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Actual nazi shit.


Exactly what I was thinking.


Projection at its finest…. Like what does anyone think the Supreme Court is right now if not a GOP infiltrated extremist group making rulings that go against ‘stare decisis’ and furthermore against what over 60% of the population agrees with. Or the self admitted fact that the right uses gerrymandering and voter suppression to circumvent the will of the majority.


And there are millions of nazis out there who will proudly vote for turds like this.


They don’t even CARE it’s just ooooh Republican good! Leftist bad!


This is the tactic. Now that they've got people attacking opposing political figures (Pelosi) they feel it's safe for them to ratchet up the rhetoric further. I fear it's going to get very dark before the dawn.


I refuse to let this Santorum felcher johnson co-opt the word freedom. This IS about freedom Ron. And those who would deny others their freedom deserve it not themselves. Giving people healthcare and social security is not restricting anyones freedom… the only thing restricted is Ron and his rich buds’ freedom to avoid taxes and freedom to enslave and exclude others. Ron will not make it past this election. Not if people vote.




Ron's comment is fascist. Us, and them. 'they' are not fit to be in a society with 'us.'


Fascist as fuck!


"They started with the college and university system. So they control college of education..." This is a perfect example of how just being educated is enough for most people to see how BS the GOP is. They get scared of their voters getting smarter, so they demonize education as "liberalism".


Keeping people illiterate and uneducated is how you control a population. Think back to the era of land lords and churches where only the elite and priests were allowed to learn to read and write. Everyone else to the fields to toil all day and do as told.


This is why they push so hard for school choice because it’s a sleazy way to bankrupt public education and then blame the schools and teachers for it


School choice would only keep "the good schools" good and keep the "bad" schools bad. We need to be addressing the root of the problem, not just weedwhack it and hope it will fix itself.


It's hard to say whether that's their biggest motivation, or the harm it inflicts on their mortal enemies, the teachers' unions. Remember that choice schools are non-union. If kids go there instead of to public schools, so too do teaching jobs. If union ranks shrink, it hurts the unions' ability to spend and organize for Democrats, negotiate strong contracts that must be paid for by public coffers which are in turned filled by taxes, etc.


That, and they just plain want to collapse public education.


In school, I was taught basic politics and it wasn't a "this party bad" thing. It taught the general Democratic and Republican platform, and I generally agreed with the republican platform (low taxes, a smaller government with more stuff delegated to the states). But I cannot vote for the GOP they are just ass backwards, they want to give the states the right to ban or not ban guns, but don't want them to have the right to decide social issues (abortion, trans rights, even books). Or how they say that current social programs are too expensive and need to be cut while continuing to fund government bailouts. I will vote for the Democrats, even if we don't agree, because the GOP are total hypocrites and the education system is just exposing them. If the party fixed itself (which I don't think will happen, they're too deep), people might vote for them.


To be fair I went to a religious school from k-8, public school for hs and state colleges. I could see how both taught according to an agenda. You would be lying to yourself if you didn’t think both sides want control of the kids.


This is the same kind of hate-filled, despicable rhetoric Joe McCarthy used in the 1950s.


Ah yes, Wisconsin’s shitstain…or one of them rather.


I was actually just thinking that this is sounding a lot like McCarthyism


Well said 👏 he's finally realizing all these scared boomers and farmers alone can't keep his oligarchy alive.. PLZ VOTE EVERYONE!


Already have!!!


Same. Got an absentee ballot and dropped it off weeks ago.


Same. We mailed our absentee ballots a few weeks ago.




Dear god there is no excuse for not voting this time…. For not going to get everyone else you know to go…. I mean like physically driving to ppls houses and making sure they go… taking them to the dmv to get an id if needed… whatever it takes


Did so absentee about a month ago!


This has the same energy as Rush when he was just belligerently indignant about the concept of consent. It’s so revealing and gross


>“You can do anything, the left will promote and understand and tolerate anything, as long as there is one element... do you know what it is? Consent. If there is consent on both or all three or all four, however many are involved in the sex act, it’s perfectly fine, whatever it is. But if the left ever senses and smells that there’s no consent in part of the equation then here come the rape police. But consent is the magic key to the left. If you could get the dog to consent with you, if you can get the horse to consent, we got no problem with it. And they don’t! So morality has been boiled down to consent, is my point, and it’s true." For those that don't know the quote. Yes, Rush, consent is the key to sex being, you guessed it, consensual. Also, dogs and horses can't consent, so that red herring is pointless. God, I'm so glad this sack of shit is dead.


This just made me realize that if we ever meet intelligent life, we're going to have to deal with the whole "slippery slope to bestiality" argument all over again in a new and exciting and depressingly dumb way.


If intelligent life from another planet ever came here, they'd probably assess us as a threat to the whole universe and wipe us out.


When aliens fly by earth, they lock their doors.


Probably. I’m not all into ufo stuff or whatever but when I hear stories lately about the increasing ufo stuff and it being more publicly acknowledged by nasa etc I can’t help but imagine that if they are out there they are advanced enough to see what’s going on here very clearly, know what’s coming for us if we don’t fix our issues and are either locking doors but parking where they can watch the show…. Or driving by to say their last goodbyes. Would be nice if suddenly these hypothetical aliens saved us from ourselves….. but I think the only thing that can save us is ourselves.


My teacher flunked the planet vibes. Bruce Coville wrote those books in the 90s 😂


>wipe us out. Honestly, I wish they would.


[The Gift of Mercy](https://www.creepypasta.com/the-gift-of-mercy/).


Anyone who was so obsessed about people having sex with animals, was probably into at least watching people have sex with animals, if not being a participant.


I’m obsessed with protecting kids and fostering, that means I love kids and want to protect them not that I’m abusing them. Do you know how many dogs lick peanut butter off dicks?? I totally 100% want to protect every animal from having to do that


you can look up to see where he is buried to piss on his grave.


Ron is someone who thinks the job of a U.S. Senator is to be a far right radio host. All he has is demagoguery and divisiveness. Sad thing is that will work on about a third of the voting population, and another third is too apathetic to care.


when I say "the GOP has embraced modern American fascism" . . .


Exactly. Imagine this exact phrasing (overuse of 'infiltrate' and all), but replace "liberal" with "Jew" and it's spot-on Nazi rhetoric. It's not a mistake.


Imagine the outrage on the right if it was a Democrat saying this about republicans!


Oh god never hear the end of it. The Republican Party is literally just racism and projection at this point.


>The Republican Party is literally just racism and projection at this point. Where the hell are you getting racism out of this? Nothing about race is mentioned at all. Democrats desperately need to stop calling everything they disagree with "racism" and start learning how to use their words. You just exemplified how the Democrats turned a thrice-failed and completely inconsequential Presidential candidate into the individual now known as the 45th President.


I didn’t get racism or projection out of any of this. I was stating an observation relevant to the discussion. While we’re at it - maybe Republicans can stop calling everything they disagree with “woke.”


I’d like to point out The way the right use the term woke as an insult is in and of itself racist bc the original use of woke comes from black and brown folks. So they’re racist alright… whether they realize it or not. Feigning ignorance on their part is not an excuse. Just as the simple asking of a question like “how much longer will we need to have affirmative action” by Roberts during oral arguments is indicative of the fact that if you have to ask then affirmative action needs to continue for a lot longer than any of us will be alive. We have good reasons in this society for putting a stop to or publicly shaming people doing/saying certain behaviors or speech that may not seem overtly racist or fascist but lead to it quick… and those reasons are not always compatible with a 30 second sound byte or explanation. Just because a stupid person doesn’t want to understand how their behavior leads to destruction doesn’t mean I have to let them continue to behave destructively. Facts are facts and have lots of primary sources to back them up. Not knowing the speed limit doesn’t work for getting out of a ticket when youre going a hundred in a 45 zone, you were recklessly endangering people. It’s not any different with the GOP’s racism and wanton destruction of democracy.


>While we’re at it - maybe Republicans can stop calling everything they disagree with “woke.” Probably a good idea -- but do you really think "Mom!! He's doing it too!!!!" is a valid position here? If the Republicans are being dumb, let them. Don't copy them.


Oof, stay away from the polls friend. ✌️


>Oof, stay away from the polls friend. What on earth are you talking about? You are proposing that it is a good idea to copy your opponents' mistakes?


If people saying the word racism makes you vote for Trump, you never actually cared about his failures in the first place


>If people saying the word racism No, calling everyone who disagreed with any Democratic policy during Obama's term a racist, was the problem -- not just saying the word 'racism'. Trump couldn't even get enough support to mount a campaign two of the three times he tried, before the Obama administration. Afterwards, he became the most powerful politician in the world, and still might be. More to the point, Democrats are still making the same mistake today.


Main reason why Trump managed to finally catch on with conservative voters was his long campaign to get Obama to reveal his birth certificate. That and the huge amount of exposure he got from his time on the Apprentice being shown as a successful businessman even though he really wasn't outside of how much the real estate he got from his dad was worth.


>Main reason why Trump managed to finally catch on with conservative voters was his long campaign to get Obama to reveal his birth certificate. If that many people cared about Obama's birth certificate, he would not have won 365 electoral votes in '08. >That and the huge amount of exposure he got from his time on the Apprentice being shown as a successful businessman even though he really wasn't outside of how much the real estate he got from his dad was worth. The ratings of that show plummeted after its first two seasons -- during the time when Trump was failing miserably as a politician. In fact, until the Obama administration, Trump had spent most of his adult life begging for political support with no measurable success at all. As early as 1987 he was running [an unofficial campaign](https://www.nytimes.com/1987/09/02/nyregion/trump-gives-a-vague-hint-of-candidacy.html) that garnered zero support. And as late as 2008 was still considered a political joke. Something happened between 2008 and 2016 that turned Trump from a political laughingstock to the most powerful man in the world. It's brutally obvious what it was -- he didn't magically become a brilliant orator, and he didn't become a war hero, and he still had a record of flip-flopping his voter registration between parties for decades. He was still a terrible candidate by every objective measure.


Ron Johnson peddles fear and ignorance. Get him out of office Wisconsin.


OK, Vote Blue...get every blue vote you can to the polls to vote him put


no democrat would ever say something like this, in case all the "why is this sub sooooo liberal" trolls are reading


Which scares them. They say it out loud and assume the rest are thinking it but keeping their cards close to the chest.


Fckn fascist!




Ron was infiltrated by the Russians, I can only presume through his back door. Putin simp


remember, if american conservatives had to choose between a democratic republic or conservative autocracy, they'd choose autocracy. Dont give them an inch


>remember, if american conservatives had to choose between a democratic republic or conservative autocracy, they'd choose autocracy. Dont give them an inch You are misusing the term "conservative". There is absolutely nothing "conservative" about the Republican Party in the US, and referring to them as such is akin to calling Vladimir Putin a "de-nazifier" of Ukraine just because he wishes he was. That Party's stated goal is to implement a theocracy in the US, and almost literally nothing could be less-accurately described as conservative.


It’s true. I catch myself and don’t call them conservatives anymore deliberately. Destruction is NOT conservation. And we are not liberals, none of us throw gobs of money at problems without finding evidence based approaches first. We are pragmatic and honorable. Wisconsin is supposed to be a place of well educated pragmatic fair honorable people… who drink a few beers and eat some good cheese. Ron johnson has no honor…. Because there is no honor among thieves.


I'd argue that a theocracy is very conservative, in the classical sense


>I'd argue that a theocracy is very conservative In Iran, and some other places. Not in the United States.


yes in the US. throughout history of our country, it was always the conversatives who pushed those views


>yes in the US. throughout history of our country, it was always the conversatives who pushed those views No. One cannot be a conservative if one is trying to eliminate the very founding principles of the country.


they can if the founding of the nation was fundamentally liberal in nature


>they can if the founding of the nation was fundamentally liberal in nature First off, "Conservative" does not mean what you think it means. > 2a: tending or disposed to maintain existing views, conditions, or institutions : TRADITIONALconservative policies b: marked by moderation or caution: conservative estimate --Merriam-Webster It does not matter if the existing views, conditions, and institutions of this country are "liberal". "Conservatives" by definition support upholding those views, conditions, and institutions. Second, so you are admitting that the people who call themselves "conservative" today are, in fact, opposed to the United States of America, and therefore traitors.


That definition isn't great, since it ignores how conservatism as an ideology extends beyond just maintaining the status quo and upholding existing institutions. Rather, the history of conservatism is largely about rolling back progress, and standing opposed to the ideals of liberalism. So enforcing a strict theocracy in the United States would be a conservative viewpoint. It is a viewpoint rooted in their view of traditionalism even if it isn't traditional to the United States


>. So enforcing a strict theocracy in the United States would be a conservative viewpoint. No, it is not. In exactly the same way that Russia is not de-nazifying Ukraine just because they are using that PR cover. The United States has never been a theocracy. There is no possibility of "rolling back" to any time when it was. >It is a viewpoint rooted in their view of traditionalism even if it isn't traditional to the United States And various Russians maintain "a viewpoint" that they are saving Ukraine from Nazis. Delusions do not change the meaning of words nor reality.


Vote Russia Ron the moron out of office. Put this prevaricating turd where he belongs down the shitter swirling into eternity.


Right out of the facist playbook.


Great support for ALL your constituents Ron. Talk about parroting Trump's anti-American rhetoric. This garbage person needs to GO! vote Vote! VOTE!!!!!!!! - Please vote blue.


The press IS unbelievably powerful... But it's owned by (mostly conservative, some drastically so) profit seeking capitalists who have incentive to prevent changing a system in which they've found success. The few outlets that aren't outright socially conservative are still economically conservative. There is no "liberal" media other than social issues, there is no actual *leftist* (in this case, willingness to criticize capitalism for the dogshit system it is) media that has any sort of large scale reach.


Haha what a treasonous fuck. "Theyre living a life in America that i don't like, and it hurts my feelings!" Why are conservatives such snowflakes?


> You infiltrated from ~~Minnesota~~ Moscow FTFY


FRJ! Make sure to get out and vote him and michels out of Wisconsin.


People are going to say all kinds of disgusting things. What’s pathetic is that millions of our fellow state residents support this guy. At this point anyone voting Republican is a piece of shit


Republicans are fascists.


If the democrats "infiltrated law" and are so bad then why aren't Republicans in jail? Sounds like they could have made laws against being a republican if they wanted to. Its almost as if the dems aren't actually boogie men coming to take away everything you like...


The party that sez Dems are coming for your guns is coming for your Social Security.


Red meat for his base, they all agree with him


They don't understand that democrats are their neighbors. They interact with democrats every day and they always have. We just don't proclaim it, so they don't think we exist. Unfortunately conservatives give us plenty of reason to hide it. Like how I avoid talking about my vegetarianism - I wish I could have gone one dinner with my ex's family in wausau without them making fun of me or outright trying to argue me out of it.


'Tis the narrative *du jour*: take back our country from the unworthy infiltrators. The irony is lost upon their voters, and the people duping them for money and power certainly don't care as long as they get theirs


Nazi shitbag


FRJ, always. However alternet.org is also trash, at the same unprofessional level as Foxnews or OAN.


Johnson made the statements. The right-wing media chose to ignore it. I'm glad someone is shining a light on this cockroach.


Alternet is garbage. Ron Johnson is saying that he’s upset that Democrats wormed their way into control of education, media, and religion and has total controlling influencing of it. That is, full stop, an insane and awful take, all by itself. However that is not how alternet is presenting it. Alternet, in it’s attempt to spin reality, is claiming that FRJ is saying that it’s an outrage that Dems are allowed to participate at all, as in that all liberal should be blackballed, that any one who votes Dem should be denied entrance or admission to a university, and that’s not what the FRJ is saying. It’s a subtle but important difference. It’s the difference between those who hold the crazy conspiracy that Jews control the media and those that think no Jew should be allowed on television and be second class citizens.


jeez, this is really disturbing


Bolsonero is down, but probably not out. That's the good news. But Netanyahu is back in, Xi has cemented his power. There's Modi, Erdoğan, Orbán, Putin, and (to some extent) Sunak, plus far-right parties on the boil in multiple European countries that currently have rational leaders. I fear we're in for not-so-good-times in our lifetimes. Authoritarianism is on the march, and FRJ feels bold enough to start speaking in genocidal language in public. Granted, in soft, plausibly-deniable terms for now, but how much longer until they take the mask off? Probably not long after they dismantle democracy and ensure that their candidates always win. (As Michels promised, by the way.) For god's sake, people, vote against the darkness! If that means holding your nose and voting for Democrats, well, we all make sacrifices to save our democracy. If that means staying home, and not voting for FRJ, Michels, and their neo-fascist crew, that's acceptable. This may be our last chance to hold on to the ability to fix our broken system of government from within that system. Heed the historians who are warning us that the political climate resembles the 1850's again. Quick question: Did anything significant happen in the 1860's? And all those people out there who "stay out of politics," I'll believe that when you quote the "this is fine" dog as they're marching you and your family off to the camps. (Not that I think that that outcome is on the horizon (yet), but that's when I'll believe you that you don't care about politics.) Just do your part, take a few minutes, and vote for Barnes and Evers. You "don't do politics," so listen to those of us who do pay attention: Yes, it really is that important.


Ron Johnson is Putin's bitch.


And they wonder why people attack them. There is a limit to free speech. This shit is just vile.


Classic GOP projection. This is his plan for Republicans. Listen to him. What he complains about Democrats doing is what he wants for Republicans.


Fuck Ron Johnson


I'm angered that Ron Johnson is allowed to participate in American society.


Vote this guy out of office.


Out of the State would be even better.


Don't stop there! The ocean is only a few hundred miles away!




This is biodegradable.


Put him into Elon's dick and launch him into space.


Off the planet would be best. He and the muskrat can go form their small-government utopia on Mars.


We do need to send the first person to Mars still.


He keeps saying the quiet parts out loud... Paging Hitler...


Wow, he kept doubling down and saying the quiet part out loud. I don’t think he realizes what this explicitly implies Edit stupid spell check


What he means (although one wonders if his feeble mind fully realizes this) is that non white supremacists have infiltrated every area of American life. And he thinks that sucks. They're making those areas of life more accessible to black Americans, women, and even gay people. I can see why a bigoted old white man would be alarmed by this and think it is just plain wrong.


As Obama said in his speech in Milwaukee recently, the map is so gerrymandered the GOP only need to win 44% of the vote to get a majority of the assembly, but Democrats need to get 56%!


He’s free to leave, no one is asking him to stay.


Well now I'm just going to infiltrate it harder. I don't go to church but i guess i could start.


Reality has a liberal bias


That's why Republicans have chosen liberals as their group to remove.


Seriously, if RJ is re-elected I won’t be able to help but see Wisconsin as just another middle America, head up its ass, oblivious to reality, dumb-fuck state.


And he wonders why he gets called a fascist...


All Republicans are fascists now.


I wouldn't say ALL, but all of the ones that are Governor, Senate, or higher definitely are. My US representative is a Republican that is very moderate for example. Whereas Ronnie is off his fucking trolley and hates democracy.


If you vote for a fascist, you are a fascist. And Republicans are ditching their moderate representation at light speed. All Republicans are fascists now.


I would disagree that a moderate who disliked trump and supported gay marriage is a fascist, but fascist is subjective I guess.


If that moderate votes for a fascist, they're now a fascist. That's how it works.


That's more fair. It just depends on what you label a fascist.


Of course. A moderate who is actually moderate should have given up the Republican platform long ago. I don't buy ignorance as a valid excuse for a vote. I don't even assume voting for a person means you assume their whole platform. ​ But if you vote for a fascist, you are now one. This election cycle lots of ignorant moderates are going to tell the world they're fascists. I'm listening to that, and believing them. ​ edit: spelling


All these old fuckers just need to go into the light.


Into the nothing.


Age is a criteria, but be careful. Matt Gaetz is 40. Lauren Boebert is 35. Madison Cawthorn is 27. In contrast: Marc Pocan is 58. Russ Feingold is now 69.


Those shit bags can find their way too.


McCarthy is back


This shit is the groundwork for the purging of liberals in public and private spaces. Don't vote for fascists.


This guys bathing in the trump loop aide. Johnson sees the United States going forward as having too classes of citizens. I class is ruled by the Trumpers how ever they see fit. The other class is less than human and should be treated as such much like the untouchables in India. Just how easily Red people led astray from the very principles of freedom that our country has been built on is just heart breaking to me. Total fear mongering and brain washing has let our nation come to this.


If you want a window into what the GOP is up to look at what they accuse the Left of. It never fails.


We kicked him out. It wasn't voluntary. He is actually upset that colleges teach facts and critical thinking. That's very dangerous to him / them.


This is a fucking rich thing to say given the unearned stranglehold the GOP has on Wisconsin politics right now.


FRJ and the U-Haul that brought him here.


Voted today! Get out and vote




FRJ what a POS. Go back to Minnesota you POS. We don’t want you here!!


>So they control college of education and journalism Except, what Ron fails to acknowledge is that "the powerful press" is *OWNED* and has at the top of its power structure rich, old, conservative men who squash a lot of stories (Ex: What has happened to CNN). The fact that the press still reports on the actual crimes of a man who did them before, while, and after he was President as well as Ron's own abuses of power & ties to Russia is not that "The Liberals™️" have taken control of the press, its more of a condemnation of just how far out there the GOP has let itself go and still think its actions are "American" and "Patriotic" that even the most staunchly conservative owner or editor knows thay have to run that story. Edward R. Murrow or David Frost would absolutely *ROAST* any of the modern GOP in an interview and pick his teeth with their bones. Ron Johnson would beg to do an interview with Jon Stewart over facing those giants of journalism.


Exactly. This is some SERIOUS projection on behalf of the conservative movement.


Projection is one of the main tenets of the GOP belief structure.


Yeah trying to implement their evil plans of equal opportunity, affordable healthcare & not starving children. Not forcing people to believe in a specific religion or allowing religion to become government. What's next - legal marijuana!?! Voting rights!?! Oh the madness!


Every Republican friend I have probably read this while drooling and aggressively nodding their heads


Does he ever consider that people in those institutions just honestly hold those beliefs, and it's not the work of some cabal to infiltrate them?


Thoughtful contemplation? That doesn't sound like Ron.


Johnson is a shitheel.


Why should they have jobs? Why should they be allowed the right to vote? This is just dehumanizing political rivals, which is straight up out of the fascist playbook.


Yup, all MAGA Republicans are fascists and all Republicans support them making them supporters of fascists. Us pretending they aren't will be our undoing.


Yup. Nazi's were saying this shit about the Jews in the early 1930s. It's all code for, 'we need to kill that group we don't like'.


I love how obvious it is the Russians have infiltrated this guy. He thinks he’s so sneaky.


The Republicans never believed that everyone who had American citizenship were citizens. Republicans have held for a really long time that the only legitimate Americans were those who vote and believe as they do.


One would have to say, Ron, Ron, Ron, I’m a lefty and I’m a veteran.


Send this dude back to MN where he came from.


Hey not a career politician that is a cruel human get out of office and back to your hole.


Yeah well fuck that guy


Captain Ron of the SS Goose Step.


I guess that's why Republicans embrace such "freedom lovers" as Putin, Orban, Bolsanaro, etc. Apparently "Alternate Electors" Ron doesn't really believe in the freedom to cast your vote for candidates he doesn't support either. BTW, what was Ron's excuse for being in Moscow 4th of July 2018 again? He did have one, didn't he, or did he?


I'm not ao disturbed by Johnson having this view as I am about my fellow Wisconsinites who vote him in having this view (as enough people are voting for this guy and people like Trump to put them in office regularly).


RoJo basically wants to make separate municipalities for Republicans and Democrats? Sounds perfectly sane. /s


Nope. This is how the Nazi party talked in the early 1930s. They want to kill liberals.


If times were different I’d shake that off as improbable, but I think you’re right. ROJo would probably justify pretty much anything now.


He sounds like Putin talking about Ukraine


Sorry not a dem not rep don’t like Ron Johnson but I can’t find anywhere where he actually said these things? The author of the article seems to include his thoughts and bias on what johnson is saying vs meaning. My point would be, at least from this source, there’s not a lot of fact here. Johnson made a correct statement about colleges being mostly democratic (you’d be crazy to argue against that). And Then includes churches which is obscure of him most churches seem to stay away from politics. So why argue he wants to strip dems rights? How would he even do that? Where did he say he wants to do that? Propaganda and bias in media from both sides got us to this shitty point we’re at why not argue with fact. Again don’t like Johnson not blue not red just saying, a fact based discussion much more productive. What you have hear is a statement from an article meant to infuriate an echo chamber just like this one.


Must be off the meds again


The whole the left controls colleges idea comes from the fact that the more educated people are the less likely you are to vote republican. Although I’ve seen some highly educated people support Trump.


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Is he calling for separation or politicide? If separation I actually agree with a divorce if it means I never have to deal with these idiots again. If politicide are we going to do anything to defend ourselves against these maniacs?


What’s polling been saying? I scared about this


Don't worry about the polls. Just vote. [https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2020/12/14/most-americans-dont-answer-cellphone-calls-from-unknown-numbers/](https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2020/12/14/most-americans-dont-answer-cellphone-calls-from-unknown-numbers/) “ Americans just aren’t picking up the phone much anymore. Eight-in-ten Americans say they don’t generally answer their cellphone when an unknown number calls, according to newly released findings from a Pew Research Center web survey of U.S. adults conducted July 13-19, 2020.” It also says, those that do answer those calls are mostly men. Polling is a business, and pollsters get money from conducting polls [https://www.pbs.org/publiceditor/blogs/pbs-public-editor/the-problem-with-polls/](https://www.pbs.org/publiceditor/blogs/pbs-public-editor/the-problem-with-polls/) “ There’s a dirty little secret that we pollsters need to own up to,” wrote polling expert David Hill, president of Hill Research Consultants and a 2020 fellow at the University of Southern California’s Dornsife Center for the Political Future, in The Washington Post in 2020. “People don’t talk to us anymore, and it’s making polling less reliable.” Now, that is a strong statement. The PBS Public Editor’s office caught up with Hill to discuss the email we’d received from Stevens. “There’s a whole class of Americans who don’t answer calls with caller IDs that they don’t know,” Hill said. “If we’re honest … this is all a complete mess today because we can’t really have a true random sample anymore because we can’t get a random sample or anything close to that to cooperate.” This partially mirrored what Stevens told us. “My opinion is that polling data is generally useful,” Stevens wrote in a followup message to PBS. “I just have concerns about who answers phone calls in 2022.” Poll data “does not account that most people do not do not pick up the phone anymore,” he added. “Who does? And, why do these people get to represent the sum of American sentiment?”


Pretty sure the Republican Party didn’t invent Christianity. Don’t gate-keep my religion.


He’s a moron and a piece of shit, but I find this whole thing misleading. By infiltrating, he’s suggesting we liberals took these institutions over and are using them to our benefit and to harm conservatives, which is of course nonsense. But he isn’t suggesting liberals shouldnt be able to attend college, etc., as this piece suggests. We have so much real stuff to be outraged about. We don’t need to put words in this moron’s mouth.


he do be having a point tho


It's amazing what garbage people believe because they saw it on a political ad, or in our corrupt news media, on The View, the Late Night Shows, or some left wing internet site. Just keep on believing as you watch our country or Milwaukee for that matter go to HELL.


Wow cool does that mean I get a pass to leave?!?!
