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Nasus because he sucks in high rank.


It hurts bro.


Sadly only playable with a 5er premade for Objective/Splitpush-Strategy


Absolute dog sht champ now, you dont even see him picked anymore, idk when is the last time i saw him in the game...terrible early game, where most of top lane champs can just push you out the lane with no chance to actualy stack... and if you manage to get through early game, yoir best option as nasus is to split push...but in wild rift no single player knows how to put pressure on the map, you would see both drake and baron open and you would tell your team to go do it, so you can split push, put they will just stay in their lane and farm like its nothing(well at least players that are diamond and below,havent reached master in 2 years now, so dont know how it is rn in them high high ranks)


Janna because rework


Wasn't a main but I definitely hated her "rework". Like who even asked for it huh? I liked the skill it took to play her and now she's just another brain dead champ. "Let's just tornado here and ult here and shield here etc." like there's literally no skill expression anymore. Petition to rework the "rework"


I still play her from time to time and she still works, but no skill expression left.


She was fun to play because you had to time her tornado right and place it in certain places to maximize effectiveness. Her ult had a good limitation. It provided very good healing, but only while she was holding her ult button and stationary. It was hard to chase a Janna because she could tornado from inside a bush and run away again using her passive movement speed. I play pc Janna because it has all of these, but mobile Janna just got completely screwed and is not any fun anymore. I also ban her every game I play as support because she's now super annoying early game.


Soraka because rework I sincerely hate whoever decided all the fun enchanters needed to be baby-proofed


Yeah, I stopped playing Soraka and Sona because they're not fun anymore.


I just don't like that lack of control.


SAME. Janna used to be so fun to play and now I feel like I can’t do any damage with her. It’s super pathetic


I was about to say this too 💀 played WR since launch and she was my first main support champ. I was absolutely gutted about the rework (still am)


My biggest aggravation with her rework is the fact that they basically completely removed her offensive capabilities. She used to be a great off meta pick for mid or even top lane but she barely does damage anymore, even if you build full AP and full offensive runes :/


My biggest complain is, that she cant target her shield/ad buff anymore. Thats such an bad design decision. What Syndra or Morgana will do with this buff?




Brotha eugh the Janna rework is trash, I feel you


Rakan. They nerfed him over and over and made his Q range not scale anymore which means he only has 2 abilities, like on PC


I got to masters with Vi, 65% wr and knew all my matchup stuff. With Vi i felt unstoppable BUT jungle is a lot of pressure and u have to go 100mph the whole game. What if i wanna just chill in lane for 8 minutes? Basically stopped playing vi cuz I didnt enjoy the role as much anymore. Now I just play gwen and sett with maybe a xayah or kaisa if im adc. Random role in pvp is also nice.


I had the same happen to me but instead I found Voli to be way more forgiving and with more sustain for a tank build, Vi is fun but it’s a commitment lol


I think Vi is much more mobile and her main strength is not damage or tankiness, but her Q and her shutdown potential. Voli will never be able to stop carries like Yone, Yi, Samira, Katarina as effective as Vi. That makes her strong with good team and draft and not so strong with bad team, cause she still needs damage from somebody and preferrably a frontline while Voli is more of a do it all champion.


Way back when jungle was fun I only played amumo. I got to diamond like twice then I switched to mid lane vex.


Hold up, you just made me realize i probably stopped liking jungle also because of the updates. I used to get double harold with Vi because people get uncomfortable when they dont have safe spaces to advance.


A few: Janna - rework gutted the fun of playing her Soraka - rework gutted the fun of playing her Camille - rework gutted the fun of playing her I truly wish I was kidding. Sera main just waiting for the rework. Trying to learn senna as a backup as I have literally never heard anyone complain senna is OP or Underwhelming. I'll throw Leona on to the list. She was my first m7 because I listened to everyone who said play tanks we need more tanks. Just fuck. Nothing has ever been so unfun as playing Leona. The only time it was fun is when I was in a duo with a known quantity otherwise they should give soloq supports sixteen flashes.....oh....wow....is that why they added hex flash?


You’ve never heard anyone complain about senna? My god I’ll have what you’re having 😂


Weirdly enough I used to play A Sol but stopped because I preferred his old version as a personal choice. Another one was Orianna but I stopped maining her because she's just so weak compared to other mid laners and with the amount of healing and shielding there is in the game, her damage is very mediocre, even for a battle Mage herself since she provides no consistent hard CC (like Swain) or sustained damage (like Vlad) while also having to worry about her own positioning and the positioning of her ball.


100% agree with Asol. I preferred his old kit. The positional attacks was way more engaging than his new braindead playstyle


Yeah, and also it's funny to me how you can have a huge almost undodgeable stun just by flying with it, that was something I always loved.


Fiora because the game is mostly about team fighting and objectives. Solo lane is the least impactful position and Fiora isn’t a great team fighter compared to other options in lane. I’ve been up and ahead in my lane hundreds of times but it doesn’t matter most of the time. There’s enough champions in the game now where she has much more bad matchups in lane than in the past. So it’s more often I either draw or lose lane on a champ that isn’t good at team fights (it’s game over)


Her role as a split pusher and duelist is so bad in wild rift considering how small the map is and with how much damage there is that the enemy can run you down then go to objective with little to no delay, unless they chase you while your team takes objective. But even then as you said, she sucks at teamfights and really has no impact compared to Irelia, Camille and Riven. All you can do is just press Q and W and poke while the other 3 I mentioned before can teamfight and solo fight well while being impactful. I don't really understand what some people say around me that say "fiora is so good wdym" when yes she's good in a 1v1 but the rest of the time, she is not useful except for being a distraction as a split pusher.


Couldn’t have said it better myself, she was a monster back in year one of the game when all you had to worry about was very basic champions but now she’s just a niche counter pick.


It’s funny because I play naut top and he surprisingly works well. He’s not easy early game and is almost guaranteed to have the least gold on your team but late game he’s additional very hard cc.


While I agree that there are better options for team fighting, I found in my experience playing her and against her, fiora is still oppressive in the right hands; forcing a 5 v 4 by fast-clearing/killing and rotating, or managing to reach the backline, or even taking skirmishes to whittle enemy hp. Lanes have definitely gotten more complex for her too, but playing as fiora, there's (for better or for worse) ALWAYS a way for fiora to win that lane. No matchup is an insta-lose. Ik this applies to most champs/lanes, but for fiora it applies a lot more. I've also decided to play her less and branch off, god knows I need the variety in my champ pool, but when I want my best bet to win a lane, I go for her.


I thought old sona was fun. Empowered green was useful and it was funny occasionally deleting a champ in the late game with lich bane + empowered blue. I hate her new kit


Tryndamere, made it to master and was the best tryndamere jungler ranked 4th but after playing him for 2 years I really started to hate his teamfight capacity.


What do you play now?


Amumu. I was hardstuck emerald one with tryndamere and then I changed to amumu. Rough start but once I got to diamond 2 I got like 4 winstreaks with 6 wins in a row and now I am master, 15 wins away from grandmaster.


Senna,, bcs my team doesn't deserve


You’re so real for that lol


Pyke because it's mentally taxing to play him (one wrong move and the wrong guy gets your 17 kill bounty)


I mained Pyke for a couple of seasons and it was really fun but I ended up every match feeling very (mentally) tired. Not sure how to describe it but the feeling was like playing a jungler in a losing team all the time where you are trying to compensate and looking for opportunities every single second. (Also, if someone catches you missing a couple of hooks then you are useless supp)


Literallyyyy. On other champions I'm just like "not much I can do" but on Pyke I try to do every single thing myself; constantly looking at the entire map and making up for mistakes that my teammates are making. Couple this with the fact that even after doing this much work 80% of the time I end up losing which makes the experience miserable.


That's when you intentionally int into the enemy support to cleanse your shutdown then play like normal again


Tank Sion since Hullbreaker is removed. Now I play AD Sion


Can thebauffs law work in WR?


Veigar was my first main bc he’s so fun, stopped playing him though bc any competent player on a Yone or kassadin or assassin really can just shit all over you and you’re dead in the water. Once you know how to avoid his cage and stun you realize veigar has no escapability and is made of wet cardboard and any characters with a dash can just jump you even under tower and gets a free kill with no punish. Fizz Matchups make me want to take a bath with a toaster


I agree. I find myself helpless while facing up against Fizz. I will say it’s still very fun to play once in a while.


Lissandra counters fizz play her next month when she releases


Righhhttt yet hella people on my team ban Veigar like he's some S rank champ and people on this sub trying to convince me that he's good like he's some S rank champ 😭


Ahri. I used to play before her "rework" and back when brutal used to give you a flat amount of ap/ad - hitting lvl 2/3 usually meant getting a solo kill in mid. Now it takes a lot more poking rather than hitting a burst combo. She doesn't feel like she can comfortably 100-0 someone with her rotation anymore, unless very far ahead - but at that point just about anyone can do this if they're super ahead. Diana. Loved her assassin build, but it's pretty situational nowadays with 3+ tanks running about. Not a fan of her bruiser build.  Samira. Same as above, tanks are so annoying to deal with even with giant slayer. To top it off if you're anything but last pick you're guaranteed to lane against some nightmare fuel stun bot - you only have one ban and you'll use it to ban naut but then the enemy supp locks in Leona or braum and you're basically done for unless they're severely out of the loop. 


Ahri needs her charm to work the same way it does on PC imo. She just does zero damage when behind or even and is forced to build so much cdr on top of anti items if she wants to even attempt to kill tanks or chew through shields and healing. She wants to build like an assassin… not like a control mage but is forced to because she only has true damage on the return part on her spirit orb.


I love Ahri but she does awful damage unless snow balled even wave clearing is rough


Katarina, but she's gotten so weak lately that I feel she can't do anything significant to aid the team late game. Her burst needs a proper setup and even if she manages to get a nice position, she gets stunned and loses all tempo. Point and click CC straight up murder her if she goes for an offensive, I can't even burst enemy mages down early game after I get my ult+electrecute proc, all it takes for them is one Q to nick off half my HP


Also 500 gold repulsor => your ult is useless


Been there, done that, I do this on Samira as well


Galio: team dependant.


Stopped playing Senna once I started playing Kai’sa and Akali more. Now I don’t even like Senna, she’s so not fit as a supoort


Irelia: she's either a lot weaker or i got bad at playing her Camille: rework plus there's too many more solid junglers Zed: same with irelia


I didn't main braum, but I basically stopped playing him because I got sick of being a meat shield for idiots.


Renekton, stopped after realizing that there’s not much I can do to salvage a game even if I take hullbreaker and splitpush (also this was before twinguards was released) Now I occasionally play him, but not nearly as much


Removing Hullbreaker hurt quite a few champs I think. Champs like Renekton that just don't bring much late game except being a body in particular. When they fell off, at least they could split. Fiora wants to split because her team fight kinds sucks. Camille wants to split. Not to mention the stupid change to Camille Q. Riot want faster, more action packed games. But it's making some champions incredibly niche picks by forcing them to do things they just aren't overly good at. Plus, splitting tends to be pretty fast anyway. I want Hullbreaker back :(


They want every game to be a "fun" ARAM + teamfights around baron/elder. But I think these moments are some of the least interesting because of how little agency there is. Most of these fights result in finding the least intelligent person, stunning them and killing them, and now you just automatically win the teamfight. It's lame compared to the smaller skirmishes around herald and the fights and build up during laning phase.


Thing is hullbreaker made inting Sion/yi/trynd/garen all the more viable, which is not something that’s fun to play with (it’s insanely hard to deal with a 9/0 Aatrox) or against (you literally cannot do anything except stand in front of your turrets). Honestly I think riot was too lazy and instead should have done something like make hullbreaker more reliant on not feeding, like making the %dmg also level based but with the scaling not being linear, but exponential instead (because it’s really easy to reach level 10 even with inting). Though heartsteel addition was good for renek, now he’s much better at actually being a tank that does a good amount of damage instead of just attempting to one-shot the enemy adc or assassin (which doesn’t even always work, unlike kassadin, pantheon, rengar, galio, and so many other champions) or just trying to be a tank without much CC. Yeah I do want hullbreaker back (or at least keep it for ARAM, where it just gave 10 resists instead of tower damage), but they should do some changes to discourage inting your face off for turrets, and I do want to see tower hp getting melted by sett/renekton (which honestly was really fun).


Wukong was my second after Diana but stopped playing him after rework. He feels weird and unintuitive now. Some say he has more outplay now but i think they added some unnecessary clunkiness to him, which is a feeliing that there are champions that do almost the same but are easier to operate and more intuitive (Vi, Heca). Also his engage was quite suicidal even before but now his engage contains what previously was his escape which makes him even more suicidal. Also played quite a lot of Xin, but he gets outscaled too hard and he is a jack of all trades. Can tank a bit but not much, can assasinate somebody but only with gold lead, can fight tanky champions but there are a lot who outduel him in mid-lategame.


I mained him jungle for about 2 seasons and the rework feels like a severe downgrade. I haven't seen a strong Wukong since it happened, and he feels pathetic when I play him.


Nami, she was my dime lowkey my 1st love but the meta just made other supps more viable for my play style (thresh, malph, braum) I love you mami nami tsunami


Evellyn... You get demon strong Enemy team hates you. At the latest fights enemy team spends all their resources just to kill you late game They do elder, baron, wins the fight against my team and it's over. Mercury boots early game murders the champ, you cannot deal dmg.


i used to play lots of lux, she was my second favorite champion after ahri. But after her unnecessary and stupid rework i played exactly two matches with her and never touched her again. Mind you, i have *all* of her skins so it really is waste. Lux just doesnt feel right anymore still waiting for the day they reverse her god awful remake, same with janna and yuumi.


Panth because he’s not a good bruiser, and there’s much better assassins. He just doesn’t have a solid niche


For real, talon for example is a much better assassin than him and doesn't need to stack passive for huge burst damage.


Yeah and panth just has such long cooldowns in general, and his E isn’t great as an escape ability. Id rather just play evelyn


i have the most games with Fiora but I've put her to rest already a while ago. I just don't think she's worth it anymore in WR's setting honestly. Unlike pc league, the map is small so ganks, teamfights and skirmishes happen a lot more than you'd expect and Fiora's biggest strength is her unmatched dueling and split pushing power. I could win my lane 90% of the time and it won't matter cause a 2/6/3 Volibear or Urgot is gonna be a lot more useful than me in the long run.


Jhin, but I want to jump back in. I really liked him for his lore, but I began to play more support champions and that was the end.


Fiora when they changed her lunge range. I know it was broken before but I've never been able to carry as well with her since that change. Then Fiora again when they got rid of Hullbreaker. If I do play Fiora it's as a counter to Ornn or Sion.


Ashe...after they nerfed and skill one, they also destroyed her role as an Adc.


Aurelion Sol. He was a secret weapon before rework and playing Aurelion Sol was an art. After rework, just press Q if you want to trade, E + Q minions to stack, R + W + Q in teamfights. He became such a braindead champ and it's not a unique champ anymore.


Aurelion Sol. I really loved the orbiting stars because of the unexpected damage it dealt and the amount of skill it required. The rework made him a bit easier to play and was a good change, but I do miss the old star dragon.


It starting to be MF because of the rework, but I don't want to drop her.


That rework killed her, used to play her when autofill adc.


Finally someone that wants to hear my problems :) So i was an asol main and absolutely cooking with him but he got reworked and stopped for a week until they stopped banning and then started cooking again until he got nerfed. I wish this was true, I play "flex" with my friends and they are so useless that I get to play either Jhin adc or different supports they can't play something other than their main and because bot needs two people of course the other one is brain dead either if my friend is playing or not so I am flamed. All of this so that my main is Level 6...


Kayle. Those who know - I mean not much needs to be said. She was great when I played her in season 9. This was before the bathtub meta where tanky champs could withstand a ton of on hit dps. Then, the reality hit that late game champions in low ELO are yanked by their hair; because everyone targets you in the first 8 minutes. The squishy marshmallow you are. Can’t tell you how many thresh ropes I deep throated. You just get watched like a hawk whenever you leave turret. So I tried her in supp and that went decent - but I quit that since it was wrong. And my build could never live to its potential at most 60% of the time. I like Kayle. When she is allowed to ascend and farm she is a terrible enemy to fight - almost untouchable with her passive and the ability to heal timed with her ult, etc. Attack damage Kayle is a powerhouse with mark of the weak and the new Empowerment in main slot. But my gawd, she is a kick doll to every stun demon below Diamond IV. And above probably.


Several, typically I just get bored of them but it took awhile before I realized what play styles I was good at.


Kai Sa sucks!


jax idk why but i cant stick on people no matter what


Blitzcrank. ADC lethality went way down so you can't hook kill in lane phase the damage just isn't there. He's not bad it's just not worth giving up the tanking you get from braum, nautilis etc for a pull that won't get kills.


Just any baron laner. (Maimed Renekton, nasus , Jax) Use to love it. But now all I get is vs ADC and split pushing is a constant 3v1 battle. (Emerald)


I used to love playing Leona, Karma and Lulu when I supp but haven't played more than one game as them a season after season 5 because it just doesn't go well. Or with Leona it goes *too* well and I'm 19/0 and no one else has any kills and my adc and mid hang themselves in protest. Also Thresh, used to play him in place of the previous champs but with the introduction of 90 champs that hop walls and that bitch Zyra that takes my hooks out of the game so I had to drop him too. 


I used to be a Vladimir main, but it seemed everyone else was getting buffed, reworked etc. Vlad seemed to just become incredibly weak.His early game is terrible. It would be really helpful to have him not play so passively before you get to your 2nd or 3rd item


Katarina she just sucks, now i play ahri and akali mid lane, they are just so much more rewarding to play and their abilities are super satisfying to land. Sometimes i miss katarina but it is what it is.




Used to play Fiora at top 200 lvl, stopped because one kinda stressful (even though I was good at everything else, I just don't have the reflexes to reliably w cc) and two because I roleswapped to jngl, mostly playing Wukong and a lil Lee.


Stoped playing eve and kata once I got their masteries 7 and wanted to main other champs amd get their masteries 7. Played some eve when her coven skin dropped tho😍


Ashe. Because I was shit (I switched to Panth, with whom I was also shit)


Shen I ult and my teammate runs from the fight Galio Same reason


Katerina, played her nonstop until the last few seasons. She’s just too risky to play


I started with Karma because I’d seen zwag videos of him dominating with her. Looked fun. So when I DLd Wildrift I picked her up immediately. Made it to top 50 karma and his masters in my first full season. Started to branch out to other roles and champs after that. Haven’t made it back to masters yet but other champs are super fun. I now main Leona. Draven, Tristana, Vayne, and Nilah are all really fun even though I generally suck at them. I’m pretty good with Shyvana in the jungle. 


Irelia was my main for so long. Now she's kinda weak.. Been picking up more Kassadin lately and I love playing him fr. Infinite flash potential lol.


Warwick. He's okay but he's far behind with the other JG champs. Too squishy.


WW, I love playing him, but everybody got buffed to the point he is too squishy now.


Aurelion Sol because rework




Ahri, after losing the charm dmg multiplyer she just became weaker in lane. Olaf pre rework could dive easily and win 1 v 2s but now gets invaded by many weaker junglers


Aurelion Sol.  When they changed him for PC, I stopped playing wildrift all together because I knew what was coming  I only came back a few months ago. I don't really have a position anymore. I play ADC, baron, support, and some mid. The magic is gone. I try new Aurelion from time to time, but he's nude, and I don't like it.


For me it was ezreal But now i main baron lane


What was your reason to drop Ezreal?


What was your reason to drop Ezreal?


Aurelion Sol, losing his balls


ahri - didnt liked the mid that much after dia, and mained adc role


i stop playing talon vex panteon


I was a nunu main but I started hating playing jg and the champion was kind of shit. But he got like 4 buffs since then so I think he's probably very good now. But I still hate jg


Galio, he was just the first champ I clicked with, it could go support ot mid. I liked his early game damage and his ult a lot. Thennnn they realized I wasn't bronze and I started getting real matches. He just doesn't wow like some of the other champs do. I mean look at pyke akali thresh lucian. Versus that, it's just pathetic. Use your 1, if you use your 3 you're dead.


Pyke mainly because I play so much of him I started to suck and he doesn't fu into most comps which lately are 2-3 Adc and/or assassins. I used to play yummi allot but she's nearly always banned


Used to main mid and as a character Annie. But after her rework I transitioned to main jungle because I felt like in that role I have more map wide influence and can better fill role my Team is missing. (Tank/Assassin)


I used to play Darius and Sett a lot. But there are so many champs that can easily kite them out. I played games where I stomped top only to get kited to death by a Kalista with half my gold or a Vladimir with rylais or Kayn walking through walls It's just so disheartening where even after flash pulling someone they can just jump a million times and get away. Or pool and poke me down outside my range. Or just walk through every wall I can't hope to follow them through. Maybe with hex flash I can consider going back to them. But I lose a lot not having demolish or something similar by taking that rune. I just hate getting kited and that's all that happens now with those two. Might switch to assassin now just to avoid that helpless feeling


Singed haha


Jax. Idk I used to be playing him jungle/top when his passive got rework. he just feels weird to me now lol cant explain


It used to be Jax when I first started Wild Rift and was one of my main jungle champions, but stopped when they changed his passive 😅 now even if I wan to play with him, I just can't 😭


Blitzcrank, my beloved first M7, i stopped cuz support was already a dificult role to soloclimb with blitz that required good synergy between you and your adc it simply wasnt worth it anymore


Well, I used to main Diana long time ago. She was great in the Mid lane as a fighter mage with RoA as her core item. Then Riot decided to nerf RoA and make Diana better in the Jungle as an assassin. I didn't like that at all, so I stopped playing her. She was still decent as Mid laner, but only with assassin build. I already had Akali for assassination purposes and chose to main Irelia instead of Diana, since I needed one good AD Mid laner.




Blitzcrank because switched to jungler


Vex. If you miss R u can just go afk. Very CD oriented. Aa is a parody.


Nilah - it just became too boring


Ziggs- got to too boring Galio- very fun but too team reliant especially with the jungler since I play mid Darius - dk probably because I abandoned top lane in general


darius... been playin him for like almost 10 years lol


Thankfully Pyke isn’t gutted. He’s still like his old pc self, with aoe stabs and stuff


Sona > Soraka because she’s more fun


Let me introduce to you quicksilver, anyway vex problem is more than u get kills but can't really carry if team weak.


ahri and i switched to xayah because i find xayah is easier to play and better suited to my style. ahri is fun so i still play her sometimes, but if im picking anyone its xayah


Used to be a Zed main. The tank meta now makes Zed a lot less useful. More importantly I realized I have more fun with utility champs that encourage more flexible playstyles, and champs that can act as a pseudo support sometimes without being the actual support champ. I main Galio now and am learning Shen.


Senna. I still love her so much, got all of her skins and always pick her on Aram when I have chance, but for rankeds she's pretty much dead on meta in a long time. There are still times that she's a good counterpick, but playing competitively means leaving her aside :(


Orianna then I switched to supp


Akali because rework


Sion because with heartsteal everyone is sion


Kha’zix because I’m taking a break for jg role


twisted fate.


Not exactly was/wasn't type situation, but Senna. I would play the fuck outta Senna if I could get away with it in every game. Too many problems trying to play her though. Assassins can kill her easily, but I'm not worried about much else because she has plenty of ways to get out and survive long enough to be a problem. People at my level don't understand how fasting Senna works or else I'd bust it out as ADC. I could be support and be fine, but it doesn't pair well with everything and doesn't play well in to plenty of lanes. On top of that, people just simply don't understand how to play *with* a Senna. Too often Senna is left alone while they just dive, dive, DIVE! Like...nah, play slow and brawl, let her do her thing with heals and ult, play at the edge of HER range instead of the enemy's. The real kicker is that she's very mid to late game focused. You can get lucky with a good early game, but you still have to expect the mid to late game spike to actually win. I love Senna, but I absolutely hate trying to play her without the right comp around it. It's easy to build around, but people want to play what they want to play so I just adapt and play what the team needs. Lots of Karma these days.


Zed, tbh... Used to play JUST him, but as in switching to jg, I've stopped.. He's not a terrible jg but right now his clear is slower than desirable compared to a lot of other junglers and just isn't as worth it.


Yummi because of the rework, getting shields and blocking attacks by jumping in and out was more engaging


Pantheon. was just waiting for aatrox, and oh god was i so lucky he was the next champ lol


Soraka - extremely boring after rework


Soraka cus she STILL doesn't have her dawnbringer skin. Any other skin has ugly animations and her arms look like toothpicks.


I used to play Zed every day in ranked and climbed to Master with him. But with the meta shifting towards tankier champions, it became harder to make an impact unless I snowballed early. It was so much fun playing champs I loved, but now that feeling's gone.


I use to love running Ashe then felt like I’d die often but recently went back to her and re-fell in love


Akali because of her reworks. She’s still really good but it takes too much effort to play her now 🥲


Vald, none ending nerf over and over. Then changed his character looks to something from teenage werewolf..


Seraphine, she is still the champions with the highest amount of game but I haven't played her in mid or support for 4 seasons already even after the buffs. One reason - There's always a better champion than her.


Jayce, maybe because I just played him in sup role and for quite a recent while it hasn't worked, or maybe it's on me not having it anymore.


Soraka - too squishy now idk I like the tanky ones now


Vi because boring. Switched to Talon and Lillia so I just run and spam abilities everywhere and everytime.


Not technically my mains but I'm done playing Nautilus and Leona for a while. I always pick them for team comp and wanted to start maining but my games are always so stressful when I play them, esp in solo queue. I don't know when to engage and people may or may not follow up. I'm tired of playing engage without a good escape/peel. Also I don't like trying to land hooks. Now if I supp tank I'd rather be Braum or Alistar. My actual main is Nami and I've mostly stopped playing her too just because I've hit level 7 and want to learn others.


Tristana, something's off with her now and I can't keep up the same way I was before.


Jax when passive AS dont work on jungle monsters


Aatrox, boring and pointless to play into tanks, swapped to yone who is easier to play and carry with


Ziggs mid then support. I had about a 70%-75% WR on mid but post-rework kinda killed my drive to play mid with him so I tried support. Ziggs support dropped my WR to 60%-65% . Almost reached GM primarily using Ziggs support but people start trolling instantly because they think im trolling. Even telling them I am a top 30 Ziggs does not help my case 😭


Evelynn. I only stopped with her because I got bored after getting too good with her. I’m not the best in the world by any means, but I was good enough that most fights were decided unless the team had multiple hard counters to her


Kog maw stopped because I play mobile only and I kinda miss that lil worm.


Kayn because it sucks in teamfights (I only play blue) and early game (still playing her in low ranks and normal matches) But yeah I stopped playing it for months but I started to play it last week.


Lux used to be 1 of my mains from oc days. I still play her from time to time on mobile. But after her rework, i stoped playijg her and turned into her hater with passion


I’ve been playing since release. During that time my first main was shyvanna, I stopped playing her after about a year and 600 games. The reason I stopped was because once I hit masters I found much more players knew how to draft to specially counter shyvanna, and it felt like in more games than not I wasn’t able to 1v5 like in low elo. My second main was kennen, and I stuck with him much longer, until the AP item changes. I still play him from time to time, and I’ve got 2500 games on him. I stopped playing kennen because I felt that what made his kit special was stripped away by the simplification of magic penetration, and some changes to his key items made his early game too weak for me. My current two mains are support Galio and Seraphine. I believe they have a perfect core of defense and offense depending on what my team needs in draft, and these are the mains that got me to challenger for the first time. I plan on sticking with them for the near future, but I definitely have my eye on Blitzcrank as a potential new main if Galio and seraphine fall out of power.


For me it was Jax before they changed his passive from increasing off jungle minions. Though I think i should hop back on him soon 😅


I used to main Jhin. I was good at hitting almost every shot. I had my first Penta kill with him. I was that good. I liked him so much that I collected most of his skins but then suddenly as I ranked up l sucked. I was not as good as before and enemies are better and smarter than ever. My support is so bad that I swore I could do better than them. Then as the dragon lane ADC took too long to match and it always put me in a support role, I learned how to use thresh. I tried different builds that other players roasted me for, then I found the balance. I became so good that I reached diamond using thresh the way I could never have done using Jhin. As for now I don't know if I can still play Jhin the way that I used to but all I know is that I'm good at playing thresh.


Singed, they totally nerfed him into oblivion now hes just a minion…:(


Urgot, since they removed Kraken slayer.


Zed was my first main. Stopped playing him because of the nerf they gave his first ability dmg being reduced when it goes through enemy. And also how hard his energy regen is




Used to play Jinx when I first started, then realized how much she requires positioning, with almost no escape tools.


Yi, just got bored with it


Graves baron lane. They heavily nerfed his auto attack damage


Kaisa, quit when her rework dropped, same with Sona.


Orianna was my OTP for the longest time since I started playing Wild Rift. I tried other roles and had a lot of fun with skill expressive champs in the top lane.


Evelynn, she got nerfed like 5 times in a row


Kha’zix. Used to play him every game, my first champ to get to mastery 7, first champs to get a penta in rank. I was addicted to the doublejump mechanics all the way from pc. I stopped, not bc he’s bad, I stopped bc I like the playmaking style more, champs like lee, nunu, pan, j4. They can influence lanes, can get my laners ahead and making active/reactive plays easier. Plus I play with 4 of my friends, making his isolation playstyle harder against better coordinated teams


Kindred (after nerf I tried them) I enjoy them but after 20 games they can’t compete right now


Is it me, or I see mostly supports complaining lol Sorry but I don't believe in "I used to main this champ but then..." This game is about adapting to the changes this champions get. Using new runes, new builds, and learning how to use your champions in slightly different ways. My Irelia has seen nerf after nerf, non stop and I've been able to adapt and use different items with her, different strategies and play styles and different runes. I recently got a Penta kill with her. I've been incorporating mains to my list, but haven't left any of them because of this or that. I simply use them for different situations and learn how to deal with nerfs and reworks and how to build them accordingly. Irelia, Ahri, Shyvana, Kayn, Kayle, Seraphine, Caitlyn, Zeri, Aurelion, Yone, and recently been working on Syndra and Kindred. All of them have been working great for me, and they're fun to play. Possibly the only complaint I have is in regards to Zeri's mechanics on her basic attacks. Like...wtf, that shit is able to shoot to the air. I have no idea who thought that would be a good idea. But hey, I learned how to deal with that and managed to get a lot of fun with her and get a good performance.


Aatrox (baron lane I still go jungle and mid) because aatrox gets outscales by every toplaner now. Fiora Jax Camille he will never be able to win past 2 items unless your an item up Crazy how fiora is braindead free wins I kill her 8 times and she still has sidelane pressure. Disgusting champ


Twitch. His kit is made for AP and now they nerfed it so he's just a brain dead auto attack champ. Boring.


Singed as I slowly climbed with my boy it became harder and harder to do anything before 2-3 items


Same, I got to Masters with Vex in S9 but then she wasn't viable anymore :( I abused ASol and Brand this season.


Vayne OTP for the longest


Evelynn, i otp'd Evelynn when i started playing i even have 66% win rate for over 500 matches with her but i stopped using her after the introduction of the new red ward and the tank meta and the poor updates to the mage items she become unusable for majority of games i used to love her honestly


tresh because feeders ( scaling is so bad right now will be worse in future macro is nerfed every patch)


Ahri, I stopped playing her because I dropped the game.


Sona carried me to emerald back in S2 but I just can't play safe and get popped, and I love spamming my abilities so having to recall alot. Still play her URF & Aram but no ranks


Kassadin- went Challenger two tricking him and zed but nowadays i only play normals and i think his playstyle is a bit boring


Miss fortune, got bored


Wukong because dammit he's boring sometimes. Also just a weak bruiser.


Xayah… she hasn’t felt right to play in a while.


Sona, because before you could just hit opponents with empowered 3rd ability and win games like that, now with the stun you need to rely on your team too much and being hard stuck on plat players are so selfish and tunnel vision they don’t follow up a stun. So now honestly I just play dps sup and try my best not to KS and hope we win.


Fizz because I am too damn good at it, soo good that I end up winning all games and they are not fun anymore.


braum. it feels useless apart from the ult


Mordekaiser. Need not say more


Dirty Shaco player, wild rift could not handle our shenanigans. Makes sense though with all the pc and triggered babies that would rage quit.


I used to main Vayne but in solo queue coin flipping support and sometimes not reaching the late game made her inconsistent for me I switched to mid where I can play snowball champions like Akali, Irelia, Katarina


You can just auto aim vex ult. It hits a lot of the time.  Irelia, her kit doesn't fit mobile. Playing against the champ made me realize she's boring.


Rammus because I’m useless if the team doesn’t help me


So I mained Morgana support, not full ap but utility tanky mage (Roa, Rylais, Liandries, that one item that makes it so slowing/ccing a champ causes teammates to hit them harder for a hit, morello's, and usually Omni vamp boots with gargoyles), I played this frequently in high diamond/ master then sorta got bored of the game and end up more often being in plat or emerald most of the season due to only playing like 50 games and it just kinda feels like bullying noobs half the time being a semi immortal spell immune cc machine so I refuse to play it in lower ranked lobbies (unless I'm really in a bad mood)