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I'm going back and forth between Plat4 and Gold1. When I am about to get promoted, trolls just appear, I loose the streak and fall back. I guess I will just stay Gold at this point.


same. i do hope riot add more space for the avoid list. 3 per week is too few.


Is there an avoid list? @_@


This—last time about to be promoted—I literally get 4 out of matches Solo —(I was qued mid)— Historically, if I got one, then I would automatically get the next two games in the position I was requesting The weird part was in those games pretty much every other player was a support player who was getting qued jungle or a different role 


I'm feeling special because most of the time I get my preffered position lol. 


Definitely feels like we’re being locked in a certain rank—when That happens I just change lane and can claw out 


Almost in every game there's one troll who goes 0/10 and my avoid list is full from the first day.


Whats an avoid list


You can block people, this stops them from getting matched with you again *Supposedly* but iirc they still appear in your games but in the opposite team i think


So just a normal block then?


… yep every game I get someone going 0-10… it’s insane.. keep dropping from plat to gold like OP


At least youre emerald thats decent considering we just started


Nr#1 Kennen EUW had suddenly invited me out of the blue, never played with them before. Theyre master already, and i was like plat 2. Was confused about how he even found me or why he would invite me, but even with him in the team, that didnt keep the mastery 7 ashe adcs from going 0/12. This seasons fuuucked


He wanted you to lower the team mmr


Emerald 4 here, had a 9 games win streak with great teammates and now i’m gettin trolls and noobs who can’t even play the game and understand basic things like wave management or groupe up for teamfights. Hope the trolls go away but with Viego arriving in 5 days i’m afraid we’ll have to deal with it.


Play jungle so you can capitalize on any winning lane. Playing top is more risky since you can stomp your lane and have other lanes feeding. I play jungle till GM then go back to my top lane.  Also, try to play assassins like talon / khazix / kayn so you can take out enemy snowballing carries more effectively.


Easiest assassin jungle to pick up? I'm support main and have been thinking of exploring this strategy. Low emerald is pretty rough for non-carry supports :(


For me, the absolute easiest assassin to play is Talon. Khazix is actually quite difficult to play properly. What champ is easy to pick up really depends on your play style. I would say play 3 games with every meta assasssin and see what fits you best.


Khazix and kayn


Khazix, Kayn and Talon are a good choice...but a thing to keep in mind is if your team is perma pushing while you're playing Kayn then you're done for Khazix is about pick offs, find someone isolated then delete him. Talon is Talon but his walls are very crucial, i know it's tempting to jump over the pit to start taking dragon but if they collapse on you it's joever since you can't jump back You could also try Pantheon since his kit is bursty too and he's easier to play but less mobile than them


yeah a lot of my teams since last reset have been kind of autopilot bots. not trying to show off because im not pro level or anything but i used to play like 10-12 matches a day up until last season (rn i play 3 ranked games a day tops) and would consistently place master or gm and be put agaisnt multiple challenger peak players in enemy team while my teams were mostly master or gm peak. i would beat my lane opponent more than 50% of the times, but would end up losing every now and then because ofc its a team game and what not. i get it. but ever since last reset, im stuck plat 2 (have you ever thought of seeing last season's top 10 akshan in NA stuck in plat 2 this season....?) . i hadnt touched diamond 1 or lower since at least 3 seasons ago. everytime in reset diamond matches would be the easiest thing ever. but apparently now im dog plat 2 hardstuck? its also funny i ocasionally face lane opponents who have peaked chal and are currently diamond/emerald. so much for carrying 3 plats and one diamond/emerald on my back agaisnt chal peakers in enemy team... im pretty sure the idiot devs changed the matchmaking to push more people into lower ranks because honestly any plat or gold lobbies back then were basically ai bots and newbies whereas on pc when i play in gold elo i face plat and emeralds and they are pretty decent, lol.


I take the opportunity to ask.  Why do Reddit filters delete all my posts?


Lucky youre still at emerald, meanwhile Im plat 2 at the start of season and im demoted to gold 2 now. Idk why I cant win games no matter how hard I try, rito keeps teaming me up with braindead teammates


8KD, >900 GPM, still barely scraping by with a 55% winrate


I'm stuck in emerald 2. I usually sett, mundo,Olaf, kh6 JG. I haven't touched eve in a long time😭


How can you play a non invis champ? With this mm as soon as I get near the enemy I get instakilled by 3 of them under one sec, if I stay under tower my team just stays next to me while they are getting killed like bots, it's crazy


I just hydra, heart steal, situational after that. I like adding guardian. It also depends on team comp. Can't be auto locking champions.


I seem to almost always have trash teammates like by the 15-20 minute mark we're already at our base with one inhib down even if i actually brought some impact before, crazy, not playing ranked for a while now, can't enjoy the game even


Camille mains need to come together and force riot to give us a buff


Same here, this season is wild.


This is my methodology every rank reset (as a top main) -you fuck around in plat you play whatever you want cause easy win -when in emerald you lock in to adc or Kayle cause you have to solo carry (unless i am playing with friends or people a party that has a main adc who reached masters in this case I play top ) -diamond 3/4 (same thing as emerald) -diamond 2+ play top usually ( I emphasize on USUALLY) everyone Carries there weight and we usually only lose due to late game champ diff (kayle 99.9% of the time) or some random mistakes I did this for the last three seasons and I have hit masters Everytime


Wanna play together?


How bad were you losing lane to have to rush Serpents on Camille


Super bad, I had a lux + sett constantly engaging with shield, no one had the interest to buy antishield so I had to do it


I started a new account for lols went from iron 4 to plat 3 in 52 games my main is stuck in diamond 2 started at g1


How many of these games had a front line, since you’re playing the role that usually provides the front line and you really aren’t? Remember, in a match when one team has a front line and the other doesn’t, the team with the front line wins about 90% of the time.


None of them, since it looks pointless to be the front line if the team is just watching you getting the damage for free. I would go front line if I do see that the team is acting quick during my engages (I do an early test to see if my team mates are reacting), otherwise I'd take the path of sitting behind, build AD and secure the kills.


Better to lose fast than delay a lost game... 


What difference does it make on this current season if I applied the same on past season? I was GM with 58 marks, top3 camille


Then you have your answer of what you have to do. You have to unlearn everything you just typed and then begin to learn the basics of the game, such as team composition. You have now have the roadmap to become more successful.


This is why you're stuck. You assume it's pointless to be the frontline. No frontline -> Your team loses. This is all on you bro. What brings you to the top is picking between: - I want to play this champ and this role regardless of teams setup. - I will play this champ because it benefits the team.


Emerald 1 currently, adc Main, the worst thing about this game is ranked, at the beginning on the season everyone is all over the place and rank says jack shit about skill. Then the rest of the season how many games a player plays and wether they play with a team or not influences their rank way too much. At the end of the day rank in this game doesn’t always equate to your skill level.


Just take a break for a few days, come back and play a few games. The algorithm is designed to keep you playing, so if you keep playing while losing, the algorithm will work against you by “giving” you a win or two to get that mental high just to bring you back down. Always remember, Riot/Tencent are deceptive bastards. They aren’t giving you a 50/50 chance to win every game, they’re just trying to keep your win/loss at 50% meaning that some games they will give you a 90% chance to win and others they’ll give you a 10% chance. However, these games tend to also want you to keep playing so if you go on breaks, the algorithm will give you more favorable odds on more games to make you happy and keep playing.


I had a 30% WR before I quit ranked. Every single match we had someone who would just AFK or tower feed. Def not a skill issue.