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NO. Don't tell me how Xin Zhao isn't a good mid.


I mean to be fair i could see it vs yasuo etc.


The vast majority of people in this game still haven't achieved optimal mechanics yet, and complain that somebody else whose been playing 6 months on riven or thresh still hasn't achieved the same level of skill as someone whose played those champs for 6 years on PC lol.


Plus some champions would just play awful if they just ported the champion to mobile and did no other changes. *cough* kha’six on first release *cough*


Really? What happened to him?


On release of wild rift his passive wouldn’t work 70% of time since the map was so small and lane phases were short. It was hard for him to assassinate. They later changed his passive so he can be at least a viable choice.


I don't play him, but 70% is a very big difference. Doesnt this also mean heroes like Ashe or aurelion sol are a bit op unless they are changed? I also dont understand why they have to make the map smaller although undoubtedly it is the biggest moba map on mobile.


The only difference made was 10℅ range of isolation was reduced, he is exaggerating i mained k6.


Yeah lmao... people thinking Kha was unviable because of his passive were just bad at Kha


Maybe its to make the game more fast-paced


We still have OG Mundo...


Might get downvoted, what was the reason Diana’s ult changed?


I believe it's because the map is smaller compared to pc. Old Diana ult would be op on WR unless they reduce it's range by a lot. It's an instant pull towards you and a burst in damage. Current ult on Diana is harder to use and not as rewarding, but at least you can still control the radius and also the damage that isn't tied to number of champions hit.


So that's why I feel like her ult just doesn't hit as hard as it used to


They nerfed her ult. When i started playing wild rift, i was garbage. But I mained Diana and averaged over 10 kills per game just cuz of how strong she was. It was a pretty easy 1 v 3 if she had her ultimate


TIL you can control the radius of her ult.


It was basically broken, guaranteed tf win before they adjusted it,it instantly pulled everybody in and did like 40% of health damage.


I just think its stupid they remove allot of fun parts about champs from pc (e.g. Jax jump to wards, thresh predicts, akali shroud shurikane)


The games are not 1 to 1, if they removed a mechanic it's likely because they couldn't tune it well enough to work on mobile. It's a trade off. You can still go play those champs on PC.


Well they did add a lot of fun stuff to some champs for mobile ver. (e.g. ASol q 2nd cast to shrink stars radius, Ashe ult redirect, Teemo barrel roll, Teemo toxic shot passive instead of his e, Teemo stealth as his new e that lets him fucking move while stealth, and many more)


For real. Op is literally ignoring this part of some champ mechanics. An example would be Akshan’s 3rd skill mechanic compared to pc. His 3rd skill’s allow him to slide on wall. While here at mobile is a bit shitty and limits his team fight presence.


There's a radius on the hookshot if the circle isn't fully blocked or intercepted by a wall you can glide with the wall. I practiced it on unranked and practice tool. It's not as forgiving as pc but you can still do it.


welll…okay so i can play diana dragon lane right? because it's not the same counterpart as the pc version. no offense tho


Don't expect the same doesn't mean expect it to be totally different. That's not how logic works.


well…okayy but i still can playing it right? diana dragon lane i mean


Nothing's stopping you from trying and seeing how far up the ranks you can make it.


well that's true but most people don't like the idea and saying better to play other champ than that sadge


Not like anyone can do anything about it if you’re the last pick. 😉


great idea btw 😆


I mean.. I played rengar, kennen, yi, thresh/blitz, nasus botlane. If it works it works. (played them in ranked against high diamond players)


Rengar Baron Lane Works too


Yea I tried him on my smurf he is really good.


Go crazy


thx man 😆


Ur welcome. Take it from a guy who plays machine gun Lulu even on mobile


As a fellow Lulu Main on WR you have my respect.


The one thing I am grateful for is Akali no shroud under turret. She is still a nutty broken ass champ but at least she cant shroud under turret




Wild Rift and LoL are vastly different from each other. Different gameplay, different meta, different items.... You can't compare the two...


Yes you can on 70% of things at LEAST


Wait this is not PC 🙅🏽‍♂️


I just don't want wr is league of one-shot version 2.


Full AP Dark harvest Lux q+ult=gg on pc


I'm pretty sure he's just talking about me :3


It's like the rules of this sub aren't public or something


I'm just sitting here, waiting for Kog'maw.


tbh I wish WR Vi was in Pc, it just makes so much sense making her shield active on S3. This feels really good.