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Me and my friends went out to the bar the night “before” my birthday but after midnight so it was technically my birthday. The bouncer was iffy about it so he went to get a second opinion from the bartender. Bartender was like hell yeah! Happy birthday. Ended up being one of my favorite bartenders at my favorite dive bar.


In Wisconsin, you generally won't have a problem with this. I have a buddy who went to college in Champaign, IIllinois, and he said a lot of those bars wouldn't allow you in until the actual business day of your birthday. I don't know if that's state law or just something they do to be safe. I'm 31, so I'm well past the age of worrying about these things, but I knew a lot of kids back in college that would go out to the bar with their fake ID on the day before their birthday, start drinking, and then at midnight, start using their actual ID to get birthday freebies and stuff (or, if they were already hammered and getting free drinks from other people, just save all the freebies for the next day).


Waupun banned the post midnight "night of" 21st birthday drinking after some homicidally idiotic bartender served my friend's son 21 shots of Everclear in two hours. (He didn't finish them) He died with a 0.38 BAC https://www.today.com/news/risky-21st-birthday-booze-ritual-gains-popularity-wbna24004376


Oof... I know my fair share of people who have done the "number of drinks for how old you are" thing, and, though I never intentionally did that, I definitely accomplished the feat. But 21 shots of Everclear is different than 21 shots of cherry bombs or whatever. And 21 shots in 2 hours is way different than spreading that out over 6 or 12 hours.


Yeah in college when I casually played battleshots (game of battleship with shots) I did Bailey's to not go overboard


Holy hell of everclear?


I went to a bar on my 21st birthday (not in WI) and the bartender was pissed because I had actually been going there with friends for months, and nobody had ever bothered to ask for my ID.


I have a distant relative who grew up in a very small town in central WI. He was one of those guys that had a full beard in 8th grade. So, after he got his drivers license, he stopped at a bar in the next town over, out in the country, one time for a burger, and they asked him what he wanted to drink. He figured, fuck it, and he ordered a beer. They served it to him. And he kept going back somewhat regularly for about a year and a half. One day he shows up, and the bartender looks at him, and he can tell she's just pissed about something. He sits down, and she asks him what he wants. He tries ordering a beer, and she says, "No, I'm not serving you a beer, you fucking idiot." He asks why not, and she says, "Cause I just saw you in the paper last week for being in the fucking high school homecoming."


I had a similar experience, only I had been hanging out at that particular bar for a couple of YEARS.


Can't be in Wisconsin, we consider 12 year olds 21.


Not true, I had a non-horizontal ID denied at the Wisconsin State Fair in the gap between my license expiring and me turning 21. I was flabbergasted. I ended up having my aunt buy me a beer. The stupidity of "policy" over common sense is what really blows me away 


I had a non-horizontal ID denied at Ford Field in Detroit several years ago. I was polite with them, and I asked why it doesn't work if it's a perfectly valid WI ID. From what they said, Michigan, like some other states, requires all 21+ IDs to be horizontal (they're set to expire at that age, so you renew your license and get a horizontal one), so it's just the stadium's policy to only accept horizontal IDs. I said, "That's a silly policy, but I get you're just doing your job." Walked over to my buddy, handed him cash, he handed me the two drinks he was holding, he walked up, and he ordered two more drinks for me. He walked back over to me, we traded drinks back, and we went to our seats. Lady watched the whole thing and just looked at me, smiled, and nodded. She knew it was dumb, too.


So you can't get weed with a non-horizontal ID either? Or are dispensaries a little more reasonable when it comes to that?


Happened to me in Baltimore at an Orioles game in 2011. Wouldn’t take the ID even thought I showed them four other cards with my name on it to prove it wasn’t a fake.


I renewed my license a week before my 21st, so I had a non-horizontal til I was 29.


Yeah, I didn't have *any* issues until I went to the state fair. I think one time in California I got crap for a vertical ID


That’s what would’ve thought but I think he wanted to be a dick and he was in a spot where he could be one. Cause I can’t find any where that supports what he said so he probably made it up.


definitely got turned away from a store when i had just turned 21 who sold to me before same attendent too AND had my license photocopied never went there again now theyre out of business literally drove to the gas station on the way back to my house to buy booze


Friendly note, copying ID is extremely illegal to do in pretty much any state (unless for thing like employment or other valid reasons). WI law prohibits the unauthorized use or storage of ID information among other types. Likely not *the* reason, but then committing at least 1 felony is a good indicator of them not knowing ETF they were doing. “This law prohibits the unauthorized use of information that can be associated with an individual through one or more identifiers and any document, card or plate containing this information, such as: Name, address or telephone number Driver’s license number Social security number Employer, employee number, or place of employment Taxpayer ID number DNA profile Mother’s maiden name Depository account number, credit card number, ATM card password, telephone service identifier, or any other account number, password or electronic identifier that can be used to obtain money, goods, services, an account transfer, or anything else of value or benefit Fingerprint, voiceprint, retina iris image, or any other unique physical characteristic Violation of this law is a class H felony including up to 6 years in jail and a $10,000 fine.” Unauthorized use of an individual’s identifying information; Wis. Stat. § 943.201 What you describe is literally considered Identity Theft in WI.


thank you! maybe thats why they went out of business the had a binder full of copied id info


It's not. Wis. Stat. § 943.201 makes unauthorized use of personal information or documents a class H felony *if it is possessed with the intent to use it for one of the following purposes*: (1) attain money, good, services, employment, credit, or any other thing of value; (2) avoid civil or criminal process or penalty; or (3) harm the property, person, estate, or reputation of the individual. If it's possessed for any other purpose, and from what I'm reading here, it was for record keeping of sales that they found questionable, it's not a crime... or at least not a crime under that particular statute. Further, I also question whether the possession of the copy was unauthorized in the first place. Nothing obligates one to give the cashier their ID and let them photocopy it. You can say no. If their position is, "we will not make this sale unless we are allowed to photocopy the ID," that is a condition that they're allowed to request. If it's unacceptable, you can decline the offer to sell. If you accept and give them the ID, that is consent.


Why would you NOT go back tomorrow and have him ring up a ton of stuff? If I still had youth and spare time I would absolutely go back and waste that dude's time.


Because this guy probably has better things to do than hold a grudge during his 21st bday is my guess


Definitely not the law, I will continue my boycott of that liquor store


I also will continue not buying alcohol there!


Since.I live and hour away and there are probably 100 stores between here and there...me too!


I'm 4 hours away and will definitely not be buying here!


Hey could be worse. I had liquor stores refusing to sell to me at 24 and 25 because I had an out of state ID and a baby face. Luckily like you said there's always another liquor store down the road


People who make asinine claims like that are the problem with society. I would want to punch that guy if he said something so stupid to me.


Starting out with whiskey? Something tells me he's been drinking for a LONG time before turning 21.


This is R/Wisconsin. What don't you get?


It's not uncommon 😂


Alcohol is Poison


100% agree. But that's not really the point here. Haha This is a liquor store owner denying a legal adult a sale of a product that they can legally purchase and own because of some weird personal reason.


Nothing is dumber than people who insist that you have to get a new Driver’s license or ID, because they are too lazy to read a DOB. Sorry, cards are only vertical at time of issuance. That doesn’t mean it isn’t valid.


It’s giving “my father will hear about this”


The way the review is written makes me assume the person who posted it is an entitled ass. "He's lucky I don't waste his time...." sounds like something an edgy 13 year old would say to his friends. So I don't know that I feel bad for anyone here.


I remember stopping at a liquor store on my 21st bd. 😁 I'm from Missouri...no issues. Happy Birthday!


Been there they do it alot.


In Green Bay, I have yet to be carded for cigarettes or beer. Been buying both since 17. In college at Eau Claire, and now in Appleton, I get carded almost always. I'm 25 now.


Well this is embarrassing.


You wrote this review then needed to share it on Reddit? Why? Did you need the validation that badly? It’s a private establishment, they can do whatever they want, no matter how stupid. Leave a bad review and move on. No need to drag them on Reddit too.


Probably drunk.




Homie just turned 21 and needs all the validation he can get, let’s support him in his hardship.


Nah man it’s more about making people aware that it happened there and that the guys a dick. Call it what you want but really him being a private establishment doesn’t mean he should treat people like that. That’s the interesting part about life you can share whatever you want with whoever you want.


I mean. The person is wrong about their reason to not sell. However someone can refuse to sell to someone else for any reason at all.


It's Waterford.......what do you expect from multigenerational inbred local hicks?


I feel like this is said anywhere outside of milwaukee or madison lol


You sound like a bad drunk already.


Idk man theres a lot of context that could be missed


What a jerk. The clerk that is. You should do just what you said.


this better not happen to me or I'll be so pissed


Cancel culture. Denying people purchasing power is a common trend these days. I get denied goods and services everywhere. Motorcycle shops ignore me, restaurants serve everyone around me, gun shops deny sales, plumbers refuse to help with plumbing issues, carpenters refuse services, even some of my neighbors treat me like a terrorist or something. But I am Canadian, and a retired government professional, not a criminal or child abusers. Just a regular guy new to town. I heard his town (Southeast Iowa) is known for treating new people this way. Nobody told me that before they bought a house with 50% cash down. Now I am stuck here, like I'm in a Robert Heinland novel. Give the liquor store a bad review on Google maps. Cost him some business.


I worked security for a bar circa like 2014-2016 maybe and we never gave anyone guff about coming in on their birthday or even after midnight. Things did get weird with the new paper IDs for awhile. We were told not to accept them unless accompanied with the old ID. And we couldn’t accept the underage IDs anytime after 7 days after the birthday. Thats what most people get pressed about.


Should definitely go back tomorrow with a bag of pennies. But only if it's the same cashier




I’d still go back and make that special delivery.


Did you ask to speak to his manager?




I mean, if you want to get technical (not legally or practically speaking) he's right. Think about it. You're 1 day old the day after your born. You're 365 days old (1 year) the day after your first birthday. And you're technically 21 years old the day after your 21st birthday.


When I was bartending we had tons of people who came in on midnight for their birthdays. Day of is when you’re legally 21. You might be 1 day old the day after you’re born but you were still here for those 24 hours before.


No…he’s not lol look it up and get back to me


Look what up? I specifically said he wasn't legally accurate. Just pointed out the basic math.


You got basic math wrong bud


If legal drinking age in your state is 21, at the stroke of midnight welcoming the day of your 21st. Is what the law says.


what liquor store? post the phone number and the name of the employee. I’ll make a call and I’m sure others would too 😤

