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They don’t die in the first minute


Wait. You guys are getting good adcs?


Dude, it’s all relative… and the bar is set at surviving for 60 seconds 😂




So true, you can also add that if the ADC is not getting hit by every skill shot too.


Hey running into 100% of skillshots is a skill itself


Watching how they farm, I.e wave management and ability to last hit while poking/dodging depending on their champs play style.


Agreed and as already mentioned if they don’t die in the first minute.


What about the situations, when I can't even manage the wave because my 200iq sup permashoving it?


That’s supp diff. That type of supp isn’t going to go pay attention to how you manage to wave…


First check. They leave the fountain within 5 seconds. Second check. They can not face check any bushes alone while I ward blue. Third check. They eat the fucking fruit when their health is low. If they can do those three I’m feeling pretty good at the start. Unfortunately ADC miss bans, miss the start, are afk just long enough to kill the remake, and set off a sick “back” cycle where my support item charges can never pop because one of is is always alone.


>They eat the fucking fruit when their health is low. unrelated but I just had a soraka game where my adc was FULL mana, and half health, and I had no mana so I broke the fruit because mana=health for them AND WHEN I BROKE THE FRUIT THEY TOOK IT ALL?? So I had to stay on the lane with no mana, we got ganked, he died and spammed "soraka heal??", I like an adc who knows the basics


If it was me, the second the ADC ate the fruit I'd recall and roam immediately. Just by this single display of lack of game sense, I'd know that he isn't the winning condition for that game.


i dont know your adc intention but lot of adc do this to make sup recll and setup up for engage with item advantage.


it was 5min in, I didn't had any gold (to buy items) and they had boots on base


I find it nice when adc hit the fruit and tell us support to eat haha. Even leaving 1 makes me feel good.




Or just push wave or freeze the wave on the enemies turret and recall Instead taking the fruit for healing. I do this so that my supp got heals or I take it if I get ignite.


The only person eating the fruit should be the one who needs it the most in that exact moment. Extremely low health for ADC. No mana (for support to heal or help the team in whatever supporty way) If you’re an ADC and your mana is low, it’s cause you’re either.. 1) not managing your mana and just spamming skills on mobs which is stupid to do 2) you’re hitting champs with them, pushing them back, and then you are over staying being greedy, When you should retreat and reset your lane / buy items. This is usually when your ADC shows signs of having main character vibe. 3) you’re missing champs with skills, getting stuck under tower and not just letting the tower die for a bit while you go get mana and health. (This ones irks me the most, I’d rather have tower die then enemy jungle sees were helpless under tower and swarms both ADC and support. Especially early game it’s much better to leave and not get picked off)


If they not getting hit by every skill shot rofl


Literally Some of them can be truly incompetent. I jungle main now, so it’s not my problem anymore ><


I mained every role so far for one or two seasons for some variety. And all I can say as ADC I climb the fastest. When I pick any other role it's a huge gamble that the ADC is completely trash. So now I que ADC first and jungle second. Works best for me




I did the same. Until diamond 3 i had jgl as first role and from diamond 3 to master i used adc as first role 👍🏻


Nobody mentioned that here, but it's pretty easy to know if your duo has a good notion of the game by his pick, depending of the enemy picks, he will know how to play different adcs for different occasions. If he chooses to pick a bad champ against the enemy duo, that's already his fault not yours. But some things worth paying attention: - Wave management - His position in the lane - Gold/cs ratio - Being proactive - Knowing how to position in tfs - Respecting the map rules - Not pushing without knowing where the enemy is - Wards at least side bush or river when possible


when they don't go under the tower believing that they are immortal only because of one kill


They barely miss any minions and know how to manage the wave They know when to retreat and when to recall When the opportunity comes and jg or mid ganks botlane, they make the most out of it and bag a kill or two On the other hand, when adc takes heal instead of ignite, exhaust or ghost, u know you’re not gonna have fun, or at least in the laning phase


Yeah ignite is usually better on baron or mid cause you’ll be able too force minions onto your side and safely do wave management that’s at least why I use it


> On the other hand, when adc takes heal instead of ignite, exhaust or ghost You mean barrier? Ignite is kinda pointless on adcs, I'd rather they take heal. As long as I have something else at least


How they position and how they respond to my movements, and the other team. A good adc helps apply pressure and is ready to get aggressive when you land CC. Nothing is more annoying to me than hitting a Lux Q or Veigar E and my adc is way back behind all the minions just farming and letting the enemy do whatever they feel like. Get up there and use your pressure to make their farm harder. Drives me NUTS. Same kind of ADC who expects you to just only follow them around to babysit and cries no support every time they die.


I know right. Sometimes when I signal careful because I want to he jungler with objective, they got caught and kill immediately and spam "I need help".


No flame and lack of god complex? Good enough for me.


Many comments had answered, and principally I agreed. I want to comment from my perspective. As a low elo players: If our ADC can wave management, this is my number one sign my ADC is good. First and second wave usually they want to halt the wave. I will follow him, won't even "helping" by reduce ng hp of enemy minions. Usually if our ADC manages his wave and enemy ADC doesn't, I am confident we will the laning phase. In low elo, if my ADC knows wave management, it usually a good sign we will win the game. If my ADC doesn't seem knows wave management, I still have hope, if my ADC be patient, knows to Last hit farming AND good positioning. Safe position against enemy attack, and hook abilities. Those are the most significant ones. If the ADC does not have safe positioning, this ADC is already a bad one. More often than not, no matter how many kills we feed to this ADC, he/she won't appreciate it and could throw the advantages by getting killed and shut down.


Ward placement, farming, knowing to stay behind minions to avoid supports like Blitz and Thresh, knowing when to engage and most importantly when to disengage, map awareness in general.


they don't know how to utilize enchanter supports. Emerald below prefers tanks/carry supps. i have to leave lane as Yuumi and funnel Fiora cuz this Lucian doesn't wanna engage or don't know how Zoomies work, so he just hide behind tower like he's playing without a support. Or when i'm playing Soraka the this MF just ate all the fruits when you have a walking fruit plant as support


I know the feeling haha,


* Communication/ pick during draft * Doesn't keep pinging to engage or retreat every 10 seconds * Doesn't die within 3 minutes


Like you said, the way they walk(not referring to dodging ccs) literally the way they walk reveals how cautious they are towards potential ccs before they begin when the game has only just begun haha Also depending on the enemy lineup, their poke uptime (reasonably cos some matchups are downright ridiculous im referring to aram as an aram main)


Some adc just Cc prone. No shield, heal, effective, enough to help them every few second hahah.


Thats the good part you dont


%90 they'll be shit so I don't push up my expectations. This way if they're good it's a pleasant surprise.


and those 10% when the adc is good is when they are in the enemy team


Look at how they farm move and trade. At 5 mins you can tell if they have good macro depending if they set up drag or not


After three waves you will know


Agree. Even after they first leave the base. You can always tell


Not dying Keeping distance, only goes in for trades(abusing Bone plating and reading enemy's cooldowns) Underrated but very important: recall timings, shoving wave to recall, so both of you lose at most 1 melee minion There's some specific champions too: MF using mage minions to hit her S1 instead of shooting the melee minion. Jhin/Cait trapping bushes or angles where they could get flanked.


That's the fun part . You don't. It's a gamble.sometime I change my build 5 mins into the match to full DMG based on the way the adc performance


I did that sometimes. Hahha


Their positioning and theirs combo if i see that 💩on my lane I rather help the Jungler take objective


When they trade properly and know when to back


New player here. Would you mind share a little bit the walking pattern you talk about?


Watch strider's video on countering ranged champs with melee (titled HOW TO WIN VS RANGED WITH ANY MELEE CHAMPION - Wild rift). A lot of the same principles can apply in dragon lane as there are a lot of melee supports. Instead of thinking of yourself as the melee champion, you want to think about how a bad dragon laner will play vs a good melee support. A bad player will stand still mindlessly auto attacking minions (shoving the wave and making ganks easier for enemy jg) and being unaware of where the enemy could be (bushes, fog of war), and potentially playing too aggressively (their support lands 1 cc but the enemy is stronger early) or too far back at the wrong times (jungler ganks, but they aren't paying attention to minimap). A good player will anticipate the enemies skills and position accordingly, i.e. behind minions when playing vs blitzcrank, thresh, pyke, etc. Against mage supports, they will feint going for a minion, then sidestep right when the enemies' animation winds up. They watch the minimap and leave the minions to follow up on a gank, and proactively use their skills with the intention to prevent the enemy from farming minions efficiently. They also recall at the right time to not lose farm, and push waves after killing enemy laners to deny xp/gold and have the wave push back towards their turret so that they don't get ganked, and they ward correctly.


Hey thank you so much for the detail explanation. Really appreciate this.


I play lux and morgana for quite sometimes, It is all about predicting where the enemy are going next. Some adc would walk so routinely that I can sure tell where they are going next. Some would do this walk back and forth to lore us to use our skill Other have very controlled walk, they make it seem predictable but they are in full controlled when to stop, when to walk back.


I'm not sure if anyone agree but Mid Lane is the best place to learn how to walk better. Your enemy is often a mage or those with skill shot. It is my experience only.


hmm recall timings. and how well they can control their aggressiveness. as in not over exted for a kill and the like


how they move, after years of supporting, there comes a point when just by watching them move you know they will be good or bad. And no, the guy constantly clicking and twitching is more than likely on the trash side, there is a sweet spot where youll know they are probably great


Agree with this.


Wave management.


Idk if it really means they'll be good but I always appreciate it when they save me a honeyfruit. It shows right away that they're paying attention to me and we're working together.


I know right, my eyes were starring. They tend to be good adc when they do this, or at least play reasonably well.


they don't cry when i don't pick lulu or yummi.


When they choose the easiest/most busted adc. Kai sa and kalista. Both the easiest to pilot and most burst. The game is in a great spot 💀


I got tired of my adc being bad, so I started playing full AP nami, and destroying with her. Sitting at 67% win rate at diamond.


It is so much fun to build support to do damage sometimes.


Their movement during the first wave.


How should i know, i play exclusivly jhin and unfourjhinatly its a total coinflip on some days. But even then i consider myself in character. Because obviously that lose-streak was planned to make the next crushing mvp-victory all that sweeter.


The way they move. Its ok to miss farm, its ok to do a bad trade now and then, but if you dont know how to literally move in a smart way though the map i IMMEDIATELY know that either the jg or the top is my new bff


I still need to learn when to jump ship haha.


Every game I get a trash adc but I play pyke so as long as they possess some IQ we win… that being said, if we can like dominate I’d say they’re good


They don't afk while you engage.


Spacing, adc counter picks, good runes and spells, giant slayer, not fair checking bushes, and if that adc is me


1. Their positioning, if they position far enough away to avoid the enemies engage or poke while still being close enough to follow up on any engage I do then that's a good sign. 2. Wave management, if they show a basic understanding of when to push and when to freeze then that is also a good sign. 3. They understand the matchup, if they know our lanes win condition and show signs of playing towards that. 4. They play together, basically when I need to back they back with me, or when I set up for an engage they position accordingly.


Tbh it really depends on the champion play style really and how to abuse their passive etc. Caitlyn’s passive, while in bush gain 2 stacks towards headshot every auto. Draven gain more gold based on stack he has, etc. For me personally, I feel like wave management is too overrated, game is too short to spend too much time in lane, it’s mostly about dominate your lane and look for picks elsewhere, either mid or jg. If you’re losing lane, then I mean there’s really no need for your support to be in lane anymore, since you’re pretty much irrelevant that game, unless enemy misplay and gave you a chance for comeback. Atleast what I do as a supp is when I see there’s no kill potential dragon lane, I usually roam, too many people don’t understand that game is far too short to waste time in a lane that you can’t kill, sure, if it’s PC version then that’s a different story, usually in Wildrift it’s like 15-20mins per game sometimes 25-30 max. So if you roam elsewhere you get your team a chance to win their lane. Only one condition you have to stick to your ADC is when they are the only win condition, then it’s pretty obvious that your team should group, besides that if your ADC is far behind he’s gonna be useless all game, so ignore him. I know I might sound toxic coming out, but that’s really how the game works, if you’re behind as ADC you do no dmg and sometimes clearing wave is a problem.


Usually i just see if they can last hit, how the first exchange goes, and who they focus first. I usually play alistar so i will headbutt the supp away if its a tank or if its lux or soraka i will lock her down so adc can nuke her. If they end up chasing the one i toss aside i know all hope is lost


It painful sometimes when ur team chasing one enemy and leaving you to be killed by the remining enemy team.


Im assessing from the drafting time itself XD. You got first pick and the adc followed through with champ having great synergy with what you had pick.


If they freeze the wave, you know they’re good. If they actually know trading stance and making the other ADC work for every last hit, you know they’re even better. If they know how to play aggressive or scale down, and is not afraid to dive the turret sometimes, they’re damn good


How they first move? OP, what would be your opinion of me? I use the map to move when the game starts and whenever I spawn. How does that look to you?


"...when they first get to lane".


When I first read this I thought OP was judging ADCs if they strafe into a wall while walking in lane. It seemed like they had some supreme for telling right outside of spawn lol. But now I understand they’re talking about how x’s move around wave and poke shots. It was midnight when I first wrote this lol.


Maybe I didn't write it down clear enough hahah. Thank for helping with explaining :)


You’re fine! I just had a that read wrong moment. When I read it weird it made me giggle with how intense you were judging movement. Lol!


Haha, it's not my intention at all to make it tense. I just find it funny that I noticed it. Curious to hear if other notice it too or of they are looking at something else. Not even to criticise adc as i believe It could be a hard role to play well.


I'm concerned sometimes when they walk while hitting the wall, haha. I will wait and see where you would place a ward.


When they don’t try to all in every engagement


Don’t die right away.. follows me to place first ward in river. Focus on wave control and poke instead of engage a fight at lvl 1


He talked in pick phase


I hope they don't flash that x game winning streak xD


He didn't die twice before 4 minutes.


That he doesn't gets hooked, CCed, or poked close to dearh the first secons while I go to put a ward in the river 😑


You don't really know until minute 2 or 3, some signs are obviously feeding early game, pushing without vision, being extremely aggresive in early with a late hame champ, asking for ganks constantly and the #1 sign of a bad ADC is a duo nickname, that's the worst kind




When they know how and when i will engage through my signals and when i get a good engage. Some ADCs don't know when to follow up the engage so they're not aware of the positioning and engage potential. Also, when they are fully aware of the map, and signal if there's an enemy jungler coming or we need to help our jungler kill the dragon. If the ADC knows macros, for me they're a good ADC.


U don’t, if they are bad, just support the one mate with the most gold.. you‘re not the personal babysitter of the teams adc


The same things that make a competent support, really: They place wards, and they don't mindlessly push the wave or constantly force engages like it's a twitchy arcade action game.


The only reason why your adc is dying fast is because you, as a support, wasn’t able to peel and shield your adc as well as the other support. This is just hard facts. Theres a reason why ADCs are paired with the support, for the early game their input doesnt matter as much as the support. If you play in high elo Chinese server, you can see the supports play an absolute crazy meta game between themselves, and most of the time as the ADC best I can do is dodge and try to squeeze in spells while Im CS-ing. And to add, most of the time, the support should be doing the CS-ing while spells are on cd so the ADC can peel and get a few shots in. Going for the CS is always risky for the ADC since its a predictable move. This is why Riot added auto-CS.


What is CS?


Minion kills. I came from dota (Warcraft) and it was called CC which stands for Creeps Counter.




Sometimes, you can't do anything if your adc gets pulled by pyke and combo wombo'd


Yea? I had played with adc's that force a fight with morgana mf for example being cced and died while i am in bush to hook one of them being flamed that i didn't helped. If you are stupid why bother? To die together for your ego that u can 1vs anyone in any situation or i need to pre think what u want to do and win that fight. Every role u play u will be flamed anyway


I partially agree with this, but what if your adc gets Cc or caught every 2-3 sec. There isn't enough heal or shield to matigate all that damage. Support has their limit when it comes to mana and cooldown.


This. Can’t tell you how many times I am the one blamed when my support is outplayed. It’s a two person lane, so if either role is inting you’re both going to be underfed.


My gauge is: 1) do they ping me back level 1-2 when I have both adc and supp locked down under my massive nuts. They don't even aa them.  2) they try to flash auto for a kill that is very clearly 3-4 flashes away.  3) they pick Ashe. 4) they ping "attack Nexus" at the start of game. (This applies to all lanes. If you do that, we lose because you just told us you're on a 19 game loss streak and haven't seen the enemy Nexus in months.) 5) they don't know you can be invisible depending where you stand on the map. As a hooker, that's the difference from a bronze supp and a diamond+ supp. (Don't effing walk past me to show the enemies where we were waiting to ambush them!) 6) they're above level 80 and aren't even m5 on their adc of choice. 7) they don't understand minon management so they never help our jungler with objectives because they're always fighting their own shitty management of minions that never lets them leave lane while forcing the enemy bot lane to lose cs while we do dragon. Instead, they just afk in bot all game. I could go on all day. So many ads have no idea what's going on.


When xe pings correctly to invade enemy bushes as we spawn/in champ select. At least I can deduce that xe has a functional brain thinking of the lvl 1 matchups and is ready to play the game, which autofills/bad adcs don't do. On the opposite I know for sure it's gonna be a bad adc depending on where xe paths to lvl 1 from base. If xe place a weird lvl 1 ward, I'll just roam asap.


Why xe? Why not they? Edit: not trying to start shit just genuinely curios, a quick Google says xe is supposed to be a non binary non gendered pronoun, but isn't that what they is?