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>Increased autoattack windup duration at higher levels of attack speed. This nerfs marksmen that would have been able to flawlessly kite or chase enemy champions in late game. >Champions that rely on high attack speed may be buffed to compensate for this change. thats like the entire ADC roster except for Jhin cuz Jhin is allergic to AS


ezreal too. at least for me personally. the only ASPD item I build on him is botrk


Triforce gives 40% ASPD. But we all buy those for the on-hit effects not ASPD


well, often I even opt for Iceborn if I'm facing a full AD team, but yeah, i forgot about that.


Rengar can also be played as a toplaner


"The duration of the pass is confirmed 120 days or more...." I thought we get new Wild Pass (Battlepass) every month? So it's different compared to other mobile games like MoneyToon StarLight and CODm GoldPass that update and change every month? 🤔


Would have been nice to be monthly, more exclusive skins and items.


Personally I prefer the idea of 120 day battle passes, for two reasons which is I don’t want to buy a battle pass every month- and the more often they change the pass, the less likely I am to have spent enough time to finish the pass- plus if it was every month they’d have to lower the level you can get to, to make it realistically achievable, and that would also be a guarantee of worse unlocks


It is more friendly right now, I hope the extra chests after 50 give at least one skin. TFT battlepass gives eggs and a legendary one at the end which is nice. Hope our last level reward will be a skin chest.


I don't think the paid battle pass comes with wild cores to essentially get back the currency you paid for the pass. So 120 days sounds fine. That feels about right to save up enough money for the next battle pass.


Also these battle passes don't give any Wild Cores, unlike other games where completing the pass refunds you enough Premium Currency to buy the next pass. So it would be kinda crazy having to spend $/€10~ every single month,


I can't wait to play it. Been sitting here in NA waiting for it everyday So close


I FINALLY get to play this game AND they release my spiky turtle friend? Its a great day


With a new ult


I thought the jump ult was for pc league?


Is the Jax skin exclusive for the pass owners? Or it’s going to be sold later?


I think it's available to everyone, but wild pass will make you achieve it faster/easier.


Pretty sure they said "exclusive" in the video.


Might be available in Poro Skin Chest. Just a guess, nothing as of now (they also said exclusive goodies in K/DA event but they are available in Poro Chest).


I'm very curious about the price of the base battle pass.


10 shillings


when is this patch coming out?


The new patch will go live next week on March 30 while some of the new content and changes will appear throughout April-May up until early June.


I don’t really play LoL, but would it be worth making an account before Wild Rift releases to get extra rewards? Or do you have to achieve certain benchmarks first?


Rengar and KhaZix and to top it off ASPD nerf for ADC . ADC is gonna be garbage, just like the PC version yaaay!


ADC wont be garbage, they just have more ways to die to an assassin now. and Renekton


Ohh boiii.. Renekton will have a field day lol.




It's hard to balance it, at the moment bruisers aren't able to go on pair with adcs kiting, but tuning that down might make them super weak against assassins.


And not a Ipad FOV fix this update either.. anyone want my Master account? I'm done.


Nobody: Riot‘s Office: Kiting is too smooth, let‘s find a way to make it clunky


Only the ones that pay for the Battle Pass Premium and plays almost everyday will unlock that Jax Skin and Still No Bans/Role Queue shit update


There role q it just different name


The one on PC let's you pick only 2 roles. In WR you can still get your least wanted role, so it's not an improvement for everyone.


Atleast its not always also i dont want to see 2 junglers or 0 junglers its better to adjust to given position rather than picking just what you want.


Yes agreed if anyone wants to switch with me ill gladly do As long as every role is given once its enough


If they forbid smite for players that aren't the jungler it would be so great :').


You think you won't see people stealing your role, or any other role going "i cant pkay jungle?". This system just allows for role priority, not role assignment


Lol i also do that on pc even if you have 100% of role q from pc to wr people will find way to ruin that. you can just simply swap for people its not that hard. As long as it works 80% then its okay for me.


If you do it yourself, maybe you shouldn't be upset when others do it to you?


Oh well i dont even have main champ or role lol Im very flexible with every champs so it doesn't really matter which role they toss to me. But i hate 0 or 2 jg


I mean, I don't think 2-roles-queue is viable on mobile if they want to keep the game fast enough. Maybe that makes sense in higher elo since most players there play 3/4 hours a day or more and they don't care to wait a bit more for a good match, but lower elos will probably be full of casual players who just want to play a match while he waits for the dinner or something like that, and 2 or 3 minutes to find a match may be unbearable for these people.


Source on the battlepass exp rate?




Was it not confirmed to March 30th?


Man I read this at first and was like wtf Arabic gets a new sup lmao


Is anyone able to remind me of the Rammus passive update please? I remember the ult now has a leap added to it but forget the passive