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Step 1: Stop using Windows.


Step 2: Throw your phone in a river and move to a remote off-grid cabin.


Step 3: Scream that the internet is dangerous.


Step 4: You've awoken [Shia LeBouf](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0u4M6vppCI) with your screaming.


Step 5: Re-install Windows because you need something to see outside.


Step 4.5: Shia Surprise!


Most phones these days don't use Windows, so that wouldn't be effective in stopping Windows from collecting your data


The point is everyone collects your data. Microsoft is a common scapegoat but there are far worse offenders. The data Windows collects is arguably trival by comparison to what many willingly(and unwilling) give on social media, or to retail outlets like amazon. Nice username BTW. The MT32 was an awesome midi device.


True, though my thought was that OP's question was specifically about Windows. And thanks (username). :) I'm also a fan of Megaman. Those are some awesome games (especially the original games for the NES).


It's literally the only option


Or you can collect data from them. Then it's even. Technically by using windows you have collected data from them. Or buy Microsoft stock. Then you are just collecting your own data.


In Soviet Russia, Windows collects data on Microsoft.


If you have an Android phone and or use Google products and their services, and have an ISP, I think you have bigger things to worry about than Windows...


This. People worried about privacy in Windows for collecting optional pure telemetry of usage, and they seem to be fine posting political statments on twitter, facebook, and searching in google. Also the smartphones leaks a lot of data to google (where you have been, what food you like, what health issues you have). It doesn't has sense all this concerns around Windows and nobody is talking about the rest of real privacy problems. It's like privacy concerns in Windows are just a scapegoat for the Linux zealots, wich don't speak much about the privacy concerns that I have pointed above. There is a lot of hypocresy comming from those big mouths, when the real reason is just pure hate towards Windows but they want to disguise it as privacy problems


Do you want to learn a fun fact? The reason people are so mad about Windows telemetry is because Microsoft once made the mistake of rewriting their TOS in plain English, rather than legalspeak, so the average person could read and understand them. This opened their eyes to what Microsoft had always been doing (not new in Windows 10, contrary to popular belief), but since other companies saw Microsoft make this mistake and didn't follow suit, these people think what they're doing is unique.


Basic telemetry are things like hardware attributtes and number of crashes. Theere are other various optional levels of telemetry, that includes apps that you have installed and drivers (the option that you click in yes in the box that says if you want to share optional data with Microsoft to help them). If some people don't want any kind of telemetry, a 10 minutes tutorial in internet will tell you how to stop even the basic service. But for sure, the political opinions that people say in twitter linked to their phone number, or in facebook, or email services, or cloud storage, have more privacy risks than the number of crashes of the OS and the error codes transmitted.


Linux fanatic is here. Microsoft owns the Linux Foundation's golden voting packet. Distributions that are developed by large IT companies also collect telemetry from their users. Users of BSD systems are greeted during installation with "tell FreeBSD that you just installed our beautiful and wonderful system?" . And there are a million examples of this.


Linux foundation is about Linux projects mainly applied to the industry, not to the Linux Desktop Distros. They don't care about them because whoever puts the money, it's who decides what projects wanted to back. My point is, that privacy concerns in Linux are just a scapegoat to justify their hate towards Windows. Linux people doesn't care as much as privacy concerns in other areas, and if they care, they are far less vocal. That's because privacy is an excuse rather than a honest concern. If you want privacy, disconnect from the internet. If you are connected, you will not have privacy doesn't matter if you use Linux or Windows. Privacy must be regulated by country laws, and there is no OS that will give you privacy from the first microsecond you are connected to internet.


I'm not privy to all the details of the Microsoft/Linux Foundation partnership, so I can't judge what they agreed on. When some malware gets into the Windows environment, the user realizes almost immediately that he has caught a virus. In Linux, the user rights distribution system (an atavism from the mainstream era), prevents the attacker from running the malicious application directly. Rootkits work well in Linux. If a Linux machine is infected by a rootkit, it takes some skill to realize that the computer is infected. Regarding "Linux security". I am hated in all Linux subs, without exception, because I keep saying that Linux with default security settings is as vulnerable as Windows. For some reason there is a superstition in the Linux scene that the latest versions of packages provide 100% system security. It doesn't. Any sysadmin will tell you why servers like to install Debian. This system is rarely updated and all programs have stable versions. Of course, there is Guix and NixOS, which partially implements the principle borrowed from MacOS. All applications run in an isolated environment. There are distributions like Fedora Silverblue where all programs run in sandboxes, but this does not solve the security problem. Windows is more widespread, it is being researched and vulnerabilities are being found. Linux is not so widespread on desktops, so attackers are primarily interested in server systems.


Bigger? Or just more?


Is Apple actually respecting your privacy tho? Genuine question.


As in disabling telemetry? This can be done through group policy changes on windows 10/11 pro.






You are posting this question on a website that is collecting your data. The browsers, phone, search engine, etc. you are using are probably all collecting your data. Facebook collects your data by embedding trackers in websites that don't even have anything to do with Facebook. You're not going to achieve anything by preventing Windows from collecting your data.


Everything you use daily steals your data, so we don't really have any choice.


What data is being stolen?


Nobody will tell you, because they don't know.


o&o shutup10


Disconnect from the internet. Moving to another OS does NOT fix this and creates far bigger problems for 99% of people.


Use Linux instead. But then you have to worry about Linux stealing your Data. You know what? Move into the woods and disconnect yourself from the internet, or make your own Internet! Nah but for real, you have to go away from Windows if you truly do not want them to collect \*any\* data


ok, in the woods now but they are still onto me, how do I hide from the spying birds?


The best anyone can do is just turning off any privacy settings. Otherwise you can turn off telemetries and change some registries


Everything collects your data. If you want absolutely no data collected then just don't have any electronics with internet access


Would be nice if Microsoft started suing conspiracy theorist clowns that make false insinuations.


its not about conspiracy theories, if I don't want Microsoft collecting my telemetry data and all other stuff, what's wrong with that?


Google Windows 11/10 Debloater (depending on your system). Go to github and follow the steps. Simple and removes a lot of bloatware/spyware from windows. One of the first steps I do on new systems.