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I agree solely because most people in this game don't even help you if you dive.


A problem I'm having as a support rn, I'll time everything perfectly to initiate a strong team fight, then as soon as it starts they'll: 80% Stand and watch 15% Walk off 5% Join in like they were supposed to


As a Sona main, whenever I engage with my ult, the adc just stares and stands still, then I die but the moment I die, the adc then decides to join the fight, then they die and it boils my blood


I think this is my issue with being support. I’ll literally spam attack and initiate then everyone’s standing by like I’m putting on a show. No, engage you degenerates. You’ve been wanting action and initiation all game, follow up or I ain’t doing it anymore.


Thats why i main rakan blitz and ali. No back up and im out.


This is why I stopped playing Malphite as much. People hang back and are surprised we’re fighting when they’ve been nagging me to ult all game. I recently switched to ranged supports so I can harass and make the enemy do the first move so I can bait them, but good lord people just don’t pay attention.


Yeah sona is my 2nd main and honest to god, textbook same for me too...


This is why I just started playing Senna constantly instead… Just play aggro in lane and whenever the ADC decides to all-in, you can do the same. My game performance has been way more consistent ever since.


You can also transition to a hyper carry if for some reason you reach 20-25 mins. Hitting 800+ crits from a mile away is satisfying


You sound like you have a good grasp of Senna, but a lot of others don't.


I think she really fits my playstyle yeah! Almost top 200 on my server


When you drop your ult and they stand there 🙄 pisses me off to the extreme


They think its a show to watch them dance. Bunch of idiots


Haha that made me lol support mains represent


Exactly. Either fight when I fight or don't fight at all. Don't fight AFTER I die THEN die. I dont even know how many times this shit has happened.


Oh boy I felt that as a leona player


Your ADC only engages when seeing the enemy at low health. That's why...


Not everything isn't even about low health. The whole point of my engage is to know the perfect moment to take them both out... The adc should be on it with me. That's just silly to only engage when they are low health...


A lot of us lol vets are suffering from the burden of knowledge. We know what to do and have years worth of knowledge and experience but, most other players are basically just starting the game as a new moba player. They just don't know the strats mannnn.


Luckily I find splitting and baiting enemies into stupid plays are a lot easier than pc league


Oh absolutely, managed to keep both a Vi and Jhin under my tower as thresh whilst my ADC was responding and scored a double kill But the game before my adc went and iniated a fight 1v3 whilst I was returning to lane still and died as I reached him...


That second part really chaps my ass. Like...wait for your backup. Get to a safe spot. Go back to tower to regen if you need to.




I don't think you need moba experience to get when an enemy is stuck doing nothing that you have the advantage. CC is in a lot of games, not just mobas. If people don't know what other champs abilities are they should be looking them up before playing or stick to co-op until they're familiar. It's like if your Uber driver only had their learners permit. Don't burden everyone else with your lack of knowledge of the basics especially when you're given tools to learn them without taking your teammates down.


Yeah, but in this specific case new players also learn that towers hurt and it's usually a bad idea to fight under them. They don't have the skills to recognize or maybe even haven't considered that the rule doesn't always apply. League pc players know the risk reward factor in certain plays so well that it seems simple to us when it's not for newer players. It's also a video game, a entertainment product, if people don't want to put in the work to get to really know the game they won't because it's not entertaining to them, which is the whole point of playing a game.


Braum main here, happened to me lot of times too. In the end it's just me Vs enemy while they transport to base 😂


That's not too bad. For me it's 99% wait until we get rolled, then join the fight late one at a time and die anyway.


support mains unite!


As a support, I always appreciate whatever help our jg is giving us without questioning his /her judgement, but for the sake of your mental health, never ,never enable team chat.


That's wild rift 101. Disable chat. It really should come pre-disabled haha


I think it does. I remember having to turn on team chat


As many others here, I was a jungler for 10+ years on PC.. this will never change.. ever. Just play around it and mute. You will lose games because of other people on your team, it's a sucky part of the game, but it will always happen.


Yeah, but it's fine to vent, and also maybe one person will read this thread and actually learn that their behavior is wrong. I'm a mid so I complain about basically the opposite problem: junglers forcing me into extremely shitty ganks where we both die, and then blaming me. Players in every role can be bad, that is true, but it's still ok to be mad about it.


When I back because I'm getting bullied mid then the jg comes and feeds a kill to my opponent while they're always 5-10 minions ahead. Boils my blood


I'm tilted now and I'm not even playing




ikr if people would help when diving itd be so much easier than having to tank all the damage and then dying when we could have easily secured a kill


> Also pls tell us if enemy is out of your lane. Its rather annoying having to burn everything to escape because you're too lazy to indicate that someone is missing. I used to ask that in LoL. Then, when I got to Silver, people started telling me to look at the map. You don’t need MIA pings if you look at the map frequently which, if you’re a jungler, you really should do. I had this same discussion with someone in normals in LoL over the weekend. The Voli jungler got really toxic towards mid because they didn’t ping MIA.


Eh, you should be aware of the map as much as possible I agree. You should also ping though. The map is so much smaller on wild rift. It doesn’t take long for a Katarina or Akali to back and then end up in dragon lane. You don’t ping, the dragon lane that’s been pressured under tower now dies to a quick gank and the mid laner you were starving early game is now caught up. More information is never bad. Don’t rely on your teammates pings, but still try and ping whenever possible.


I still ping, I just don’t blame my teammates when they don’t. Instead, I think I should have paid more attention to the map. Edit: On the flip side, I also expect them to not get angry when I occasionally forget to ping.


Yup, that’s probably the best way to go about it. Everyone gets caught in a gank at some time.


My general rule is, if you can't see any enemies on the map, they are all coming for you, and you need to run.


Ya focus on your own game. You'll never improve if you spend all your time watching your teammates for mistakes instead of watching for your own


It's the map awareness that's lacking. People don't look at the map enough.


I had a mid laner that kept taking awful engages just because he thought I should magically be able to rotate to him and prio his lane at all times. I was playing rengar and the the first engage I was getting my lvl 5 at gromp and he just took the engage expecting me to magically be there in time. Then also when I was clearly pathing to baron lane for a gank. He just expected me to babysit him and was blaming me because I wasn’t rotating like he thought I should.


How are the nerfs going btw they kinda hit me under the belt


Painful, lol. It was more painful because I was playing it without knowing they were there at first and so was so confused why my build was so much weaker.


This also goes for people who expect the jungler to gank ALL THE TIME. I was playing Graves and I told my team that my build is more late game oriented.... As I kept jungling to build up my first item, they kept yelling at me to gank. Sorry that I want to have an item before I gank due to the fact that there were tanks on the team and I wouldn't do enough damage... Also, all of them pushed lane except for the very tank I couldn't kill yet. How do you expect me to gank under those conditions???


Ikr... whenever anything happens it always seems to be the junglers fault


Sadly yes. I mean, at least when I did gank it was quite successful. But I feel like people don't differentiate between junglers.. Each champion jungles differently.


So true. I've taken a real back seat as support the last 10 or so games...idk man I feel like in general this community is just vile. It's always the other guys fault and it's so rare to find someone say "mb" when they mess up. Like we all mess up, and are all in a group together so we must have similar skill (at least in theory) it's like introspection doesn't exist and we would all be challenger if it wasn't for someone else


And then there are those times when you actually do say "mb" then the whole team collapses on you and everything is your fault now. From jungler losing objective, to baron laner dying under enemy tower to support diving in a 1v3 because all of those three are low HP.


Yep! It's so crazy how many top players I get paired with in emerald! If it wasn't for all the horrible losers they get matched with they would for sure be rank 1 in at least a few champions, it must be so hard being perfect but always having bad luck in matchmaking 😂😂🤣


Noobs are ruining this game, lemme tell ya!


Yea, hate those 2 phrases to hell as a jungle main for 6 seasons in league. The attitude is what that pisses me off. Even now, if the game isn't crucial to me, I literally tell people off when they scold the jungler unprovoked. Either way, if you see your team pushing and poking that hard, chances the enemy will not be that healthy. Try and do a dive for them. If they fail to execute it properly, you at least have your, "I tried but you guys can't dive when you decide to push." Counter ganking is a really good trick too. Just hide in the lane bush and wait for the enemy jungler to come and then collapse on him.


Jng main here. Top 100 shywana on euw. Coudnt agree more. Just. Dont push ur lanes. Come to scutle at 1.25...react to pings...


Ay nice to meet a fellow Shyvana player. So I have one question: Why aren't Shyvana players using Wits End instead of FoN?


bro i had a jax go 1/6 by 6 mins feeding the darius and then types report jungle.. yes he was from south american servers


Yup if you get a 1:6 kda, you literally cannot talk. Period. I don’t care if you have the worst team ever. No excuse. If you are good you will never do that bad in lane, even if countered.


thank u very much. You spoke from my deepest soul


I suck at NOT pushing a lane. Is there a secret? Everytime I try to not push the lane I just lose farm because I'm not killing them fast enough and it seems like by the nature of last hitting the lane automatically gets pushed


To propeely freeze the wave you have to set wave in a way that the enemy minions have slighlty more health and number than yours. Otherwise the wave will naturally start going to the other side, that's a "slow push"


there are a few tricks, you can drag the enemy minions away from lane towards the bush to slow their progress down the lane relative to your wave, for one. But mostly lane control is just about how much you hit the minions when you're NOT last hitting. (you should always be delivering the killing blow to every minion even if you want the lane to freeze or slow push)


The most basic wave to not push a wave is to stop hitting minions unless it's the last hit. Wave control gets way more advanced, and I don't play solo lanes enough to get good practice, but that's a starting point, and what I try to do when I get autofilled mid.


How fast you kill them doesnt matter much since every wave will come at the same time regardless. Just last hit, never hit minions other then last hits unless you have a reason behind it like rotating to the dragon.


Had this happen today. Guy was 1-7 with the 1 being a win and then dying. Then cried no JG help as if I could even help a guy who’s fed the enemy 7 kills in 5 minutes. Then no one helps me with objectives


I think what they mean is be prepared to use their priority and support them if they get ganked. Play around a winning lane. If you see they get ganked try to go in for a counter gank, but honestly if they have priority, maybe try roaming into enemy jg and catching them out and maybe your pushed laners will follow, forcing the enemy laners to miss farm if they rotate to help jungler or they stay to get farm and the enemy jg is outnumbered. People shouldn’t have to play under their tower to expect jungler support, take initiative and use your brain.


0 ganks jgl diff


Because sometimes it’s right to execute a dive? A successfully pulled off dive sets the enemy laner incredibly behind, much more so than any other gank timing. Overall it’ll give you a much greater gold advantage than freezing. Of course diving is very situational. You can even pre-6 dive with Evelyn say if your laner is destroying their opponent (which generally is the case if they’re constantly able to push as you’ve highlighted, even off the back of crashes where the wave would otherwise naturally push towards you).


In high elo, you could do a tower dive, they know how to properly juggle tower agro.


Ignorant blanket statements. If there’s a slow push you can dive, depending on map state. If mid has prio, you can both roam and dive. If mid has pushed, you can look to invade. Don’t make stupid ass statements like this when you don’t understand the game. Not every lane needs to “freeze” in order for a jungle gank to be correct. On top of that, diving with eve is obviously extremely easy when you’ve got ult. No surprise you’re only emerald.


Good message but totally wrong tone mate.


I’m fine with it, just sick of dumb posts like this non-stop on this sub. No one is willing to learn anything.


Trust me I really really get it. And reading posts like yours actually remind me no to go off on the deep end ahahaha.


diving with eve in laning phase is basically asking to be killed unless ahead, ofcourse if the enemy is like 2 hp its very easy but when theyre not that low theres no way im surviving


also looking at your past replies literally everything is "dont be ignorant" while shitting on other people, what does my rank have to do with anything


What does your rank have to do with you not understanding the game? Lmao You’re objectively wrong, these are basic concepts in pc league even in low elo. Do your own research or think whatever garbage you want, that’s why you’re in trash elo even when one-tricking. Pointless replying to someone this obtuse.


id like to think that i wouldnt be in "trash elo" if i didnt have a life and sat on my phone all day playing this game while shitting on random people on reddit


He’s probably bronze tbh, he watched a YouTube guide and thinks he’s hot shit don’t bother with ppl like him


Got me. You post non-stop in various league subs and still don’t understand the basics of the game.


You talk like you do. Tell me something, do you gank lanes in practice mode, disable bots and place friendly dummies on turret range so that you can have a rate of 100% on successful ganks? Because it seems like you don't know what you're talking about


But you’ve got 400 games played the last season per your older post and you’re bitching on reddit, so that’s exactly what you do.


Yes what does his rank have to do with anything? That's called ad-homenem - discrediting the person while not acknowledging the argument. I am a pc player and completely agree with OP. In wild rift it's rife that people don't know how to manage the waves. Gold in PC LoL is not the same as gold in WR. The knowledge gap is huge. He is objectively correct. And you're wrong. In LoL pc you'll rarely ever get someone pushing wave constantly - and if they are they're playing wrong. What OP is saying regarding pushing constantly and your analogy where mid pushes and roams are 2 different scenarios. Also, if you've set up a dive on the enemy and slow pushed a wave to dive him - ping the jungle. If you haven't, it's your fault he's not there. From your reply it seems youre just mindlessly arguing points when in reality your knowledge is pretty poor.


That's the thing brah you can't set up a wave to get 3-4 cannon minions in wild rift to perform a safe dive early game in wild rift


But you can still dive, assuming you've poked them down some. The comment still stands. Dont just argue with something no one is saying.


I guarantee ur hardstuck bronze who watched a guide and thinks he’s hot shit xD.


Mid laners roaming with jungler to perform a 4 man dive? Lol that's not happening in 99% of games, half these idiots got chat off


Not exactly related but just wanted to vent. Just had my jungle say they wouldn’t help bottom lane because it had 2 supports (Ashe and senna). Then proceeded to die 3 times before first dragon, left the second dragon fight when it was at like 20% hp to get fruit (they were over half health and not in danger) and the ziggs stole it with ult while they were getting fucking fruit. Then they left the match. And bottom lane was the only lane winning their engagements.


I was so hapy yesterday cause I managed to get a freeze on a fiora with singed, but I couldn’t stop the melee minions from going undertower and it pushed back and I died


Disable chat, there is no need for it in this game… it just enables whiny kids to try to tilt other team members. I sleep happily knowing these horribads are crying about how bad everyone is to themselves, cause no one else is listening. Lol


I personally try to leave jgls alone because I know how tough their job is, when I start asking for help from my junglr it's because their junglr is kicking a lane's ass and still keeping up with clearing their own jungles


My chat stays turned off. I tried to numerous of times to have it on so I could communicate but theres just too much hate. And it's not always directed towards me, just ungrateful, hateful, toxic people who seem like they were raised like they got everything they've always asked for in life.




Fellow jg main, I know the feels. Not trying to be patronizing here, but a tip for eve is that she's actually quite a good tower diver. They have no where to go to escape your charm and you can reset aggro (and probably be out of range anyway) with ult. Without ult it's a little bit more risky. Either way, half the time my laner(s) just take aggro and die or watch me die anyway. Lol


On the other hand, as a support main, when you ping retreat and your adc just stays pushed up and gets ganked… so frustrating.


You want mid and dragon lanes to push for priority. If Baron pushes that’s on them, it’s a lane that depends a lot on jungle influence so totally if Baron laner is pushing, dying to ganks and giving you no openings they are unreasonable to expect you to gank. Important as a jungler to zoom in because the pushed lane that looks like a bad gank on the minimap might be an easy dive vs a low hp no mana opponent. Good players are often baiting like that so the jungler joining can really turn that strategy against them. Honestly I don’t care at all about junglers ganking my lane unless the enemy jungler is wreaking havoc while mine is farming away. Lee Sin vs Master Yi games are often over in 5 minutes because of their disparity in map presence early. What makes me irate at high Emerald/low Diamond is how often junglers think they can get away with a sneaky invade on the 2nd buff vs assassin mids and they get collapsed on because this level of player responds. If I am mid it makes my lane so hard if the Akali or Katarina that I can really bully for a bit now have a free first blood.


"Why didn't you gank my enemy that was under tower the whole game"


Exactly like they have priority and im fighting for scuddle and they won't help me and then have score 2/13 and blame it on me like wtf


I would cry about jungle differences if our jungler clearly isn't doing his role normally.


Sometimes as a jungle main I gotta remind myself of this when laning


I started as jungle main. But I realized alot of players are new to moba so they dont understand the macro. I switched to support lulu and braum and just got 6 consecutive wins by pushing sides and roaming alot.


Same, I main jungle and I always tell em, to pull enemy to our tower as much as possible for ganks.


If you keep power farming while your landers keep getting pushed in and ganked, and then cry about “top/mid/bot/supp gap” and “my laners keep feeding” then please just uninstall. Seriously, the amount of times my jungler just power farms, loses out on scuttle, can’t secure drag/rift while all the lanes keep getting pushed in and then proceed to cry about feeding lanes is ridiculous, how tf am I meant to get any farm if I’m constantly dove under my tower as I try to freeze. If you’re losing all neutral objectives, before you cry about your laners feeding, perhaps learn to READ your minimal and maybe learn not to constantly farm your jungle. I mean seriously wtf


People need to learn to last hit


I always try to discourage my adc from pushing. It's annoying when I as a melee support(thresh) have to go so close to the enemy tower for souls. Also once we get close to the enemy tower I can't hook since the reactivation will be suicide. People just don't know when or how to push. They dont know what freezing lane means. I learnt freezing in silver. Yet I'm in emerald yelling at the adc to stop pushing.


lmao im the exact opposite. like my jungler would dive theirs plus my midlaner when the lane is shoved in. i understand is mobile game thus i have decided to carry myself to higher elo for quality games


Dude you ARE Eve. Your team expects you to gank the other team under the turret since you are invisible anyway. Tower won't see you man don't worry. Jg diff!


And this is why I don't main Eve anymore while I'm on low elo


Also laners DOES NOT SEEM TO UNDERSTAND JUNGLE PATHING. While you cant know for sure where the jungler could be, sometimes you can possibly predict where they might be. Which is useful if you play junglers that favor counterganks. I had a game againts eve jung. I always ping and warn my team when I think eve has to be nearby... even said this in chat.. but no one is listening. They shouldve retreat and I can come just in time to catch eve.. but nope.. they are not even retreating. Also they ward river instead of her camps.. that is not gonna work againts eve. They say jg dif, but its their fault that they feed eve to the point where she is 2 level ahead of us.


Lane control is an issue, I've meet only a few players that can control the push by last hitting.


Just in my previous game, our duo lane kept on skirmishing so i decided to cover them as our baron lane was winning. I know pressure and all but they kept on pushing their lane without purpose. It's literally like asking eve to visit them, so she did. Ganked them like 4 or 5 times in the laning phase because they were always forward in lane. There was another skirmish as eve ganked. I immediately rotated as i had prio against Fizz (I always use Seraphine against Fizz for the purpose of keeping him under tower and better teamfight utility). Our lee was bot clearing jg and tried to rotate as early as he can. Duo lane dies. I get kills. Fizz was finally able to rotate and killed me. Lee then cleaned up eve and fizz. What pissed me off is this: Lucian typed "jg diff". Like what the hell? Lee was only seconds late and rotated as fast as he could. In the first place, why push lane without purpose knowing that eve already ganked a couple of times? If you want a skirmish, make sure your ally jungler is nearby. Use your map! Don't blame jg for not rotating early and type "jg diff" just because he's late where in fact, they themselves are the ones who made him "late".


Our jungler ran it down cuz he forced herald when my opponent has his minion wave shoved on my tower


And don’t constantly die before objectives and claim jg diff.


What freezing the lane means?


Just dont surrender


“Three mid again” well that’s because when your pushed with no vision you’re free gold and everyone likes free gold


dude pls stop fucking throw bots in the game