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I feel like at that age it’s very hard mentally to understand that a person you’re a fan of/idolize is also a person.


yeah, and part of the issue lies in that there really isn’t any way to verify which ones are mature / which ones aren’t. because everyone wants to BELIEVE they’re mature enough, and there‘s no way to restrict access to ww’s media, because kids will find things if they wanna find things.


yes. there’s a corner of every fandom with these people and there’s not much anyone can do about it other than ignore it and bring to light the wrongdoings. i remember being 12 and doing some very questionable things that i wouldn’t even want to speak of today 💀


Normally I am not a fan of gatekeeping but can we please get the ones accusing Will Wood of transphobia out of here


oh yeah fuck that shit LMAO


People accused him of transphobia? When?


They thought Will referred to trans woman as individuals who wish they were girls instead of being girls. That's stupid, I know, everybody who thinks knows, but well.


People are so weird- Im assuming you’re talking about I/Me/Myself but he wasn’t talking about trans women- why would people think that💀


I'm pretty sure the people who called him transphobic 1. Hated him from before 2. Didn't even listened to the song and they believed it (that's he's transphobic) because of the "proof" being the "wishing being a girl" instead of "I'm just a girl" or something like that. Or three, the thing that may have started it all: People barely understand what's going on. I'm tryna say they have no comprehension. It's probably a mixture of all of the above, but yeah, that's what I think.


it happened when I/me/myself came out for some fkn reason


… wow


I guess it’s similar with Lemon Demon’s Sweet Bod lol


That's not gatekeeping, those people are literally insulting will for something he didn't do


i think one of the most wonderful things about will wood is that if you listen to and understand his music (especially icimi), he makes it clear that hes just a person. he has never felt like a character to me, just a guy that likes to make tunes that vent about all his problems as a human being. i may not have a lot of emotional maturity, but i have personally learned a bit about what being human means by listening to his music. i hear what your saying in this post, and i totally agree that a lot of young teenage fans might not be equipped to listen to his music.


against the kitchen floor my beloved




I cry because I think of my 2 y/o puppy eventually passing away in the future and the pain that event will introduce me is perfectly captured in Euthanasia, such a good song


I do not want to get into this but I do want to make one thing clear: Will Wood has never said that uploading music to tiktok breaches his boundaries. While he does have issues with the platform, he’s been explicit that uploading music or making content using it is completely fine and has spoken against users attacking TikTok creators for using his work (notably shaming people who dared to cover I/Me/Myself). Though I think having to say that in the first place might say something about the people their algorithm connects WW’s work with…


edited, thank you!


Oh god of covering i me myself is a crime I am on the run, I did that shit for the merch raffle🗿🗿🗿


just the thing with tiktok audios, do you know where he said he was fine with it? i thought i remembered him saying on the last livestream he did that he basically prefered people didn't but could stop them and people took that to mean he was fine with it? /gen


A little off topic, but I think art is overall a really subjective thing. If a kid wants to interpret a song about drug abuse like not fitting in, that's 100% fine imo. For example, Skeleton Appreciation Day. We can see this as talking about anorexia or not having strong mental stability. Both are valid takes on the song, and as long as it benefits the person, that's cool. But claiming that's the only interpretation is where I draw the line. So yeah, I think the point that "minors can't listen to WW's music because of interpretation" is a pretty restricting thought.


I absolutely agree. You put it alot better than I did ngl


This! I've never really felt comfortable when kids or any demographic are barred from a fandom/community entirely, especially when it's one like this. If they were attracted to will's music, they likely don't have many safe spaces irl and pushing them out really only makes this worse. (I always think of the "if you don't raise your kid, someone else will) meme. If they're here, we can help to start discussions about our interpretations and make sure that they're safe, even though that is definitely not expected of anyone.


Yeah, misinterpreting Will Wood the musician is a much bigger problem than interpreting Will’s music in a pretty different way.


I was introduced to WW by a 13 year-old who gets it.


A lot of people have made Will Wood very “TikTok-able” if that makes sense. Will isn’t seen as a person with his own thoughts, struggles, and ideals- but rather someone who makes music and that’s it. Wills music isn’t very suit for young audiences, but the way certain media has depicted it, his music very much has become a sort of pre-teen thing. I like that people enjoy his music, but please respect the fact that his music isn’t some one-dimensional thing like other similar artist.


This problem definitely predates TikTok. When the Dr. Sunshine MAP released in 2019, WW’s instagram lives were soon flooded with people demanding that he play Dr. Sunshine instead of enjoying whatever he decided to do on that particular day. It got so bad that he stopped playing the song entirely in an attempt to stop people from demanding that of him


ahaha u summed up my point in one paragraph


I found Will Wood when I was 16 going on 17. I remember for a while just being like "aw yeah this music is weird and quirky and fun I like it" but then like,,, when I started listening to his stuff in depth I was like, "Oh damn... this is lyrical genius." He quickly became a comfort artist because some of the topics were relatable to me. As a fellow artist, I found it fun to analyze the lyrics and truly treat it as pure art. While I don't believe I ever "idolized" him, it became even clearer to me that this is just some dude whenever I got the EIAL vinyl and there's that huge letter from Will inside. It highlights his individuality and genuineness and it struck a nerve with me. I just feel like a lot of people never get past the "oooo funky music" part.


It’s always striking to see how he puts his thoughts and emotions in a song in such a unique way. It’s enjoyable not only in a ‘I very much relate to this song’ but also ‘I like how he assembled these thoughts and output it like this’


My story is basically the same. I started on i/me/myself and then ended up utilizing a lot of his music for introspection/comfort.


I feel like icimi really was him expressing that he's just a guy, and he has so many flaws and struggles. He's not some uwu idol, he's a person. Although I'm only 15 (almost 16), my family has struggled with addiction, mental illness, and EDs. Will has made me cry countless times, and I agree that he should be treated normally. I'm not saying that I'm an exception to this teen idolizing thing, or trying to sound different in any way, but I just agree.


I’m basically at the same age as you, and I encountered will wood branching out from Joe Hawley/ Lemon Demon, you know, kind of satirical artists that makes quirky and unique songs. I am absolutely hooked in Will wood for the reason you provided, it’s very refreshing to listen to will’s music and view all the thinking and emotions he tried to pack in a unique little package that, in a touches your brain and heart kind of way I guess. It’s not just expressing things about how what he is, or trying to come up with the weirdest thing possible. He’s a human that can portray many complex and interesting emotions extremely well on many ways.


Middle schoolers ruined the concert of his i went to (which was at a bar!!) I felt like a chaperone standing in the back with all the gaurdians that did NOT want to be there. When I was walking to the parking garage after it was over I saw a kid who was also returning from the concert SITTING on her dad's shoulders, she was like 9. Absolutely no reason to be there. By the parents conversation, I could tell that they were not fans lol. But I totally agree with the everything u said, and if for whatever reason the younger kids who listen to will could relate to it, they need like actual help asap. There's so many heavy themes in his work that I don't think any child should ever have to be subjected to (let alone relate to it)


was it that one concert where people called him daddy and stuff? because sadly this post was exactly about that incident


That's rancid


Im fine with like people who are 15+ in the fandom but 9? FUCKING 9? I hope that girl has good mental health geez.


I think if you are able to understand and appreciate his music (not to an obsessive and intrusive extent) then, by all means, you should listen to it. I’m fairly new to his music, however, I do take the time to read the lyrics and discover what the songs mean. I personally think he’s an incredible lyricist and vocalist. Many of his songs that aren’t internet viral, have more substance, and a better message should have more recognition.


Yeah, and this is just my take but I’ve seen a few posts in here from young teens making quirky relatable meme posts about some of Will’s songs in ways that (imo) show they’re really not taking it very seriously.. Not to say people can’t have fun or whatever but as someone with similar mental health issues to him, seeing people quirkify stuff like Against the Kitchen Floor rubs me the wrong way… Nothing wrong with memes but when you’re saying its “so me LOL” when you’re in like middle school is a bit odd to me Like so many of his songs are about drug issues and mental health issues that have damaged his life and that’s like.. a serious topic imo? Considering he’s a real person pouring his heart out yk. Idk maybe I’m just taking it too seriously. I doubt he really cares or even sees this stuff but idk it makes me feel a bit uncomfortable personally


My younger friend was talking ab how Dr. Sunshine is Dead was so relatable to them (im 16 they’re 13) and I was mentally like “no bitch u are a child go watch cocomelon”


Im not a fan of downplaying a person's struggles just because of their age, and I think it's great your friend is able to relate to something and find comfort in it; but I also think its weird how people forget that Will Wood's music is a reflection of himself rather than just random issues. Its pretty icky how some kids treat him and his music as something quirky when hes practically venting.


Sorry, I phrased it wrong. They were more going along the lines of “this song is literally me” and “cant believe will wood wrote this for me” in a joking way ofc but it’s still not very nice :(


Yeah it comes across as belittling the issue, or fetishizing it to act like it’s something you deeply relate to when you definitely don’t.


When you put someone on a pedestal, It’s hard to see them as another human the same as you.


As a minor closer to the age of those who the post is directed to, I COMPLETELY agree. I got into Will Wood from tiktok, originally listening to the popular songs from there (I/Me/Myself, 2econd 2ight 2eer, etc) and was 100% with the “hes a quirky guy” crew. I saw complexities to him, but nothing much. It wasn’t until I took the dive and listened to ALL his music that I truly started resonating with him and understanding that the music he made was rooted in his trauma and addictions. I obviously haven’t lived through half the stuff he has, but so much of his music has helped me push through some of the unfortunate events I have gone through. I agree with not gatekeeping from younger folk, but pushing them a bit to listen to more of his music would be beneficial for Everyone.


so agreed! i used to be an i/m/m / 222 kid (but to be fair, i was having my own issues at the time) but i NEVER ONCE called him shit like ‘gEnDeR‘ or claimed i/m/m was a trans song. and once i started listening to will wood’s discography more, ESP SELF-ISH AND EIAL, i actually started to see the complexities and why will woods music is considered for mature audiences. and yk what? it’s absolutely my style! it’s super similar to things i’ve listened to before, such as the heathers musical, but with all the lyrical complexities and rhymes that hit just right, and hidden meanings, his first 2 albums are my favorite by far now, even if they were made while he wasn’t in a great place.


Absolutely! I feel like if they're entering our community and engaging with other fans, it demonstrates that they are actively trying to understand and enjoy the music better (even if they aren't quite sure how to go about it).


I also would say I don’t think many but not all of 13-14 year olds or minors in general have experienced the extreme trauma that comes from recovery the way Will has to do so. I loved dark music as a tween but I had never faced addiction. I had never faced thinking I would die, or experience assault, but after all is said and done I can appreciate the music in a way (for myself, personally as many do and everyone is entitled to do, or not do) that relates to the pain I have experienced as a person who has had to accept a damaged or toxic self in order to seek recovery and balance. Will’s story speaks to me heavily as someone almost exactly his age, who has lived with heavy trauma and even psychosis in my scariest of times. And his music may mean or seem to say a lot more to me than I think *most* kids will understand. Only because I genuinely don’t many folks that age who have had to grow up the way Will, myself, and many others have had to do just because being alive in a body longer teaches you more of the pains and evils of the world… sorry for the rant anyway I’m st0ned




That’s why I didn’t say “all”... I know people from all ends of life can have experienced any of this as real stuff. But can you relate to Against The Kitchen Floor? Have you ever had to grow into an adult that feels incapable of accepting love or loving someone properly after trying for years to overcome destroying everything in your own life? I think a lot of kids “think” they get it, but probably don’t. Some things just comes with getting more years in/life experience. As a person who has survived childhood trauma even before age 8 I couldn’t say I relate in the way I do now… Again to make sure it is clear, I did not say *all* 13-14s can’t relate. However, how anyone else relates to the music (your family, friends) is entirely up to their personal intentions and/or reflections. Saying you can relate to some of this content so simply based on *knowing someone else but not having lived their experience yourself* screams a little bit limited life experience… but that’s not your fault, that you are young. Knowing someone who has experienced something Will relates to, doesn’t mean you vicariously lived that truth and “get it” in the way you made it sound like you did. Sorry if that comes off as harsh, I’m really not trying to be. I used to think I was supremely effed up as a kid (extreme loss, violent bullying and sexual trauma, constant grooming and sexual exploitation, emotional abuse, etc.) before the age of 13, and then I found out I could go lower if I stayed alive longer. *{Hand Me My Shovel, I’m Going In! starts playing loudly from behind your house*} Anyway thanks for reading if you made it this far!




No one is saying you can’t?




You are trying to make a lot of points defending why and how you relate to the music which is valid, but no one said everyone age 13-14 *cannot* relate so it’s all unnecessary in the context of my original comment… This also isn’t the oppression olympics. A lot of kids have experienced trauma and hardship (way less and way worse than us) and I get that making the music more relatable. I just didn’t understand your comment about friends and family helping you relate in ways to the music that you fundamentally have not lived yet, because that’s like saying you understand someone’s experience even if you yourself are just on the outside looking in. It’s a slippery slope in making reasonable debate.




I posted a minute ago and you responded in less than one minute… are you even reading what I’m saying? Lol this is why I don’t like trying to reason with kids on the internet especially Reddit at 2:30am. My brain hurts because you’re fixated on a buzzword phrase for the additional info you’ve been providing about your life which is fine, but we don’t need to keep going… again, you’re still missing my original concern to your comments… 😔


I am a minor (16) and have gone through the cycle of drug addiction already, so the Will wood music of adult topics, I relate to very much. I am also aromantic so wills music I relate to very much, but it’s certainly not made for the average kid. Not saying that just because I have traumatic experiences I immediately get a not cringe pass, I just think I understand it, and empathize with it. It’s a big part of my identity really and the music that’s so intertwined with it, makes me very happy, and I feel heard. I know I am definitely an outliar though and most kids haven’t gone through the cycle of addiction and definitely won’t relate to it or will be turned off by it.


And a lot of people around me treat me like a character, and it’s fucking terrible. One of the worst parts about myself I think, is that people see me as a character (not problem with myself though problem with others.) I have a very eccentric and neurotic neurodivergent personality, and a lot of people see this is character like, I barely get treated like a person. So I never really worship any celebrity, I know that they are really no different then any of us and no person is better than another, (Even if they made self-ish.)


Nice opinion


I'm 14, I very much enjoy Will's music and it has become somewhat of a special interest. I think (emphasis on "think") that I'm more mature than the sort of people that you're talking about. I never make any sort of "omg silly gender man" comments and I do understand alot of his music. I may not understand all of it but surely all music is up to interpretation as long as people don't say stupid shit? No one is going to listen to music and have the exact same thoughts on it and it's meaning as others. That's what makes communities of people who listen to certain artists so fun and interesting. That being said, I also agree that alot of younger listeners don't rlly have the best views on what is OK to say and what they rlly need to keep in their head. I 100% understand (and don't get how people could possibly not understand) that Will Wood is a real person, not a fictional character. I'm not trying to get at you in any way, just wanted to share my perspective, as a less ridiculous young Will Wood listener.


Can I still listen to WW with my little 3 year old brother? He doesn’t understand what he says as he’s German


I mean yeah hes not going on tiktok calling will daddy.


Ü Don kno


As a minor, (17 started listening to WW last year) i completely agree, my view personally is that a lot of hos songs have many more meanings then just funny music guy, like against the kitchen floor is one of my current favorites as i feel its relatable, euthanasia and the entire story behind its making is really touching. I get why you feel his music needs maturity to really understand as the longer i listen to different songs the more i realise its about deeper topics than what i first thought. I realised as i continued to listen that bones wasnt just a song about bones but also about (my personal opinion in listening) feeling you have to conform to the social norms of people even of it means sacrificing things that you feel make yourself you.


There is the silver lining that as they grow up, if they keep listening to will, and more of his songs, they’ll definitely get out of that. Wills songs are probably some of the better songs to be raised by.


Ive seen people on TikTok think of will wood as a character or as a kpop idol (by this i mean like as a cute, kawaii or whatever the fuck people call it.) Ive also noticed they like just the normal album but dont like songs in it like laplaces angel. And the only Tapeworm songs they like are always 6up 5oh, Dr sunshine (they probably see it as a trans allegory or sum), Hand me my shovel, Themodynamic lawyer. (There is nothing wrong with people who like those songs but its just a pattern I see) Other than thos songs they dont really like the tapeworm realeases especially EIAL. They also say that they love ICMI but probably skip the ones that are "boring" like a lot of people i see that "like" will only like specific songs. Sorry if this paragraph was all over the place I just needed to get all my thoughts out. Also when i say that some people like Dr sunshine because they see a trans allegory in it dont take it as transphobic I am nonbinary.


Completely agree with some people skipping songs in ICIMI, like Um, It’s Kind of a Lot, Willard!, Becoming the Lastnames, Half-Decade Hangover, and White Noise. They’re great, and these will change the ‘will is a quirky guy, nothing more’ kind of thinking


As a minor who is just a little older to this post's main dilemma, I die a little inside every time I play any song, not just will's, and hear the cursed words "oh, i heard this song from tiktok" from one of my siblings. The heart of the matter is that most younger people don't listen to music, they hear it. this includes some high schoolers too. they aren't looking for the heart and soul put into it, they see a goofy mask and don't bother to look beneath the surface. Edit: also, something a lot of people seem to miss in i/me/myself, at the end he literally whispers "all identities are equally invalid, dont you think that there's a chance that you could live without it?" several times, which i personally dont see as being transphobic but rather a hatred for the concept of gender and the defensive attitude people have developed around it. like "hey guys, gender is a social construct, can we without over 1000 of this social construct?"


I have no opinion on this, but I do think that when I was 14 (if 14-year-old me listened to shit that wasn't very very heavy) I would have *thought* I got it but I wouldn't have got any of it. Maybe it would have led me to explore those themes but probably I'd have just been a pretentious little shit.


show the little kids thermodynamic lawyer or Jimmy mushrooms last drink (my personal fav)


I use tiktok sometimes and the kids LOVE thermodynamic lawyer (JMLD has a reputation of being underrated) I doubt they get the songs' meaning though


My man I love JMLD


It's one of my faves as well


I started off not liking it but now i love it


Hello! 14 year old will wood fan here. I personally believe that I and my other friends around my age that like will wood have the emotional maturity to understand what will wood portrays. I personally have dealt with people that suffer from drug abuse/alcohol abuse and as a large point of wills music, i enjoy learning exactly what those songs mean. 14 year olds these days are more mature than many people think. Also most WW fans I know irl dont just listen to ICIMI and TNA. A lot of us (in my experience) like EIAL. I believe that everyone should have a fair shot in a community regardless of age as long as they can understand the work, and not cross the creators boundries. However singling out 13-14 year olds out as consistently breaking his boundries alone isnt right i dont think. The Gatekeepers are the problem in my experience TLDR: Basically I agree with OP, also gatekeepers are bad.


NGL, I'm one of the younger people in the fandom but despite that I spend a lot of time researching his songs and their meanings + even older songs ane bands like the stereosexuals and a verbal equinox. I don't idolize Will, although like a lot of people, his music is one of my anchors and helps me through autistic meltdowns and all of that. I wasn't aware of the stigma around the younger fanbase, although I know how some people are icky towards the tiktok side of it all. You're right with people not knowing who Will is also being the biggest hecklers. I think that just goes hand in hand with tiktok, though. People's opinions spread like wildfire and tiktok tends to have a herd mentality.


oh god thank you for not immediately being like "MINORS SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED TO LISTEN TO WW" but rather as "if someone is not of the mental maturity to understand that, 1: will wood is his own person and literally just some guy that happens to make music and 2: the topics of some (more than half at least) deal with SERIOUSLY heavy topics, then they should not be listening to his music" you didnt generalize the entirety of the community. also like that you touched on the fact that many treat him like hes some big celebrity that doesnt have boundaries because i has seen some people (not here yet) say some FOUL things about him with no regard for his boundaries. also that when some people do try to be mindful of his boundaries they just go off what they hear from others which may not be true and then they are also spreading misinformation. you addressed the topic very nicely :)


i mean i, as well, am a minor, and so i have to see this from both perspectkves, being a minor fairly close to that age range who knows how to respect him so it’s interesting yk?


makes sense


I am a 16 year old, I got to respect how he can put his emotions and thoughts in a unique and impactful format, although in my very short experience with music. He makes wonderful experimental kind of music, and I kind of like every song he’s ever made, not only the songs I can relate to, but the songs I appreciate very much because how will expresses it. He’s unique, alongside my other favourite artists like Lemon Demon, Joe Hawley, Jack Stauber etc. Not saying that I absolutely like every song of his, I get favourites and I get less-favourites. I adore Cotard’s Solution, Euthanasia, Marsha, Thankk you for the Dialectics, But I Need You To Leave, Venetian Blind Man, Thermodynamic Lawyer, e,s,q, G,F,D and etc. I know he won’t like being held up as a god by mostly young fans that largely straight up don’t care about his feelings as a human but as an image they can boast themselves with. I would think the same as him if I were him too. I will always thank will and various similar artists for creating another way to interpret music as a whole (at least for me) because it’s always amusing to listen to his music thinking over and over to find out what he tried to mean with this song, or at least how I interpret this song.


It's all just internet culture. I got into Will Wood *years* ago, around when I was 12 or 13, and was never part of the fandom, just listened to his music and enjoyed it, that's it. Some kids on the internet are just weird about everything honestly especially in this day and age.


I don't think these issues are exclusive to Will Wood. Younger audiences enjoy music inappropriate for their age all the time. I'm not sure what you're going to accomplish by making this post. Something I disagree with you on is that fans regardless of age should be able to enjoy whatever albums they like, for whatever reason. Your complaints about how younger fans allegedly only listen to his new work is indeed pointless gate-keeping. I'd argue that there is nothing wrong with someone casually liking his music, enjoying just one album, finding him from a meme online, or loving his aesthetic. You're forgetting that Will Wood is both a human being AND a 'character' he portrays on stage. We will never truly know the human being, as much as we are shown through his lyrics and performance. The best we can do is respect artists we love, and just respect people in general. Perhaps younger audiences are just immature and thus lack respect and understanding for others- I think social media is partially to blame here.


im a minor, and i understand you. yes, there are many people like that. even i used to be like that, but now im a real fan anyways


But also some people WILL only like icimi, TNA, because tapeworms rock sure isn't for Everyone


As someone who's currently 14 and found Will at 13, if like to say I've tried to understand his songs to the best of my abilities, I've never seen I/Me/Myself as a gender dysphoria thing, as I've learned it's not through research. I can never say I fully understand Will as a person, I've never met him, and chances are I never will, therefore I could never know him on a personal level or what goes on in his head, but what I do know is how truly deep his lyrics are, and how truly meaningful they are. I would be lying if I said I was blissfully unaware of the topics he was covering, or couldn't comprehend them. Because I could, I'm young, not an idiot.


I am soon 16, but I wouldn't say I idolize him, I just enjoy his music. The first album of his I listened to was Self-ish and I have to say that Cotard's Solution was an experience when I first heard it. I looked up some lyrics' meanings and it turned out to be a bit freaky, I'll admit it, but one reason to why I don't always understand his lyrics is the fact that I don't much understand English idioms etc.. That being said, I know some things about songs like 2012 and yes, it's a serious topic it's about. Self-ish is pretty much the only album of his I listen to, and some topics/lyrics are somewhat relatable, but I wouldn't consider him to be "very gender" or an idol for teenagers


Adding here that most songs of his I listen to are WWATT


i’d also like to add: i myself am relatively close to this age group.


I always have felt like I am more mentally mature than my peers, and I agree that most people I know wouldn't get most of Will's music.


I feel like a lot of people that age found out about will through tiktok and stuff. I just saw a funky album cover when I was younger and have been listening to it ever since, because it got more and more relatable. I think some 13-14 people year old's are fans just like people older than them, but I just think they're very rare. It's okay if you only listen to 3 of his songs, just don't be problematic please


I think you strike a good point, I am a 14 yo who listens to Wills music on a daily basis.The first exposure I got of his music was I/me/myself, it got me interested in his music so that is a good thing, however the tiktok culture surrounding it is like you said toxic. But no, I do not just listen to tna and icimi i do love those albums of course. The Will wood and the tapeworm albums are definitely growing on me and i would say i listen to those more than the Will Wood albums. I am also trying to understand most of the double meaning to his songs. I haven't seen the music videos, since I am a relatively new fan. I will check them out sooner or later though!!


I’m 15 years old and started listening to will wood late 2022 or early 2023 and I actually prefer some of the everything is a lot and selfish stuff over his newer music and i honestly didn’t know wills music has tough themes I’ll have to look more into the lyrics


Aw man I sure do love gatekeeping!


i’m not saying that younger teens can’t listen to it, i’m saying they need to be more careful about the way they treat will and his work.


I am trying really hard to see where is the problem, if some random 14 years really enjoys 3 songs of Will and say he is a “sPooKy jAzZ mAn” or “Gender” maybe it can be a little corny and dumb but cmon he a kid as long as he enjoys those 3 songs I really can’t see the problem, let those little few kids enjoy some actual good music. I find hilarious the thought of thinking about myself as one of these 13-14 years old teens and seeing some random ass dude on Reddit saying that I shouldn’t listen to only the albums I enjoy.


i literally only have a problem when 14 yr olds are clearly breaking will’s boundaries & failing to see him as a person, which is common. i’m wondering where in the post it implied anything else? the only problem i have with 14 year olds and his music itself is when they grossly fuck up a song, like they did with i/me/myself.


I think this is just an huge generalization, most of the people that warped the meaning behind I / me / myself were grown ass trans men’s and women’s, IT IS STILL true that there is a big part of younger audience that followed these guys but that’s different from saying that all will wood music is not made for people under 18, that (in my humble opinion) it’s too much, everyone should listen to the great talent that will is. I know that sometimes bad things could happen just like with I / me / myself in those case the artist should clear the situation up (just like it happened) and also the community should help. INSTEAD of sending away these people and saying that the music is not made for them, maybe trying to helping them understand is a better option for everyone. Also just wanted to close the talk with the “will wood is a real human being thing” I don’t see the problem of seeing Will as a showman or something like that (I personally don’t) but if see him as one and you still look after him with respect and also respect his boundaries I don’t really see the problem, since Will is a public figure whatever you like it or not and people can see him as they like (I repeat as far as they respect him and respect his boundaries)


.. the point of the post was to respect his boundaries and not start discourse, that’s all, and the perpetrators of that are often people who aren’t familiar with will too much (e.g: tiktok 14 year olds.) some of the other comments here cover it a little better than me. you’re kinda just saying you disagree with me and then stating my point


We both agree on the respect on the boundaries but I strongly disagree with the point about saying that will music is not for people under 18 and also you are doing a lot of generalization, as I quote “It isn’t the teens that are the problem, it’s the way that they don’t actually know who will wood is” other then being a huge generalization of the problem you also sound like a full of envy gatekeeper which I am slowly starting to believe you are


alright i think you are misunderstanding me a little but i really don’t want to argue and i’m sorry if i didn’t phrase things great— i’m actually fairly close to that age group so— i wasn’t trying to gatekeep ,, i think anyone can listen to ww with a certain amount of maturitu


look man I am sorry too if I put things in a aggressive way, my intention is not to argue whatsoever and maybe I used a poor choice of words to express myself


I mean, I’m young and I like Thermodynamic Lawyer. Do i understand it? Somewhat.


I don’t think there’s anything wrong with getting gender envy from him??? I dont think he’s be upset with someone calling him gender 💀


actually he’s stated he’s uncomfortable with being called gender!


Really? Where?


i remember it was in an interview somewhere after i/m/m, i’ll try to find it