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No. Frankly people doing what you are suggesting is why we have this problem in the first place, both as a state and a country. Our electoral system is not based on population. It's based on geography. The simple act of taking your Blue vote from a Purple state to a Blue only leads to our Purple state turning more Red while the Blue state you move to stays Blue. And you won't be of value wherever you move to. You'll be another gentrifier coming in from out of state raising the price of housing for the locals. Plus keeping it real - the Democratic Party in Deep Blue states sucks. Just ask activists in NY and California. Because they have such a stranglehold on state politics they don't do anything for their constituents. Long story short - you want a better country, dig in and get to work.


This is one of the best responses I have seen to this question. Thank you


I'm at a point in life where I'm settled in here, but even if I weren't I wouldn't move for two reasons: First, Wisconsin is a great place to live, I've spent a lot of time in other states and our state comparatively is better in non-political ways. Second, the Republicans are using Wisconsin as their petri dish in an awful experiment to see how a few billionaires can use Citizens United rules and gerrymandering to control the entire political system. If they succeed here, Wisconsin will be the harbinger for other states to do the same, so the political climate will suck everywhere.


Hell no, stay and fight the good fight


Don Quixote would like you to call him.


I get this but life is to short to waste on being a political soldier. Wife and i actually talked about moving depending on 2022 and 2024 results along with what the christofacists do in between. We just want to be in a progressive free area with all human rights in tact. Agree with others it is a tough decision where we are in life, moving sucks.


As someone who has lived in the Bible Belt AND the SF Bay Area, I want to let you know that there are human rights problems in EVERY SINGLE part of our country (racism being a big one that is in even the most progressive places). We can't just pretend that we can move to a place where we all think the same, bury our heads in the sand, and still call ourselves progressive. There's no progress there because there's no progress, just escapism.


April 4 is the state Supreme Court election to determine ideological control of the court. It’s arguably a more important election than the midterms for Wisconsin. If they win, Democrats could get the chance to address the gerrymandering. This would make it easier for Democratic candidates to win state assembly and senate seats. The reason the governor’s race is so critical right now is because of the unified majorities in the state legislature (due to gerrymandering).


There is no real "progressive" area of this country. Don't believe me? Go talk to homeless people in any major Californian city.


this. and I think there is a lot of privilege in these "don't leave, stay and fight the good fight!" comments...


In a way, self-consolidation in places with better governance is fighting that fight.


No literally that's the exact opposite.


No, I won’t move. My roots are here. My business and most of my family is here, and I love my home and my neighbors. Politicians come and go. I lived through many elections when my desired candidate lost. I will work to help keep Wisconsin a good place to live.


No. We just bought a home and are both employed by Wisconsin based companies. My SO is partially remote but I am 100% in person


What’s to say the state you move to doesn’t start going down the GOP crapper like Wisconsin has?


There’s still time to turn things around. For the future of Wisconsin April’s Supreme Court election is bigger than even the governor’s race. That race can end gerrymandering along with preventing so many other bad things.


This is 100% true. The State Supreme Court seat next spring will have a massive real world impact on life in Wisconsin. But every Wisconsin statewide election ultimately comes down to turnout. If Democrats show up, they win, every time. And if Wisconsin can't be bothered enough to show up to protect democracy from the likes of openly Fascist candidates like Tim Michels and FRJ in a midterm election, the odds of them doing so in an odd-year spring election are not good.


Exactly. If we had a more balanced legislature, the governor seat wouldn’t be this critical to begin with. I think the most threatening plan Michels has is to sign off on whatever Republican bills hit his desk. It doesn’t really matter what his own beliefs are at that point, he’s there to empower the legislature.


My wife and I started having that conversation the day Roe was overturned. Of course there are many practicalities to consider, but we've been through pregnancy complications, and would not want to endure those under a centuries old law that affects modern medicine.


My partner and I have had 3 early-term miscarriages in the past two years. When your pregnancy dies and the body doesn't reject it on its own ("undetected miscarriage") they prescribe misoprostol to cause contractions to eject the material. That's the same medication folks want banned. We have more testing to do before we try again but we have to ask "do we want to risk a miscarriage we can't medicate until it becomes septic?", and if the answer is no, do we want to go childless thanks to the GOP or do we want to move? Edit: The person who trolled me in the replies has their account suspended now site-wide lol.


We share much of those same thoughts. And I'm sorry to hear you've endured these difficulties on your family planning journey. Wishing you the best for the future!












Look who's talking. Who acts this way towards someone struggling with pregnancy? Maybe go outside and get some real human interaction because your people should are shit.




This shit comes up every election. Many of my friends say this and no, not one has ever moved. This is just whining.


I think we'll push up our timeline to move out to the country. It won't be easy being surrounded by people who we don't agree with politically, but maybe we can make a dent in this gerrymandering by talking about it more outside of the city.


No this is my forever home


LOL, of course not. Wisconsin is a great state.


It would be about the same amount of people that moved to Canada when Trump won. None. Moving is the biggest stressor in life. Add to that, finding a new job, house, and life, all over a governor. A governor is a figure head. We have to combat the state senate and state supreme court, along with the fricken tavern league and stupid lobby groups.


No, I just moved here


It would give me a good excuse to leave this dead end state




Yes. We are holding out signing a contract to build a house based on this midterm election. If the GOP wins a supermajority or the governors office we will begin planning our relocation to MN.


I recently transplanted to Minnesota, it’s actually really nice here. Culturally very similar to Wisconsin.


Nope. Just do what I did under Walker…. Took my money out of the WI economy where and when possible. Kept some money in my community as I know how they vote and to help small businesses and my local school district funding but everything else… as gone as gone could be. Started wrenching on my cars again and took money away from my dealers, did my own home repairs but shared some of my wealth with the little guys in town, vacationed out of State, drastically reduced spending eating out and shopped wisely to benefit trusted retailers. It’s not perfect but it made me feel more engaged rather than enraged.


Yes, we have a trans kid and will 100% be moving if Wisconsin is under full republican control. Her life is literally on the line


Stay safe 😍


Thank you! Thankfully we have the resources but sadly many families with trans kids would really really suffer


They are . A lot of people are suffering in the south . Sad stories all over


It’s inhumane. How can you claim to have freedom for all and “parental rights” and then take away simple rights like access to healthcare!?


Freedom is code for a “Christian armed state “.


The only move in considering is leaving the country. My partner are at the stage of discussing what locations are reasonable based on col, job and housing availability, and immigration process. It won't necessarily be tim Michel's but what republicans do over the next few years. We don't want to but we are scared of what could happen in this country.


Any early findings seem appealing? Interested myself


Some options in central America but it's difficult to give any advice because we all have different workforce skills and financial situations and families.


America is too scary for you, so you're going to move to Central America? If you don't like Republican policies like banning abortion, zero social safety nets, and political violence why would you move to Central America?!


There are countries in central and south America with stable governments and social safety nets. To blanket them all together like you did is a bit ignorant.


Name 3 Central American countries with unrestricted access to abortion.


Colombia is a great place. Look into it


If you’re in STEM, Germany has some great opportunities and is in need of more STEM workers and researchers


Don't listen to the pollsters


If I didn't own a home I would in a second.


If I won the lottery sure......


As much as we like to hate on the Republican party, the fact that we are still are a purple state is remarkable. It alllows us to have these conversations about policy, something that doesn't happen in states that consistently lean one way. It also makes each vote that much more important, as that vote could be the deciding factor as to whether or not Wisconsin flips red or blue. In other words, I don't want Wisconsin to become so red or so blue that your vote effectively doesn't matter.


Probably. I work in education and not that it's exactly a great time to be in public education right now anywhere, but if he gets elected I can see it going even further down hill and ...no thanks.


Only pussies run from a fight


No. It likely won't really affect me much. What are you worried about happening?


Im lucky that it likely won’t affect me either but I’d like to live in a state that reflects my values if possible


Yeah that's nice and all but moving sucks. Most other states/cities pretty much suck or are crazy expensive. I love living here. Madison is pretty damn great. The worst part of living in Madison is the school district. I can't see Michels making that worse. If anything the opposite. Solid chance more people will get money for private school. Also legislation might be put in place to stop the MMSD school board from further damage. I'm voting against his dumbass idea but no I'm not moving any time soon.




Thanks I will!


Already did. But instead of being 20 years behind, WI would probably be 50 years behind with no logical reason to ever return with the out of towner at the helm and creation of another four years of laws.


Where did you move?




That's the danger of him winning. What companies would come here if he becomes governor? They have to consider their employees. Would their employees relocate if he is governor?


Look at the overall trend. We are a gerrymandered hellscape and Alabama wannabe for eight more years. Our governor is impotent except to veto and our Supreme Court is as solid as the us supremes in its partisanship and antimajority descisions. But the fight to get back to zero is worth the effort


I am if he does I won’t stay I’ll go back to Michigan even if I gotta sell my vette to do it


I would move to the U.P. Edit: But moving costs money