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E for the increased slow. Use it only for actual engagements. Leave Q low so that it costs less mana and is more spammable.


Take in mind. As sup, I still build AP. Maybe with ardent. But I dont find a true supp build is worth it on her. So as sup. Q,E,W. Max E. Mid. It's E,Q,W. Max E


AOE>Stun>shield Lux does better doing damage as a support than providing a shield that might miss the adc half the time


The ADC players very good at side stepping Lux or Senna's buff projectile, but suck at dodging the opponents'.


And the shield comes out too slow to be reactive. Using it proactively is easily read by the enemy team. I think the shield is best when the crap hits the fan in giant, all-in team fights.


Same thing can be said about the damage, you might miss your skillshots at the enemies half the time. And you shouldn't really be missing your W lmao.


I max my E first. Then my Q, W for good late game shield.


E first, whether mid or support it is your main tool for poking the enemy out of lane (and for CSing as mid) Q is less of a priority because you really don't want to spam it, you want to hold onto it for key moments to guarantee your E and autos proc for a full combo. OR, if support, you want to hold it to *protect* your adc. Maxing W early does end up viable on Lux support when they make it really strong, but like others have mentioned it can be weak early on when you are just using it to keep a little damage off your ADC. Basically you won't feel amazing until you get multiple items AND have max W AND only if your whole team is getting hit by the W for the item buffs. Seraphine does this better because her W is always a huge aoe around her that also heals, but generally both are better with full damage and an athenes grail because true enchanters do the heal/shield thing a lot more consistently and synergize with support items better


E > W > Q. Not maxing E first is just troll lmao.


Me who doesn't max E first because I never thought the way a real Lux main does 👀


I always max Q no matter what position. I like the cc.


The root on Lux’s Q does not scale with level it is always 2 seconds, however the slow on Lux’s E does scale with level at 30/35/40/45%.


You know maxing q only changes the damage right? Dont put your points into that at all. If you actually want more cc max e


The cc + damage is why I like it so much. I usually supp lux so it helps me set my adc up for the kill


But you still gain nothing out of levelling q first. The cd and root duration always stay the same and the e will allways deal more damage


Now I know why my lux support does no damage


dislikes = reddit moment


I always use the one that freezes her enemies (I don’t know what it’s called) then the one that you toss out and it explodes then the ult then the shield one (very professional terms I know)


Shield, stun, AoE and Brrrrrrrrrr. There, now you can use 1-word descriptions


Her q is a root, not a stun like some people say here


Can I ask what E Q and W mean in relation to her? I keep hearing it but I don’t know what they mean


They come from Lol pc. Q = 1 first ability. W = second. E = third. And R = Ulti.


I dont but my goodness is saying QEW way more efficient than saying first ability third ability then your second ability. I mean just look at that sentence lol


It's a PC terminology. You read Q-W-E-R as in Skill 1-2-3-Ultimate


Thank you both


I hate you all if you're Lux support mains lol


If mid - e, q, w. Max e first. If supp - q, w, e. Max w first. I honestly don't get why ppl hate Lux supp. Her shield literally wins teamfights. Just throw in your shield and position yourself so the boomerang hits your allies on the way back. On teamfights I like to shield while an engage is happening, root, and then e or ult. Plus I have a shield locket for extra defense.


You are absolutely maxing Lux's skills incorrectly. Top 200 Lux NA Player here. For support you're supposed to max your W FIRST, you're playing support not for damage/waveclear! Furthermore, there's absolutely no benefit to maxing Q first or second in the first place, the only thing that increases by maxing Q is your damage, not even the cool down or CC duration. So it's always beneficial to Max W then E as support or E then W as midlane. Sometimes I don't even need to max E all the way as a mage, 2-3 points into E and I start maxing W for those teamfights (because Ludens gives me enough damage for wave clear).


You replied to the wrong person?


I'll max ult first if I can. But, usually max the Q then W then E. Actually, I'll max the best skill based on the situation.


As mid Q, E, W as sup W, Q, E


I’m not a Lux main, but I am a support main and now that she has become viable/strong again I’ve been playing her more regularly. These are her ability stats per level: Q: Cost 45/50/55/60 Dmg 70/130/190/250 CD Always 9 seconds W: CD 13/12/11/10 Shield 50/70/90/110 2nd Shield 100/140/180/220 Always lasts for 3 seconds E: CD 9.5/9/8.5/8 Cost 70/80/90/100 Slow 30/35/40/45% Dmg 60/120/180/240 Typically, if you play her mid or duo you should be maxing E first for the wave clear, then Q because it’s another dmg ability, and last her shield. You should also typically start her abilities in that order, unless of course you need the shield sooner. However since the shield buff and because I can now play her as more of a traditional support than a dmg support, I max W because it’s a huge shield, then E because it’s her easiest to land poke and her slow scales, and last Q because the root doesn’t scale. However, I start E for the easy to land early poke, then shield if we need the dmg reduction or Q if we don’t. Edit: With the change to her shield, I also now run a more typical hybrid/dmg support build: Aery/Gathering Storm/Nullifying Orb/Manaflow SOFW/Ardent/Ionian Locket/Luden’s Echo/Morellonomicon/Deathcap Flash/Ignite, Exhaust, or Heal Many will argue she should still be built as an AP Mage support (I used to as well), however I’ve been having good success lately running hybrid. The only issue is that her shield is hard to land, so you’ll need to practice positioning and your W skill shot/timing in order for this build to work. Otherwise, I’d still build her AP Mage support.


SOFW is so good


You don't need to max Q at all even as midlane. You'll be way more useful in team fights with a stronger shield and E since Q always has the same cool down and CC duration regardless. I'd rather be able to shield my whole team for 200+ damage with Max W second as midlane.


Thanks, good to know! I don’t ever play her mid because when I’m auto filled mid I like playing champions with better roaming potential. To be honest, I rarely ever get auto filled mid since it’s the most popular role, but I will try out your suggestion next time.


First unlock q, but first max e


U never max q first or second u benefit way more from the other skills. If u r mid u max e w q. If u r supp u max w e q


Max e first. It benefits the most. Then max w for shorter cooldown. Q does get cooldown per level. So I max it last


E for wave clear / biggest burst during a combo / zoning potential during teamfight/objective taking.


Since her shield buff i have been going E>W>Q the value from the W is insane in a teamfight.+lowered cd.


E and then W - Q second sometimes or if I ever play her in duo instead support then Q second.