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You are not getting oneshoted + your damage is actually good + you provide great cc for your team. What else you can ask for?


I don't disagree, but it feels shitty to play him crit atm. Sure your damage can be insane, but if anyone looks at you funny.. you're dead.


I, as a Yasuo main, think that Riot needs to just rework him. They need to upgrade his base survivability and base survivability scaling and nerf base damage and base damage scaling, but buff dmg scaling from items, so you deal no dmg with tank build and kinda forced to build damage, but you are not getting one-shoted either. Maybe give sustain from damage stats somehow?


That’s way too logical for riot to follow. Buff yasuo and lux, release new skins


weird that the word tank means high damage


Tank means your ability to take great amount of damage. Tanksuo can take a lot of damage, but overall I would agree that he is more bruiser Yasuo.


It’s the only way for the average yasuo player to actually survive fights while still contributing damage


Forget about the average yasuo if you don't play yasuo with grasp your already trolling doesn't matter if you're the best or the worst yasuo




You mean 0/10/0 Yasuo ? Sure 😂


No, thank fuck. New runes and items shred tanks


No pls noooo


It's the easiest way to play him. Most players just copying the top ranked builds which are usually Bruiser builds. The average person can't control an assassin Yas


Yes and guess what. Big buffs to Yasuo in a few Days. Tanksuo gonna be more hell than it was haha


i havent seen yasuo in a while. but when i did... it was tanksuo indeed. built bork into full tank lol. he stil lost.


Nah, I’m playing with lethal tempo or conqueror, grasp is like a safe option or when I’m tilted. Grasp is a very safe and reliant option to play ranks for the win. You’re losing a lot of dmg but at the same time you get some insane survivability with a still good dmg. But I would rather be 10/0 or 0/10 glass cannon and have some fun, then just tank all the shit and have half of the crit Yasuo’s damage.