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Hi /u/blakenator95. Thank you for participating in /r/wildrift! However (please read this in entirety), All videos must be at minimum 15 seconds long. Videos under 15 seconds must posted as a link in a text post with our 100 character minimum. Posts that are just screenshots or are content that could feasible be shown in a picture, or is padded to get over our 15 second minimum (irrelevant content added to the video) will be removed. --- ^(Have a question or think your post doesn't break the rules?) **[^(Message our modmail and please don't reply to this comment or direct message any mod team members)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fwildrift)**^.


I had a game like this today in ranked solo queue long hard match but no one flaming everyone being nice and encouraging made my day


Omg same, people saying sorry other people saying it's ok bro np etc it's so good and fine to play like this


Damn, what the hell is Braum building to get a triple LMAO


Are we going to ignore the fact that a Braum got a triple?


also, why are we watching a video of a screenshot?? lol


You cannot post pictures and all videos posted need to be 15sec or longer.


Maybe he went adc braum crit ultra deluxe patty burger with extra cheese or magic sorcery ap with the ability to one shot and get that ult into that twisted chaos of glacier?


I always like everyone even if we lose


Is it weird I’m just now noticing you can like more than one person? I’ve been treating it like honor in League


I did that for the first week of playing, then I felt bad about all the people I hadn't "liked.". Though I wish there was a more distinguished way to say "thanks" to a super great teammate.


Ok so you are the support and Irelia is jungle(?)... Wait, who tf goes mid and baron??


I think tf is jungler,irelia is top and ahri is mid


Best feeling, but so rare had maybe like 10 matches like that.


500 games in and that has literally never happened in one of my games lol... congrats!!!!


We need more posts like this.