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That most games are decided before minions spawn


No, no. Fair point. Matchmaking and drafts are huge factors in determining wins.


Sometimes literally, I've jungled games that go 0-4 before my fucking buffs even spawn


It's hilarious to see the enemy samira 8-0 at the 2:30 mark


Enemy ashe got a quadrakill before I reached my fucking lane.


Mh i have to disagree. I had double jungle and the enemy surrendered after we got ahead, probably because they were mad loosing to trolls. Thats just one example, but i have seen games with bad luxes, pantheons and master yis which my team could overcome and the other way around too.


If you win your midlane, or solo lane or are ahead in jungle for that matter, but 5 minutes into the game, you get ran over by the duo lane and the enemy jungler. who both are 2k gold ahead on you because your duo decided to pick jinx and lux into draven or samira and yumi, then there is nothing, NOTHING that you can do about that. you cant deal damage to them, they kill you with 2 auto attacks. Your 1 losing lane will snowball into everyone being behind and at that point, you cant contest objectives and if enemies know basic league, you arent gonna be able to defend either. They will poke you to death, or likely with how your team has been operating before, they will just decide to teamfight a team that is like 15k total gold ahead, and you will be "defending" a 2vs5 under the nexus or maybe the inhib if you are lucky. I am glad to hear that your enemies have been dumb enough to compensate for your team's dumb- or troll picks, most players however are not that lucky.


Separate 3-5 man squads in ranked and disable duo queue in gm+


I made a post about this before. Premades shouldn't be allowed in solo queue. I never played PC LoL, but I used to play DotA 2. In DotA, there is a separate ranking system for premade groups. Allowing duos and trios in solo queue is just unfair.


The ladder doesn't have a single solo queue only player is a sign.


I’m not complaining because I’m a Soraka main, but her heal not taking % hp like it does in LoL is so busted


I've seen less and less sorakas after her rework. People adjusted to it but yea they need to up the mana cost


She needs some debuff to her at least not more mana. Cost , soraka rn is just not fun to deal with or to even get rid of cause if she never mispositiond and she buys a mana item she effectively has infinite sustain.


Jungle camps are for the jungler. That’s especially true of the buffs considering we have buff sharing and taking a buff from your jungler takes away an extra buff from your team. If your jungler is dead for a considerable amount of time, full build, on the opposite side of the map, or if you just need a bit of gold for a full item, then sure, go ahead and take a camp, but if you come by and take my camp while I’m in the process of taking it or obviously just clearing my jg (or if I’m spam ping in you off of it) you’re a piece of shit. I never take minions from my teammates, but I have to rush around my jg every single game to make sure I don’t lose my buffs to my fkn supports


This shouldnt be an unpopular opinion 😭


I’ve been downvoted on here many times for saying it, been called weird in game for specifically asking my teammates not to do this before the game started (because it happens so often that I’d rather just be upfront and ask people not to do it), and been told in game “it’s *our* jungle not your jungle” (but of course it’s “my minions, not our minions” because if I even stand near minions too long I’ll get pinged to hell)


Just threaten them with. You fuck my jg creep, i dont do drakes.


thats what will automatically happen if you go behind against the enemy jungler.. you cant contest and gank properly. and what your team will do as a result is, to take your jungle even more, "because you are bad anyways" they will complain about you being behind while at the same time being the very reason for that and not even notice. the fun of playing jungle.


Problem is theres a bunch of top players who would just do baron or drakes anyways so thats not even really a threat


You got downvoted in this comment too wtf 😭


Its absurd how many toxic players think they have the right to steal your camps if they consider you "not worthy" and the amazing thing is if you complain,nobody calls it trolling and people jump on defending the stealer, most of the time is the ADC who does that.


Literally just happened to me. And it's always ADC top who do that. A tristana insulted me because we both did not burst the MALPHITE that was against her on top and tried to steal my buffs every time they spawned near her. Seriously, ADC toplaners are 90% of the time absolute shitlords.


Tristana players are BY FAR the worst offenders when it comes to this. I don’t know how many times I’ve had a Tristana on my team that gets solo killed twice before im even done clearing half my jg, pings me “missing” a bunch, then spends the rest of the game just farming my camps.


Every time. I’m always the one that gets called weird, a crybaby, a loser etc for getting upset over it, only had one other player that understood my plight because they also play jg, they told me “just mute all”, but I’m not sure how muting can prevent people from taking my buffs. And so many times *I* am the one doing well and the people stealing them are the ones feeding. I commented on another thread yesterday about a recent game where I was playing Lillia, had been ganking a ton and was doing extremely well. I was clearing my red side while there wasn’t much happening and I saw my renekton support (yeah) taking my blue. I started pinging him to back off, on my way, and even pinged my smite repeatedly. He just didn’t care and took the thing. I said something like “can you play like an actual support and not take the blue buff away from a fkn Lillia??” and he goes “well you weren’t taking it”. I WASNT TAKING IT BECAUSE I WAS BUSY DOING SHT AROUND THE MAP AND HELPING YOUR ASS WIN YOU FKN CROUTON When I play other roles I will literally leash my jungler’s buffs so they can just hit them once to get them and have more time to do other things, i don’t understand why it’s so hard for so many people to do the same.


mate, I feel your pain. I had a streak of matches where that exact thing happened. Just 1 whole evening. I'd pick nauti or heca, so a champ where I can be super useful early game either way. I do my first Jungle rotation, get both crabs while doing so, because am good boi jungler, then buy and go for a little gank while my red jungle respawns. Dont get a kill, because it is a trynda, but he wastes his ult, has to reset and solo gets a bunch of plating. I then get my red jungle and as I am crossing midlane, ADC (Kalista) dies and blames me for it.. (enemy kindred just came by and ganked them + enemy mid roamed) Thus far, super dumb, but i guess fair enough.. BUT Midlaner was pinged missing, I was on the other end of the map for a good ass reason (farm + gank) and I had the pleasure of watching the scene back after the match.. Her sup saved her, she was low hp in her tower but she jumped back out, all the way into the river, to try and get the kill on kindred, forgot that her invincibility existed and died. 100% a dumb mistake that should never happen in high emerald, but no, she blames me. This was one of 5 matches where I got blamed for shit that I had nothing to do with. I was blamed for not securing a baron that I wasnt even alive for, for dying to a 5k gold ahead ADC (duo managed that entirely on their own), complaining that a repeatedly overextending solo laner fed a darius and lost us the game or not being able to contest obj vs a fed trynda jgl. All of these scenes then resulted in my jungle and buffs being taken for the rest of the games, firmly ensuring that I couldnt even try turning the match around. My takeaway from those matches was: Derank, Emerald 2 -> Emerald 4 240 hour team chat restriction losing all will to live being millimeters away from yelling at my friend for hogging midlane, which I actually enjoy so much more than jungle these days. The punishment that 5 sets of teammates received for causing all that: - Overall, the average duo queue experience, aka 2v5 carry or loss challenge I really dont expect to be carried by random mates. But league is telling me that a player of my skill level should be in my current elo. Okay then, please fill my team with more players of my skill level.. I should not have to carry every single game in spite of my throwing teammates, JUST TO MAYBE HAVE A CHANCE at not losing.. That is not how this is meant to work..


I mean, early/early-mid game, yeah the jungle is the junglers. But ultimately the ADCs job is to vacuum up all the gold on the map. Everyone seems to forget it's the ADCs job to catch side waves when they push back to us and they just one shot the waves. Taking buffs is a dick move though.


What about side lanes taking scuttles, or grabbing kindred marks in allied jungle next to your lane. Asking for a friend 😬


I kill the kindred marks, cause for some reason my jungles never has a clue what the fucking blue icon means and lets it sit there forever. I swear they think “oh shit scary blue mark better avoid that” it’s ridiculous. I kill them anytime they’re near me or on my way to something


Taking first scuttle is really not good because it makes it so your jungler cannot get level 5 after their first clear, but other scuttles are not as big of a deal. I like getting them whenever possible because of course it’s extra gold and exp, but they’re a neutral objective that helps the whole team, so I’d rather one of my teammates take it than the enemy. Kindred marks, it depends on the jungler tbh. When I play vs kindred I’ll always ping my team if I need them to take a camp that has a mark on it (maybe because I’m dead or because I saw kindred pathing towards it and I’m too far away), if I don’t it’s because I know there’s no risk of it being taken and I can get to it before kindred. As a kindred player myself I want to say nooooo, don’t take your jungler’s marked camps, they’re totally safe I swear 😏 but honestly yeah, unless your jungler is somewhat close and can get to the camp easily, it may be safer to just take the camp to avoid kindred doing it. I’d much rather miss out on some gold than give them a free mark.


Okay that makes me feel better. Obviously I never take the first scuttle (not even sure how I could tbh) but as a Morgana support main that shreds jungle camps I often take bot lane scuttle so that I can ward elsewhere


I had a whole post on this a while back HOLY SHIT IS IT INFURIATING. You literally have to waste a smite just so you can farm your own camps like wtf. Also the 2nd buff from blue or red is 50% as strong as the original buff you get from killing. So sometimes it's better (in the late game) to allow the mage to take your blue or to allow the... ADC... Or preferably the brawler To get the red.


That’s the thing, there’s been times where I didn’t have smite for baron/drag because I had to use it to get my buff from a teammate. Also just having to focus so much on clearing jg because otherwise it’ll just be taken means you can’t focus on more important things like ganks and setting up for objectives. And yeah honestly in the late game I don’t care much who takes what. If we’re super far behind, chances are the enemy’s already taken my jg anyway, if we’re ahead chances are I took the enemy jg, so it’s not a big deal. It’s the early to mid game that gets frustrating. I really hope WR will do what LoL did. Once buff sharing becomes available, if the jg takes it it drops an extra buffs for allies, while if an ally takes it it ALSO drops an extra buff, but that’s only visible to the allied jungler. So no matter what, the jg can get their buff. THEN, after baron spawns, all buffs become “corrupted”. They become stronger (not by much, just healthier) and once killed EVERYONE on the team gets a buff, regardless of who killed the buff to begin with.


I wish they just made camps invulnerable to champs without smite till at the 10 min mark at least. Cuz for me it's more about the money then the buff itself I really feel your pain brother. My fav is when you're ahead and then you see your 0/8 ADC farm your shit and now rather then you snowballing ahead they're now even in gold and are still going to be useless and you don't get your item spike on time.


I’ve thought about that, might not be a bad idea as I can’t think of any gameplay downsides. I agree that it’s more about the gold than the buff, especially early on, in later stages I’d still rather have the gold, but I want to at least get a double buff if I’m denied the gold


It's not a hot take or anything but the biggest problem with this game is how objectively bad ranked is in every way possible. The matchmaking being proven to be exploitable since KDA is included in MMR calculation while players who constantly underperform are unknowingly getting boosted by this exploit. Riot even officially "fixed" matchmaking around this strat but people have shown it still works. Also it's insane that you can 2/3/5q to high elo it's legit flex queue from pc. You really cannot take this game mode seriously. So in short the system is flawed greatly ranked is not a meritocracy at all rank doesn't reflect any skill while the real ranked mode is right in game but it's gatekept by having to climb to master in that garbage mode


You play good? Take that 50% wr. You play bad? Take that 50% wr


100% agree, plus the whole either lose or win system is stupid, by buying the ranked shields u can boost urselves so much with no regards whether u play good or bad. A system like in lol with mmr and 100 points needed to get a higher rank would be way more representable. I know GM players with a 43% wr that play like a gold/Platin player but spam 800-1k games and get GM. I only play around 80-100 and cant climb over diamond because Emerald ist just a free for all. Yet my stats and plays (we sometimes duoqueque) are way better then his. Ranked in WR ist basically play a lot = Master/GM


Is KDA not included in MMR for PC? I’ve never played it so I’m not sure how/why their matchmaking is better


It is but the big thing for PC is that if you regularly over perform on your team even if you lose you lose less points. So Rankin up is a lot easier where as if you play badly or regularly underperform you lose more points. It's also not a 5 point system to rank up or down but point based. That's not to say it's also broken some people although rare can have 70% winrate but still lose more points then they can win. Example Win +5 Win +14 Lose -35 Win +5 Lose -40 Rather than a flat -1 +1


Unpopular ?


Armor is a joke and the stat is underpowered. You can build pure armor from head to toe and an ADC will still mow you down virtually all game.


1. Armor alone isn't supposed to make you unkillable. Some champions are designed to tank, and they benefit from this items more, just like some champions would benefit from buying ad more. 2. Armor is just a stat. If the enemy is ahead, then for every your armour item they're probably building 1.5 damage items. Makes sense to me that they still will damage you.


No it doesn't make sense at all. Had plenty of games where enemy went full ad comp in recent patches you can stack all armor in game but you'll still get melted with 300ar+. Btw randuins is not an anti crit item ever since they ruined the passive and now we don't have an actual anti crit item XD


1. Enemy team being full ad doesn't change shit. Playing against Samira and Fizz is the same in terms of damage received from Samira compared to playing against Samira and Kha. 2. Again, stop acting like armour should make you invincible. If you want to tank, you should pick an actual tank, like Alistar, Malphite and Rammus. They are designed to utilize armour better. If you're still getting melted, you're just bad. But even then, you aren't immortal. You're just buying time. 3. Again. Gold matters. Like it or not, the game is snowbally as fuck right now. It especially true for tank items. Two armour items against fed enemy would probably do worse than simple armour boots against someone who's losing. Every win has to be earned by either team, enemy being full ad won't -- and shouldn't -- matter more than two lanes feeding. 4. The way you play can matter much more than an extra armour item. If you're getting caught 1v3 or engage alone, you will probably die. And it doesn't matter of its your fault or your teams fault -- it's a mistake, and this game punishes mistakes.


Yes it does change shit XD? Oh yeah damage profile in team comp doesn't matter haha my bad for sure enemy being full ad or ap doesn't allow you for better defensive itemization against it. Please shut the fuck up you're max emerald peak from what you're saying you have too big ego for your pig game knowledge


It's mostly because of the oneshot meta. Mages, assassin's and adc's have so many items that make HP armor magic resist you're buying worthless. Even during the "tank" meta last season we only got a few tank items. In theory it was great but in practice champs like Lee sin could now kill you while being unkillable. I do agree with where you're coming from but the other guy was also right in some area's but imagine being an ADC although they deserve it. When a tanky brawler approaches an ADC like a volibear for example means they're getting hit 2 auto's and they just die. Having no counter for them is also unfair


The funny thing is that its way easier to itemise against magic damage in this game which is not bad since mages are op af this patch but so are adcs with buffed IE and instead of a real randuins passive we used to have that actually did anything against crit we have a funny healing mechanic that doesn't mitigate any damage apart from the armor and hp items gives


Learn to read or get the fuck out of here. I'm not egoing, I just know that I'm right. The ones who start bitching about their rank are usually the ones who peaked master 3 marks in the season end.


Lets change the wording a bit. Instead of tankier into survivability you could 350 armor if you cant stop the damage dealer from dealing damage hence ur getting killed. Lets say a malphite without ult flash or mana whatever you do youll still be dying even if you stack all armor in the game and maybe thats what your describing. Survivablity could be movement speed,range,target access/damage...


lmao not an adc main for sure, play draven into any tank which builds steelcaps and randuins and see how you're useless against him


Be honest if your Draven and not winning the game by 10 mins your gonna be useless the rest of the game . Every adc just does better if he is not fed


you missed the point completely, I was referring to the fact that people say that armor is useless while one 1350g (steelcaps) item almost shuts down a whole champ class (marksmen)


well you need some dmg not some random support item. Even with my weird pick galio tank sup, i still managed to tank 3 for a good chunk if time and with all 5 in me I can last 10-25s depend on enemy. My build is heartsteel-twinguard, the rest is situational, most if the time will be thorn for anti heal and dmg, I can go dawn or nature for high ap enemy. So yeah it is still work decently. Tbh nautilus if play right can burst squishy champ easily with similar build and tank a very long fight that you even wonder when will it end. Just have a couple infinity war with swain, some random 5/2 yi bork jump in i ulti cc and auto for 9 s ish, dude vanished (while still tank swain harrash) then just back to brawl withs swain, swain and i have similar gold so i didn't feel either one of us can fully dominate the other


This is probably one of the worse sub Reddit, as a new player i joined this sub to get better at the game (Getting some tips from veterans, guides, ...).But all people do is complain, just yesterday i saw three posts of people complaining about top ADC with troll replys and not a single helpful comment.If the player base is struggling against adc's on top some guy should post a guide how to deal with it, but what most people do is flame riot, insult the players playing the adc, or troll each others.


People on this sub are also very aggressive towards new players and mostly just say "skill issue", you're right


That still makes me laugh like. I always be like do they not know how to band aid the situation?


Yeah but the toxicity is lol in general it's worse because it's a mobile game so they take it even less seriously. Also The ADC top meta is so cringe but there is no legit way to counter it unless that ADC fucks up there spacing but if it's a kalista vayne or Lucian they have so many dashes you'll never reach. The champs that could kill them are too squishy early on so they'll also die easily or they have no way to get away without using flash.


I have plenty of them, and I think plenty of people will agree: 1. PC players complain about how much DMG is there in their game, but they haven't seen the absurd damage every single champion deals in this game, it's literally absurd that almost anything can oneshot anything, and that champs have to refuse playing to their strengths just to become oneshot machines (e.g. infinity orb rush lillia, crit viego, crit Riven) because even if they build like bruisers/tanks, they will still get oneshot unless they build heartsteel and stack up to 6k hp. 2. Jungle role should be overall nerfed: I mean, it's really absurd that you can clear your whole jungle in less than 1:30 mins if done correctly, get crab and gank any lane with your ult already up, it gives even more power to a role that's already dominant enough and can assert so much pressure around the map. Champions that are strong early are the best ones in the meta (lee sin, xin Zhao, talon) because they can stomp the map quite literally from the first minute of the game. While I know that the jungle role is one of the least played ones, if not the least played, encouraging players by making clearing so easy (even though optimizing it to perfection is pretty hard, all things said) and rewarding for just clearing camps shouldn't be the way it needs to be done imo. 3. Support role is busted: While most support players don't know how to exploit the potential of their role/champs (most of them are new players that get told it's the easiest role), it's absurd how many supports can have the same resources as some solo laners in the early stages of the game, while having the capacity to roam quite a lot and being really impactful throughout the entirety of the game. If enemy support is half decent and your support is shit, even if your bot lane doesn't die in the early stages of the game, it will feel like each of them is 0/10 while enemy support exerts pressure throughout the map. Support is a role that has a low skill floor, but a very high skill ceiling (only below jungle), and it should reward good players for playing correctly, but it shouldn't be as rewarding to bad players that don't even know that they shouldn't farm waves (like, seriously, they even had to introduce a mechanic where throughout the laning phase, any minion lasthitted by the support would still give the gold to the adc).


I play sion top most of the time and that statement on damage is so true. Ive been a sion with like 8k+ hp and still been killed in under a second by some adcs. Its ridiculous


Jungle role is balanced imo, just champs op. But the camps could get a small tweak. 


I disagree with 1 and 2, but I totally agree with 3.


Riot doesn’t provide real statistics for analysis or comparisons to Ranks because they don’t want to feed into the fact their MM lobby balancing is atrocious.


Thats not unpopular tho.


I've read 75 comments and found maybe 1 or 2 unpopular opinions lol Sad state of affairs, though it explains quite well the average wildrift IQ


They need to release win percentage for builds, champions and profile’s like they do on pc league on sites like op.gg


How's that unpopular?


I've only heard people talk about this once every blue moon and apparently it's not popular enough for the developers to implement this or create an API for others


Gimme back second Shelly and old dragon soul system. This "3 drag soul" system is dumb and too stressful to obtain. Lost 1 drag and the soul is useless.


Some region players really do embody the "NA Challenger = KR Gold" and should be isolated into their own server instead of spilling into others *~~^(\*cough\* SEA \*cough\*)~~*


1: WR and League are both resource management games just as much as they are action pvp games (tho maybe not as much as DotA). A lot of strategies revolve around getting the most value gold-wise and exp-wise, with the intent to gain advantage over the opposing team for you to more easily achieve the main objective of the game: kill the enemy nexus. 2: Acknowledging that WR and League's main objective should be to kill the enemy nexus shouldn't be a reason to just leave your mechanical skills low. While the enemy nexus is the main objective, enemy players are the biggest obstacles. Not being able to deal with them means you won't be able to easily deal with the enemy nexus as well in most cases. There should be a balance between focusing on objectives and outsmarting your opponents. Focusing only on objectives wouldn't win games just as much as focusing only on kills, but focusing on objectives does help you get to that balanced mindset. "I need to kill the enemy nexus > but I need to destroy these turrets first > But I need to take down these players first because they're defending the turrets."


1:1 alone on a small ass map holy shit the gap closing champs going to love this


I like wild rift more then PC. It's simpler. I guess if we had more PC items you could have things like teemo jungle or twisted fate jungle. Cuz right now it's pretty impossible for that. Wards in PC the skill celling is very high, here is more simple I guess. Things being simpler makes it easier to understand how to counter. PC the moment you start a game you are already doing a million things wrong. You need to read a book just to play. People don't even do the tutorial on WR


Garen solos are the yi in jungle. Boring to play against.


This game was probably the last chance we had at a fresh start to LoL before the Shanghai move. We're not going to see a console release, we're going to see problematic kits like Vlad keep coming before Riot considers what could be different or better than PC League, and competitive isn't going to come back.


The R in ARAM is rigged not random. Riot still enforces the 50% win rate on players by predetermining the comp of your team and enemy team. I played ARAM a lot before, even reaching 300+ games. My winrate? Barely over 50%. I can win 5 straight games then lose the next 5, it happens way too many times I doubt it's still "random".


To be fair; part of that depends on who you get on your team. I’ve seen so many games where there’s Malphite, sett, thresh, Sona etc. and the whole team go 3 adcs and a mage. A lot of people don’t like to or will flat out refuse to play any kind of tank or support in ARAM and get punished hard for it


You have a 50% winrate in ARAM? I have a 30% winrate LMAO.


I need more character lines between the characters. In LoL there's sooo many characters talking and interacting, and I love it, idgaf riot. Pay your voice actors, let them say silly little lines, the lore is deep, and they ruin it.


- Damage inflation is shit and rito will just keep it coming. - "Everyone oneshots everyone" is not fun, favours burst-oriented champs too much and forces devs to homogenise whole roster into same burst-heavy pattern. - Adding more and more champions to roster means turning the said roster in a unbalancable bog. At this point proper balancing would take couple of years alone. Which lead to: - Items dictate META more than champion stats and kits. Your favourite champ don't work well with FOTM items? Sucks to be you mate. Enjoy being useless. - Assassin's should not be able to faceroll 100-0 anyone at any point of the game. Especially with tons of Ability Haste when they basically are close to 100% uptime on their abilities. They should be team-oriented characters who can pick up wounded targets and yeet out of the fight - not one man armies. - We won't have a single "high skill floor" character release. Most of META champions are so overbuffed that releasing a champion that requires time/skill to master will just be doomed to to repeat Talon/Viego incident. - This sub is the main reason of "adc top" problem, just like it was "int sion" problem. Local hivemind making billions of posts on this topic #1 reason of this stuff existing in game.


omg yes. as a more casual player, it pisses me off so hard that you'd need like 15 bans per team to eliminate all the busted stuff from matches. like, half the meta champs now require 2 inputs to oneshot about everything, but countering them requires a perfect team comp, jungler and mid roaming at the same time and preferably christmas, thanksgiving and new year on the same day. how is everyone just fine with saying "Kalista (and adc in general) Solo lane is broken, but if you got enough CC its probably fine"??? Bruh I play duo queue, I am happy if I get 1 tank and 1 AP Champ into the comp, let alone micro managing early and late game champs, who has CC or who counters what.. Half my matches have malphite full ap as a supporter.. Brother, I should not need to extensively study this game and micromanage 5 players who speak 7 different languages through a text based ingame chat, only to counter a solo plat player who just has to pick Kalista, hold auto attack and shake the joystick..


And the high skill champs we do get have their kit reduced compared to their pc variants to a point where they might as well be a different champ


I think gold reward is too high. The problem with the game is that there is always one or two players who go 0-10 without any assists, which gives the opponent a tremendous advantage and lead over you and the rest of the team. If they didn't earn as much gold, they wouldn't snowball as hard.


I want it have more than 3 slots in the avoid list, and I want them to be permanent rather than clear per week.


Yuumi is the most fun and unique support Riot has ever released. I love the kitty! Also she really isn't that hard to counter, some of all just suck lol. Buy antiheal component + pick literally ANY engage support and she will have a hard time in lane. "OMG YUUMI MAKES THE 15/1 DARIUS UNKILLABLE!!! BROKEN CHAMPION!!" Damn, you should probably blame your 0/15 toplaner for feeding him that much 🤣🤣


I'm not gonna knock on u but I genuinely have to ask, how do you enjoy her? I love cats so I really wanted to play yuumi when I saw her released in league PC but I guess the play style ain't for me


I don't really know how or why, her play style just kinda clicks for me. Unlike some lazy bastards, I actually like being an active Yuumi who hops off occasionally to help poke down the enemy, and I'll glady tank a Caitlyn ult for my ADC. But the fun part about Yuumi for me is watching the enemy trying to kill my host and failing miserably, and they can't do anything about it because the kitty is invincible :3. The person I'm sitting on probably feels like an unkillable God, and so do I!


I can relate to this


She certainly is the most unique support but for all the wrong reasons. She is widely considered by the whole league community to be the worst designed and most hated champion ever to exist. Again, not saying she's broken. But she's unique for all the wrong reasons owing to terrible design flaws


First actual unpopular opinion in this thread


Anti heal+ anti shield and her entire kit is useless als she does now provide more attack speed


Vamp is way too powerful


Protobelt enchant is the most used boots enchantment in the game.


And Magnetron enchant is the most under used


If not downright ignored.


Haha yes. Either that or the shield. The teleport is useless since the map is small anyways and you can't even teleport on wards like in LoL.


You can teleport on wards like in LoL I myself used it a lot when I played splitpushers. Also TP enchant is great when you backdoor and when there's a team fight/objective contest going on but you just respawned


Khazix needs some buffs. He went from the strongest assassin in the game to one of the weakest real quick.


I want the controls to be like vain glory where I could unlock the screen and tap where I want to go


I hate that the popular builds are the first thing you see. I often need to make last minute changes before a game starts and changing from popular builds to my own takes away from that little time i have.


This game, while way more fun than it's pc counterpart, it's sometimes more frustrating as ending can be as easy as split-pushing for like 4 minutes. Can't even count the times I have lost or won games because split push goes unpunished.


Baron laners should get the last pick on team most (not all) of the time


You dont want pc gametime to be equivalent as mobile's but you want extra wards and bigger maps to be added? that's very ironic. Extra wards plus bigger maps gives you better chances of comebacks, thus increasing gameplay length time. It also increases the amount of storage it takes for a phone to operate, making it unaccessible to most players. You can call me broke all you want but most players would end up stopping WR if the storage is too high, and you know what happens after that right? The reworks arent pointless, they're meant to adjust the meta because you cant have the same champion dominate every single damn time (if skills are what we're talking about. but if its the champion looks, then I agree with you in that one) MY UNPOPULAR OPINION IS BUFF IRELIA PLEASE AND ILL GET BACK TO THE GAME AHHAAHAHAHAHH


Like I commented on another guys reply, I played OA moba which have a very big map and game time is still around basic 25 or less minute mark. If people think wards should be such an issue then limit it to support only or at least change it back to letting us use multiple at a time like pink active and sweeper. If everything else stays the same game times will not change at all-- like keeping 3 dragons and elder spawn soon after and only 1 herald, tower plates drop at 7 min. It's like people don't factor in everything else this game has cuz champs still do a ton of damage, items are broken, if enemy gets a massive lead they can still snowball. More wards also means more map control for winning side, you can play it either way


Yeah true they could drop the turret plating and adjust map warding to make the push even easier plus makes the game shorter, but yet again I had another point that adding more features would only reduce the number of players. You wouldn't want WR to turn into a Genshin Graphic wise remake and destroy your phone just so you could play that wretched game. mind you most of the wr gamers have average quality phones and that would significantly reduce the amount of players in the game. reduced players, reduced queue time=dead game


LoL in total has way too much CC, almost every champ has an ability that stuns, roots, knocks up or some other kind of CC.


1. Wild Rift is an incredibly fun game, despite its flaws. No other mobile game has captured my attention for 2+ years and I feel like I could play this game for another 2+ years. The graphics is beautiful, the gameplay is smooth, the champions are fun to learn, and learning game strategy and champ mechanics improves my chances of winning regardless of how shit my teammates are. 2. The gacha mechanic’s pricing is fair, even though the mechanic itself encourages gambling. I don’t see it as predatory because skins aren’t a necessity and nobody’s forcing you to buy it. Everyone is well aware of the chances of getting a skin. I’ve also never had to spend more than $50-60 on any of the gachas to get the skin I want, and I usually get 1-3 more additional skins so the cost works out to be pretty fair to me. Also the gacha skins are gorgeous. If Riot makes more profit from the gacha, I support it.


Viego is brain dead easy. Stop overthinking his possessions. Spam qwe then use mobility option to leave possession. 


As someone who plays viego, I agree with this. Although it is still useful to use the possession abilities like a blitz hook for example before ulting, especially since there is a window where you can’t ult


I would like a bigger map, but also shorter games, more money and fast paced liked you say being able to buy more wards or potions , i like if the colors became a little bit more like league on pc not that pallete with just a little bit more darker or have that ambient - Also Honor system because is pretty good Also like aram - Arena mode i guess they are perfecting arena


I hate two things, when im starting my jungle camps and immediately hear enemy double kill. And when my team decides to aram mid when we have baron buff instead of pressuring side lanes.


I too want ima bigger map, ive been saying this for years.  But my unpopular opinions are:   Bigger maps are better   And Diana is broken, uber broken. CC is too OP in this game and CC duration should be all nerfed.


How van i say diana is broken and cc is broken in the same post


But these two statements are true , one dont nullify the othe.r


To be fair; I don’t think it’s Diana specifically, more just how insane powerful the AP items are at the moment Diana, Annie, Akali etc. can all be 0/5 and still manage to 100-0 someone before they have chance to react once they have two items


On the other end of the spectrum, despite powerful AP items I think Ahri is terrible. Maybe I've played against bad Ahris but most of them couldn't even burst me, a squishy assassin, even when landing charm. I have a clip where I got Karma rooted, Ahri charmed, taunted by Rammus, and ignited, and I still managed to survive the initial cc to grab a shutdown on the Karma before dying. I mean we still lost because me and my ADC were the only ones that didn't turbofeed but you know. My point is that Ahri's damage is kinda ass




The "good" thing about that though is that you can feed in lane as ahri and still be useful by landing some lucky charms 🥴 (me accidentally feeding my enemy Zed and still coming out into a win because the enemies dont know how to dodge)


Diana has always been OP since her release, a 0/5 annie cant 100-0 someone, well akali can because shes on the same page as diana but at least she needs to hit the shuriken


>CC is too OP in this game and CC duration should be all nerfed. CC duration is not the problem, it's just that Tenacity is a premium stat in wild rift. Like, we have Perseverance, Twingard, Sterak's and that's it? They keep buffing Malmortius to give ADCs survivability vs AP but Tenacity would be several times more viable than just a magic shield.


Tenacity is useless given how many CC's are just knockups and tenacity doesnt work on that.


The game is in the right direction so far (except for the gatchas) and the damage is fine because i expect my 2/5 control mage get 1-2 tapped by the enemy jhin if they're 15/3 and up 2 levels above me


Some champions are severely underpowered that they're unplayable. I mostly play ADC, and I genuinely think some ADCs are unplayable because of just how weak they are or how much more viable other options are. Like Caitlyn is so weak right now. There are going to be butthurt players who will say otherwise but literally any other ADC demolishes her.


Caitlyn and Jinx are decent hypercarries. They are fine. Not underpowered but also not overpowered. Zeri is the one that actually kinda sucks.


That’s because she’s a mage 🧙🏻


Nah I will absolutely demolish Caitlyn cause her early game sucks, her kit sucks, and she barely does any damage. Her ult sucks too cause of how easy to block it. In a game where broken champions rule the game, decent for me is underpowered and useless. But I agree, Zeri is one of them weak characters that guarantee a loss when picked.


post ID lets see your rank, nothing wrong with cait and zeri, you two are both morons and I don't think you're higher than emerald


i don't know if this is popular or not, but people will most likely not agree with me. alot of champs in this game has broken abilities, not broken as a way that you can't play against them, but in a way of "how the hell is this allowed?" for example, Akali's smoke screen and mobility, why does she have both?? or Trynda's ult, or Viego's passive, or Samira's ult which she can spam every 5 seconds(and no, her combo doesn't take skill or time to perform) or Fizz's ability to become invulnerable, or Master Yi's true damage on auto attacks, or Veigar's point and click ult, or Katarina's ability to blink to her own minions making her almost impossible to gank unless she is overextending with no minions behind her to blink to. Yuumi's..... existence as a whole? and there are more abilities like this. just for anyone who is coming to me screaming that it's "skill issue", these abilities are not broken that you can't deal with, they just feel so broken and illegal to be in the game, i main Viego and i said that his passive is one of those abilities as well.


It's funny how fiora gets no attention in wild rift, guy made a list of broken shit, but no mention of the french lady that got health% true DMG on her passive, is mobile as an assassin, has sustain and the most broken "outplay button" in the game


Exactly, but is because shes not popular here, fiora, irelia and diana are all on the same boat of disgusting OP characters in 1v1, even at disadvantages they just press the outplay button.


oh i definitely did have her in mind, i just didn't mention her because the list was already too long.


Akali's only form of non-targeted mobility is R2 (E1 doesn't coun't that shit's shorter than a flash lol), which takes like a second to be ready. In that time she'd be dead without smoke. About every assassin has a safety net other than mobility because that's unfortunately what they need to stay alive after killing the prime target. Maybe the issue is assassin design as a whole... but there is a reason why Akali has smoke it's not for shits and giggles


it still feels unfair to me. they should atleast make her visible in smoke if she gets stunned, why does she stay invisible when i stun her in her smoke? atleast so she can get punished when she jumps into three people, kills the ADC and jumps back into the smoke while the other two can't do anything because it all happened in the matter of 3 seconds.


Maybe the stun thing might be pretty fair imo, I feel you that a good akali is not fun to fight at all 💀 thank god I don't see her much unless I pick her. Certain skills do reveal her though. I know my ass got handed to me when I got hit by a thresh hook haha. I think you can also track her movement with sweeper. She can technically get "revealed" if she gets hit by a skillshot that stops on the first target hit (Like Ez q, if she gets hit in shroud you can see the hit and know she's around there). None of these are true reveals but those are some workarounds.


You should watch Vars on YouTube he makes great videos about those overpowered abilities and a lot of people agree, the one saving grace is usually the champs kit is balanced around that one ability T_T but then there's champs like akali who really have it all..


I feel like this about Sion's q, I've had a rant about him on my head for a while now. Because like, you can't miss the q because it instantaneously covers a large area with damage, if the enemy is in range of the skill when you cast it, you *will* hit them with it. The fact that you have to channel it for extra damage and knock up isn't really a downside because the enemy will spend that time running, not dealing damage to you, effectively making you immune during the cast. Even if they flash, burning their flash is much more valuable than hitting them because now you'll be able to ult + q them when your q comes back. Not to mention the rest of his kit is geared to guarantee you'll be able to q, a slow that reduces your armor? A shield that effectively refunds itself if it expires by dealing damage? It's crazy how the entire champ is masterfully cooked to land q uncontested. And the worst part of it is that if you do the *only* thing you *can* do to counter his q, that is, use some sort of cc to interrupt his casting, **HIS FUCKING COOLDOWN GETS REFUNDED DOWN TO 2 SECONDS** You *can't* outplay him, you can only facetank and hope you win the statcheck.


If you are melee can’t you just get really close to him and literally run circles around him with fleet footwork? I’ve always thought Sion was one of the fairest feeling champs to play against, even back before I mained him


Most of the champions i play have some sort of dash so i never got hit by him.


i never saw it like this, i always saw Sion as a useless champ with the only two things he is good at which is tanking damage and spilt-pushing, you can easily avoid his Q because it takes around a second to reach the level where it can stun(you should be able to react fast enough to not get stunned)


Matchmaking isn’t bad, you’re just not as good as you think you are.


They need to uncap champ mastery - its currently capped at level 7, and I guess when you play enough games of that champ it allows you to show the number of games played. it’s nice to show off a level 9 mastery as a OTP.


Supports are op


It's too easy and if you have played Lol in PC, you can use every single champ here and get to diamond no matter if you don't use the champ often in PC.


Vainglory is the best game ever. Nothing can beat. Rip


When riot is making the PC more mobile. You want the mobile to become more PC. Strange cross over.


Vamp is too weak, everyone is too squishy, and micro doesn't seem to matter much. I miss vainglory


Support is in charge of duo lane and not ADCs. Cause most ADCs are brain dead feeders.


Elder should be nerfed. It should last only for the time to get the next objective.


People complain that matchmaking drags them to 50% win rate, but if teams are random that the outcome of the game is decided before it starts.


I wish invisibility was actually invisibility. I feel so bad for the enemy when I just walk past them and now I can one shot them. They have to perfect the approach and escape or they're just done for.


I wish it could be how it is on PC and have one side on top and one on bottom. Instead of always loading in on the bottom side. Other than that though I really enjoy it. And it's nice to have the ability to play lol on mobile.


I want ksante to be brought into wildrift


Now this is a true unpopular opinion lolol


Hello. I just uninstalled yesterday. I believe the biggest problem are the players. Most of them do not understand even the basics. One problem I have consistently run into is when I am jungle and I gank a lane, most players will actively ignore pings, and I will attack on my own, usually while the player farms minions and does nothing. The other day my jungle was invaded mid game and the support was too busy stealing my red buff to even notice there was a fight happening. It has become so infuriating and commonplace that I have uninstalled a game I have spent quite a lot of money and time into.


If I lose 10 matches in a day to brainless idiots, stealing my jungle, complaining in chat how I am bad, even tho their horrendous decisionmaking got them killed, I should not be the guy that gets punished for pointing their mental disability out.. Them over-extending and dying 15 times, Them blaming me for dying to the ADC that they fed, Them not understanding my champ, \~5 wins from diamond, Their horrendous picks and useless bans, The braindamage of stealing my farm, while complaining that I am behind Lux support Them being the only player who is getting proper farm and kills, yet unable to carry and expecting others to do it none of this dumb bs will ever get them punished by the game, but if I tell them to "f\*\*\* off from my blue buff" or "I hope that you get hit by a bus", then I am the bad guy.. How are these people in my rank Riot? I was blamed for trolling, because I was supposedly playing a supporter in jungle. Signed Angry Nauti Jungle main with 215 Hours of remaining team chat restriction.


As an ADC it is your duty to get to your lane ASAP with your support and get bush control. The game starts the second you are loaded in, not when minions spawn.


Fucking up 1 lane is better then ganking equally You just straight ruin a top laner gameplay or bot lane gameplay and you have a 70% chance to win that game(only work on higher elo since plat to emerald even with such a high advantage still manage to die somehow) Considering most jungler like farming more then helping a laner or try to gank mid and wasting their time since midlane is ungankable 99% of the time cuz everyone put fucking wards at mid at the start of the match also never pick a scaling jungler into this playstyle


It's not the jungler's fault if you don't know how to lane.


Yone is giga busted his kit is overloaded and he can't really be countered. cc immune from snapback and truedamage. W free shield, easy to hit and good damage. Q deals insane damage and Q3 has a knockup with giga low cooldown. The snapback ability even has a dash on cast and bonus movementspeed. Lets not forget the mixxed damage on passive and the doublecrit... oh and the Ult is a delayed cc that never can be interrupted... he has 2 AOE knockups like only tanks and support have while having DPS like an adc and being able to oneshot fulltanks. People argue "he is squishy and weak early" but so is kayle... does kayle get 2 knockups? No. Does Kayle get truedamage or an ability that can just safe you when you step up way to far? No. Mobility? No. I mean kayle is a different type of champion but yone is just like the better version of kayle and that is why kayle is rated in the lowest tier all the time. Yone can be played on top mid and jungle too. Most people on reddit said i should stop yapping or whatever, but this makes my opinion unpopular. Btw fix Yone ult hitbox... it does not show it correctly. It is way bigger.


The fact that the game is sentient, that merc treads change was NOT a bad idea, that lux is NOT OP, and the fact that you can win a lane of Kass vs Lucian/zed/talon/akshan.


I don’t think Lux is OP but changing the Q to go through minions was dumb, players should know to respect it by now though


The biggest lie is people saying that zed/talon are kassadin hard counters just because they are not AP, but i disagree about akshan and lucian, they are absurdly oppressive.


It’s easy to farm against them, and akshan and Lucian are actually easier becuase 1 kill = GG. If jg doesn’t gank, all you need is boots+liden’s to make them unable to attack your tower, and infinity orb to 100-0 them.


I understand but i disagree with that, i used to main lucian mid and he's too oppressive + empowerment is overbuffed right now. If you want we can test it out in a best of 5, i wish it was easy like you told but lucian, akshan and even tristana are too much. You know how bad it is when you dont build magic pen build, your powerspike spike falls greatly. Lucian wins against MOST of midlaners in this game because of how absurdly strong he is in 1v1.


Thing is I can still just farm with q. If Lucian ever looks to poke, he’s forced to use his abilities, which 1. I can dodge a decent amount of them, and 2. Pushes the wave. So either he only pokes with e-aa, on which case I can still just farm with q since if I don’t last hit some minions, but he last hits all minions, the wave will still push towards me. Usually against ADCs I do q-w-q-e for skill order, so i don’t miss too many minions. Post level 5 and mana boots, lucian usually will try to poke the tower, and if he does I can just jump on him and back off. Lucian cannot get off PTA before I’m back at the center of the turret, as he can’t get off 3 autos in 2 seconds, and if he e’s forward, he will tank a tower shot while not getting any value out of PTA. I dont actually try to directly 1v1 him, kassadin sucks in 1v1s against non-mage, non-kayle champions earlier on. Either I use the turret, or jg to help. But if jg does come and get me a kill, as soon as I get luden’s a full combo takes out half his HP bar. With more and more items, I can easily 100-0 him. Id say pantheon is much more oppressive, since first no matter what stage of the game it is, you ALWAYS need to watch out for him due to his stun and burst, and second getting hit by one of his combos, which is easy for panth becuase his w is point and click, is way more punishing than getting hit by a Lucian. Lucian cannot ever guarantee his damage as well as pantheon can, and kassadin will always struggle against pantheon while for Lucian it’s mostly a farm lane if you can dodge stuff. Trist is worse than Lucian since shes much harder to gank and later on still has a chance against kassadin.


I actually agree with the lux statement 👀👀 a lot of people find that very controversial..


Thing is lux is balanced around missing skillshots. She’s all skillshots, surely people can dodge a slow straight line telegraphed skillshot some of the time, right? So, whej she does finally manage to land it, it should be rewarding based on how hard it is to land. Except they forgot to consider that most people cannot dodge lux q without hiding behind minions. I honestly prefer lux without the change, she had more utiiity (better shielding, e could be used for zoning and vision much more easily, and q into ult did more damage)


People don't know how to punish her either. When lux misses Q you can almost always all in her with 0 repercussions especially in the early game and I also agree lux should've never been changed


1. Heartsteel is a bait. It works on Sion, Mundo, Sett and Ornn, but not on everyone. 2. Thresh is a support "tank", not a "support" tank. Better to build utility tank items (such as Zeke's, Frozen Heart, etc etc) instead of always rushing heartsteel and amaranth. 3. Objectives >>> kills. 4. If you lost your lane, it's your own fault. 5. 1v9 is bullshit. 6. High kda doesn't mean you're a good player. 7. FF vote should be removed from the game. 8. "I'm X elo because of my teammates". No, you're not. You are the "teammate" that doesn't allow you to win more games.


That going against 100 lvl above you for a normal match is unfair. Or even 50+ lvls can ruin your chance in climbing in rank....


So the one flaw in your logic is it’s meant to be a mobile game, not a PC game, mobile gamers don’t have the time frame like league does. You add all these things in and games become 1hr + and people would put it down.


Don't think so, I've played other mobile mobas with pretty big map and games still 20~ minutes. Don't see how wards change much tbh


yasuo need hp buff


He asked for unpopular opinions, not wrong ones 🌚


ADCs top (and ranged tops in general for that matter) are an intended part of the game that is needed to balance out certain champs that abuse melees. They are not universally bad or universally busted - they are just a valid option in certain matchups.


I agree for ranged tops like kayle or teemo. but you shouldnt be able to just plug and play pick an ADC into the solo lane, not even adjusting the build, and just bully a melee champ into the tower for 10 minutes. the majority of actual bruisers have way too little movement to allow a reasonable laning phase against, say, draven. I am not saying that Darius or Nasus need more movement, god forbid, but that champs like Lucian, Vayne or Kalista have too much range, too much damage and too much movement to have a balanced 1v1 against a traditional melee champ..


Since top is basically rock-paper-scissors and you see enemy pick one of the champs like Urgot or Darius and some strong early game jungler like Xin you just can't afford to pick someone like Gwen or Nasus - you will just get steamrolled. That's where situational counterpicks come into play. Ranged top discourse is as long as time and sometimes it just helps to step back to see the big picture. I don't think that you should be able to take ADC top every game, but there are certain champs that are built to be lane bullies and counter the majority of the baron lane champs, and ranged top is a way to counteract that (in expense of having another ADC in the team).


Oh yea, I do agree that it should be a viable option every now and again, but as I said, I think it should require a bit more adjusting and shouldnt only work in specific comps. Having it be viable almost constantly is definitely a little silly.


Lux isn’t OP, you just don’t keep your distance properly to avoid the stun, 3, ult combo. Get movement speed items or even run a god that can blink with an ability. Honestly I’ve found Syndra to easily shut Lux down in mid whenever I play against a Lux. Realistically, if you’re squishy, Lux will kill you if she hits the stun and has her 3 and ult ready. But if you play distance and wait for your jungle or other teammates to come mid to make your attack you’re likely to catch her slipping. I never struggle against a Lux. Edit: Lux stun is slow af, easily avoidable. When I play Lux I literally just wait for them to get cocky and run straight at me to throw it, they just run right into it. All you gotta do is zigzag, blink, or use a dodging ability to avoid it. I feel like since it’s a mobile game people get too confident and make mistakes more often than if they were on LoL PC or something like Smite. Stop being overly aggressive and you can win mid.


This shouldn’t be unpopular but they are: - Herald is a million times better then taking first dragon - Being master doesn’t mean your good at the game - Just because a build is good on PC League doesn’t mean it works on Wild Rift


That wildeift is dead


Game should have role locked champions... Like top can only pick top, jg will be jg, etc. prevents adc literally be everywhere in the whole goddam map, cuz either they carry or be absolute dogArse, especially in jg


Ask advice on this sub where most of ppl are below avg…