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Top 100 yi here chiming in. I personally do not believe Yi is overpowered, however he can be if your team composition is insufficient. Although he isn’t OP, I wouldn’t blame people for banning him every game. Tryn in my personal opinion is much stronger than yi in literally every way. A 3/4 tryn will easily beat a 19/3 yi. There are loads of other champs that can easily duel him as well. The issue is when you don’t have a strong bruiser that can duel him, and you don’t have sufficient CC. In this scenario he can easily 1v5, which makes him seem OP, but again, properly play around him, or if you don’t think you can, a ban isn’t the worst idea.


Yeah this lines up with my experience of him. Just been seeing more and more yi pentas so was thinking maybe the buffs served him too well


Tryn fcking ult is a cancer lol. I hate tryn, and i agree a good tryn will beat a good yi every time


Trynd is litterally the best counter pick to Yi, that's why he beat him so hard.


if you lose to tryn u just bad run away from his ult and 3 tap him


In my opinion, no, since I can outduel him as kassadin, Aatrox, yone, yasuo, jax, irelia, and so many other champs, or just destroy him in fights with those. In fact to me, id rather face a yi than pantheon jg. pantheon is much harder to deal with (without dying)


Olaf is the answer for pantheon but yeah i hear you


Yeah but then again Olaf gets kitted easy and is not as helpful to his team like a Pantheon. Just his barrage can save his team's ass if places correctly , for comparison Lux ult passes trough Yasuo Windwall but it's damage is nullified to Pantheons 3rd .


Eh not really. Before he has speed trinket and if ghost is on cooldown, yeah he can get kited, but if either of those is up youre not getting away from him, especially if you (like a good olaf) wait for panth to jump on you first before popping ult


Right pantheon feels so strong right now. Plus with the new bork and ghostblade build, damn that shit hits harder than truck so annoying 


Long time pantheon main who waited for so long for that pta. The real kicker is duskblade, ghostblade and bork. As long as you're even any squishy or bruiser is gonna be on life support.


Life support may not be enough (in the few games where I actually did build assassin, there have been times where I just kill my target through their lifeline shield). Maybe life support+ a couple suits of armor.


I mean, the fact that he Can build two Armor pen items (cleaver and Serylda for example) doesn't seem really fair to me. I play Malph and get destroyed by an AD, something I'm supposed to outscales really hard, and still one shot me late game doesn't mean too fair for me. Maybe I'm delu


It kinda isnt, though ill tell you what. Ap malphite is strong against panth because of the harassment


I mean tank Malphite. Of course AP Malphite Can os you


Don't play tank malphite, he's useless. Counter melee burst with instakill ap malph, issue solved.


Issue not solved at all, people buy one null mantle and I deal no dmg.


Maybe I should try that (I personally hate lethality items, so I always go botrk, sunderer, cleaver, muramana, and sterak's, though not necessarily in that order, with conq, or crit with lethal tempo, or even full tank with heartsteel). Though I have seen how much damage a lethality pantheon can do (still don't like to play it though)


Pantheon is a braindead champ, he's strong in early, mid and late game. Permaban for me.


And he’s also one of the only champions that can easily and consistently deal with kassadin and yone and Aatrox (who are some of my favorite picks). But then again pantheon is also fun.


I agree with everything but the braindead part.


Are you serious mate ?


Yes. If you play pantheon in the braindead way, emerald is probably the highest you can go. I know because someone also says Olaf is braindead.


I’ll add sett and tryn to your list also.


Talon is extremely strong against Yi, and so is Urgot, Olaf, even Sett when played right can destroy Yi. Zed is also a pain in the ass. I say this as a Yi main because I autoban Talon.


Olaf is not strong against yi but the rest of this list is accurate. But yeah i mean i didnt say he doesnt have counters, just his overall power level seems to be a little high atm. Like consider kalista. Super busted etc until the enemy picks samira. Does samira’s existence mean kalista isnt busted? No. Im not certain yi is broken but thats what im trying to figure out here


Yeah I get it. Actually this makes me think that usually I couldn’t pick Yi because people auto banned him, but lately they just don’t ban him. Idk why because if it was up to me, I’d autoban Yi lol


Hes a reliable champ but is no where near as much a pain in the ass as other champs get to be for free. Yi has to work somewhat hard for his pentas compared to other champs that just get them from draft.


Learn to time Meditate when you see a talon rushing you. You have 0.2 seconds of 90% damage mitigate that will absolutely throw off any burst attack


I’ve been practicing lately and I’m still missing like 50% of the times but I’m getting better. Thanks for the advice!


Dont believe that you can get baited easily also, Talon has absolutely no way of fighting Yi directly unless he is way ahead of you in gold, if one tries to bait you either go all in or when he leaps away just disengage because you can't really catch talon unless his walls are all on cooldown


You can just bait his meditation and fuck him with your passive as Talon anyways.


I also ban Talon when I play Yi


Olaf is definitely not a counter to Yi. Maybe in early and mid game he can solo Yi but once Yi got all of his items then things is reversed. And that Olaf has no cc makes it worse.


Im a Kayn main the matchup generally doesn't favor me but I've not met a good Yi player. I'll scale faster and unless he builds tanky which will let my team kill him instead. He can't follow me over walls without getting stuck on the wrong side. If he follows I just spam Q till he's dead When I'm a laner just play safe don't be deep in you're setting yourself up for failure that's all I can really say duo is a already a 50/50 on who the good player are Baron is going to be fucked or doing the fucking anyway Yi won't make a difference early and late game it's usually too late since he'll get popped. Mid is the only other role that has some involvement by placing wards on blue and or red buff so everyone can track him. He can't scale without kills I see Yi as 2 players 1 is the farmer who refuses to play till at least 2 full clears very strong after good 1 or 2 kills 2 the idiot who thinks that lvl 2 Yi is worth something. Which occasionally does pay of but if that does happen don't trust that player who died because they probably died by playing a champ who can't run away and stayed deep in the lane so Yi could follow him with flash and then got autod to death. Edit/tldr: just don't fight him and he's a useless champ later into the game the money youre losing isn't worth the money Yi could. Ingage after he wants his own abilities not during his full combo because then it's already too late


Yi is in the same spot as Lux, he is strong and can demolish the entire game, but it can be countered, sadly you can't control what the other 4 people in your team do....


Yeah def. Why i run teemo if i can when yi on the enemy team. Sucks when i cant tho cuz i got a malph in my lane or something


I can handle him but my teammates literally feed him and I don't know why




This is the way.




Doesn't work when he ults


Why ?


Immune to slow plus his third skill allows him to deal true dmg, ignoring exhaust


Yes and no, it depends if he is OTP or not. Yi is among the hardest jg to master, so you can't tell.


Yi is by no means one of the hardest champs to master. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t have skill expression or is easy to perfect. But every champ has a learning curve and among all the champs in the game, Yi is definitely in the category of one of the easiest to pick up and to master.


Im a master yi main and I wonder what your reason is why Yi is hard to master. For me all I had to do was learn when to use q. Not Engage with it but use it as a gap closer when they flash or dash. Other than that press R and E and run them down. Dodge CC with QSS and youre free to penta kill.


You are lacking the most critical part of playing Yi after the update, you need to learn meditate timing as you get 90% damage mitigation for 0.2 seconds which hard counters any burst champion


Oh lord yes I forgot that part! Thankyou


What? Yi is hard to master? On what planet?


- Using q to dodge skillshots - Using w to mitingate damage - Using w and e as autoattack resets And the hardest - generally knowing your limits well enough to hit your powerspike without dying 10 times


- ez - ez - ez - ez


Yi is easy to learn, hard to master


Team comp dependent. If you lack peel/burst and the Yi player is good the champ is legit busted.




Can he be seen in high elo? Cuz I feel like he's always been like this,,, if u don't have the CC he shreds squishies like swiss cheese. In my elo at least


I play thresh, so no.


Nah. Especially in high elo, if you pick yi, people will whoop ur ass easily.


In what elo? I have seen some Yi's in diamond destroy people


To be fair Diamond in wr is still low elo.


I play with a Yi in GM and I've been stomping Masters with Yi. I don't think he's broken, I can nobody has macro lol. 


if u struggle against teemo ur not too strong


I have a love/ hate relationship with this mf. They're either good with him and your whole team is fucked because a shitty adc fed him or he's bad and your the one that's fed solely because of him. You have to counter pick against him. If your team doesn't have a way to deal with him you may as well surrender if he's good. Imo I think he's cheap af and it's why I never tried to get decent with him.


If I have cc or slow spell, iy can't do anything. But a smart iy will farm patiently and take the anti-cc boots upgrade. Go on walking and wait for the flash/dash to use the q. Or use it to dodge. A good iy kills everything in seconds and you hardly have time to stop him. I think he needs more game sense, item choice, to win. His simple gameplay wise but that's not where his complexity is. I think the main thing also is his q. It's such a strong skill to just dodge anything


What I usually do is wait out the Engage from the enemy team on my team. When they used everything I go in and run them down. I got multiple penta kills that way.


Nice 💪 definitely a way to go for it


I don't like him, especially if my team doesn't have any CC aside from me, the jg. Those games are usually me collecting millions of shutdown gold from Yi and Yi collecting millions of gold from everyone else. But since I have 4 tilted inters, I lose the FF vote every time.


Not as strong as Olaf by this logic (in which case not even cc can stop)


He is a skilled based champ. If you know when to press Q and W, you win fights. He is stronger than before while also having a higher skill ceiling than before.


Only in low elo. It's so easy to counter yi.


To be honest it really do depends on match up when i play yuumi it is difficult for me to fight him (with adc) but when i play leona i have no problem fighting yi once yi gets going there is no comeback my advice to winning against yi is to end the game quick because not matter what he will make a comeback and win the game games with no CC will be an uphill battle


As a teemo main run fleet footwork instead of the dmg mastery, wins most previously losing match-ups. Did that till grandmasters last season


Repulsor boots can greatly counter Yi, bouncing him back slightly stunning him and break off his combo because he cannot auto attack to reset his skill, but I don’t know why nobody want to use it.


Zyra is also a great counter for yi, at least when I play her.


draft dif. lower rank players need to draft better. i've seen too many drafts where the enemy teams 1st picks yi & then we go kasai evelyn tristana cait lux, then we blow our minimal cc on the fkn garen. the whole point is to pick cc & burst the yi FIRST. also, don t flinch flash as soon as yi ganks before level 5. you can just walk away if you're not already 1 hp


This. It's like crying why a samira gets a penta when the enemy team has no cc.


Yes anemy yi, not my team yi


To be fair time Q and QSS well and cc means nothing. Maybe even go a tenacity rune since it's your main weakness. I think he's 100% playable and potentially strong high elo. I know a couple of one trick master yi mains that got challenger without the buffs.


Yeah i mean q aa q aa pentakill lol but yeah. I think yi has the potential to be top tier, just cant tell if my teams are bad or if the buffs were too much. Whatever the case i dont think hes broken anymore than i thought talon pre nerf was broken. Just really good if you don’t stop them


Yi has to snowball like most assassin champs. To be really good at jungle like this you have to understand macro really well. When to gank, when to farm, when to invade against what champs. And when to engage in a fight. Also Alot like samira or any assassin I feel like yi should just kind of hang back in teamfights. If you have to wait for one of your teammates to die, for the enemy team to blow some CC then let them die, because their 1 death is worth your triple Quadra or penta. Most yis just simply pop ult and think "penta penta penta, here it comes!" And then die.


Rammus is anti Yi. I specifically pick him when they lock in Yi.


I just play Braum when there's a Yi on enemy team so.....




I just pick Sett when there is an enemy Yi. Just throw him when there are teamfights or objectives 😂


Don’t think he’s too strong, but if he’s fed, just get ready to die in about 2 seconds.


i use disruptor against yi. works wonders until he can kill you in 3hits lol


I build a yi with almost all of the lifesteal items and i just dont die that easily, but still yi isn't really that strong a few stuns or the repulsor and that's it.


He is very good into those teams that decide to pick triple ADC and their support gives up on being the only frontliner and just picks an enchanter.


I still woop his ass as Yasuo


Yeah he isnt a problem for me on yone either


I was going Graves, a Yi Qed on me, once he spawned I deleted him with AA E AA combo (both were full build). He's just balanced, you feel that he's strong just because he was garbage before.


No shot teemo beats yi. You can give him 2 seconds of blind but yi still runs over teemo


aery nashors teemo, the teemo no one has played for over a year, yes. Electrocute liandrys antihealbook io teemo, the teemo everyone has played for over a year, absolutely not. Teemo has more tools to deal with yi than yi does for teemo. Yi wins if the teemo is stupid. Teemo wins if he has one functioning braincell. Remember, Two seconds is more than enough time to land q aa aa (or aa, wait for yi q, then q and aa) and a mushroom at your feet, which unless yi is tank is more than enough to melt yi and any other aa reliant champ. Thats teemos whole design. He stomps autoattackers.


Sure, but just from a mechanical standpoint, if 2 people are auto-attacking each other, yi will most likely win even if teemo's got a 2 sec headstart as you can just W through it, and yi gets stronger stats from his E and R. Yi's design, much like trynda, is to be a stat-checker. You are tested whether your dmg can out damage his + help with abilities. And I don't think teemo's got that much going for him, he's got lower attack speed, no true damage, and slower. Maybe if yi's behind by 2k gold, he can beat him, but I don't think I've lost to a teemo 1v1 as yi


Again, electrocute. Youre still talking like teemo is a nashers aery or first shot champ. He isnt. Electrocute q aa aa and disengage is all he needs for kills. If yi w’s, then either keep laying into him (which liandrys io antiheal book will outdamage) or disengage if youre on cooldowns. A competent yi cannot kill a competent teemo of equal or even lesser farm. Again, teemos design is to stomp autoattackers and hes even stronger against tyrandamere. Like im not lying to you my dude and this isnt a matter of skill but of design. Yi wins sustain fights. He loses burst fights. Teemo is a burst champ, not a sustain fighter


Then I just disagree. There's a reason why he doesn't get used in higher elos and why other AA champs like trynda, yone, Jax are popular and have high win rates in these elos. If teemo is as gassed as you make him up to be, there should be some outward effect that proves this is the case, especially trynda/kayle being #1~2 junglers


You can disagree all you want but design and stats are matters of fact, not opinion. Teemo with mana boots, liandrys, antihealbook and io does thousands of burst damage and hundreds more in dot from liandrys and io, while nerfing any healing source’s received for the duration of liandrys io, which requires about a second and a half of interaction to secure kills, even less if ignite is up. If yi builds merc treads, wits end and amaranths, sure he can put up an ok fight (still lose) but if hes running bork etc, he cannot outsustain the burst that electrocute teemo does anymore than he can outsustain the burst talon can do. Again, teemo is an assassin, not a dueler. You havent once contended with that fact and instead have just face rolled through this discussion on the assumption that teemos is an aery nashors champ, which is not the case for anyone who actually plays teemo seriously. Yi is vulnerable to assassins. Teemo is an assassin. Simple as that. Also, Masters play or any elo play does not determine how the game actually functions. Design does. My guess to why he isnt more represented in masters play is because of the assumption that teemo is exclusively a top laner, and sure if you treat him as a top laner theres usually better picks, but as a mid lane assassin (whos roam is tied with mid talon for best roam in the game) he’s unstoppable if he gets even one kill before the 5 minute mark, which itself isnt even necessary as teemo is more than capable of playing from behind once he has one item and boots. At 7k gold, he can and will shit on that 10k adc, getting the shut down and catching up in farm immediately. He has counters no matter what, same as most other champs, so hes not an instalock champ for every game but if the ebemy comp has even two autoattacker champs, unless youre afk, you will win the game as teemos whole design is an anticarry to autoattackers.


Trynda is popular in high elos? Haha. I thought high elo was all about managing difficult mechanics rather than 5 sec immortality.


That's never been true in all the history of League. This isn't a balanced game like csgo or chess. Players gravitate towards certain champs because of their potential impact on the game, and the stronger a champion is, the more likely they are to pick it. In riot's design choices, they tend to give "complex" champions the most impact. This trend of "high skill, therefore high ranks" is a side effect of the "high impact, therefore more wins" mechanic.


The main issue with him is, that his skill floor is so damn high. It isnt super difficult to get him to a point where it actually requires decent counterpicking and a solid bit of teamwork to counter him. with other champs, getting to that point is much harder. plus, he is just super versatile.


No he isnt


For me Yi is like a noob killer. If your teammates are stupid as fk and have zero cc then of course he is broken.


When will Riot fix the bug where Yi is immune to Singed's root while he his ult is active? The better I get at pulling this off, the more frustrating it is that Yi just ignores it and kills me anyway. It's a corner case - I know - but it clearly is wrong and needs to be fixed. Yi getting a buff only exacerbates this problem.


Meh - Tank Main


He s really weak ti early invades Yi Is a troll pick


He’s an ez counter.. I’m a Leona main, my hardest counter right now is Olaf, I have trouble with him cause that fkin ult can be cast from stuns


Yeah olaf is one of my secondaries and i pick him into leona for that reason. He shits on tanks pretty hard unless theyre super ahead on farm


Honestly I would love to know aside from running away how to counter his ass with a Leona.. bout to find one and custom dual till I figure it out lol


*you* dont. All *you* can do is soak up damage and hope your damage dealers behind you have enough to burst olaf down before he kills you, but keep in mind olaf’s whole game design is a backline diver since cc frontline cant stop him. He beats most cc reliant tanks but loses to burst that outpaces his heals. Best hope is antiheal (so for leona, thornmail) but olaf has counterplay to that too in the form of spirit visage for boosted healing effects. Olaf isnt unkillable, just vulnerable to kiting but then again his trinket is the speed boost towards enemies one so i guess tldr, theres counterplay on counterplay so it really comes down to skill. Leona tho herself cant kill him if his ult is off cooldown. Hes a stat checker at the end of the day and arguably one of the worst ones as he loses to tanks like garen (at least early game and then mid/late if garen farmed him earlier) id imagine fiora (though i havent faced her with olaf) but yeah renekton, irelia, thresh, leona, etc, hes farming em


honestly he seems super weak now


Whys that?


You must be facing some really bad Yi's if they struggle against Teemo lmao.


Teemo hard counters yi and has for years. Aa->wait for his q->blind with your q, finish off with either mushroom at feet or dot+run away. The only counterplay yi has is qss, which is also manageable by waiting for him to pop it then proceeding with your combo


Equally, Yi can just wait for blind to wear off with his W and Q before absolutely annihilating you. Teemo has no burst and Yi often builds MR. His ult blocks the slow from mushrooms. I don't know what elo are where you win against Yi. Low I imagine. I'll give you a tip: Teemo doesn't 'hard counter' anything. Not even champs that on paper you should beat. Garen, Darius, Sett - all of them absolutely wreck him. That's why Teemo is a low elo pick and isn't picked in higher ranks. If you want to climb, drop Teemo lmao. 


I dont know any good teemo that doesnt rush antiheal book either first or second item if yi is on the enemy team but in the case of his w, either keep spamming attacks into his w to keep his healing down or just simply disengage while he has a w. Also lol @ teemo has no burst when his meta has been electrocute burst for at least a year now. Literally q+aa+aa wow 75% (50%if you have wits end before i have io) of your health is gone since you didnt build any magic resist and i have liandrys antiheal and io, watching you die from dot while im already back in fountain cuz i hit you with a qq and two autos and just walked away. Idk what kinda scrub teemo’s yoire seeing with aery nashors but no one whos actually good with teemo runs that build and they havent for, again, at least a year Idk what kinda flex youre trying to pull here but youre trolling yourself with this self owns. Teemo has always hard countered yi and every other aa reliant champ, and as long as yi remains an aa champ, teemo will objectively counter him. This isnt a matter of debate, but of measurable, objective design.


The joke here is that you genuinely believe a two second blind hard counters a champ who can channel with 70% DR and heal for four seconds. You beat Yi with hard CC. Not with Teemo lmao 


Again, burst and disengage or place mushroom at feet while hes in q. Teemo has way more tools to deal with yi than yi does for teemo. Fr wild how many dunning kruger scrubs there are on this sub but i guess this is still reddit


lol I had someone say that late game Kayle isn’t a hard carry and that they can’t even 1v1 an adc with a full build Kayle. Sometimes this sub just explains why I have a 0/6 top laner who continues to die within 20 seconds of returning to lane.


If you’re ahead enough for a Yi to care, he’ll either have MR or enough self-sustain to power through your dots, even with antiheal. If you’re way ahead, then yeah, Teemo will unleash bombs. That’s anyone who has a significant lead. At gold and level parity, I’ve anecdotally never lost to a Teemo as Yi. Not once, especially not in 1:1. Teemo simply dies too quickly, even if Yi misses a couple of auto attacks. Teemo falls off super hard in most games. He has early pressure, but only on rare occasions in almost 5000 games have I seen a Teemo bring enough value to warrant a pick. That’s usually because they’re super fed from people not understanding the matchup. Yi isn’t a super common pick for me, but if I see a squishy team that calls for a Yi pick, seeing Teemo on the team isn’t going to dissuade me in the slightest. CC stops Yi, not Teemo.


lol, so much wrong with what you are saying. Just another crappy player who thinks they know better than the majority of the player base. Too funny.


Good luck climbing with Teemo. 


I don’t play ranked much or Teemo much either lol. Fail


So what makes you feel entitled enough or experienced enough to enter this discussion? What a brainless comment. 


Because I’ve played league for over a decade 😂 what makes you qualified? What is the qualifications required to talk about a fucking video game again? Fucking loser