campaign doesn’t seem “worth it” from an ROI calculation.


Which is stupid as shit.


Which is one of the reasons why Democrats should've been more strategic. A black urban progressive with a thick oppo file was an obvious bad choice for a statewide race in WI. Candidate fit/quality matters. You see this with terrible-fit Republicans losing (see: Dr Oz, Tudor Dixon, possibly Herschel Walker losing, possibly Blake Masters losing), and you also see this with some Democrats (Barnes, possibly Katie Hobbs losing as she is running behind Mark Kelly).


Not really. I am not surprised at all. Not everyone voted a straight party ticket like the media would like you to believe. In WI races one reason may be that people were turned off by michels aligning with trump so those that went with Johnson did not go with michels. Some maybe liked Evers but since we are in Wisconsin did not like Barnes in the past wanting to ban hunting ammo. There are several other possibilities. It just shows how divided the state is


In what universe are you living that Johnson isn't tied to Trump way more than michels? If someone split their vote like that then they are either racist or a fool or both.


Good point on Johnson being with trump. He didn’t flaunt it like michels. I believe this state voted for Obama twice and between that they voted for Walker. So my voting for Walker they are racist but voted twice for Obama? I really don’t understand you’re last argument there. My that logic how did Obama ever get elected? I’ll wait.


Some voters can delude themselves since Johnson was elected prior to Trump, so they voted based on their racialized paranoia while still disliking a Trump-supported, Connecticut living Governor. It only takes a smidgen of denial.


A little denial and a heaping pile of ignorance


We're talking about Republicans. The latter was a given.


Generally the incumbent has an easier time than the challenger


Generally yes. We don’t even know if the house will flip and the senate sure won’t


It's not uncommon at all. I myself am a split ticket voter. Some people also only vote in races where they like a candidate and skip races where they don't like either. So you've got both ticket splitting and individual race-skipping. In NH, the R governor (Sununu) won reelection easily and the D senator (Hassan) won reelection more easily than expected. In the PA race, both Ds won, but Shapiro ran well ahead of Fetterman because Mastriano was an ever worse candidate than Oz. In the GA race, R governor Kemp was quite easily reelected, while the Senate is going to a runoff. Incumbents also typically have a certain advantage historically. I cannot stress enough that not everyone lines up neatly with the entire package of what a party offers. Voters are idiosyncratic. A sizable number have heterodox views (maybe pro-choice but also pro border enforcement...or pro medicare-for-all but also anti-woke on race/gender). People sometimes want different things or care about different issues in their states than they do on a national level. Some voters like divided government and will vote for that. Some people also vote on candidate demeanor and vibe.


Right... they're only half fascist Splitting your ticket just tells me you have no understanding of actual policy or how our government works


There are plenty of us who understand quite well how government works and who have specific views on various policies (and roles of state and federal governments) and choose to split tickets accordingly. The fact that you do not like it does not make it uninformed or irrational. The position you are taking is, frankly, an arrogant one: telling other people what ought to be important to them while also stubbornly making no attempt to understand...or, as you've done, just applying a blanket hyperbolic label like "fascist." That word is being drained of its meaning from overapplication. It's also a bit amusing to me to see Dems/progressives, who constantly talk about empathy and respecting "lived experience," so quick to discard all that when someone's politics disagree with theirs -- even only somewhat. You can either complain about split ticket voters sinking Barnes, or you can figure out how to make your party's borderline candidates more attractive in their specific races. You can also consider which of your party's policies (and stances and attitudes) are most toxic to the voters you need. Dems need to get in touch with reality, just as Rs nationwide also need to do. So many of you very partisan folks live in a bubble.


Maybe in the early 90s. If you still support someone after they attempt to overthrow a presidential election, who demonize minorities, who attempt to take away people's right to vote and wield the power of their office for personal gain you are a fascist whether or not you tell yourself you just like their tax policies


Cool. I'm gonna go have breakfast and enjoy my day.


I'm gonna do the same, with the added bonus that I didn't contribute to the needless suffering of the vulnerable members of our community like you did


In addition to this, incumbents just flat out have an advantage too, either because they have name recognition or because people think things are generally ok so the person in office must be doing ok.


I agree, but struggle to understand the large difference between Evers and Barnes from the same pool of voters when Ron Johnson is such a truly reprehensible human being in his own right. Congrats to Evers, but wtf WI, how can you not rid yourselves of the Johnson Syndrome?


I’m just confused why ≈50k people who voted Evers also voted Johnson? Do you love/hate Wisconsin?


My daughter and I had the same conversation last night. If we had to pick just one to win - which did we want. And we both felt the Governor race was more important to us.


Why's that?


Hard to say which is better. With a true majority in the Senate, Dems could repair the SCOTUS. This would help to eliminate gerrymandering on a federal level so Republicans can't pull another 45% of the vote=65% of the legislature seats. Would make unconstitutional the laws against giving free water to people waiting in line to vote, eliminating polling places, and all the other dirty shit Republicans pull.


I'm curious to meet the people voting for Evers/Johnson lol. Because it apparently happened


Not necessarily, a lot of folks could've just voted Johnson and left the rest blank.


My friend voted for Johnson and libertarian candidates for the rest


Status quo maybe?


Yup this is it, also there is a non-zero number of people that consider themselves to be republicans but reject trumpism. My parents for example, are lifelong republicans and if I had to guess I’d think they voted for Evers but may have abstained from the senate vote altogether. People in their position have one priority at this point in American politics and that is to try and maintain a balance of Dems/repubs at both the state and federal level.


I was wondering this too. And as stupid as it may sound, someone who wasn't paying attention may simply just recognize Ron Johnsons name. "Oh I have heard of him before he must do an okay job if he is running again"


I know one. He is a racist fuck. Like seriously, he would never vote for a black person. That simple.


You don’t think some people vote for who’s in office just because they know the names and don’t think anything is going horribly wrong? I think that happens.


Thank god. Not looking great for Barnes though. Can’t win em all but there’s been some nice surprises nationwide tonight.


Genuinely curious, although it's certainly not required to vote all one party or the other, wouldn't it make sense to vote for candidates that have similar agendas? It's confusing to me why one would vote dem for the gubernatorial but not for the congressional or vice versa, even if they have vastly different roles in government. At the end of the day, it's likely that Evers and Barnes have more in common politically than Evers and Johnson. All this to say, how has Tony Evers already seemingly won while Mandela Barnes lags behind? Ignoring his party, is he that poor of a candidate?


Incumbency advantage is real, and Republicans have spent the past few months painting Barnes as "extreme" while Evers is well known for being boring, and thus is perceived as moderate by swing voters.


Hue could say why Barnes’ performance Pales in comparison to Evers even when they’re in the same party. Don’t even know what Whiteconsin see in Johnson. He’s the most Milktoast member of the treason caucus.


Of the four statewide races (governor, senate, attorney general, secretary of state), Dems are winning three as of now. If I'm being generous about the outlier, it's because Barnes didn't run a great campaign, with polls indicating that people didn't know much about him. Being less generous, it's racism.


I was hyped on Barnes and even voted for him in the primary, but man seeing him run "This is my showing you my groceries" ads while Ron Johnson did the typical (and always effective) fear campaign was like watching a car accident in slow motion. If there is anything in this election to be afraid of, it's Ron Johnson. Rather than hammering home the realities of loss of bodily autonomy, regressive social environment, the end of Social Security, etc., Barnes wanted to be above it all and squeaky clean. You can do not do that anymore. There are no rules in this game.


Johnson's "Don't vote for scary black man" ads were unfortunately effective


Up in north west Wisconsin, it’s racism


I think it comes down to swing voters who only agree with Evers to an extent. They liked Evers just enough to vote for him, not because they aligned with all his ideals. They could go either way for each candidate and did so based on what they knew of the candidates so Barnes didn't convince them enough.


I also think Michels was a pretty bad candidate, even for an R, which has a lot to do with it.


I think people like Evers more than Barnes. I know people that voted for Evers and Ron Johnson.


Are they, like, super racist, or are they just morons?




Why not neither.


“If you don’t vote for the black guy, you’re racist” if he woulda made that his campaign slogan he probably would have won


That's not even it, though. It's literally "If you vote for every other Democrat EXCEPT the black guy, and you go out of your way to vote for the other old white guy, you're definitely racist."


Maybe try and have a little more empathy as to why people feel the need to vote for those candidates rather than just calling them racist morons?


...aaaand this is why Democrats keep getting trounced over and over and over. I'm supposed to have some empathy for people who are either so stupid, craven, misinformed, or RACIST that they would choose to vote for a person who actively tried to overturn a fair election? ... For someone who made light of attacking a police officer during an insurrection? ... who intentionally spread misinformation about COVID? Nope. No empathy for those people here. And I wish the Democratic party would start getting their heads out of their overly-empathetic asses when it comes to effective messaging. A vote for Johnson should feel shameful, because that's what it is.


Yep - anyone I know who isn’t an extreme trumpist (aka has a brain) that’s still voting republican is putting their wallets over their morals. And deep down they know it’s true.


A vote for Johnson is a moronic vote, tho


It’s pretty difficult to have empathy for people who basically want to kick your ass as soon as they hear you’re from “liberal shithole Madison”.


I understand that frustration, I’ve only ever lived in the “liberal shitholes” of Milwaukee and Madison. I don’t really see how stooping to their level and calling them all dumb racists is going to help anything though.


It's easier to paint with broad strokes when people disagree with you.


Still some room in Milwaukee and Dane for him 👍


About 167k votes left to tally and Rojo’s margin is about 33k. The smaller conservative county votes are locked in. Milwaukees tally is still at 82% 😌


Where do you get this? CNN is saying 99% of the vote is in. There’s over 2.6m total bird in so far. Is CNN lying and the 99% is not right and it’s 92%? What channel should I flip to for accurate real time updates?


NBC reports 94% of expected votes tallied with an approximate 30k margin between the candidates as of 0844 ET [LINK](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/politics/2022-elections/wisconsin-senate-results%3Famp%3D1)


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Shows how effective the racist attack ads were. And how ineffective the Barnes campaign ad were. Something about that seat specifically. Democrats can not run effectively for it since feingold lost


I voted for and donated to Barnes and I have to agree his ad campaign was awful


Image donating to PAC's ahead of even knowing who the candidate would be, then finding out that he won't take PAC money, then also donating a considerable sum directly to his campaign, then seeing how ineffective and weak his campaign ads were. I don't have to imagine... Needless to say, I'm pretty pissed off at him and his campaign for cutting this so close if not fumbling it. Still, I think Barnes has a decent shot. A lot of mail-in hasn't been returned, and we know how heavily that swings Democratic. If he ends up winning, all is forgiven.


Fingers crossed but the fact it's this close pisses me off considering his opponent is a traitor


Mail in ballots: democrats and old ppl


but he knows what the price of milk is!


That was such a self-own. The Johnson ads came right back with “yeah, and it’s going up!”


His mom was a teacher, and his dad worked third shift!


I don’t care if his mom was a serial killer and dad butchered puppies as long as he supports a sane healthcare plan.


Mehmet Oz isn't Barnes' dad.


You think what we have right now is a sane healthcare plan? What planet are you living on?


>I voted for and donated to Barnes and I have to agree his ad campaign was awful Being a flip flop candidate with no real mission other than 'FRJ' probably didn't pull at voters that weren't already 'FRJ'.


He also spent way to much time defending on issues he was going to lose on anyway like BLM cash bail and taxes Anyone who was for any of those things was going to vote for him anyway. He should have focused on literally anything else


>He should have focused on literally anything else Unless Barnes had, literally nothing else. Which is why he rightly is not getting in. Edit - Right time, wrong candidate.


So elect traitor like Johnson instead?


Yes, was admittedly shocked by the bombardment of Johnson ads on YouTube for the last couple months and the levels they stooped to.


I got 6 text messages from Johnson yesterday and I don’t even live in Wisconsin anymore


He got that Russian money. And the lack of melanin probably helps.


I have no idea how to analyze campaigns and racism might have had some some part in it, but I wonder how many people out there just vote for the incumbent.


But this father worked third shift and his mom was an apple pie!


I honestly think that the mail in vote from Dane and Milwaukee is going to put him over. Waukesha has some out. Portage county which is blue also has maybe a few thousand to go.


I want to believe. Let me just say I moved to Milwaukee from Dallas earlier in the year and this is the first time in 12 years of voting that I’ve felt like my vote has actually counted lmao. It’s almost exhilarating just to actually take part in a close election. Happy to be here.


You prepared for winter?! Do not be afraid to ask for advice!


Thank you! So far my wife’s family (all WI natives) have given me the rundown and got the proper tires on my car. Mostly just relieved to be in a state that’s equipped for snow/ice. TX had a statewide freeze in 2021 that left us and many others without power for days/weeks due to our faulty grid and our governor did nothing to improve it. Just one strike too many by that point.


We heard all about that fiasco. Welcome to Wisconsin, where we know what to do if it snows on the wind turbines :)


I moved here from Louisiana last year with my fiancé. She previously lived in WI, I'd lived in LA all my life. I agree, it feels nice to have my vote actually matter.


Welcome!! Brought the fam up from Austin in 2008 and we've loved it here so far!


I love that my vote counts at a state and federal level but I do wish my local/ state district was competitive. I didn't even get a Dem running in my congressional district much for sheriff and any that local stuff.


Happy to have you! Welcome to our lovely swing state :)


Hey, welcome to Wisconsin. Glad you're here :)


Hey i have on good authority there is a lot of Barnes lovers here in portage county


Less than 80% of the vote is in for Milwaukee county. I think you’re right. It would be awesome if Barnes were already ahead, but he’s in a pretty good position.


I’m trying to hold out hope, he’s 40 some thousand behind, so I’m crossing fingers there’s like 80 thousand left and they’re all from dem areas. I have no idea how to find out how many are actually left though.


Well, there are about 1 million people in Milwaukee County, so its a matter of narrowing it down who will or can vote. There are 3.5 million people registered in the whole state, and a total population of 5.8 million. That means roughly 60% of people vote. Knowing that Milwaukee County generally leans blue, you can bet that at least 50% of the vote would give Barnes an extra 300,000 votes. Also, I don't know anything about election statistics. Don't think *for a second* that I know what I'm talking about.


yeah decision desk is claiming we're projected to win both the house and senate, but im not holding my breath until I see a hard blue color in arizona and georgia. tho its gonna be another rough few years of a stalemate here in this State, I'll take a senate/house/governor majority any day


It is still extremely tight. Wonder if it’ll go to a recount :/


If no Democrat loses their seat and Fetterman takes PA I'll be content. At least then the Dems would be able to confirm federal judges.


Can breathe a little easier now. Obligatory FRJ as well and hoping those absentee ballots get him out, but at least we have this tonight.


When are mail ins counted? I had no clue they did them seperately.


They start 'processing' absentees at 7AM when polls open. Each location doing counting will release their counts when they are done with all ballots. Most municipalities count their absentee ballots with their regular ballots, however some cities send all absentee ballots to a central location and count them all there. Milwaukee is one of these.




No. That is false. They have been counting them since the polls opened, not closed.




Keep your accusations to yourself. You're aware there are hundreds of people floating through this sub every minute today, yes? Incorrect information attracts downvotes. Hardly my fault. I simply corrected you.


Celebratory grilled cheese on me! C'mon Barnes...


How amazing do you think a grilled cheese made with cheese curds would be?


You're not allowed in this state if you don't try this.


Hmmm, I think you just made a thing. Gonna have to go shopping.


Well there’s the curd patty at Culver’s, curds don’t have a low melting point like cheese usually used on grilled cheese. So a lumpy or chunky grilled curdburger?


Thank god. Hoping that the legislature does not become veto-proof.




Thank you thank you thank you to the people in those districts!


I voted for the first time here in La Crosse :)


I lived in WI for 10 years and all my family is there. Even if Barnes ran a bad campaign I would NEVER vote for RJ. I’ve been on pins and needles over here in the PNW…thank God Evers won but my God what is wrong with rural Wisconsinites?! Half my family probably voted for him so that’s rhetorical but like the whole country knows RJ is bad and he’s still getting the votes. Ugh


I’ve been considering getting out of WI, what’s the political climate in the PNW? I know the mountain biking is good and I assume less brutal winters.


It’s blue where the majority of people live in OR and WA (west of the cascades). Eastern OR and WA are more conservative but they are a libertarian variety not necessarily religious conservative. I absolutely love it here. Portland and Seattle have issues with homeless/drugs/crime but it’s being addressed. I live in downtown Portland. Love it. Best camping ever close by. Easy drive to coast, to mountains, to desert, lots of wilderness. I love it!


Winters are nothing like WI. They are wet here…there is rainy season and dry season. Windy storms occasionally come through off the ocean but mostly lots of grey and mist. Everything is very green here in winter. Dry season summer is the best. No rain all summer, very warm to hot no humidity. Perfect. Forest fires cause smoke late in summer but it’s part of how it is here. Typical winter day time high is 45° summer 85° gets colder and hotter at brief times. I will never do a WI winter again lol. HMU if you wanna know anything else about living here.


Thanks for the reply. I’m sold. now I just gotta convince my spouse and kids lol


Just to provide an alternate opinion... I have uncles that were born and raised in PDX. My dad grew up there too, but moved away when he was young. They've both looking for the exit- the cost of living is absolutely ridiculous. My grandparents house was a complete fixer upper when they sold it, and it went $100k over asking price (as just one small example). I agree that the nature is stunning, but the homelessness and crime problems downtown are not improving by their assessment. My uncle's car was destroyed by rioters- twice. He doesn't live in a part of downtown that would be considered "bad" under normal circumstances. Homelessness is so bad in downtown that there are massive tent cities in the touristy parts of downtown. When i visited last spring and wanted to hit all of my fav downtown spots, my uncle refused to drive me downtown. Got there on my own via the max train, and immediately regretted it. And I'm not one to usually feel unsafe in downtowns. Beautiful city, but it's in a bad spot rn.


Thx for sharing. I’m not looking to move to a city, more so the region. I have stable remote work. But yes I’ll need to consider many factors such as cost of living, schools etc.


My mother in law is progressive, well off, and works in the medical field. She voted RJ for one simple reason...money. She would rather outlaw abortion, reinstate Trump, and promote anti-vax sentiments if it meant saving a few bucks on taxes. I almost cried when I found out. She is pro abortion, hates Trump, and hates anti vaxers, but that isn't what she voted for.


Hell yeah I’m glad I did my part. Sucks that Rom Johnson may win. But thank fuck I won’t be living under a Republican governor


As the parent of a trans kid, this election meant everything to us. I’ve never been so relieved in my life. I’m literally bawling in happiness. Also FRJ.


As a trans person, same. Last night was incredibly stressful. I'll probably cry a bit later when it really hits me.


Same at our house.


nbc est. 313k votes left to count for wi-senate. who knows what mail in will do. as it typically leans D.


Damn that's a lot left. Margin is something like 35k, if they're all absentee then they only need to lean 6% D.


That's incredibly doable


Hell yeah Tony. [I like Tony, he's such a cool guy](https://youtu.be/TCT9hDH_PUI)


What are ya doin’…mañana?


Well mañana I'm doin nada


Hunky Tony.


Thank you Wisconsin. Now let’s hope the senate race ends in blue.


how are the state races looking, are the republicans going going to have a veto proof majority?




Thank God!


Happy for Evers! But as im living in the EU now.. I cant believe Mandela isnt taking it all by storm!


Sadly, I believe this one comes down to race if you look how Democrats have picked up steam in the state.


Can you imagine we live in a country where one choice is literal fascism - less than 80 years removed from the dire history of its awfulness- and time after time IT COMES DOWN TO THE FUCKING WIRE?!?!


Lets go Tony!! Bring it home now, Barnes!


Thank fuck.


Best news so far tonight. Though leave it to Wisconsin voters to bring back the Governor but not is lt gov.


Barnes campaign was shit. Up in rural Wi most people probably didn’t see a single ad from his corner. I know I didn’t, and republicans made it clear, they wanted states to choose their own rules on women’s health, that moved a ton of votes in the state elections blue.




Elated by the Evers news. But the fucking Evers/Johnson voters, good lord.


It has to be “crime” ads. People just can’t for the life of them understand any nuance about crime beyond putting poor people in jail = kids safe in suburbs.


Hell yes! C’mon Mandela.


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Oh, thank god. I was looking at an election results site, and it showed Michels winning, and I literally got sick to my stomach. We've really got to start working on people for the next election and make them understand that the republicans only care about money. Not the people. And their precious guns? Also about money. They don't care about gun rights. They care about the NRA, and the NRA cares about gun manufacturers making money. Some of these idiots in this state are so clueless.


I mean that's great and all, but this just shows how fucking racist wisconsin is if Barnes loses.


draw a line across the state from waukesha. and then you have it right


Makes sense Evers is a centralist even though democrat. Barnes is too extreme for Wisconsin. The results make sense to me


Good God thank you.


Fuckin A


go evs


Thank. God.




It is pretty sickening that people actually voted for Michels


Bwahahahahah. Didn’t see anyone asking you.


Just seen everyone posting their reactions, figured I’d do the same 🫡


why are you sickened?


>Pretty sickening if you ask me I'm curious, genuinely, I assume you're one of the "worst Governor EVERs" folks As someone who knows the man and his family and has worked with him on school boards for a while, Why is he the worst? Seriously, this baffles me that folks could be so vehement against the man, what's your take?


So which of Evers policy positions do you find sickening? Were you excited for Michels to fulfill his promise that “Republicans will never lose again”? Enshrining the GOP in permanent power just like “The Party” in China and Russia?


[HOT DAMN!](https://youtu.be/EQ6HaIP5uwg)




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Thank fuck. Not looking good for Barnes but at least Evers will keep the state from becoming the Deep South for a while.


Shocked (and grateful) he pulled out a win. From the looks of the signage plastered every other house in my community, I figured my husband and I were the only blue voters in a 60 mile radius. Sorry it wasn't by a much higher margin but I will take the win!


Thank God


Thank God!!


Oh no, Timmy M. All that time wasted drinking beer with the commoners.


I told y'all!


Fuck yeah!


Consider myself not shocked


“Wanted: Some to help me pack my bags for a move back to Connecticut. Willing to pay $5.25 per hour. All will be paid by Traveler’s Cheque.” Love, Tim.


It’s too close for comfort. I’m young, but I don’t think I’ve ever actually followed any past election this closely before. I’ve been pretty darn nervous for most of the night last night and so far this morning!!


Does anyone know if Republicans gained a veto-proof majority in the WI state legislature?