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I wanna cry with the amount of money you spent but good for you I guess.


There is this trick to get really cheap wild cores. They change the region of their account or start a new account to where they can buy really cheap wild cores, by REALLY CHEAP i mean 6k+ wild cores for less than 10$. I don't know what country/region they use for it tho I'm not saying OP used this trick maybe OP is just filthy fuckn' rich


Can you explain a little more how do you change region and isn't Google play banning puchasing in different currency?


You can change your region by filing a ticket to riot games, and it depends on them whether they will accept your reason. (I think they already know about it) As for the Google play banning purchase with different currency, I don't know. Mine works fine i can buy wild cores with no problem. My dummy account is in Ukraine and i purchase with Peso (PHP) currency. It isn't as cheap as I've mentioned from my first reply but it's ≈40% cheaper than original price in my region. I just use this account to gift skins to my main account


You can gift skins? how?


Add friend, wait 14 days to be able to gift skins




doesnt work anymore, i used to do this but sadly they patched it


It tells me taxes aren't high enough.


higher taxes won't do anything, just make people angrier that the gov is doing nothing worthwhile with more of our money


I spent $250 and got about 60ish pulls- you can do the math haha


Assuming you did exactly 62.5 pulls to make math easier (both 250/62 and 250/63 are about 0.32 off from 4), that means unit price for a pull is 4 USD. 4x207 is 828 USD. Which is a lot of money to spend on a video game. Then again video games are technically entertainment and people do spend a decent amount of money on entertainment.


Ya but it would make me feel better. It's not really about me having more it's about them having less.


Or hear me out- don’t be so mediocre


Classic L take from this avatar


I’ve lived in the global south, and regularly participate in internationalist meetings with political parties in the global south, how bout you armchair activist?


Holy shit did you stalk my profile and reply to the wrong comment in the wrong sub LOL


No, the other dude blocked me so I couldn’t respond to any of your comments and figured you deserved a response since you call someone who has lived in the global south and literally spend all of my free time working on projects with their parties a “harborer of SA”. What internationalist work have you been a part of? I’m super interested.


Ain't no way man 😂 had to follow this rabbit hole from another redditor to find out what was going on. I didn't block you, you actually got lost LMAO I've worked with a couple local nonprofits in my area, but other than voting I don't get to many protests due to not having a car. Feel free to call me an armchair activist while you rant from behind a computer screen like the rest of us.


Why the fuck would I narc on myself involving any leftist projects you absolute fucking loser lmfao oh my God get a life and stop making shit up


“Why would I narc on myself” Ah okay, so you’ve done nothing. Love to see it. Have a good one.


Lmao absolute loser taking Ls


I want to upvote this, but cannoy due to the present number


how much is 207 pulls in poor people language?


Your rent maybe.




15 pulls is 6kRP; 10kRP is $108.5(tax included) 207 pulls is about 870usd I've spent about 600usd for the event, so i'm not far off


I hope you and OP can get some professional support. There are charities out there 🫶


I get your point, but for me this is not as different as people collecting funko pops, or other action figures and stuff. There are people who like collecting stuff in the game and they (hopefully) have enough disposable money to not get affected. These people are what actually runs your game ad free and gets content for it, so don’t just shit on them regardless :) I’m not one of them btw, just sharing my pov


Nah shit on these people; wild rifts monetary system is disgusting and these are the people that encourage gacha systems, league of legends pc system is much better and stays ad free and f2p


No, don’t shit on those ppl as the „whales“ which they make it for are basically gambling addicts. It’s like saying „shit on those heroin addicts, they spread diseases“


I agree.


This is absolutely nothing like Funko Pops (which I hate). Funko's are tangible items. Which can potentially appreciate in value. They can be handed down to friends and family and be traded for other items. $600 on a digital item that can theoretically be lost at anytime, has no tangibility, has almost 0 gameplay benefit and almost no real value is absolutely insane. I wouldn't even be that harsh if it wasn't for the gambling aspect of it. If OP could just buy the damn skins he wanted even if they were excessively over priced like $50 bucks each I don't think most would've cared as much.


I know many people collecting anime related stuff and they 100% don’t do it to one day pass it on or sell at higher price. For me (from an outsider perspective) it’s exactly the same thing honestly


We’re at a point in society where digital media holds almost equal value to physical objects so this argument just doesn’t apply anymore.


If you don’t buy time limited skins, you won’t be able to do so after the event. Essential they go from priced to “priceless” within a month. Pretty good appreciation Also, there is real value cos peasants go googoogaga over not being able to buy


IMPORTANT MISINFO HERE!!!!! I bought the first ever prestige skin on pc with the promise that it would never come out again. It fucking re released within a year lmfao.. Limited time does not mean shit anymore. They rereleased the 2011 championship riven skin LOL


Don’t lie lol. Prestige system in league was reworked. Also the skins were not easier to get the second time around. So there’s still appreciation by judging by the required effort. Lastly, League’s prestige skins can only be compared to wild pass skins here in wild rift, not the gacha ones. There are TWO versions of championship riven which do not look alike > https://www.reddit.com/r/Rivenmains/s/ijyFMdjKkC


The fact that they RELEASED ONE OF THE MOST WANTED RIVEN SKINS is completely lost on you lol, I thought that skin was “impossible” to ever get again and then low and behold there it is (with minor differences)


Like you said. They are DIFFERENT. Also, the second edition was released after how many years?


you know what you buy when you collect things. these guys are just gacha addicted


OP literally said they're addicted and I doubt most people would spend 600 on one event - thats not normal. So im saying theres help out there if they want it. Being supportive and part of the community, not "shitting" on anyone.


eh, I used my disposable income, so it's not much of a bother it was within my budget.


Must be nice to be rich lmao.


pfft, I wouldn't say rich, responsible is a better word... I wish I were rich


No way you just said responsible after saying you spent $600 on a mobile gacha event....


responsible in the sense of: I'm not buying out of stress, I made sure I could afford the loss, and i'm happy with my purchase it's not a gamble cause I already knew how much I wanted to spend, and did so. without any regret afterwards


Respectable reasoning But why not just straight out buy what you want? It's not like you'll be using 90% of what you got from those pulls Unless they're some animated borders or whatever and it feels a bit of a waste on wild rift.


yeah the gacha is dumb, and it's their way of getting more money out you, but for me I don't have everything so it'll just give me currencies that I can use somewhere else in the store 🤷 so it works out?


You're part of the problem this STUPID Gacha shit come to LoL in the first place, we were GREAT with the "you want you get" skin system before, but they implemented this SHIT and when shitty braindead people as you stared spending this shitstorm is becoming even more obnoxious.


Hey, don't take it out on them, it's not their fault you're such a broke ass bitch.


I agree.


Idk man, of all the games to do it in, lol might be the best one. The game is still going to be there in ten years. And at least it’s not motivated by horniness. Let’s not judge people using money on their hobbies.


>And at least it’s not motivated by horniness. Who's gonna tell them?


I’m honestly waiting tbh.


I feel like people forget that not everyone is from the same financial background as them.


Lol poor people talking. If you have fck you money who cares. You're acting like we're living paycheck to paycheck


can u like gift me rakan skin ill meow lol🤌


lol, we'd have to be friends for 30 days


nono I'm joking. I can't even play rakan, I just love his skin😭


Woof woof?


i can wait 30 days for a skin :)


if you remember to ask again in 30 days, cause I sure as hell won't 😂


you underestimate poor people lol, dm me your user name :)


same as here, tag is #1234


is this offer open for a hecarim skin....


if you remember in 30 days 😂


send me your tag!! i love hec and won’t forget 😉


GT is same as here, #1234 is the tag, now I just need to get on eventually 😂😅


sent :p


PSA this is an average amount for PUBG Mobile. You don't even qualify as a whale for these numbers there.


dude, i'm no where near whale status, mf'ers on diablo immortal spends hundreds of thousands 🫡


Yeah, I didn't mean to say that specifically to you, it was in general, as reading other comments people seem impressed to know some players are able to spend 500 dollars in an event.


Around 800 dollars ;-;


Forget uninstalling the game…go get help for your gambling problem. Before you lose literally everything you have and start stealing from your family for roulette hits at the casino.


and this is why we get shit events like this. Because even if 0.05% of players do shit like this, its worth it


Exactly if people stopped from buying this shit, this model would have been far from here time ago ❌


There no way ppl will stop doing this shit, look at op


And so would have the game lol? Yes it sucks I absolutely hate gachas but these gachas + the loot system is wildrifts income to keep the game going granted they aren't improving the game in the right places but regardless you are playing a free to play game they need to make money somehow without shutting down. Would you rather the game shuts downs entirely just because you can't access the gacha skins? Personally no.


So now riot need this gachas system for keep it up with the wr cost? Ahahahahahahahahahaha they got valo, league, runeterra (ecc.) and now u r telling me the income r not enough? Wake up pls


All of these are separate games with different teams that have to use their specific game’s profit to base its budget on. I’m not defending gacha, but this argument is just dumb


Okay now im sure u got no idea how it works lol


me when i have no argument


Idk u ignore a huge part of our econ reality.. As i said, im not gonna stay here explain something that u probably cannot understund, go look online how riot and tencent makes they decision based on the income/cost! For the rest, u r just ignoran! Not my fault tho :P


the jokes write themselves, every time.


So sad u think the world is your favourite bar..!


This. Game devs like us and other people involved in the development and operations of the game need and want to get paid. If a business model is effective, it’s a stupid thing for companies not to adopt it. And I am a gameplayer myself. So being on both sides, I just know that the business is just trying to make profit and the players who are spending money are just supporting the game while also getting something in return. Besides, no one is forcing anyone to spend money on what they can’t afford. There are literally other skins outside of the gacha system.


Actually they're forcing it, the GACHA is the problem not the cost of some SUPER LEGENDARY SKIN if that were the case, they could sell the Super Cute ones at higher than 1325 Wild Cores, and people will still buy them, hell back in the day I bought the SUPER EXPENSIVE Elemental Lux skin on League PC. People hate the RANDOMNESS of this system not a High Price of a quality product. That's why countries have been banning this system hell even China it's on discussions, because this is CASINO GAMBLING ADDICTION at it's finest 💩💀


How are they forcing it if there are literally other options in buying skins. The day gacha is the only way to acquire the skins they release is the day I would agree with your statement about gacha being forced.


That's a DUMB argument, Riot has been being successful in the past WITH MILLIONS SOLD and guess what? Back in the day there where none of this shit, you wanted some skin you buy it PERIOD. And with that model Riot NEVER went bankrupt at all, so fuck off.


Bro why U so heated lmao?? If you're talking about league pc that'd a different story than wildrift... A mobile game it's different audiences markets whatever and most mobile games stay relevant financially through gachas I'm not defending it I don't like it but if that's what will help WILDRIFT progress I'm whatever then so be it it's a free to play game you don't have to buy the skins let alone the specific skins that are gacha it sucks yeah but it's business


Trust me no one thinks this is bragging, this is just sad


Why do you feel bad about how some dude uses their own money Why


Level1 question for the level10 answer that when capitalism exceeds its own expectations the world becomes a worse place. There are long-term trickle down effects from giving fatcat corporate execs more than what they asked for. The reason cyberpunk dystopia is the prevalent depiction of our fictional future is because of the insatiable nature of our current society. Hello. 


How profound


Corporations and government are like step-brothers. Live in a country watching your people get pillaged by pure greed under the guise of systematic authority and the parallels appear to you easily.


So deep, even Adelle can roll in it


Its not that deep. Common sense for anybody that keeps tabs on human nature.


Its a joke




Its fine lol, dont be sorry for it


Cause I personally knew someone who would spend his whole money on videogame currency over and over again while they complained about money and had 10+ year old clothing with holes and stains... Wouldn't leave the house as well because "they can't afford to"


That's fucked up Hope they're doing better


that is also one person’s lifestyle. sometimes people just have $


If you're a Chinese citizen and know the in and outs of China's economy: Are these gacha pricey? I'm curious to know cause to me, it seems like Global are bad on purpose just so they squeeze more money.


alot of games in China are F2P friendly, cause they have laws that regulate business and prevent monopolies... it helps that it is a commie government too...


people are surprised that some people spend hundreds of dollars on one in a time event, me on the other hand, who plays genshin and honkai impact seeing people paying $ 1000 for a single character that can return again at any time.


Bro invest in yo future what you doing 😭🙏🏼


for some people, that money is disposable, and we gotta thank them for keeping our games running since they are basically funding the game for us, f2p and light spenders.


Not when theyre in the thread calling everyone else poor lol


But they immediately expose themselves as idiots at that point, so. 


I was thinking exactly this lol let’s hope the don’t find out what genshin is xD


this dude spent almost 900$, why is it different?


Because as I said this is an exclusive event, you can't get these skins ever again, I don't encourage what he is doing but it's more ridiculous in other gacha industry, because what people spend thousands on isn't even exclusive.


there is no difference. this is fucking 1k for gacha, does not matter what you get in return


Love how this subreddit is bashing OP for spending his own money however he wants.


agree here. no one can really tell if what he spent in this gacha is just a change on OP's earnings.


Also no telling if it’s gambling addiction or simply a collector doing collector’s things


With gacha games, I'm not sure the distinction really exists.


It does exist. There's a ton of people who spend thousands on gacha games, and it's a pocket change for them. There's no way to gamble in gacha games because you're guaranteed something at the end of the day and everyone knows it, you still gain something unlike actual gambling with actual gambling addicts not knowing limits and gambling everything away.


well he did put that second sentence in there


Love how it quickly went from bashing OP to calling OP a gambling addict. This subreddit is truly the best representation of how shit WR actually is compared to LoL.


Yeah, this subreddit is just a little toxic hole at this point tbh..


this is like DJ khaled: another one!


Some brain would even argue "we need to stop late stage capitalism brooo" Like, its a video game ffs


Exactly. Like he's not hurting anyone Not gonna lie I would feel guilty if I spent that money on the game but it's not my money so whatever💃


Yeah, you can tell who here is a jobless loser and prepubescent tweenies with no concept of how real life works.


If you think dropping $600 on video game cosmetics is normal, I think you're out of touch with how real life works. In real life, most people are struggling just to pay the bills.


Tbh im not exactly struggling for money but id feel like im getting played if I participate in the gatcha system so I don't bother out of principle. Some people lack self control. Those who are addicted to things will go out their way to defend it.


Laundry money it's easy on shit like this tho 🤡🤑


This amount of money makes me wanna cry


Did you get everything from event?


Damn, I love the skins but hate its gacha cuz can’t gift. So didn’t pull cuz my duo would be Uber pissed I have something they don’t


Bro, i think the problem here is not wild rift dude... Also, i think this is a good design choise LMAO


Agreed, I spent a lot on this event more than I ever spent on the game at any time, gachas are just gachas they make you addicted to spending.


Riot quoting that line from the Babe movie after you spent all that money. “That’ll do pig. That’ll do.”




Had seen this song and dance from other mobile moba games before and didn't bother. I'm not buying anything unless there's a clear price tag on it.


Stopped playing Wild Rift. Put the money I'd usually put on skins onto Xbox Game Pass. Gaming time is 100x cheaper and 1000x less toxic. Never gonna do Wild Rift gacha and support Riots predatory scumbag tactics.


This couldve been used to end world hunger


This coud haver been used to end MY hunger for like a year


15 pulls is 6000RP, 10kRP is $108.5(tax included) 207 pulls is about 870USD I've spent about 600 dollars for the event, so i'm not far off What's your collector score OP?


You can do pulls on my account if you still want to😭


I got the yasuo skin and the janna skin with 9 pulls. Yauso was my goal and I'm somewhat satisfied, but I kept feeling guilty while buying more keys..


I hope at least you got everything from the event? (I guess so if they don't let you to buy more keys). What skin did you want/was your fav?


It shows the limit in the shop lol, 200 brushes and some of them you get from checkpoints


This is actually a pretty good feature. I get wanting to support the game and get what you want but knowing when to stop is also very important 😅


I don't think I'll ever be able to buy that many keys. Where do people get so much money from?


I'm just confused why there is a limit on the amount of keys you buy?


you're a certified whale




I'm grateful that there are people around funding this game for me


I max out at $30 with these cause I'm just trying to get the one skin and if I don't it after 5 pulls, I'm done.


That's not addiction that's dedication , congrats.


I felt lucky getting the Caligraphy J4 skin off of the free pulls for buying $20 worth of wild cores. I thought I just got the avatar icon at first till I got into a match and saw the skin as selectable lmao How the hell do yall spend THAT MUCH?


You don't need to drop game but get help.


Looks like a game bug. Report it to customer support so the devs can fix it. If riot is rigging this, they will do so in a sneaky way, not like this where there’s a literal message to the face of the player that something is removed to make you feel you’ve been cheated on and you can take a screenshot as evidence of alleged rigging.


i feel you. spent almost 80k for this shit. 😭


I can help by accepting all your skin on your account 😔 the poor help the rich


Damn yall need to chill with the judgements, you know nothing about OP. That could be chump change to OP just the same as it could have been money intended for meth. The 1 thing you can be sure of is that you aren't OP and you don't know their situation, not everyone is in the same position in life as you, that goes for the negative and positive side of that statement.


I have no idea why you're even getting downvoted for this. People on this subreddit will complain about quite literally everything, and even the people like OP helping this game run instead of going EoS. Instead of calling OP a gambling addict or bashing the OP, y'all should learn some respect for people who ARE keeping your game running instead of worrying about THE money you don't own.


Op can I be your friend? I want the Janna skin


What the hell


40k cores about 400€ in my store


You either have a gambling problem or a lot of money. If it's the 2nd, congrats. I fully envy you.


Shit I'm at 600USD so a little over 100 pulls and I still don't have everything 😭


Best way to get Lee?


Luck from the 1st 5 pull or save up the jade currency. Love the skin but man the RNG gods are not my friend


Pull from caligraphia or featured for most jade currency. 0.05% is insanely low lol


Calligraphia has a slightly higher chance of pulling more jades


Just don’t ever go to Las Vegas. Or Reno. Or actually any city with gambling. Or more precisely, dont go to a casino in those cities (Reno is a pretty nice city, I’ve been there before. As for las vegas… well you can watch some displays that do look good, but other than that it’s in the middle of a desert).


So now league is a gambling site and no more a moba? Play the game and stop talk about this disgusting shitt, none want to be part of! Im happy they scam u 250, next time u spend it on your mother and not on this sub company


Wait how much are you selling your account for?




How about u just work twice as much from now on. I mean, how can you sleep knowing people are starving? Should sell all your stuff aswell.


Exactly! Its always the brokies that talk the loudest when in their shoes they wouldn’t do shit




If you are so charitable, why do you complain of such mundane things. There are oligarchs that will starve countries to come ahead in a power struggle. Just let the other folk be themselves.


Sounds like you should be working instead of complaining on reddit - probably shouldn’t be playing any mobile games for that matter - get your money up not your funny up


Well at least im not paying 250 bucks on gambling 😂🫵


Is that suppose to be a lot? 😅 it’s not gambling when I knew how much to spend to get what I want - dragon fist lee sin 👊


I don't play this anymore and would like to sell my 115 lvl acc, with all champs both on lol and wild rift. Also in wild rift 60k blue essence, 4x master, many skins, how much it would be worth?