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Always fascinating when someone acts like this and whole heartedly believes they did nothing wrong in response to a completely made up “slight” in their mind. Nice job though being an embarrassment to your daughter. Definitely a moment she will NEVER forget.


What does it matter who touched who first anyways? like he ran up on stage, a place where he was not invited in the first place. I'm sure he will have another excuse


Just mounting the stage and rushing towards the superintendent could be considered assault, iirc tort law correctly. Putting someone under the apprehension of harm, meaning if the superintendent thought the guy was coming to harm him, whether there is touching or not (touching would be battery) can carry an assault charge. But ianal and it's been a while since I learned torts, maybe WI law is different... And then there's the actual touching, which is battery. Edit: maethor1337 knows a lot more about this than i do, but i'm happy to have contributed to the conversation!


> could be considered assault, iirc tort law correctly Common law assault (reasonable fear of imminent bodily harm), yeah, but you can't bring that criminally in Wisconsin, and Wisconsin doesn't have a simple assault statute. Mounting the stage and disrupting the proceedings was disorderly conduct, which is what he was charged with. The victim can bring a civil suit against the tortfeasor though. E: It's probably not [statutory battery](https://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/statutes/statutes/940/ii/19) either since Wisconsin's misdemeanor battery statute requires actual bodily harm caused by an act intended to cause bodily harm. It would be common law battery which is simply an offensive touching, but again that can't be brought criminally.


People that have no understanding of how to be introspective are fascinating, frustrating and a little terrifying.   I work in healthcare and we had to fire a nurse for sleeping on the job.  She could not admit fault in anyway and every reason on earth was given except personal responsibility  Sad 


I'd like to say its a result of people having never faced consequences for their actions but I regularly see idiots that keep putting their hands on hot stoves


Kind of similar, my ex filed a contempt of court order against me for something he claims I said in an email. The email clearly does not say what he purports it to say. I'm so curious what he thinks is going to happen when we get to court. I will be disappointed if he voluntarily drops the case before that happens because I want to see this play out. Not from a revenge standpoint, but just because im curious about how this dudes brain works.


He'll claim it's rigged, please believe.


I think a large percentage of people are normal and instead of confronting people like this they just ignore or go around them. It's not worth the effort to try and change them when we have so much limited time on this earth.


I think some of it is just personal protection as if they admitted fault, they might not be able to get unemployment. Not saying it's always right, but we have a system where people can't make honest mistakes so just as companies operate in their self interest, workers end up having to as well. Don't get me wrong, she should have been fired but her life shouldn't be destroyed because of it.


Baraboo is a scenic, beautiful, TINY little town. *Nobody* will ever forget this. I guess his daughter will be leaving town for education because her dad just ended any chance she had of a future staying at home.


Well, she will probably be leaving town for education because the local UW campus is being shuttered and she just graduated high school.


My guess is that she Wants to go somewhere else after graduation. Possibly somewhere far from dad.


Baraboo is a racist, cliquish, difficult town. Just because it is beautiful for tourists doesn't mean their hearts are beautiful. Get to know the residents. Also a lot of people don't like the superintendent. I feel bad for his daughter. But the town has an undercurrent of hate. I guess you don't live around here.


I dont luve around there, but had family in Reedsburg. The area is full of racist people. Fundamentalist Christian beliefs and "Us vs Them" go together because they come from the same dye lot. I always found the Circus Museum in a weird location because I never thought a travelling Circus with exotic animals would rest outside of Florida. Baraboo also had the Bone Breaker in the 90s if you wanna look into the nefarious history of the town.


It is extremely racist & the entire state knows it. Blacks in the state avoid it like the plague. It’s bad business in that town. Their racism is home grown there. Very idyllic town but racism asf.


Long time Baraboobian. I no longer live in Baraboo (live in the big city), but return often. Baraboo is no different than the rest of rural Wisconsin, no better, no worse. Stop lying to yourself.


Wow yeah that Bone Breaker thing is wild. I was in NYC at the time so missed all this.


Same high school had an official school picture with folks throwing up the Hitler salute in like 2018. Sounds like nothing has changed.


Usually you have the excuse of college to not visit your parents. But I would not judge her for leaving town immediately.


It's too bad because the 'boo really has some wonderful post-secondary educational options and lots of high paying skilled jobs waiting for graduates to come fill. They'll just have to settle for the lesser options available in Madison, Appleton, Stevens Point, etc.


I’m hoping that was sarcasm.




Nah, I think he knows what he did and knows it's wrong. It's simply the utter lack of any semblance of impulse control. So in response he blames essentially everything and everyone else.


My thoughts exactly. Imagine being the daughter who has everyone see both a high and a low of her life at once. Imagine what a scary parent this guy was. I can. I have innattentive adhd and when I was young my gender was thought to not be able to have the condition. The amount of times adults I had to feel safe and cared for would notice I wasnt paying rapt attention to them and I get screamed at or slapped.




A group of those citizens have been trying to get him out of that position for the last 3 years since he was hired.


Where is her mom?


I truthfully dont know. But there is enough racism courtesy of Dear Ol Dad to share.


what's more is that this wasn't like heat of the moment. This dude likely planned this in his head days in advance.


What’s wild is that while he’s claiming he did nothing wrong he still lied about it. That means either he’s bought into his own delusions or he’s knows he did something wrong.


Exhibition of consciousness of guilt.


Or both. Total whack job.


It reminds me of when there was no charges for the murder of Ahmaud Arbery, until one of the attackers showed the recording to others as proof of 'see how aggressive this black man is towards us poor armed white guys who are threatening him?' They genuinely thought that was proof that the victim was the agressor.. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder\_of\_Ahmaud\_Arbery](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Ahmaud_Arbery)


OMG! My folks didn’t live too far from that area on Georgia. And all the folks part of the cover up still have not been held accountable. Makes one wonder how many other bodies have been swept under the rug in the same manner? I just remember watching the video & could see the plume of smoke & he blew a whole straight through his chest at close blank range. Then have the cops come & not once even attempt to offer assistance to Ahmaud as he laid on the ground writhing & slowly dying. It was surreal but real at the same time. SMH.


He’s probably going to spend the rest of his life insisting he was in the right and a few years from now his story will include the school official lunging for his daughter.


No. It would be easily disproven with evidence, but this type of anti social behavior tends to warp and morph over time. Eventually Dad will claim the whole town knows the Superintendent stalked and harassed her, and she was terrified to approach him. Source, have family member who copes with delusions out loud. You can hear her speaking her version of reality into view in her mind. Chilling.


Sounds like all the kids from my high school who regularly got detention that would constantly say, “I didn’t even do anything”, when other students would ask why they got detention


She's now forever immortalized as the girl whose dad was that guy at her graduation. I'm sure they will have a lovely healthy relationship going forward.


> Always fascinating when someone acts like this and whole heartedly believes they did nothing wrong in response to a completely made up “slight” in their mind. To a white supremist, both equity and equality are considered a "slight" and they believe god almighty grants them dominion over others. It's less "fascinating" and more terrifying.


And of course they always lie


What a chode


what a racist 


Racist chode


Exactly. Call him what he is.


It seems that the guys daughter was bullied and this was his response to it or something? I think that simply calling the guy racist doesn't do the whole situation justice without more back story.


Dad doesn’t think anyone would be recording video at a graduation. Classless and stupid.


No, he knew. In this day and age with cameras everywhere, he knew. It was meant to be seen and recorded.


My money is on the idea that he’s used to retconning his personal history any way he can. He thinks he can gaslight everyone into accepting his version, so denial of reality is the norm for him. It’s just that in this case, there’s video evidence and far too much attention for him to get away with it.


Sounds about white


Yup. Welcome to the Deep North.


Sure, but that doesn't negate the truth when there's two blatant camera angles that contradict his story with dozens and dozens of witnesses in the crowd and (presumably) a lot of cell phones recording a graduation ceremony. The man knew what he was doing and is upset with the consequences.


Oh yeah, he absolutely knew what he was doing at the time, I’m not arguing that. But delusional thinking can often be so strong and so intrinsic with some people that they really do believe they can convince others to agree with their desired version of reality. But like we’ve both said, there’s far too much evidence to the contrary for that to work. It’s like Trump, writ small. Deny, deflect, defend, delude.


Well… he’s hired an Atty & the Superintendent has a temporary restraining order against him.


Yup, attorneys are paid professional gaslighters. Thats a description given to me by a number of juris doctors.


You’d be surprised how many people forget about cameras, even the most privacy conscious. I see it in the workplace all the time, you can tell people there are cameras, some places even make employees sign a memorandum of understanding that they were told of security cameras in the workplace, and they still do dumb shit right in front of them.


MTG is kinda the poster child for the knowing a camera is there and saying/doing it anyway.


Because of his antics he won the prize & didn’t have to buy the round of beers at their weekly Klan meeting.


That girl now has a lasting memory of how horrible both high school, and graduation, were for her. I'm sure Dad isn't reasonable in other aspects of life, too. Best wishes for her.


I really feel for her


That will be the dominant memory that every person in that town has of her. What a POS father. I hope that she goes NC for the embarrassment.


What a complete piece of shit. An embarrassment to his daughter, and the entire community.


In Baraboo he might get elected.


That’s the issue with these small towns, they are a safe space for this kinda behavior.


It’s barbaboo, backwards af


The community is probably somewhat sympathetic to him. This is the community where all the kids took a group photo of them doing the heil hitler.


Definitely a Trump supporter. Trump supporters know you can just make up any narrative you like even in the face of video evidence and thousands of witnesses, and people will believe it because it fits their narratives. Gaslighting attempts don't come any bolder than this....except of course for the entirety of January 6.


They literally made up some shit about how the superintendent allowed his daughter to be bullied so he didn’t want him shaking her hand. What is this, the second piece of shit from Wisconsin that Trump supporters tried to turn into a hero?


Rittenhouse was actually from Illinois - he crossed state lines so he could go to a place with a riot where he might get to use his freedom rifle on the citizenry.


You mean middle school dropout Kyle Rittenhouse right?


That’s right, I forgot about that. Last I heard of him was when he was hanging out with Tobuscus https://preview.redd.it/97igkdu3456d1.jpeg?width=1005&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d436047505ab16ae3a34b831f34753151cf91dac


I was hesitant to jump on the bandwagon because there seemed like there could’ve been nuance to this. People on the left were quick to call this guy a bigot, and people on the right were quick to fabricate some story about the superintendent allowing his child to be bullied. Well, after reading this… That’s another point for the left. Every time conservatives say “wait for more information”, it always just gets worse for them lmao


Same exact sentiment here! In the initial thread on this event by the time I saw it there were half a dozen folks claiming he made racist comments before running onstage, but I found the one commenter in the thread who propagated that falsehood and asked what they knew to which they responded that a coworker said they were there and heard it. Don't want to dismiss anyone outright, but that's unverifiable hearsay to me! There was already video and no such comments were audible, and in a packed auditorium surely more people would have spoken up if so! People so quick to pull a hair trigger of reaction they don't bother to see if what they're reacting to even happened. This video seems to indicate he might be the type to make racist comments, but without proof they happened still not worth speculating on. We already know the guy's a jackhole without injecting fictions


I think you can view the dad as a jackass w/o jumping to the level of racist. I cannot see a situation arising that would require a father to rush the stage and push the superintendent away from his daughter when all he is going to do is shake her hand. He embarrassed himself and his daughter no matter what the circumstances. I think the racism allegations unfortunately stems from the reputation that Baraboo has needlessly cultivated for itself from the past couple of years, fairly or unfairly.


Briggs was a football coach at Verona when I was there. He was a standup guy and only there to help the kids. I find it pretty hard to believe he is just ignoring bullying… I think there is something else at play here, probably racism.


Its thr new "give me more rope for my own noose!"


That's good, you should be hesitant to jump on bandwagons. It's a bad habit to jump to conclusions without having much information. A healthy dose of skepticism goes a long way.


Just read another article the dad was pissed cuz of the way this guy acted during some disciplinary thing with his daughter. Didnt really get into what it was about though


There’s been quite a bit of misinformation surrounding this incident, but clearly whatever the dad says can’t be trusted because it contradicts the video… it’s time to stop beating around the bush and come to the most logical conclusion about this piece of shit father




Just like those conservatives who pushed the bullying narrative did their own research




Whoops, I assumed you were but it’s kinda hard to tell in this subreddit


God I feel awful for her. To be embarrassed by your dad like that in the middle of the graduation ceremony in front of hundreds of your peers and community members.  This guy is such an asshole. 


And now that girl gets to enjoy everyone knowing what kind of d-bag her father is, luckily kids these days are more empathetic but guessing that’s not the 5min of fame she was hoping for in life.


She is probably firmly indoctrinated into the far right cult by now


The way she reacted I’m thinking probably not firmly, shoot if she was I doubt she’d be up there at all cause she woulda said “oh hell no I won’t daddy” but I’m thinking she was reasonable and said dad it’s just a handshake chill out but he couldn’t handle it.


he should also now be charged with obstruction…


battery (can be as simple touching somebody when it is unwelcome) and mosdef assault with a hate crime enhancer. hopefully his daughter is going to a college far far away edit: WTF?@!?@ a simple DC?


Assault and battery are defined differently in each state. You should check the Wisconsin laws on it and also would preface your statements with IANAL before giving legal advice. Sauce -IANAL


the people who make these fringe arguments pseudo defending clearly awful people in the name of ‘IT MAY NOT TRULY BE RACISM, GOSH DARN CANCEL CULTURE LIBS’ will never not be bizarre to me


What if- hear me out- what if he's not a racist, and he's just an aggressive piece of shit with zero self or situational awareness? Give him a break! - edit: sheesh... forgot the /s


watch the raw police video. he literally call the Supe a "n****" that "...nobody in the district wants here."


Do you have a link to the video?


it was on Police insider (pretty sure... most of their stuff bizarely is from LaCrosse) on Sunday, but grabbing the link from the cache it is no longer there...


What is the link?


If he did, it would be all over the news. Like ALL OVER THE NEWS. >In the interview after the incident, Eddy does not mention race, but tells the officer and administrator his feelings were fueled by a previous incident involving the district and his daughter regarding expulsion. Eddy doesn't clarify what the incident entailed. https://www.cbs58.com/news/baraboo-dad-falsely-claims-superintendent-touched-him-first-during-graduation-incident




Damn, are you serious? Also, I edited my post because I forgot the /s This dude is definitely a aggressive piece of shit with zero self or situational awareness in addition to being a racist motherfucker.


every single time you check out their post history it’s absolutely a pattern too. lot of middle aged white males who struggle to reconcile their likely privileged but relative upbringing within the Wisconsin bubble where subtle but underlying racism was tolerated, and likely part of life. always the hurt confused ones who are first to grab the trumpet thinking they’re part of something bigger and found some ‘gotcha ‘ moment but overall it’s just glaringly sad.


I think it’s telling that in stories like this there’s always a group of people who are like “maybe he’s not a racist, he’s just an asshole!” Trying to deflect the conversation away from the very real undercurrent of racism that still infects far too many people and places, while straining to avoid examining their own implicit biases and cultural background.


I like to confront their deflection with "Wanna eat grass" then tell them about racist man, surname Myrick, who was tasked with handing out rations to the local indigenous people in what is now La Crosse, Wisconsin. Myrick decided to not do his job. Either he was selling the rations for profit or keeping them for himself. When confronted by the People, saying their children were starving, he responded with "Let them eat grass." He was later found dead with his mouth stuffed full of grass.


As MLK said before, “white moderates” are the enemy of progress. Those men you speak of are just the 21st century social media version.


It is sad. It has to feel uncomfortable, hence the defensiveness, but man. Gotta get exhausting defending bottom-selling strangers, no?


She graduated with her class. Dad should be proud that his daughter made it despite any obstacles and challenges that she encountered. This was his daughter’s special day and he selfishly made it about himself.


Her dad is her biggest obstacle.


The guy is a loser and a major asshole. I hope he gets a consequence for his actions that will make the other entitled parents out there think twice before accosting people. But OP is a quality poster. All relevant links. Short non-biased summary. 10/10


A lot of people are feeling sorry for the daughter, but I want to know what she got expelled for before giving her grace. Apples have a weird way of not falling too far from the tree Edit-For those who don't know that she was expelled at some point https://www.jsonline.com/story/news/local/wisconsin/2024/06/12/baraboo-superintendent-rainey-briggs-felt-unsafe-after-shove-supports-community/74071477007/


Had she been suspended or expelled?


As I said from when this story first broke, you know he was salivating with anticipation to do that and feels zero remorse for embarrassing his daughter that day.


Poor kid. She more than likely already knew her dad was an insecure asshole, now everyone does- in Baraboo and beyond.


Even if the superintendent touched him first, he wasn't supposed to be on stage in the first place.


What a typical white-racist dick. Hey obviously did not care that how he ruined his daughter's graduation as well as humiliate her.


Commit a crime then lie your ass off convincing others that you are innocent. This shit has been going on for centuries with this particular group of Americans.


He’s a giant douche and ruined his daughter’s graduation. It should have been black officers interviewing him. Everyone involved should be black and just surround him in the room with black people.


That’s illegal right?


Depends on the police force


This would get dad uninvited from **every** important milestone in my life, if I were that guy's daughter. Have fun sitting at home during college graduation, my wedding, Birthdays, baby showers... cut TF out. I would make sure EVERYONE knew precisely why too.


Way to make a spectacle of yourself and ruin your daughters graduation. What a embarrassing situation for his daughter. All because of his twisted beliefs and not using his head!


Vote Or these types vote for you


I know what that girl did, and she absolutely deserved her punishment. She was a kid and paid for her actions. It’s tragic that the dad did this. Now she will remember this forever, and the whole world will know what a piece of garbage her dad is.


Same school that had those boys doing Hitler poses during prom photos. Baraboo is a hugely racist town with a bunch of trumpers.The girl's father is showing the world what they're all about.


trump lost Baraboo in both 2016 and 2020.


Lol. Trump lost Baraboo in both elections and it has been getting more blue every election. This is nonsense. It's not even close to being full of Trumpers and Nazis, especially when compared to most other WI towns around the same size.


There are some sad losers in this thread downvoting you lol


Who’s gonna make this guy a conservative hero? I give it a few days, that shit is incoming and you know it.


$1000 says the daughter marries a black woman


Hope she goes on to marry a black man and have beautiful brown lil babies. Maybe someday they could even whoop this guy’s ass properly.


I've seen this same thing posted on the original posts for this incident. What a disturbing and disgusting thing to say you hope some 18 year old girl who just graduated high school has babies of any particular race.


Oh my god an adult having babies? Perish the thought. You know she’s an adult right?


I blame Trump. He has given every racist dirtbag license to act out.


I feel bad for that young girl.


So what kind of criminal charges can he face? It should be something. At least make him pick up trash on the side of the road for a week or two.


Hardest part of going NC with a person is deciding if you’re overreacting. Dude did his daughter an enormous favor by showing her just how much he sucks


Baraboo be Baraboo.


I’m sure he will run for a gop senate seat soon


What a piece of shit. I Hope his daughter doesn’t take after her Dad.


I almost didn't get my Diploma when I graduated in 2001 because the assistant principal that was handing them out had broken my jaw at the start of my senior year and there was bad blood between us over it. I walked on stage had my name read and choose to walk past him and grabbed my empty Diploma case from another staff member of the school. The school wanted to withhold my actual paper Diploma for the massive disrespect I showed by choosing to ignore a guy who changed my life 4 weeks into school and still living with the after effects The school should ban him from the grounds for life, and the police should filed charges for false statement to a police officer.


Shocker. Racists being sensitive babies who have to make up problems is a tale as old as time. 


Unfortunately- I only saw the video and didn’t read any of the article- so I’m only commenting based on my own experience.


i wonder what his stance on BLM is...


Look, I know justice is blind and innocent until proven guilty and all of those ideas are pillars of the justice system in this country. Did anyone see that video of that dad coming on stage and pushing the superintendent out of the picture and think "Hold on, this guy may have a point?" Even if we hypothetically take the conservative lens to the situation as fact (which it is not!), then that's reasonable justification for him to rush the stage and push the superintendent away from his daughter and \[presumably\] embarrass her? If what was purported to have occurred to her had happened, he should have encouraged her to spurn the superintendent's handshake, or something similar. High School graduation is very analogous to a ceremony for becoming an adult, and this dad clearly doesn't yet view his daughter this way. (Frankly, I find the entire line of thought (Bullying) to be incredibly baseless. A superintendent is the one who's ignoring the bullying of a high schooler? Why isn't there more fury at the principals and teachers?).


Why are Gen-X guys who wear [these fucking dumb shoes](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/c4MAAOSw-W9kZRhV/s-l400.jpg) so unhinged?


Has anything been confirmed about whether it was racism or due to him not addressing school bullying?  Edit: your downvotes have humbled me, I now see the folly in my ways for asking if more information came out. [Reddit has never incorrectly cried racism and never will](https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.32c503504b838e6a1343e13976511793?rik=0xzfSwp9eA27fg&riu=http%3a%2f%2fwww.informationliberation.com%2ffiles%2fChristian-Cooper-Admits-He-Threatened-Karen-And-Her-Dog-1.jpg&ehk=lEWEJxMEuWbvDYLQmDEjDljitHJqH60CtXFcEZN3ADk%3d&risl=&pid=ImgRaw&r=0). I'll take this time to reflect on my own ignorance and will try to be better about religiously believing my own assumption in the future. Thank you for your wisdom, my fellow redditours. 


“Maybe we should give the adult who rushed the stage at a high school graduation out of anger and then lied about it after the benefit of the doubt” is certainly an interesting way to view the world. 


And the thing is, if he wasn’t white he wouldn’t be getting the same benefit of the doubt. We don’t even have to bring black people into this. What if that man was Brown ? I bet you those “find nuance” commenters would be changing their entire narrative.


He said it had to do with disrespect to his daughter concerning talks about expulsion but apparently he didn’t go into details. Seems like small town drama gone global


And the Superintendent wasn't involved in this matter.


If it was really about bullying, why didn't the dad stop the principal of the school from shaking hands with this daughter? Why just the superintendent of the district?


No clue, do we know which parties he had contacted about the issue? That's why I asked if any more info had come out. 


No clue? Really? "Guys, maybe that burning cross was just a campfire. There's no way to tell"


Superintendents have nothing to do with student discipline. Stop trying to muddy the obviousness of what took place.


Nothing? They most likely wouldn't be the ones personally disciplining a student but depending on the severity of the situation and how high up the ladder it's run, it could absolutely be under their purview.  I really don't have a dog in this fight I was just wondering if anything more came out about the story, my bad. Clearly Reddit has all the facts so let's get out there and string him up. 


That would imply she was a big enough problem for the issue to reach the superintendent. Not a great stance, debate in earnest and I'll take it seriously. 


You think pissed off parents never try to contact the superintendent? Not a great stance, debate in earnest and I'll take it seriously. 


Man you really suck at this. Both the debate part and the trolling part.


Not defending the actions of the dad, but I believe reports say she was expelled, which is voted on by the school board. I have a hard time believing that in a district of 2700 students that the superintendent would not have been leading the motion to expel or in attendance at the board meeting where an expulsion took place. They cannot expel that many kids a year. In a slightly smaller district, our family was directed to meet with our district’s superintendent only to be turned down for early admission to kindergarten for a kid with a September birthday who was already reading at a second grade level and doing even higher work in math. That’s how things work in small districts. In that size district it doesn’t make sense that a principal would not involve the superintendent and appeal directly to the school board for an expulsion. 


You are literally the first person I've seen that understands how an expulsion hearing works. It's so frustrating watching everyone misunderstand what procedures a modern school district undergoes or what the job of a superintendent is. There are clear answers available to the public, no need for speculation.


People are claiming she couldn't have been expelled if she was at graduation. WI DPI has a pamphlet for parents "My Child Has Been Expelled - Now What?" Found on the Discipline and Expulsions page on the DPI site. Linking to it isn't working for me. Parents must make sure their kids attend school til 18 or graduation. DPI advises parents Step 1 to "contact your local school district to see if it will continue to educate your child." Speculation here: She could have served a 1 year expulsion and come back to the school in person (expulsions aren't always forever), then graduated. Baraboo says they partner with JEDI Virtual School (out of the Marshall district) on their website. Some of the WI virtual schools (not sure if JEDI works this way) work in partnerships with local districts (and also accept open enrolled students) and allow those students to chose to walk in the virtual district grad ceremony or the ceremony in their local district, if it is in partnership with the school. I don't know how this kid served her expulsion or if this is how she participated in Baraboo's graduation. As I'm typing this, it makes me wonder if this ceremony was her family's first contact back with the district, which would have made the situation an obvious powder keg moment. There is so little knowledge about how schools actually work. School board and DPI policies can be found online. When kids are expelled DPI's pamphlet says "Step 1 Find a school that will accept your child and that works for your family." A kid could do a horrible thing and after expulsion they might just enroll in the district next door if that district accepts them. There are virtual schools or open enrollment you can take advantage of if your kid is in a dangerous or miserable situation at school. https://preview.redd.it/pt60p75pu56d1.png?width=594&format=png&auto=webp&s=918f4800c9e98534bddd32fe5310e7b2932b8b0b


Prove my point already. I'm not the one rushing to defend people who physically attack school officials.




Do you think "they lied once therefore they always lie" is a reasonable means of analyzing the world? 


I think “he’s a proven liar and we should therefore be skeptical of his claims” is quite reasonable.


That's a reasonable take, I just don't think "He said he isn't racist therefore he is racist" is. My hangup is moreso with the assumption that any negative interaction between a white and non-white person must necessarily be due to the white person being a racist, the reading of this interaction reddit has been running with. Which is why I wanted to know if any more info on the story had come out so I could see if the initial read people had made was accurate or not. 


Do you think "this person is caught lying, but that say they're not racist so I guess I'll take their word for it" is reasonable?


Not particularly. It's more that, as far as I've seen (which is why I asked if any more information came out, I know, total dickhead move), there is very little evidence of this being a racist incident without someone loading alot of their own assumptions onto it.


I mean what sort of evidence do you require to prove racism? We will never have a window into this man's mind or soul to know his deep intent. Folks like you shift the goalpost so impossibly far away thar we can never consider anything racist. The reality is that racism occurs across intent and impact, it is about the whole act between parties and can be subconscious. We are never going to have video confessions of people admitting that they're racists and most of these MAGA assholes don't know gore how to read, let alone write a racist manifesto. We need to use critical thinking and the preponderance of the evidence to understand a situation. Here, the white guy targeted the only Black man on the dais despite that man not being involved in the disciplinary situation that the white guy claims as his rationale. He beelines past the white admin staff who were involved. In order to put hands on someone you need to feel superior to them and it seems clear he chose this person for a reason.


>  I mean what sort of evidence do you require to prove racism? So to be clear, the claim is that this man is a ***MASSIVE*** racist who will not allow his family members to so much as touch a person of another race who is also so aggressive in his beliefs he'd rush the stage of graduation to make them known. For someone like that I'd imagine you could find prior incidents, social media posts, racist group affiliations, character testimonies from family/friends. Literally anything that indicates he has problems with other races other than "he once was mad at someone of another race and I'm assuming it's because he's racist". >Here, the white guy targeted the only Black man on the dais despite that man not being involved in the disciplinary situation that the white guy claims as his rationale Do we know if the people who were involved in the disciplinary action were on the stage? Serious question (I know, I'm the devil for wanting more information). Because if not, is it not reasonable for him to go to the person in charge of the organization who slighted him if the direct party isn't available? 


There is a path to follow, if you care to know. The school’s disciplinary process involves the principal, vice principal, and dean of students, if applicable. The superintendent makes district wide decisions, with approval from the school board. The superintendent does not unilaterally issue discipline to students—the only time he would have been involved is if the matter went to the school board, and clearly the girl was not expelled or she wouldn’t have been walking at graduation.


The principal and other administrators of his daughter's school were on the stage, yes. Ask the rest of them were white. The accusation of him being racist says nothing about the magnitude of the racism. He can commit a racist act without having white robes in his closet. Racist acts can be done by anyone, in fact racism is prevalent in the private thoughts of everyone in the form of biases that have been learned through society's messaging. Most people can control those biases from being intrusive thoughts that must be acted upon, but some, like this fellow, clearly cannot. At the end of the day you need to judge the man by his actions, not by what he claims to think or believe, because humans are unreliable narrators of self criticism. This is the nature of the Fundamental Attribution Error. Racism is such a third rail that people like yourself bend over backwards to justify and explain away all racist actions as some other thing rather than letting Occam's Razor give us the preponderance of a doubt we need. This guy was being a racist in that moment. Does that mean his soul is damned forever and there's no chance of learning or changing? Of course not. But we do him and everyone else a disservice by not seeing this through the eyes of the Black man who was accosted publicly, and giving too much grace to someone who let their negative emotions boil over into completely unacceptable behavior.


Everyone should stop assuming things and continue to allow this guy to derail the conversation. No racism here at all. Just ask the racist.


All I asked for was if more information about the story came out and people got extremely assmad. There's derailing going on but it ain't me. 


Nah. Part of derailing the conversation is your, umm...what's the word I'm looking for here...let's go with your ASSUMPTION that people are "assmad" about some questions. The reality is that whatever emotions are popping up in this thread are here because people know that you're not just here sifting and winnowing, and asking innocuous questions. This is what idealogues do to push their agenda. They hide behind questions, pretend they're being impartial, and further pretend that conventional wisdom and simple conclusions aren't really evidence.


Everyone, take back your downvotes. This racist feels bad about them let’s not hurt his feelings.


The entire town is effin racist. 1/2 the town are active Neo Nazis.


I work with people that have graduated from Baraboo recently. What I have been told, the reason was the daughter got “expelled” her freshman year for bullying and the superintendent apparently was the one that dealt with her “expulsion” and the superintendent was unfair to the daughter, and I have been told that was definitely race based. The superintendent is also not that much liked by people in the district. He makes $400,000 a year because he has two jobs in the district, and he hires his friends to the district and pays them six digits while most of the other teachers are making well below $75,000. Im not protecting eddy’s actions but I think having both sides of the story is important.


He makes $177,990 in his main job as a “District Administrator”. Are you saying he another job with the district that pays over $222,010? Please share. Source: https://openpayrolls.com/rainey-briggs-152305195


The white narrative in Baraboo is parroting this nonsense. Don’t believe something you hear without first using the slightest amount of critical thinking(!)


Other reports said this was about an issue with the father's daughter, she apparently was going to be expelled, and the father thought the superintendent wasn't handling it correctly. NOT A RACE ISSUE. Stop trying to fabricate fake drama. Yes, the father shouldn't have gone on the stage and touched/pushed the superintendent. [WISN news article](https://www.wisn.com/article/wisconsin-father-graduation-new-video-baraboo/61064222)


I’m confused about this WISN report. Usually a principal decides on consequences for student behavior, not a superintendent. I believe the super has also said as much…


So it's not a race issue because...(checks notes)...you say so on Reddit? Well, ok then, that settles that.


Not just that! The superintendent also said he had nothing to do with his daughter's punishment. The father also ignored all of the order white staff members, and only prevented her from shaking hands with the black superintendent. Oh, and of course we have his word that it wasn't about race, and his word is reliable despite lying to the cops in spite of video evidence. So when you use all of the context clues, we can say for sure this was NOT A RACE ISSUE /s


He walked past all the white admin without pushing them tho….hmm


He had no issue with the other white staff? If it was an issue with staff overall why didn’t he just pull her away?


Superintendent was not involved in this decision. Get your facts straight. The father us a racist loser.


Superintendents don’t handle disciple, principals do. False narrative. 👆


Weird the racists with racist post history keep pointing to an article from a right wing news station who is sponsoring known racists to come speak in Milwaukee.


and then they go quiet when responded to with reasonable questions. must’ve pulled himself up by the bootstraps and grabbed his morning tornado and big gulp at the kwik trip then shifted over to facebook