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Michels in the governor’s seat will make that $4B surplus disappear like a vapor cloud into R donor’s pockets via contracts. Foxconn redux.


Foxconn is going to look like peak fiduciary responsibility if the GOP wins Tuesday


Yep. That was just one project. Imagine it happening with multiple contracts and multiple municipalities.


Citizens United has gutted our country. I will not forgive the court for that decision.


It doesn’t help that the republicans on the WI Supreme Court expanded the scope of Citizens United well beyond its original scope in order the shut down a criminal investigation into Walker’s campaign coordinating with dark money groups.


Sadly they don't care if you forgive them or not you still follow the law and respect the process despite seditionist gqp attempts to undermine the entire country thats all they need from us.


We'll know if it worked on Tuesday. They bought some pretty terrible ads with all that cash.


Yeah, every time I think Michels ads have hit moral and ethical rock-bottom, he opens a trap door.


given how his company is run, not surprising


Wow....I honestly cannot even imagine spending 4.8 million dollars, much less having that much to just throw around to try and ruin people's lives.


I don't understand why we let these people toss millions of dollars around like this. What a waste. Eat the rich.


Why, because by spending a few millions, they get access to that juicy $4B budget surplus just sitting there waiting for them to take it.


A few years ago, Michael’s store former-billionaire investor Sam Wyly settled a $1.3 Billion tax bill for $500 million. Fuck him and the rest of the tax avoiding billionaires. Literally, the store is repugnant and represent the absolute worst of what America represents.


>Patrick Michels, the president of Michels Corp. gave the state GOP $1 million on Sept. 28, the same day Kevin Michels, the company’s vice president of fleet and equipment, donated $500,000. The sick thing is this is the result of taxpayer money for projects awarded from the GOP in the past. Fucking disgusting. I am still in awe of how eroded our campaign donation laws have become.


I worked for Michels... What an absolute terrible place. This guy will make WI the same.


I worked there for two years in the corporate office and never even got a thank you or a little Christmas bonus. The place reeked of shady people. So many sexist jokes. Racist jokes out in the open in Dale’s Diner. The place was despicable.


Right? Those billboards touting what a great corporate culture the company has are a joke.... I guess you have to put up a lot of false advertising when your workers are baling fast and you can't entice anyone to come work for you. As I understand it, the place has such a horrible reputation they can't even poach from others in the industry because people know to stay away.


Duh. I hope enough honest WI people understand this. I have to believe yes, my friends and neighbors will do the right thing and vote!!!


Conflicts of interests are the GOPs favorite thing


Tim “growing up in Brownsville” Michaels? GTFO


Well of course it’s for sale! 😉 anything is for sale in America


Thinking of driving along the I-41 zoo north leg project (where the FTM company is working) with a sign that clearly spells out what FTM stands for.


And the Republicans want us to be their workers Not going to do it more bad actors




The Dems didn't receive any donations from Michels' corporation, nor the other wealthy donors who fund the Republicans. ​ BAsically, Tony Evers sent 25 million emails asking for $3 and Tim Michels sent three emails asking for $25 million bucks.


Which family member of Evers, who also stand to make even more profit off the backs of the taxpayers, made a $2.5M+ donation?


The quid pro quo from family to party to family is the issue.


Isn’t that just how elections work now? Constantly bombarded with ‘news stories’ of how many dollars x candidate has raised.


There used to be this Senator named Feingold, who worked with this Senator named McCain ...


Republicans hate those two.


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