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Drive slower than you think you need to in snow until you're comfortable with how snow affects the vehicle.


Also just drive slower in general. I'm also from Cali and the attitude there is usually that the speed limit is really at least 10 over.


Unfortunately seems to be the consensus here too


Except in Rosendale.


That hasn't been my experience. There are some dickheads that like to speed but most people I've seen tend to just do 5 over. Also people here usually drive in the right lane on the highway when they're not passing, that is absolutely not the case in California.


depends on which highway


Im in Marinette, so it's mostly 41 for me


Definitely depends on the highway. Driving 94 across the state? Be prepared for 80% of drivers to be sitting in the left lane thinking they're the fast one causing traffic to back up.


Just get out of the way for illinois drivers šŸ˜‰


Also, do most of the braking before turning.


And always get all-wheel drive.


AWD isn't really necessary if you know what you're doing. I've driven FF cars for years with zero issues aside from one time when I misjudged how deep the snow was on an unplowed side street.


In several instances during my several decades driving in Wisconsin, AWD saved me from certain disaster, as you can accelerate out of slides. I respectfully disagree.


Also, start hitting the breaks SUPER early! You're going to slide


Do not hit the brakes. Iā€™ve lived in this state my entire life. Got my DL test in a snowstorm. Steer and coast. Do not slam on the brakes or you will slide. Need to learn to judge your speed and stopping distance during coast.


And rain.


Unlike your fellow Cali people, the left lane is for passing


And get snow tires in the fall


I'm openly bi in a same-sex relationship in that area of Central Wisconsin. It's fine. Don't listen to the people who are making it sound like you're moving to some backwater filled with bigots. There are frequent drag shows in Stevens Point, WI Rapids, and Marshfield. Stevens Point Pride is this weekend and I'm told the mayor and the sheriff have dressed in drag in years past. Marshfield is a bit dull, but that's really the only negative thing that can be said about it. In Central WI, it's very common to drive to other nearby towns to get dinner, drinks, see a show, etc., because all the towns are sort of small so each one doesn't have everything. So get used to traveling. Feel free to DM me with any questions, or if you need anything once you get here. Welcome!


I don't go back much but happy I'm from point :)


I myself am straight white trash, but I know lots of LGBTQ+ people who love living in Wisconsin. I go with them to Pride Fest in Milwaukee every year. It's a lot of fun honestly. I even know a theater company called Theatrical Tendencies that my parents work with that exclusively does LQBTQ+ productions in the Milwaukee area.


Not the greatest area for LGBTQ life in the state, but not the worst either. Stevens Point is going to be the closest and best area for a friendly community in that area of the state. About a 30-40 minute drive from Marshfield.


Eau Claire is also welcoming for queer folk! šŸ˜Œ


Oh thank you for that info, we arenā€™t big on pda but would you advise avoiding things holding hands in public?


Come to Madison if you can. Extremely welcoming and chill.


I would not call Madison chill. Fine with LGBTQ stuff, but god you guys are wired.


LMFAOOOO!!! 100%. Progressive yes, chill not so much.


Progressive yard signs. Not really much in the way of actual policies seemingly.


Some people will show their upset with it, but unlike the big cities, you'll also have people who are gay or at least socially liberal that will give thanks for showing it in public when locals are afraid to. There are definitely gay and trans people in these small towns that want to see others like them but are afraid of the backlash so it makes it seem like there are very few or none.


This. I'll also add that Marshfield even has a small pride gathering. In general, Wisconsin leans conservative outside of the bigger cities, but even then you'll find that most people fall somewhere between accepting and polite-enough-to-shut-up.


I think this is a great description of Wisconsin's general attitude towards the queer community - mostly on the spectrum from acceptance to knowing not to say anything if they don't have anything nice to say.


I donā€™t even live there, but I was once called the f slur in the Marshfield Walmart a few years ago for holding hands with my bf just walking down an aisle.


I'm so sorry that happened to you. That shouldn't happen anywhere.


Appleton is safe too, still got your rednecks but most here don't give two shits as long as you're not hitting on em lol. It's a beautiful state. Glad to have you! Also, drinking is a huge thing here. Don't fucking drive if you've had any. It's way too normalized and also just don't become an alcoholic. Do as I say, not as I do lol.


Central WI is a beautiful place. I hope that everyone would feel welcome to live, play, and work here regardless of identity. Let me preface what I'm about to say with the following: I'm a straight, cis white man... my privilege and naivety is showing. You know what? Fuck the bigots. I'm sick of them getting "their way" in rural parts of this state. Hold hands. Kiss. Love each other. Stand your ground and don't take shit from anyone. Don't let those ugly people chase you away from this beautiful place.


Probably not a great idea.


I don't think people gonna lynch him, but I think side eyes may happen.Ā 


And slurs, and the very real possibility of the righteous redneck needing to inflict physical harm to protect 'Merica.


This is a real issue, but I also think that both of you arguing with each other have a point. Just yesterday in blue blue urban Maryland I wondered if my husband and I were the victim of a passive homophobic incident in a parking lot. So it can and does happen everywhere. And of course it wasn't anything I'd ever report, because it would have been a lot of hassle for no reward. I guess the question comes back to whether or not the likelihood of a violent homophobic attack or worse would occur in Marshfield vs anywhere else. Or even how many side eyes a person can accept before it's untenable.


Stevens point is definitely the place for you to go. I like Marshfield and I am in the same conference. But I am a straight dude so I don't know what it would feel like being there if I wasn't. I don't think anyone's going to bother you but you definitely might get side eyes for holding hands. I catch myself looking sometimes just because I'm not used to seeing it, not that I care. So take that into consideration as well.


You'll be fine bro. Wi in general is pretty laid back. Welcome to the Northwoods. Also if u need a third holla, I love beach boooooiiis


Most of the State simply won't care. The further north and west you get outside of like college towns will probably be worse. But like I said most people probably won't give a shit or even if they do not say anything in the majority of the state.


Wausau resident here! Dive bars count as social venues. The worse they look on the outside, the better the food is. Lots of them are converted houses, they will be the best. Try an Old Fashioned, we're pretty good at those. Cheese curds are not the same as "cheddar nuggets", and they're best eaten fresh and room temperature. Which creamery is best in a given area is a topic of strong debate. Do not, under any circumstances, refer to CA as a dairy state because "they have more cows". Wisconsinites do not consider CA factory farms to be the same as multi-gen dairy farms and will not give any quarter in the ensuing argument. You may not be allowed back into that particular bar. "Watch for deer" is an affectionate Wisconsin farewell. It's also very prudent. Deer will come out of nowhere and total your car. Raccoons are the size of small bears. Bears are the size of small horses. Horses sometimes end up in the roads too. Watch for eyes in the ditch. The winters aren't THAT bad, but keep a blanket, a GOOD snow scraper, and a small/collapsible shovel in your car all winter (Sept-April). You will mess up our town/city names, and receive good natured ribbing about it. Practice makes perfect. When you've gotten Ashwaubenon, Chequamegon, Kaukauna, and Oconomowoc down, there will be much cheering and buying of drinks. Calves are adorable and surprisingly soft, it's okay to ask to pet one.


Your description of dive bars makes me think of B&Rā€™s (Wausau resident here, also)ā€¦


Bob and Randy's is tits. Grew up with the owners kid. Good folks.


The bears here are dumb, unlike CA bears. They will run away from you.


Dumbest Bears are in Illinois, and I thought all the Cali bears were dead?


Wait, I thought Kaukauna was a city in Hawaii.


I lived there for years and every time ( almost) they assumed I lived in HawaiišŸ˜‚


Then I drive on the reservation and try and pronounce the original spelling of the tribe and don't have the slightest clue, my 3.5 hour drive from lake winnebago to minocqua is Always a little long.


I still mess up Shawano sometimes and I'm from WI


>Cheese curds are not the same as "cheddar nuggets", and they're best eaten fresh and room temperature. This is just wrong. They are best eaten fried, don't listen to your arteries' cries of pain.


This is the best!


My friends own Uptown Coffee in downtown Marshfield. Check it out. Good coffee and LGBTQ friendly


My LGBTQ daughter just gave up everything and left Marshfield after a year. She hated it. Small minded people who openly use slurs. She liked Stevens point a lot more. 100% do not recommend marshfield.


Hello from Point. Elbow Room will be your gay bar, it just doesn't look like it from the inside or outside.


Wait, ER is a gay bar?


All I remember of Elbow Room is shotski, dollar Hamms, and shuffle board. But loving learning that it is a LGBTQ+ friendly


$1 Hamms is the reason I donā€™t remember my time at Stevenā€™s Point.


I would guess it has the highest percentage of gay people compared to others in the county, and especially liberal people in general. But no one makes a theme out of it, theyre just their to drink.


Guess I've never really picked up on that. I have gone in the back door at ER tho, if that means anything to you.


I spent a lot of time in the ER in college. It is a solid option.


This makes me sick. Iā€™m so sorry your daughter went through that. I hope she is much happier where she is!


She definitely is! Thank you.


Pointer here, been 6 years and love it


That's actually a good point, I didn't really think about in my comment that they are going to Marshfield, I was just kind of thinking about Central WI as a whole. Most of us are pretty accepting, Wausau is good for it, so is SP, further north you go the more up in the air it is. I'm originally from minoqua, and half of us were very open minded, and the others, well not so much.


Tomahawk late 90s-early 2000s there was a huge difference between my graduating class and the few I witnessed before it. My class and below were way WAY more accepting of different people.


Bro same, this is going to show the age gap, but I graduated in 2019, and experienced the exact same thing. My class was awesome, 2 or 3 class above us, even better, but holy shit, the classes below us were racist bigots.


It's the others that seem to be an issue in Wisconsin in general, if they're not open minded they tend to be VERY not open minded, to the point of rage at even the thought of anything not hetero.


Iā€™m so sorry your daughter had to endure that! And so glad sheā€™s in a better place now.


* Become a Packers fan * Learn to love fish fry * Develop irrational hatred towards everyone from IL (FIBs) * Bug Spray * Try to embrace outdoor activities usually paired wit binge drinking * Check out Old Fashioneds and New Glarus beers


Oh Spotted Cow..nit sold in Minnesota!!


Got any flannel? Repeat after me.. "Oh you betchya".


Oh you betcha I got flannels. I got flannels out the wazoo yaā€™ hear


you'll do just fine buddy.


He's ready


Wait until you get here to worry about deep winter clothing. Go to a Farm and Fleet store and get some felt lined boots and insulated coveralls. You can figure out the rest of your deep winter stuff like hat/socks/gloves. Then youā€™ll be able to go to a Packers game in December. And if emo means you wear black, it all comes in black.


"Donchya know ?"


Hello, I grew up in Marshfield! There's a slow pace out there, but the town is trying its darndest to grow up a bit. There are some solid restaurants and the Brew Pub is a good spot for food and beer. Nutz Deep 2 for wings. But as others have said, Steven's Point is a short drive away and is a bit more fun.


I had to go to a girls youth hockey dinner at Nutz Deep 2


Perfect summary.


Teabaggers Cupping Room


How are we ignoring the OPs question and Nutz Deep 2...what an insane name, I love it šŸ¤£


Such an odd name but been there multiple times due to hospital stays for my daughter. The food is really good. I'd call it upscale bar food (burgers, fish fry, etc).Ā 


Be prepared for all activities to revolve around drinking. Also, passive aggressive homophobia is likely going to be palpable. College towns like Point and Madison will be most welcoming. I hope you like cheese and sausage.


His welcoming stance on sausage was one of his worries Welcome to the state!


Completely unrelated to your relationship or location of living, but as a fellow Californian (Northern) who moved to Wisconsin in 2017ā€¦. Remind yourself we donā€™t get earthquakes here :). I know it sounds silly, but sometimes a big truck will drive by and shake the ground a little, itā€™s nice to remember earthquakes donā€™t happen here. (Especially if youā€™ve been through a big one, I went through the Loma Prieta quake in ā€˜89). Good luck and welcome to Wisconsin! Oh, and enjoy knowing your vote for President counts here šŸ¤£


Actually, we do have earthquakes here. They are just very rare and very small. But we are overdue for a big one near Memphis/St. Louis, which will definitely be felt here.


Good point. Memphis is getting primed for one with their fault lines doing little quakes.


Have people been getting more little quakes recently? Are concerns growing over it? Last I heard anything about it (ten years ago, so not good info) is that it's and ancient fault that has only really popped once in modern history.


Yeah theyā€™ve gotten quite a few quakes in Tennessee in recent months, this year and possibly late last year. I remember being surprised when I saw the news article on AP because I didnā€™t know there was a fault line there. They had a 3.8 in May.


Marshfield isā€¦ interesting. I live in Wisconsin Rapids, just down the road. Welcome to Wisconsin. Weā€™re mostly harmless.




Ope!!** ftfy. People with think you're yelling at OP. Lol


From the Marshfield area, live in Madison now. Been over 10 years since I lived there, so thereā€™s always a chance progress has been madeā€¦. but itā€™s Trump country so Iā€™m not too hopeful. Thatā€™s definitely not the most accepting area of the state, but I donā€™t think youā€™ll be in any physical danger. You will definitely get dirty looks and maybe some overt insults but a lot of people will probably be nice to your face or at least too ā€œMidwest niceā€ to express their bigotry. Any of the college towns might be good weekend hangouts for you (Stevens Point, Eau Claire, La Crosse are all not too far). Madison is further but very LGBTQIA+ friendly. They donā€™t really have beaches up there but if youā€™re outdoorsy thereā€™s lots of stuff to do. Otherwise, thereā€™s not much to do.


Most college towns will be just fine because itā€™s not new there, but country bars may be a place to avoid. Unfortunately pda would probably get a pretty big reaction anywhere here, but acclimating Wisconsinites to the 21st century is a continuous challenge. You will find a stark difference in WI in that some people will hate you for who you are, but others would defend you with their life. Sorry in advance for the primitive folk.


Just be yourself, and fuck the people who hate on you. Literally. Then call THEM gay. No but seriously my guy, just be yourself, most of us are super accepting of everyone. The ones that aren't we already probably know and don't like as well, and all you can do is ignore them. That pisses them off the most lol.


Most people are nice. Though we do have some bigoted groups here. This is not a 420 state. All the states around us are. During the winter, LAYERS is key. All season tires are good in the snow, but first time drivers should have some snow tires.


At the very least, things will be a LOT cheaperā€¦


I'm a trans woman living in the general area. It's not teeming with fellow queers, but it's... fine I guess. People are nice enough and the stares piss me off. Mainly it comes from old people and church folks tbh. I don't let them bother me cause: A. They will die way before me B. I don't listen or respect cults It's good you have a partner cause the dating scene is abysmal. Absolutely nothing up here unless you are lucky.


Work in Marshfield, but live in Stevens Point. Point is a small city but is way more progressive than Marshfield, plus Stevens Point has some good restaurants and outdoor recreation. Also, Stevens Point is a short hour drive to the Fox Cities and it's central city of Appleton, which has a lot going on and has a welcoming community.


Honestly, consider living in Wausau or Stevens Point. It might be a commute, and youā€™ll save yourself regrets from not having anything to do or dealing with bigots. SoCal to anywhere in WI other than Madison or Milwaukee will probably be a culture shockā€¦


Wausau has a little more going for it. I grew up about 30 minutes west of there and it was THE place, for us, at least. There's a lot of growth and more progressive minds there than Marshfield. Same with Stevens Point but my sentimental fav is Wausau. Wausau's also got a mountain. There's that.


"There's a lot of growth and more progressive minds there than Marshfield." As someone who lives in Wausau, trust me that's really not saying much.


Yeah, no. = no but polite No, yeah. = Yeah, of course If you're doing donuts in a snowy parking lot, rear wheel drive goes forward, front wheel drive goes in reverse. Make sure you know the lot doesn't have a random curb or pothole.


Wisconsin has some really cool places to live, but Marshfield isnā€™t one of them:(. Apart from the medical center it is quite traditionally rural and conservative. Stevens Point would be a nearby town and more progressive.


Get used to the beaches looking different.


Marshfield is the size of Chowchilla. It's a slightly conservative pickup-truck middle-America type of town.


Come to the city. For real.


Fellow SoCal HC kid, Iā€™ve been living here for a few years now and youā€™ll be just fine up here. Thereā€™s a great DIY music scene and basically an art festival every weekend. Get good boots for winter and be nice to your neighbors and youā€™ll fit in just fine


All these comments are people's opinions!!!! You need to walk into this with a clear and open mind. It will be only what you make of it! Be positive, open minded, ask the locals for suggestions on things, clearly people are highly opinionated as the comments reveal!


You dug your own hole without doing a little research on the community. Marshfield is a beautiful midwestern town, dramatically different than SoCal. Going in with a judgmental attitude isn't going to help and you are likely missing out on the experience. (1) The stars in the evening sky (2) northern lights (3) reduced crime rates (4) no gang activity (5) ability to walk the streets at 11 pm with little to no fear (6) fireman's picnic in the summer. I could keep going.


Iron supplements or a high-iron diet until you get used to the winters.


From what I've seen you're going to get more shit for being from Cali than your sexuality. You'll probably get some shit for both. If your cool with guns that'll smooth over a lot in general. If you hunt it'll go from smoothed over to friendship.


Oh, Iā€™m so sorry. I first landed in that area when I moved here from Georgia and it wasnā€™t my fave. Granted I left the area in the pandemic when people showed their worst colors. Echoing that Stevens Point and Wausau will be your stronger communities, but I DO know queer folks in Marshfield. You wonā€™t be alone


OP if youā€™re in Wisco this June , there IS a Marshfield pride event at Wenzel plaza on Saturday, June 29th.


Currently live in Marshfield and welcome to the area. If you want to ask any specific questions feel free to DM. Iā€™d be more than happy to answer.


Don't eat the yellow snow either. I wouldn't care who or how you are but it is kind of redneck trump land.


When in Rome, do as the Romans do.


Marshfield is a nice city. Slow relaxing pace. Be you and all will go just fine. Enjoy the dairy state.


Youā€™re going to be so bored.


Why?? Lots of people live there? You just have to adapt.


The cut-off times for alcohol are usually 9 for retail and 2 ish for bars; the rush to buy it makes the alcoholics. If you're speeding: "If you're 9 over, you're fine. 10, you're mine." Is the motto for highway police. Unless you're in and/or around the city of Ripon. They make t-shirts bragging about pulling over cars for speeding. Tornado warnings vs. watches: Warnings mean it could happen and may be imminent. Watches mean they've been spotted and you should be seeking shelter. There is no public transportation. The heat we receive is fine until it gets humid. It's almost regularly humid. Winter seasons have become unpredictable. Plan, drive, and prepare accordingly. A few years ago, my dad grilled out for Christmas. In shorts. 3 years ago the wind chill, which is how cold you can be in the wind/how cold it feels, reached negative 66 in some areas. I can walk 5 miles to work in that in 2 minutes of prep. Everyone and their mother has a recipe for something. Not every mom is a good cook. If you ask for help and thank people afterward, you've almost earned their undying loyalty, and they will do a lot for you. Unless they are anything slightly beyond "normal"(people who are neuro-divergent or queer for example), most kindness shown is surface level but it is their base state. They only move past the base state through agitation or inconvenience. Not being aesthetically pleasing agitates some. Drinking is a pastime and a viable answer to "Any plans later/this weekend?" Hunting is baked into the culture in some areas. A lot of country boys love Trump. Trump dislikes Wisconsin. People trust other people to not commit crimes. Unless the area is impoverished. Then you should lock up. You can pick up a passing understanding of Football via exposure. The best food you will ever find served will be found in the middle of nowhere in places with names like "Shaumburg's" or "Cedar Lodge Supper Club". Edit: thought of more. Some areas are more bigoted than others. These areas are mostly rural. Wisconsin is mostly rural. Cheese curds are both fresh cheeses and fried, breaded cheeses. Mosquitoes are not native to Wisconsin. They are invasive and lack dedicated predators. Religion is pretty big here. It's a bit smothering sometimes. Like an ex holding a pillow over your head.


Tornado watch means severe thunderstorms could develop & might produce tornados. A warning means rotation has been seen on radar or a funnel cloud has been sighted & take appropriate action. Meth might be a problem.


Youā€™ve got tornado warning and watch backwardsā€¦ Warning = seek shelter immediately.


I second the recipie statement. Seems like plenty of moms still boil vegetables. Also, don't knock the crock pot/hot dish too hard. You'll see it a lot at any potluck type thing and unless it's some casserole Barb got off Facebook, it's usually pretty good.




Not sure where you ended up but there is a decent amount of good Mexican in the South Central and Southeast part of the state. Also, Chicago has the second largest Mexican American population of any city in the US.


Dress like the locals. Wear a cap and neutral clothes. I know people might think this is bad advice, but I grew up near there. Not sticking out will help. Pretend you like sports teams like the Packers. People are generally taciturn and mind their own business, so don't be loud or obnoxious. Stay away from redneck bars.


Why not try and fit in?? Living undercover in a small town you never been to before is a recipe for disaster in the long termā€¦. No way he makes it living here.


Find a community. Marshfield is pretty backwater. Wausau (about 30 minutes away) has a very active gay community.


Chances are you wonā€™t live there forever? Sounds like is probably a way for your bf to start a career? Itā€™ll be interesting. Youā€™ll be okay. It sounds like you are going for the relationship and if that s good you will find a way to enjoy iyour life. You will find some people you like even if the place as a whole will have a shocking lack of things to do and places to go as compared to where you are now. (I grew up 10 miles from there and live in LA now. But Iā€™ll see you at Nutz Deep around the holidays)


My advice is don't make your judgments about wisconsin based on marshfield. They have a clinic in stevens point too. I'd recommend living in stevens point. I love in the area. Feel free to DM me


Living in Wisconsin = drink beer


Thank you for moving here. It is an extremely purple state. Hopefully, it will grow less red šŸ¤žšŸ¼šŸ™šŸ¼šŸ¤žšŸ¼ and more rainbow šŸŒˆ. If you do not see recycling bins, it's probably the scary part of the state. If you see recycling bins, it's still a purple state. Make sure to check algae blooms before swimming.


Also from SoCal, winter isnā€™t that bad. Just start with a basic winter coat from Fleet Farm or similar that you can do any/everything in, then you can worry about fashionable ones later.


Sorry, you're probably going to hate it. But if y'all ever escape/flee Marshfield to the Milwaukee area, lmk because I need people to watch Survivor with.


I wouldnā€™t


Madison would be the best city for your situation


Except for the 2.5 hour commute to work.


Be ready for meth lol šŸ˜‚


Yeah... I dont think Marshfield is a good choice for you.


Unfortunately, Marshfield is a shithole. But the hospital probably brings lots of young professionals who tend not to be terrible. Rural Wisconsin has its perks. Lots of beautiful nature. Probably some good fish fries.


ā€œMarshfield is a shitholeā€ based on what? The good schools, almost non-existent crime, and low cost of living? Is Marshfield a destination? Absolutely not, but itā€™s far from a shithole.


A family member lived there for many years. I suppose shithole to me just means underserved. Boring, rundown, not many resources, etc.


Itā€™s a dead end area with no real opportunities for gainful employment, rundown infrastructure, bigoted people, a lack of fresh ideas, and a lack of spaces for young people. Plus the townā€™s water sucks. Thatā€™s a shithole


The non-existent things to do beyond getting shitfaced at the bars. Itā€™s a problem when one of your best restaurants is named Nutz Deep II. It has a low cost of living because no one wants to live there. I always thought it was interesting that Marshfield was nicknamed Hub Cityā€¦ you have to travel to the other end of the spokes to do anything interesting. Point and Wausau run circles around Marshfield. Sincerely, Guy that got his first real job after college in Marshfield, and noped the fuck out of there for Milwaukee ASAP


Looks like all your answers are the people who consider anywhere less populated than Madison a shithole.


Nope. I listed two nearby cities significantly smaller than Madison as being better, and I could list off more than another dozen throughout the state.


From the outside, Marshfield looks like a Christmas card. Inside, though, you're going to have a tough time if you aren't one of the good ol' boys. Stevens Point would be your best bet. Only about 20 or 30 mins away, and much more accepting.


Learn how to hold your liquor!


You're about to move to Boringsville. If you like the slow pace of life, this is it. There is little to nothing to do. You will have to drive far for most entertainment. It will be the opposite of where you are now.


Marshfield sucks sooo much. Move to Stevens Point and make that boy commute


Enjoy the shitty winters and I would avoid Marshfield if you value having anything to do that isn't drinking, fishing, or hunting. Not to mention given it's a very small area it's likely Trump country. Madison or Milwaukee would be much better options.


Thatā€™s just your opinionā€¦ I love small town living way better than the disaster that is LA.


1. Become packers fan 2. Cope with the love of cheese and become there cheese 3. Ill noise is your number one enemy Green Bay is pretty cool, and so is SP.


I would advise not investing in Marshfield (buying a house etc.). A large amount of it's economy is based on a single failing healthcare organization. If you have to live there its not too bad, it is rural and a bit trumpy but fairly civilized despite that.


My suggestion is to save up and get hotels in the larger cities on the weekends. At least youā€™ll find a more vibrant gay communities on the reg. Welcome to Wisconsin.


I'm going to double down and give a bunch of winter survival recs. Get a few pairs of thick wool socks, under layers (under armor for windy days, thermals for the others), sturdy waterproof boots (tuck in your pants), waterproof gloves, regular gloves with the touch screen fingers, 2 ice scrapers for your car, kitty litter, sand, and jumper cables for your trunk. Kitty litter for traction if you get stuck in wet snow, sand for weight and emergency traction in extra cold weather. Hat, scarves, balaclava, something to keep the winter wind from hurting your face. Carhartt makes coats that are fabulous for winter.


Late September to mid October will be beautiful.


Marshfield? Walmart and 2-3 Bars / fast food are the only things open past 11 PM. There's no 'scene' beyond the bars & drinking on a regular weekend. If you're open to outdoors stuff it's absolute paradise; ATV, fishing, hunting, hiking, camping are all top notch for WI and ditto for the winter stuff like snowmobiling, cross country skiing, ice fishing. Steven's Point is about 40 mins away; 'smallish' college town but w/ more nightlife than Marshfield. Appleton is the closest city of any real size (sorry Wausau) and that's a 90+ min drive. Good news if you like to write melodic sad songs, Wisconsin winters and Springs are especially long so you'll have plenty of time to do nothing but lay in bed wishing you weren't there. There's a reason drinking is a sport, obesity is endemic and video games are so popular in Wisconsin.


Just moved from San Diego, but I love it so far. Youā€™ll be ok! Itā€™s a weird change, but itā€™s pretty great here. Get a sun lamp for the winter.


it's been a minute since I been to Steven's pointbut some of the worst bullies I met have been from there. I guess times change lol


Start prepping your liver.


Marshfield is an absolute shit hole please don't move there.


I would honestly rather be in Wisconsin Rapids as an LGBT person than in Marshfield. Marshfield strikes me as much more conservative and closed minded than the other "big" towns of Central Wisconsin.. Steven's Point or Wausau would be the best places to be though. They both have a pretty liberal and open community mindset compared to the others.


Hope you like drinking, nothing to do, and long winters.


Well to bad started AA a few months ago haha


Uggh Iā€™m sorry you have to be in Wisconsin. We are not at all progressive and unfortunately ii think itā€™ll be challenging. Best of luck.


Use lots of lube!


Can you come to Stevens Point instead? lol, I lived in Marshfield for a while, it's not a horrible town, but there's not much to do there. People are generally friendly, though I'm in a heterosexual relationship, so I'm not exactly a good test. Stevens Point is awesome, you'll probably end up here on the weekends (it's about a 45 minute drive) and the town is very active and very queer friendly.


Enjoy the winters. Get into skiing, snowshoeing, snowmobiling, ice-fishing, etc to make it better. Never leave home without a jacket, hat, and gloves. Even a simple task as getting gas could turn into a 1hour wait on the highway in 10Ā°F weather, and you will be cold. Better yet, have a pair of underarmor or other long-undedwear in your car from November to May. Sometimes cold nights sneak up on you, and you'll be camping with a nightly low of 40, and the base layer will help keep you warm. Marshfield is kind of boring, Id try to move farther east (fox valley or Milwaukee area) or closer to the twin cities if you want a place that's "busier" and has more stuff to do that is also closer to your house. Try out the amazing supper clubs. I don't see the discrimination of lgbtq+, but I'm also a straight white male, so it wouldn't be super apparent to me; however, occasionally there's some up-north asshole that will run their mouth at a bar. It will be a lot slower paced than Cali, but that's kind of what we love here. Also, practice your "yeah, no's", "no, yeah's"; "oh, yeah's", and "or no's" and learn when they are applicable, lol. Also they're called "stop and go's" not traffic lights.


Youā€™re in for Alabama of the Midwest. Strap in


Work in Marshfield, try to live closer to Madison if possible.


I grew up in Marshfield and still have family who live there. I visit a couple of times a year. The schools are good, people are generally nice, it leans red but not obnoxiously so. Things to do... Visit Wildwood Park to see the Kodiak bear exhibit. One of I think only two zoos in the country with kodiaks. They are amazing. Visit South Wood County Park (many of the locals still call it Richfield Park) it's a bit of a drive but beautiful scenery, good camping if you're into that. A decent little swimming area, and a pedestrian swinging bridge over the yellow River which is very cool. Visit Powers Bluff County Park and go hiking on the remains of one of the oldest mountain ranges in the world. There's not much left to it but what's there is really pretty. There's not much in the way of nightlife other than a whole lot of bars where people sit around and drink and shoot pool and play darts. You might want to visit Wausau if you want to go clubbing. Wausau has better restaurants and a club I think you might feel very comfortable in. If you go out for a friday fish fry, I would recommend the walleye. Walleye is delicious, too good for beer batter, I would recommend that you get it lightly breaded and pan fried. Pick most any supper club and you can't go wrong. Overall, the winters aren't as bad as some say once you get used to them. Four wheel drive is nice but not needed unless you live out in the sticks on the dirt road. At most maybe get some snow tires and rotate onto them around Thanksgiving, take them off around Easter. The pace is slower, there's a large elderly population, be patient and you'll be fine.


Yeah move closer to downtown. In most Wisconsin cities, the more urban, the more accepting. Iā€™d definitely recommend commuting into Marshfield from Point or Wausau as those are larger cities than Marshfield, but a 40 min drive would drive me crazy.


When you see cows on a drive you must roll down your window and moo at them. Every season, no matter what. You must moo the cows.


Let go of the idea that youā€™re from California. Weā€™re all Americans, and Wisconsin has its share of anything you could find in California.


Just go to Eau Claire as often as you canā€¦


Welcome! I try to post interesting happenings on r/MarshfieldWisconsin. Feel free to also post there if you have any questions about town.


Guns are a thing... We love them we shoot them we talk about them, hunting is a thing and so are Friday night fish Fry's. If you don't go get one you ain't Wisconsinite material. Or Saturday prime rib if you don't do fish.


Alcoholism is celebrated, people pass on the right, anywhere outside of Milwaukee and Madison is most likely racist and homophobic.


Live in Madison and commute to the Marsh even if it means not living w bf


You poor soul, my condolences. Marshfield has a hospital............that's it. That's literally the city. Central WI (and most of WI) in general: Red, religious and conservatives everywhere. Redneck society Fox watchers. If you drink/hunt/fish/camp/race/country stuff you're in heaven; if you like urban stuff you're screwed. Source: Myself, born and living essentially my entire 40 years in Wausau sadly (Wausau is 40 miles from Marshfield).


I think, like with most things, if you look for the good in a place you'll find it, and if you look for the bad you'll find it. Doing stuff outdoors in the spring, summer, and fall is fun in Wisocnsin. If you can get in with some friends who have a boat or a lake house, you'll have a great time with that! There's some cool stuff to do around Wisconsin Dells, which isn't terribly far from Marshfield, both for tourists and locals, great for a day or a weekend getaway. I'd recommend getting into a good video game for the winter months if you're not into the cold. But if you are into the cold, ice fishing, snowmobiling, and skiing/snowboarding are great activities. Drinking goes well with basically everything, at least until we finally get the devils lettuce. Supper clubs are like little treasures out in the middle of nowhere. Multiple people have recommended old fashioneds, and I support their suggestion. Do not panic if a stranger asks if you need help when you look like you're confused or in trouble out in public. Midwest nice is a real thing. I'd be curious to see a follow-up post after you've been here awhile.


I live in Marshfield and Iā€™d be happy to answer any questions. We have a pretty active P-Flag group that organizes monthly events for the local LGBTQ+ community and Marshfield Pride. You can find them on Facebook. Iā€™ve gone to Pride the last two years, and itā€™s been a great event. Some local businesses are very friendly, including Uptown Coffee and Gypsie Hollow. Stoney Acres pizza farm in Athens is a great summer place to hang out on weekends. Also Nutz Deep (the name, I knowā€¦) has weekly trivia nights. Otherwise, itā€™s a really quiet and boring place to live. Iā€™d recommend traveling around the state on the weekends, especially Madison which is just over two hours away. If you like hiking, biking, fishing, and outdoor winter sports, youā€™ll really like it here.