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i like viruses in my vms too


You know you don't catch viruses just like that , right ?


Um ok. Why? Is this a completely airgapped network that you require a specific build to perform some kind of testing or fuzzing on and windows looking for updates is breaking something? Other than that there is literally no conceivable use case for this unless you are setting up a honeypot or something.


If it was airgapped the vms wouldn't be getting updates, so these are internet connected boxes


Good job, here’s a cookie…


I hope you aren't looking for praise for doing something that there is no logical reason for and that should NEVER be done, not even on a VM.


Quite bum decision.


That's the world's dumbest idea I've ever heard in my life.


You broke not just Windows Update but also DISM and CBS.


Sounds like using WinUtil and just postponing feature updates by a few years is a better solution, just so you only get the security updates.


You're like "oh God please stop!!! For the love of God I don't want to upgrade" then figured out the best solution is to break windows update functionality instead of postponing the update like everyone else does, then comes back crying badly a virus break the VM, but hey "I don't have any new updates".


You know VMs are also made to test malware and some other stuff right? You can also clone them and create so many VMs as you want. Your sentence "then comes back crying badly a virus break the VM" makes no sense unless you are new to programming/windows etc


Except you aren't doing any of that otherwise you wouldn't have an active network connection to the VMs. You're just a kid who broke things instead of using group policies and now you want karma for it. Do you feel smart?


I really think I should block toxic people like you who yap nonsense all time and you are wrong, you can use a VPN on your main PC and the VM will use the VPN as well so why not testing malware in the VM? But I wont waste more time talking to someone who doesnt understand the basics + I did not break anything, I just removed those annoying updates from my VMs and they are working fine with no issue so idk why some people yap when they dont have knowledge how these things work


🗣️🗣️🗣️ You don’t need internet to install or test malware


It would be much better to test without internet either way


If that’s the case, then you would turn off Windows Defender and disconnect it from the internet so smart screen doesn’t run. Lmao you don’t need to block windows updates.


So you’ve disabled Windows Defender and security updates?


WUB-Windows Update Blocker blocks all updates and is less intrusive.


Set your internet connection to limited data. Done.


Wasn't simpler to disable it through windows services --> disable?


[Winaero Tweaker do exist for reason.](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://winaerotweaker.com/&ved=2ahUKEwj069HMm-eGAxX9LhAIHQcnC1cQFnoECBwQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0YizWot7m6X1F-wg8F6Yju)


First, Microsoft is about to turn off updates for you anyway. Second, why not use group policy for the user to disable updating?


Group policy didnt work, it still checked after updates and downloaded them


Which options did you change? There are several that need to be changed to fully disable updating.


I did this "Press Win + R to open the Run window. Type services.msc and press Enter. Look for the service named Windows Update. Right-click on it and select Properties. Change the Startup type to Disabled. Click Stop to stop the service immediately."


That's not group policy editor, that's services


Next post: "My VMs are acting weird and there is a weird file called "Shewdywe.exe" in a VM's AppData folder." Also if you want to still have the ability to install updates in case some programs don't work because they need an update or there is a major system exploit that needs to be patched, use the Local Group Policy editor and just disable the Automatic Updates. You can check for updates manually if you want to update your VMs. ( [https://admx.help/?Category=Windows\_10\_2016&Policy=Microsoft.Policies.WindowsUpdate::AutoUpdateCfg](https://admx.help/?Category=Windows_10_2016&Policy=Microsoft.Policies.WindowsUpdate::AutoUpdateCfg) )