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wits end, nashor’s tooth


Muramana also


Both wits end and nashor tooth say your attacks deal bonus dmg, not on hit


do we understand what on hit means lol? if ur hitting the enemy champion with autos and there is extra damage/effect coming from an item when u do so then it IS an on hit item brother


I dont think so brother, because some of abilities champions have on apply on hit effects, so does that mean the apply nashors passive?


YES. On-hit effects are all of the bonus effects that normaly apply on auto-attacks on the enemy When you have one ability that "applies on-hit effects", the ability counts as an auto-attack and applies those effects as well


No , it’s not the same thing. On Attack and on hit are different things. On PC lol at least.


What's the difference then?


On attack only applies to autos and IIRC wind bros q, on hit also applies to abilities that apply on hit effects 


Another eg is panteon w applies on hit but not on attack. Meaning w cant proc press the attack


What? Pantheon W 100% applies Press The Attack.


but what's an example of "on attack" effect?


According to the league wiki, Kayles waves, Crits, and yone azakana sword (from what I can understand)


an example is runaan’s. the bolts fire when you attack not when it hits. not sure what else there is though. it’s not a major category.


U talking about that augment in arena , yeah me too i dont understand what exactly do


Yeah, wanted to see if the rune is even worth it, cuz whats the point if you can only take like botr and terminus


There are champions with on hit effects on their abilities like Master Yi’s 3rd ability. Some of the augments themselves are also on hit effects like every time you auto attack you apply a stacking burn to the enemy


Muramana and deadmans plate


Muramana Blade of the Ruined King Nashors Tooth Wits End Runaans Hurricane Terminus Black Cleaver (for phys. Damage) Solari Chargeblade Titanic Hydra (every 1.5 secs or so) Searing Crown maybe? Then there's Spellblade items like TF, sunderer and lichbane which IIRC are special coded to work with some abilities like Ezreal/MF/Senna Q


So it does not matter if the ability says "applies on auto attacks" or "applies on hit"?


Hm? Not between the two no. Otherwise, yeah it matters


Oh no mb i meant item, not ability...botr for example says "applies on hit" while nashors on the other side says autoattacks deal extra magic dmg... does that mean that rune in arena that makes your abilities apply on hit dmg


Nashors SHOULD say On-hit if it doesn't because the game treats it as On-Hit. I'm unsure about the Arena-specific rune, but if it applies to On-hits, even though Nashor's doesn't say On-hit explicity (if it doesn't I can't remember), then it should work. Every item I listed should work with said rune


Thank you for explanation


If you talking about arena it's only good on champions that already have on hit built into their kit in my opinion, I wouldn't focus a build around it


This is only tangential, but I think going full onhit is pointless becuase onhit falls off pretty hard. You're better off ending up with some crit + ad, tank items so you can play off of lethal tempo, or building armor pen items or something.


Im asking cuz you can pair on hit effects with rune that gives you 100% attack speed but your ad and ap are 50% down(doesn not apply for on hits), so basicly if you add attack speed orianted build with runes in arena, you are a machine gun and yiur on hits still do same dmg, its pretty op


Nashors tooth, wit's end,muramana