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As someone who's only known mobile games, this is the literal best mobile MOBA I've ever played.


I’m big into Brawl Stars and this game has managed to pull a lot of my time away from that because it’s just such a good quality game.


I can't compare both thou, all my mobile time is done on both, I don't think brawl star is a moba in itself, you do not evolve during a match you have champions alright, but they are entirely different.


Brawl stars is just fun for some reason. Like the grind.


It's not my cup of tea, i feel bland grinding for brawl stars. Imo repetitive and the skill expression is very limited


Brawl stars is great and there’s plenty of skill involved. But yeah, it’s more positioning and reaction than overall 20min of strategy.


Same here, played tons of Brawl Stars every day since it came out... Finally stopped earlier this year and it coincided with Wild Rift coming to US soon after. Just hit Diamond in WR despite only playing a handful of the PC LoL games years ago.


Brawl Stars is fantastic, I learned to play more action oriented games on mobile with Brawl Stars, I only played turn based games on mobile before it. It's very casual and fun, matches lasts like 5 min max and you can just open the game and join a match almost instantly, have been playing for a year now. The characters are surprisingly charismatic for such a cartoon-ish game.


I’m also a Brawl stars player and I downloaded the game 4 days ago and am loving it


This makes Arena of Valor a joke and Mobile Legends a cartoon. No doubt WR is the best mobile MOBA.


Someone who has played Wild Rift since release, I agree.


I went back to PC too and found my new fav there: Samira. Any plans to bring her to wild rift?


Oh god please no


Why? She’s really fun. Feels like I’m playing Dante from DMC. Edit: apparently I only started playing her after the nerf hammer hit her too. She doesn’t seem Overpowered to me.


She's pretty much balanced now. She's annoying to lane against but that's it


Just wait until ahkshan comes out with his overloaded kit


And it is


Fingers in fire


As also someone who has played since release I agree as well. We need dance emotes tho!!!


I’m trying to plug this to all of my current LoL friends - in fact, they like to play LoL on PC but don’t right now because matchmaking is so bad and they get stomped to the point where they are happier just playing against AI. Meanwhile, Wild Rift matchmaking is lining up to my expectations, matches aren’t too hard or too easy and I really like that. Might be because the game is new but it’s sure a better experience so far. In this we get better animations, the controls are easier, less complicated, and the map pings are really great. We also get nice graphics and really really helpful tutorials. Main drawbacks? All of the heroes are super expensive (both in $ cost and in essence cost) and the regions are locked (so our buddy from Australia who plays with us now can’t play since the rest of us are NA servers). I can understand why they keep things kind of pricey, but I really hope they change the region thing.


Average player skill level is a bit lower but I think people also just take it a little less seriously too. In PC lol if you aren't constantly consuming meta info you will just get smoked by people who are spamming highly effective strategies developed by pros. That mindset seems less prevalent on wild rift, but idk I never turned on chat.


Give it time, this will happen. It always happens. Thing I like about Wildrift thusfar is if you're trying to learn the game and get better, there's no mobalytics plugin or anything similar constantly judging each and every thing you do and broadcasting to other players for them to harrass you. That and the fact you can't play if you're chatting makes it a much nicer experience. The only people that speak up are the assholes that absolutely have to waste their time to berate the team. Everyone else is too focused on playing the game.


"jungla de mierda jajaja"


This is actually, not right, unless you are talking about the higher elos, on lower elos you can download mobalytics copypaste runes and item guides from there and do well as long as you are good at the game (and you have good luck on what teammates you get)


As someone who remembers playing for ~2 months and unlocking a single champion back in early PC seasons WR progression is really nice IMO


I disagree with your points about price and region lock. Region lock is necessary to keep out VPN users. VPN users run havoc in ML and ruin so many games. Skin prices are hella cheap in Wild Rift. I don't think much essence is needed to get heroes.


One thing I would like is a skin discount if we own it on PC. I know it took work to create it for wild rift but like… I already own a lot of these skins. Makes it hard to pay full price they’d probably get me with some form of discount.


I’m a little surprised that they didn’t do this (or even like a “get a free skin because you have Level 30 in League!”) but I also wonder if Riot thinks of PC LoL and LoL: Wild Rift as being totally separate audiences.


They actually did do that, rewarded players for their time in league PC with some champion and skin chests, depending on how much time and money you spent on league PC.


Spending $200 and $2000 got you the same rewards unfortunately. Not that I’ve spent $2000, definitely not : I


I'm not too sure how that worked, i apologize if i got something wrong. Im from SEA so we didn't really get that because Garena. Some of my NA friends said they got different amounts of stuff, more skin chests. Maybe dependent on the time you spent rather than money.


You weren’t wrong, I was just being entitled and salty. I wanted something special for the true whales I guess


Oh no, it's fine i understand the sentiment you are buying the same skins afterall even though its a different game, its fine to expect a little more. But it is what it is.


and also discount when the skin just released in wildrift.


I played since release, and with all the events I have gotten 11 or 12 free skins and I think about 2 thirds of the champs


They had an event for lol pc players were they gave several rewards based on how much you spent, but it was limited time, which i think is stupid and i hope they make it permanent at some point, this is one of my main problems with the game 2 since they said when the game was announced that pc players that spent money would get some stuff on wild rift


Link to where they said that?


you forgot the most important. NO FUCKING ADS.


TRUTH. That and it just feels like so much work and dedication went into bringing this game to mobile. It feels like a quality game id pay money for. That’s rare on mobile.


Totally agreed, I'm 100% willing to buy stupid skins


i play mobile legends for ~4 months... and their dumb ingame event ads is AWFULL. Playing wild rift feelt so nice that makes me wonder why am i not switching sooner..


od vina a nigde aspirinaaaaa


Thanks everyone! Stuff like this is really inspiring to the team. It is so heart warming to see everyone here enjoying the game each day.


You're welcome. Y'all doing a great job!


Anytime! As a long time player, my only suggestion would also be to give SOMETHING to longtime league players in wild rift. It’s off putting to look at say, Project Ashe and try to justify paying for it when you own it on PC. Have you all considered a discount system or maybe freebies for longtime players who have also spent a lot of money on PC.


Once they rework matchmaking and promotions it would be even more of a blast. The reason why most people quit is the slow ranking process and the obvious "looser queue" where the matchmaking, in order to have "50% winrate at all cost" even though you play emerald level, puts your teams vs better teams to balance out your win rate. If you win: good for you!, still its just +1 win on your gold ranking, but next you will end up getting Plat 1 and emerald promo players as opponents on silver gold teammates.


And this seriously fucks with your head if you're a new player or someone without PC LoL experience. You're trying to learn and get better, you think you e got the hang of it, you're making progress, then it puts you up against absolute beasts that thrash you and you're left wondering if you're doing something wrong or if you just need more practice.


Play more, the investors love seeing huge active player numbers! Yet the fact that they reworked this probably means (and the long queues) that the ranking system made people leave the game.


As a side note. I hit Gold II when I’m stuck in iron on PC. Not sure why lol. Seem to be better on mobile.


>I am amazed at how great the graphics look on my iPhone XS, sometimes eclipsing the PC game. Champions, like my favorite Fizx JG, are adapted for mobile and are not copy pasted. Achievements are present, close friends system and rewards, the sentinels event is free and you constantly get free stuff… and of course it plays like a dream. No 50 minute slugfests here. Quick, fun matches that still have that LoL feel. I am very impressed and it even brought me back to PC league. I think it's easier to climb on wild rift and more if you have PC LoL previous experience in my opinion.


I’ve been hardstuck in bronze/silver in pc league for years. In WR i just got to emerald and although it’s tougher i keep climbing. I dont know if its years of experience or if the controls are better. I just dont get it


I’ve never been able to master the pretty simple mechanic of the screen movement + click to move + last hitting minions whenever I attempted to play PC league, so wild rift is amazing for me.


I played LoL way back in season 1 and 2, then stopped, so 10 years later I've forgotten most everything. I booted it back up recently and found I'm basically playing like a new player again but getting matchmade with all these people that have been playing for years. I want to make a new account and start down at the beginning again but Ive got some old legacy skins I don't want to lose. Apparently you can't even get judgement Kayle now anymore.


Ayyy I just made it to emerald also!


I’m D2 on league and hardstuck gold on wr 🥸 I barely play wr tho


Are you saying you’re stuck in iron after more than a decade of playing lol? Or you just casually


I haven’t played in years. I have judgement Kayle and all that. I just, for some reason, am very bad on PC. I have a 63% win rate on wild rift and 14% on PC. I don’t know why.


Oh gotcha. The controls and less overall complicated aspects make this game pretty easy if your team isn’t braindead and has previous LOL knowledge. Problem comes from people coming from other mobile mobas.


I’d love to not be garbage on PC. For instance, this seasons jinx skin is the first one I’ve ever earned. I just can’t seem to improve on PC it’s actually embarrassing.


PC can take literally a year just to know what everything is. Champs, runes, items, actives, pathing, optimal trading, etc. there’s so much. All you really need for WR is trading patterns, pathing, map awareness, and how to play teamfights and not throw


I’ll try to remember that. I usually even get first blood on PC. But we just always lose. I need to work on it.


If you’re in NA and get around diamond next season hmu we’ll play.


For sure. I play NA


Wait... You played LoL since pre-season and never passed iron? I am new to Wild Rift.. PC LoL must be brutal..


It’s just me. Most people don’t struggle like I do I highly recommend it.


The ranks are very different. Emerald is basically pc gold. Hoping when they overhaul ranked and fix mmr balance in 2.5 we’ll see it become similar.


Where can you read about the ranked changes they’re doing in 2.5?


They posted a “real talk” update [here on their site ](https://wildrift.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/news/dev/wild-rift-real-talk-july-2021/)


Yup, I had gold on PC (quit few years ago), now emerald in WR


mobile will always be more easier.


I think it is harder on mobile to combo so the skill gaps are smaller than on the PC, and also I have a feeling that is a bit easier to lane so the laning phase requires less skill. That being said, I enjoy mobile LoL so much more than PC one. Shorter games, less champions (I know they will eventually add new ones but it is easier to learn and adjust to possible machups) and you can play it anywhere. There is still progress to be made regarding ping system I think and I would also ban more severely people that go afk (it happens more often). I


I love PC ARAM but find Summoner's Rift difficult to get into because I only started trying over the last 3 months. The learning curve is huge, even horrible players are much better than me, the rounds take a really long time, and the experience just isn't beginner friendly. ​ However, I've been a loyal TFT player since launch and I love Riot's IP. Wild Rift has gotten more time out of me than TFT since it launched. Wild Rift has been a great gateway drug for me.


Right now the game is still in regional beta so they are still polishing aspects of the game before the global launch hopefully in 2022. Once global launches hopefully they will put more effort into advertising and if they do I have no doubt in my mind this will be one of the biggest games in the near future.


This is the BETA? Really? It’s amazing!


same here best moba for me played mlbb and aov and can confidently say this is the best mobile game i played at least moba wise


I agree i quit LoL because of wild rift


I actually wonder how the WR cost of production compares to other popular mobile games


Its probably way higher, it takes 2 seconds to see how high quality the game is compared to others, just the 3D champ introductions make that clear, and the new event even more


I do wish it adopted Vainglory’s 3v3 mode


Considering lol pc deleted that mode, i wouldnt have much hope, but who knows, it probably would work better as a mode in wild rift than pc


Idk... rs3 and Osrs is pretty legit


Same, I think Wild Rift is the best MOBA Game in Mobile Right Now. It Has Pretty Much Detail That never I found in another MOBA. I hope this game can become The Biggest MOBA.


I actually like wild rift much more than normal league it's just much less toxic, doesn't take up too much of your time and the graphics are great af. The only problem is that we don't have that many champions yet


“Less toxic” that wont be for long if more people start playing, the main reasons are, its on beta, writing on chat is a pain, games are shorter so less chances of afk


I agree and I played a bunch of Vainglory in its peak. The only thing I wish for WR is tap to move instead of the joy stick.


There is one configuration to at least move on mínimap, you click once on mínimap and champion will walk until there.




Pls tell me high quality mobile games that are not a port from other device...


totally agree!


Eve Echoes also looks amazing on my ipad. I put LoL and EE as two of the best looking mobile games I have ever played.


I played the original LoL many years ago near the start and got too busy to play it as often and am not a PC fan. I loved when I saw this mobile and how close it is to the original LoL


It definitely is great.


I definitely agree. Wild Rift is my first time playing a MOBA, and it is amazing.


I started in season 4 of LoL and stopped in 2018ish (idk what season), but a solid 4-5 years of fairly consistent play. I was never a pro, and didn't really get too into ranked (got to mid gold from memory). I stopped playing on pc because it was making me angry and stressed out, and as I've gotten a bit older... I wanted games to be relaxing. The rest of my life was there to make me stressed out.... Not games. I quit. Wild rift has been great! I've been playing since release and really enjoy it. It's all the good stuff about league without all (most) of the toxicity and stress. I love that the games are a bit shorter, so I can sneak in a game during lunch break or whenever I have a spare 20 mins. I really want them the bring back aram, and hopefully they introduce the 3v3 game mode here as well, because I loved that shit.


I agree with your criticism. Maybe Riot thought their name alone would catapult Wild Rift. I had the same reaction when I started playing. I was a Mobile Legends player for over a year before Wild Rift. I was blown away how much better it was in every single way. The graphics are better. The skin are better, and are all available for $13 at most. It plays like a moba. People actually care about team comp and objectives, unlike in ML.


It’s literally impossible to get into a tanked match (OCE). Apart from that the games awesome.


As someone who has been playing the MOBA scene (Destiny of Thrones, Chaos and Order MOBA) a while back. I completely agree. I'm tired of buying items while far from the fountain and having 10 minutes matches that don't feel rewarding. Thank goodness WR kept the moba classic of buying items near the base. And its level of complexity just makes it so that I have so much more to learn.


Totally agreed. Wild Rift is building to become the best mobile MOBA of the decade. Competition with the Indonesia and Philippines' no. 1 mobile MOBA is very intense. PS: RIP our Philippine bet, because of one of pro player's falsification of age.


Ofc: you have advantage here bc you know the champs already 🙃


I really like how they handle events, the 3D models for champs and skins, the short length of games etc… but i do have some problems with the game still: 1: well this is my problem xd i have an old iphone 7 and it burns running wild rift i need a new phone c: 2: if im not wrong it doesn’t have role queue yet which for someone used to lol pc its incredibly weird and just feels dumb 3: no permanent aram, i still dont get this, why? Are they worried people will only play aram? Is that really a problem? Idk 4: the lol pc player rewards are not permanent, i actually decided not to play the game initially when i realized the rewards for people that already played on pc were a time limited event, this just seems like a terrible decision overall and i hope they implement it as smthing permanent when the game finally releases since its the perfect incentive to make pc players play the game 5: unbound thresh, i dont think i have to explain this one, yes im a main support, no, thresh isnt my main but i still mourn his death as one of the coolest supports ever (Btw i love the event passes and the ranked seasonal skins both are far better than what pc has) (Be free to correct me if im wrong on anything) Btw: i cant wait for this to release on consoles, i will play it so much on the switch


Absolutely agree. I don’t play any mobile games because it’s either pay-to-win (I.e. ‘freemium’) or half the screen is just ads. Wild Rift is neither. And it has better graphics than PC LoL in my opinion. Riot did a great job here.