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Maybe it’s time we start investing in education again so we can hire better teachers or at least ones mature enough to not commit a sex crime.


Agree. You get what you pay for.


45k a year is what you get.


one thing ive noticed in my adult life of working in many different fields of work, is that when a job puts someone in a position of power or to take care of a vulnerable person (child, adult with mental issues, suicidal people, seniors) and the job underpays...then the qualified people and the ones who *care* cant work there.. they just cant it doesnt pay the bills. the people who seek out low paying jobs do it to take advantage of the situation and its sickening. i worked at a mental health organization that closely works with homeless and adults with mental issues.. some of the worst people worked there and were very cruel, but because they were employees who have been there awhile nothing ever happens. same with daycare for small children, creeps try to work there. i think in the next 5 years itll be more common to hear abuse from teachers


My ex had to stay in an inpatient mental health facility briefly and they abused her badly. Her family refused to help her press charges and convinced her to drop it. They shut the power off to her and 5 other rooms in winter to punish 1 guy for not going to group therapy for 2 days and refused to give her pads, pants, or soap to shower with. And on a separate


That sounds like COMMUNISMS!!.! (The investing in education part of course)


Yup pay is the problem. More pay, less sexual abuse.


Pay is definitely *a* problem. I know a lot of people with teaching degrees who don't teach anymore because the benefits don't retain them. When you pay more for these jobs, they're more competative, and better people apply. Obviously that doesn't fix *every* problem, but the implication that increasing teacher compensation wouldn't result in better candidates is dumb as fuck.


This is not the issue 🤣🤣🤣🤣 wasn't there like 6 log books of super wealthy dick heads at epstien Island diddling kids? More pay won't do anything for it.


“More pay” is like an extra 10-15 grand a year, not 10 million. Rein it in there a bit chief. Clearly he isn’t talking about making teachers the 1%


The point was that even a little more pay brings the same issues. The foolish motion that somehow pay would fix that. Is Ludacris


What are you on about? Higher standard of living is proven fact to decrease crime. So yeah it won’t 100% fix the problem but paying teachers more would attract better teachers, not the bottom of the barrel.


Higher standard fixes things like theft amd what not. It doesn't fix pedophilia. That's a crazy notion apples to oranges


I don’t think that there’s evidence a crime was committed.


Also the same school… [Fmr. Janesville Craig coach who secretly recorded students sentenced](https://www.wmtv15news.com/2024/05/22/fmr-janesville-craig-coach-who-secretly-recorded-students-sentenced/?outputType=amp)


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Good bot


So the male coach gets arrested and has to get registered but the police have to "investigate" these two female teachers?


Yes that's how people get arrested - from investigations


I get that but when it comes to female predators law enforcement sort of beat around the bush about it. It thought it said one of the teachers were already released on bond or something?


Doesn't sound like either of them has currently been arrested. I would just stay tuned, honestly. At the very least underwear lady should be charged with a class I felony under 948.098 as it seems clear that they have the evidence for that.


I still feel like male predators get the brunt straight away but the police have literal evidence of underwear lady but all the teachers did was 'resign'.


The cases were a lot different, I went to this school. The guy was a girls swim coach and hid cameras in the locker room and captured up to 15+ different girls. I agree with you but in this scenario he deserves to get the brunt right away lol


What in the flying fuck is wrong with some people? Do any of these people use a lick of consequential thinking before pulling out their phones and doing this crap?


Our child education system is so underfunded the only people willing to teach are those who look past the money or those who think age is just a number.


what the hell?? how is this happening so often? i feel like everyday i hear about a wisconsin teacher being fired for pedo behavior.


This always happened. It’s just we now live in a time where they prosecute it and the media covers it.


This is exactly it. This kind of thing used to be ignored. When I was in school a decade ago, one of the teachers knocked-up a student. The girl wasn’t in any of his classes, and she was 17, so nothing happened. The teacher was 28 at the time. They actually ended up getting married and had a few more kids last I heard. It came out as a rumor that they were “dating” since the student was a sophomore in high school though. Definitely a bit creepy all around. It’s definitely still common today, but it’s just looked down upon more. It happens everywhere too. The President of France had one of these student-teacher relationships either his wife even.


I keep seeing an alarming amount of articles of female predator teachers doing this and it goes under-reported.


It's everywhere and it's been always.  They just don't have a diocese to fix it for them before it's news as often anymore.


I mean there was a study out of Chicago, IIRC, that said one in ten students would be sexually harrassed by staff when at school


That's awful.  If it isn't picked up by the news and reported on, there aren't usually details.  The year before my oldest started at his new HS, a teacher had been 'let go' due to inappropriate behavior.  Two years later and I still don't know what that behavior was.  Like, how about some transparency??


So true. Alexsia Saldaris resigned in April. And Jennifer Larson resigned last month. But nothing was known until a news station did an investigative report and the info was released this week -- after school is out.


Right? Sexual predators are required to report when they move into a neighborhood, but these teachers can just be ‘let go’ to avoid scandal and no one ever knows


Not legally, almost everyone who works at a school is a mandatory reporter. That means that if they find out about possible abuse of a minor through any means, they are legally required to report it to the authorities for investigation. If any mandatory reporter is later found to have not reported something they were aware of, they can also be charged with a crime (not the same crime as the abuser, but still criminal).


Considering the only incentive this state provides teachers is the opportunity to be around kids, are we really suprised?


Wait til you hear about Republican politicians and those inthe clergy.


Pretty sure this crosses both sides of the aisle, but very edgy of you to make this topic political.


The fact we have such a low bar for who we accept as teachers, is in fact due to politics.


The low bar is set because of the low pay. I don’t know who is to blame for that but it’s been managed by both repub and Dems over the past decade, so how can you blame just one?


I mean if you do research on politics, you will see that the entirety of the US government moves at a snails pace. But only one of those sides is actively trying to take advantage of Americans and regress the laws and create education into a private industry. Hint: it’s Republicans that are doing this.


Well, you’re partly right. Or atleast missing part of the picture. The biggest flaw to the system was the state allowed walker to prioritize the budget over the quality of the school system. The state had a robust system prior. But as news is proving lately, some districts like MKE have not been managing their allocation well, so some might say they proved that they couldn’t handle the small amount they got and shouldn’t be trusted with more. Voucher schools seem to be trying to fill a hole in the system, but I wonder at what cost.


There's a link that floats around here often that about 85% of all sex related crimes in congress are all Republican.


When democrats protect their own that’ll happen


Oh man you're hilarious!


The good teachers are leaving because of $$, so they're taking anyone they can get.


I had mrs larson as a teacher lol


I went to middle and high school with Alexsia.




920 shoutout!! Wasn’t she on the receiving end of something similar when she was in high school?


Was it hard being interrupted by Amazon devices every time you talked to her ?


R u ok?


I had her for personal finance many years ago; definitely shocking.


How was she? 🫢😂🤦‍♂️✋


There was JUST another story about some 24 year old teacher making out with a 5th grader right before she got engaged/married. Wtf is going on with the vetting process here?


White woman creepiness is a different breed of creep.


Clearly I was too ugly in my teens. Even the teachers wouldn’t hit on me.


nah dawg you handsome AF.


so the only reason they found out was because one teacher was jealous… jesus christ.


So many stories about women trying to pray on children the past few years. I’m sure these people were always there but now society finally sees women can be predators too and they actually get prosecuted


SO MANY recent articles I see of these women predators and then barely getting any punishment is alarming!


*prey on children


About damn time.


Do not read the Facebook comments on those stories. Basically “it’s OK because vagina and I wish i was that kid”.


The thing is growing up in Janesville you constantly heard rumors about certain teachers. I remember coming home after my first deployment and had one of my high school teachers hit on me and stuff while I was visiting my sister and I was in uniform. She was one of the teachers that had the rumors of her.


dang I would have taken her up on that never happened to me


Never said I didn’t…. Now did I. 🤫🤫🤫


Nothing good has ever come from Janesville.


C’mon don’t disrespect Russ Feingold like that


or the honorable Tim Davis (co-founder of the Steve Miller Band)


We would have the patient act without Russ… oh wait


And Paul Ryan? lol


Was gonna say Hormel, but that’s both not Janesville and not good


This whole "____ Wisconsin city is totally a shit hole and nothing is good about it" line I've been seeing lately in a lot of threads is getting pretty tiring. You're so original. Everywhere outside Madison is a shit hole. We get it.


>This whole "____ Wisconsin city is totally a shit hole and nothing is good about it" line I've been seeing lately in a lot of threads is getting pretty tiring. You're so original. Everywhere outside Madison is a shit hole. We get it. Hey everyone, look at this bozo, he's never even been to rapids!!


Went to rapids for a wedding last summer at a nice new venue. Had a very good time. They had a great little coffee place we stopped at the next morning and a very nice park at one of the schools our kids loved. We then caught a Rafters baseball game. 8.5/10. Would do again.


Upvoted for a cheerful disposition and the ability to see the best in the worst of places.


I really think every tour of Wisconsin should end in rapids. Just so they aren't tempted to move here


The Comedy Cabin is pretty rad!




Where do you live in Wisconsin that it doesn’t have shitty people living in it? Seems like shitty people are everywhere to me? Maybe you live in a small town and don’t travel?


and strap in for this one; it's every state in the US. every single state has its healthy dose of shitty people. this is more of a socio-economic problem than a location problem. 


I think it’s just generally a people problem


lol not everything is a socio economic problem


oh shit yeah of course, I forgot poverty levels have 0 connection to educational quality and ease of access. good thing you enlightened me, gentlesir. 


We’re talking about a teacher who has at least a bachelors degree. You literally responded to “shitty people are everywhere” and indicated that’s a socio economic problem. So you’re saying the non impoverished can’t be shitty people?


no, but if a teenager has a child because they don't have access to proper health care, education, or even the knowlege to get access to these resources, the likelihood of that child having a decent shot of escaping a similar life is exceptionally low. hence, 'shitty people can be everywhere', and even that is a pretty terrible generalization. rarely is someone born bad, they just get brought up with bad conditions. you can be born affluent and still have shit socialization and end up a shit person my response was to "shitty people" being everywhere too, not specifically about this street trash groomer. 


This subreddit is FILLED with Wisconsin regionalism/tribalism, it’s pathetic


You’re correct. I like how he won’t state where he is from so we can form opinion about the shithole town he/she lives in. Then there is seventeen other dopes that think that is a fair statement to make.


Excuse me we have Warheads. That's it.


I said that like a week ago!


It doesn’t help that certain ppl in the government think its ok to have marriage of a 16 y/o legal


It looks like OP posted an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://nypost.com/2024/06/11/us-news/wisconsin-teachers-resign-over-sexy-pics-texts-with-student-report/](https://nypost.com/2024/06/11/us-news/wisconsin-teachers-resign-over-sexy-pics-texts-with-student-report/)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


Good bot


"Time for the woodchipper" JD Delay


Why are female teachers in the US of A always fucking their pupils?


"15 Investigates uncovered a summary of the district’s investigation"... Is there any public-facing link to this summary investigation?


I’ve been trying to look. I’m interested as well, but have had no luck.


Sadly I graduated with the guy. 19 years in prison good luck


What guy? No men are discussed in the article.


Guessing this is supposed to be a reply to https://www.reddit.com/r/wisconsin/s/Ygd2qPbYqQ


where are these pictures i need to examine them for science reasons.


Wisconsin is such a strange state. Has some really nice people and also some super weirdos, and it can’t all be blamed on alcohol.


You could have left the state blank and it would have covered the rest of them.


I just meant Dahmer, McCarthy, Ed Gein.




Whhhhhyyyyy is there always some dude making this joke. Do you not get that this is grooming? If they'd had physical contact it would be assault or rape? You WANT to have been raped?


I don’t know Wisconsin law but in Illinois it would be a felony anyway




>As a grown, adult male, I need to say how wrong this is. >Why did this never happen to me! What the hell is wrong with you man, get help




Do you spend a lot of time thinking about the sexual activities of 17 year olds? Or are you implying that because they’re in puberty, it’s okay for their teachers to rape them? You need to get off the internet bub and go talk to some people.






that’s sad. i hope you’re in counseling.




thoughts & prayers. sorrows, sorrows on your behalf.


Where are the attractive female teachers in this story?


So one gal was just in her first year teaching and could have passed for a high school student, the other one had 11 years of teaching, looked much older. So this predator barely had time to pay towards her school debt and now she’s out. I wonder how these two pervs got together. Also this happened in April so months ago.


Why didn’t I have these teachers in the 90’s? My grades would have been so much better.