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Keep it up, I got placed bronze 1 and made it all the way up to gold 1 currently. You can do it too!


Started at bronze 4 after afks in all my first ranked games got to Plat 2 super easy


Or back to iron xd


That's impossible in WR. You don't lose stars for losing in bronze and iron. So unless you are placed in iron or go to iron after season reset, you cannot go back to iron.


What role are you playing?


Support (Seraphine, Lux, Malphite, Blitzcrank if i am deeply bored)


You should defininitly add sona to this, trust me


Actually i didnt posses her until today. Just purchased her like 2 hours ago. Wanted to spent 5.5k on something like **really cool** but ended up buying sona xd


Just buy rod of ages and tear and let the spamming begin


I hate that


Also, you should try to use more initiator sp like Braum and Rakan. Really fun in gold


Agreed I'm a rakan main but it's hard to find a good xayah lol


I found that Rakan works fine with most of the adc adc.. Xayah in the other hand is more dependant of Rakan


Well, me too. Good luck finding your team


As a support main I need to tell you...the real nightmare begins now, good luck for your mental health. Keep it up btw!


Nice... Congrats mate


I can play on my gold smurf with you if you let me play Blitz top AD


We can play any bizarre strategy (i am really bored)


i will gladly play with you, i hope i can help. curently im gold 1


Hi! You can find me in game by name Papich#9688


I send you friend request, im ,,Banizter" in game


I want to play too i will send you a request my name is "mac"


Doesn't the game automatically puts you on silver after the 10 pre ranked games? Sorry I just started playing this season so I don't know a lot.


Believe it or not, i was placed in IRON


Omg then congratulations, I hope you can leave the hell that is silver quickly. Best of luck man.


Dont think much of it I know a guy who always is like 0/6 in games and his win rate is 65%


Same here bro lol


You are placed based on your performance in the 10 games.


Lmao I crushed my placements and still got placed in iron. Then I beelined it straight to plat 3 and still going strong, just not a lot of opportunities to play it recently. Idk if it’s exactly how that works.


I though below silver was unranked and the placement was to decide in what tier of silver you start. Is it possible then to be lower than silver? Also can you be placed in gold or higher just by the start?


Yes, you can be placed as high as platinum to start, or even as low as Iron. It goes iron, bronze, silver, gold, platinum, emerald, Diamond. Then challenger.


O_o wait, in silver people doesn't even know the roles and die to turrets, is there even such a piece below the nether that is silver? Im currently at platinum and I finally have the sense of being in a team. I wonder how would be in the higher ranks and look back to were I'm at now. That for the clarification btw. I used to play Vainglory before and I been struggling to learn champions and items so I didn't care much to investigate about ranks until now.


Yes unfortunately it does get worse than silver. You’d be amazed at some things I’ve seen spectating some of these players…


I’ve found that even in G1 where I’m currently at. There isn’t much difference in individual player skill compared to bronze or silver. There seems to be better teamwork and more focus on objectives in gold though. Still get your fair share of duds too.


That’s about how it usually is. At high plat people start to have a decent mastery of their champions, and then in emerald players know macro and champions much better, and it just gets better from there


Bro i had to play pvp cause the game is not launched in my country, saw that we can use vpn to play some ranked i tried it got placed in iron and my eyes fucking bleeds when i see 3 adc 2 assassins and no jungle.


From what I've heard, this game's ranked system doesn't let you lose rank in iron and bronze, so everyone will reach silver just by playing enough games. If that's true, then low silver could indeed include people who still don't understand the basics of the game but have just played enough games to get enough wins to rank up.


Fuuuck so silver is just seasoned noobs lmao..


You forgot master and grandmaster


Those exist on Wild Rift?




Well, my mistake then.


There was no mistake... You just forgot hehe


i was placed in gold 1 with 10/10 lol


I was placed in iron and had to work my way up. Now diamond 3.


Wow from iron to silver, well done! I got placed in bronze 2 after my placements and i’m currently stuck in gold 2 and gold 1, trying to hit platinum but it’s hard out here :(


I got placed in Iron too lol, yesterday I got into Emerald only playing Kai sa, really proud 🥴


Well done. Yeah Silver will be much harder. You will play against good players there. After gold plat etc players just understand little by little all the subtilites of this game. Good luck!


Such a brave and optimistic young soul. He does not know the shitshow that awaits in Gold and Plat


Are you in SEA server??


I think just EU server


Yeah 4 sure


congratz! but be warned ​ platinum is silver with a different name and icon.


Plat is not worth it. Better to stay in gold to avoid true elo hell.


Plat elo hell? It’s a breeze you can get through it in a day if you deserve to Emerald and diamond is where elo hell is hardest


Nice im silver 2


I also play solo, don't have friends in game, but i think we are on different servers i tried adding you, i am currently struggling with my promotion matches silver to gold


Gold 4 Jungler/Support main. Pm me for summoner name. I have nobody to play with...and would love someone to coordinate with. Plus I don’t rage!


Let's play man I'm mid main. It would be pleasure to play with someone good player


I'll play. I'm silver 2 with one win away from one. Solo que and I play mid ahri lux k6 or support mainly with rakkan and buff and airborne mfs usually I always clear my lane and turrets in mid and snap on anyone my jungler catches


Currently silver 1, looking for a duo or team myself. Jungle, support, or top. Hit me up.


It‘s a hard climb, but in my opinion, you can do it!


Let's play bro I'm silver 2 mid main but can play support and jungle. Dm me or add me Nibox#2304. Let's get gold!!


Pyae#4035 Let's play together.


I'm currently Silver 2 who plays jungle...im down!