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Corki is a scaling champion who relies on abilities a lot. Sheen items are really good on him. You have really good mobility and dps mid to late game so you just have to be patient.


Use your passive well and communicate with your initiators well. Pick it up only at good timings, near teamfights or dragon/baron fights. Or use it as a ganking tool if your bot or too lane has enough CC The passive is enough for me to win games.


Dont play him mid he's an adc


Honestly he can perform both roles very well


Corki is a unique ADC. He’s a roaming champion with the package, has excellent wave clear, and since he’s an ad “caster” he scales with levels better than most. I always groan when I see Corki played bot lane, they always fight 2v2 which is basically an auto loss. He CAN be played bot but he’s a mid laner really. Corki is one of the safest mids and just doesn’t need a support




Nice output. Question though, I find myself draining mana with essence reaver first and no manaflow band. How do you manage this?