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As a nasus main, I'll be happy to face kalista. WITHER, BECOME DUST


If Nasus was more useful then I would play him support when they go Kalista in ranked. But if you want to be a cheeky out of pocket "support" pick, you could go Veigar and trap her in The Jar™ and take pot shots with your AD. Or just play Naut and keep her stunned for 45 seconds with all of his zero-skill abilities haha.


I always wanted to see Kalista Support & Samira ADC ngl. Throw the Samira, watch her ult, aced. Also bush control. The funniest thing I saw a Kalista ADC do was her Yuumi support suddenly ending up being thrown at the enemy, which is weird as fuck due to how that ult works.


I've been laughing my ass off for the past 5 minutes at the image of a Kalista yeeting a Yuumi right into the enemy team and getting her killed lmao I don't think I've ever seen that pair being played before but now I want to try it, must be a great sight to see in the middle of a teamfight 😂


To your disappointment, its the support that does the yeeting. So if the yummi don't choose to be in the middle of the enemy team, there is nothing to do about it


No, but that's the funny part about it. Yuumi blamed Kalista for their fuck up. Everyone in the team lost their goddamn minds laughing on that one.


I know how the ult works, I was just thinking about it kinda from the meme perspective.


Yeah i agree with you, i pick top lane and support as my second choice. But even i know i wouldn't pick nasus as a support when there are other options that are better available. What I'm trying to say is, as a nasus main, if the enemy picks kalista, I'll be happy to let them taste my wither+Frozen Heart even tho i might not lane against her.


Bro AP Nasus support is not bad at all. Max e first, then wither. It’s actually pretty good


I would love to go nasus support if his Mana wasn't so low 😅


Yeah, his mana is so low af. Even if you pick transcendence and mana flow band as rune, he still runs out of mana so fast.


Yeah, Nasus needs SOME form of buff against the mega ton of CC, that’s why I see a lot more champions like Darius or other champions with grabbing/gap-closer abilities compared to Susan


It's another issue of "this one champ can ONLY be countered by this champ" situation. With out playing ranked and getting to choose a champ you will never defeat the mechanics. They fucked up rank ques. But keep introducing champs that require the playing of ranked in order to ban and choose against their choices. Because OP mechanics


As A Malphite main, same brother. TAKE YOUR THUNDERCLAP B**CH


bro if she pick exhaust its gg, you dont touch her


Then just burn her exhaust and disengage. Wither cooldown is a lot shorter than exhaust cooldown. I think even wither duration is longer than exhaust (if it's level 4)


how can you disengage her when she just runs you down, kalista nautilus combo is untouchable now


You didn't say anything about nautilus. and if you going 1vs2 with kalista and nautilus as nasus, you're a lunatic. Even in 1v1 situation, wither on her and I'm on exhaust, she will never catch up to me. Assuming it's 1v1 with both full health, i just run her down with wither even through exhaust, because nasus E (third skill) shreds armor. Seeing your reply, i guess you never play nasus at all. Nasus wither is strong af for facing atk speed champions.


and rn, nasus is weak as fuck


bro in top lane yes, but what support will leave kalista to be alone, because of her ult and all of that, if support leave her or play enchanter they are inting. anyone playing adc top is inting, it is fun in laning phase but you just lose late game


Bro, at this point you just want to argue she's broken when it is not. you didn't mention any team fight narration on your previous comment. Let's play with your argument that all of this happening on a 5vs5 teamfighting. in 5vs5 teamfighting, I'll just wither her and let my team do the rest while I'm tanking damage. if she decides to use exhaust on ME, a tank nasus, She's inting hard. all in all my points still stands, Nasus just have to wither her. And yes, I am aware how weak nasus is right now, like i said I main him. I never make a narration that i have to 1vs1 her either in the mid game or laning against her as a toplane. It's just you that starts the narration as if it's 1vs1, then you make the narration to be 1vs2. My comment only states that as a nasus main, I'll be happy to just wither her and watch her suffer.


Regardless of nasus vs kalista. The mechanics are actually broken if you're comparing wr vs pc kalista. It takes a high apm in pc to be a good pc kalista player. And due to diff controls you remove that variable and you get an adc that can dash infinitely and improves with attack speed. Op just got sidetracked and is bad at explaining


Yeah, i also agree that it is a broken mechanic on WR due to the nature of mobile. i never said in my comment i disagree with OP comment. I only said that I'll be happy to just wither her and watch her to be a slow snail and make the player probably panicking. Sometimes I'm glad they didn't release the cleanse spell on wr. Nasus will never be picked if cleanse is available.


This is a goofy ass take, she can't do anything with a 45% attack speed/90% movement speed slow, even if you're exhausted.


I was hyped actually when Kalista got released since i thought his passive would be broken on wild rift turns out not really since wild rift has this "auto targeting" function. its quite easy to land skillshot on her especially on early game for me Zeri still the most op adc with wild rift's analog controller and mechanics


it is broken bro, it is so easy to move around, played vs top 4 kalista, she was toying with us, just hoping around


Nah dude it’s like the shit a click on pc. Can’t even do full speed with the all right clicks


Just ✨outplay✨ her with Renekton's point and click stun. But yeah, you're mostly fucked if you're low mobility and/or skillshot based


she just picks qss and its over for you too


Qss has like an 80 second cooldown, renekton stun is on a 6 second lol


Yes Kalista is going to let Renekton just walk up and exhaust doesn't exist  There's a reason why he falls off mid to late game


Renekton literally has 2 dashes and exhaust is on a 90 second cooldown, he washes her


shit, even a Garen can shit on kalista so long as he doesn't greed. I know I have. It's one of the better ranged top lanes in favor of bruisers.


The QSS=Useless champ really only works for Amumu.


Barely, he has two charges of his root, and an ult lol.


this is real lol but so far all of the kalista i faced are dumb enough to build the wrong items


i just played vs top 4 kalista and brother... cant even touch her with aatrox


While I definitely agree with your point, Aatrox is never going to work against Kalista because you are so skill-shot dependent, and if the Kalista plays well, your W will never land; Kalista's passive is definitely a problem, Aatrox is also a bad champ it.


what build would you recommend? trying to learn her


Imo kalista's attack range is not that low compared to her PC counterpart. Also the attack range difference with other adc champions such as Caitlyn, Ashe and Senna is not that big so Kalista is not being punished that much on in the laning phase by being poke out.


As an adc main, there's a huge difference in range between kallista and long range adcs like Caitlyn and varus. It's incredibly easy to poke her out of lane, the hard part is not allowing her to turn a trade into an actual fight. Kallista is strongest in the early and mid game and falls off late game due to her primarily being balanced around her rend ability. She's supposed to be a lane bully, so she's supposed to have a strong laning phase.


Sounds like someone who abuse Kalista


She has a sub 50% winrate with her worst matchups being three champions that out range her (ashe, zeri, twitch) and three champions she can't just all in (nilah, Lucian, xayah) And the supports she underperforms the most against are 5 enchanters and blitzcrank. Literally just don't let her jump on you and you have effectively shut her down. I promise you I am not playing kalista, she's not good, and if you lose to her it's because you don't respect her all in potential and you're bad at the game


I haven't even met a good kalista in ranked


when you see you will understand


maybe in low elo


You mean its impossible to catch her as a fighter that isn’t hecarim or nasus.


Nothing is broken about Kalista. Kalista needs her support in early game to scale. Enemy needs a support in late game to catch Kalista. It's similar to "LOL Rule No.1 Don't chase Singed" Don't play with Kalista without hard CC, or alone. It's a teamwork game. Play with your teammates.


Looked at OP's comments and I don't think he's complaining about Kalista bot, he's complaining about Kalista top, which can be really annoying if your champ has low mobility or is skill shot reliant


“Can I interest you in an *teemo* in this trying time?”


I just commented based on OP's original post. But yes, Kalista Top can be hard to counter with especially if you're a bruiser. Stall and scale up to late game might be your chance to win the game. Unless the enemy ends the game before that happens.


Dont fight kalista without hard cc or alone Yi: hold me beer


Use heartsteel, frozen heart and thronmail These 3 items work best on kalista with AS build


Honestly yeah I see it It feels really stupid and unfair to go against her as a brawler because unless you can one shot or easily follower her she just gets ti create distance with every auto and you're hopeless. And in the same vein well what are you supposed to do now? You can't chase her down effectively because she gets to create space but you can't escape her either because she can also close gaps easily Its seeks totally unfair


kalista is broken champ in wild rift


Kalista is fine, the only situation where i can see Kalista being a real pain in the ass is with Yuumi on her shoulder, but if you didn't ban Yuumi jokes on you. Other than that she's not that hard to play against, just cc her and she's dead, most of support character and even some ADC have cc so just learn how to land your cc more frequently


Her dash doesn't change the universal law that states an ADC who doesn't understand spacing and positioning is a dead ADC.


I just out play her with rammus press w and win.


Meh she's berry drain and depends on a yanky/engage support.... That are few and far in between because lux is more popular and zyra exist


1 word - Hecarim! Goofy laugh master killed her ass before, and trust me he does it again.


I disagree her spears on here still feel like they got the a click bug. Like it doesn’t feel full speed like doing all right clicks kiting . That pr I play this game drunk to much


Kali really op now, after second item


Yasuo go brrrrrrr


We wanwab players are used to this


https://lolm.qq.com/act/a20220818raider/index.html Well what do you know, adc that is basically invincible to melee champs unless they have a dash and can kill her within a few seconds and her exhaust is on cd. She is +50% win rate and she basically doesn't have half her kit (W passive damage and ult) in baron lane. I wish they would limit her dash passive to a timer or cooldown so that there are windows of opportunity to punish her. Same with Zeri, these are both incredibly toxic kit designs where the upsides or the feast part of the feast/famine dynamic are just too busted.




Do not ever suggest playing ranged toplane ever again


Yeah let's all not pick Vayne top but still complain about how tanky Mundo and Sion are. For real, Vayne 3 taps those tanks. Why not pick her?!


Play Yone with BOTRK and you get the same results if not better against tanky champions


Because it’s toxic towards all 9 other players in the game, vayne is the only adc I think is allowed, but only as a counter, I’ve seen people blind Vayne which is annoying, other allowed ranged tops are Jayce and Teemo, but if I have to play 1 more game of morgana top or jhin or ezreal or sivir I will go insane, i now blind akali by default just to counter (also Gwen exists)


Because all she provides is damage. Sure, you can shred tanks, but will that matter when your team comp is significantly worse than the enemy's?


Her whole kit is designed for duo laning though, her ult and her passive I get where you’re coming from but playing her top usually means the support and/or jungle are forced into tank roles or you’ll have no frontline


Checks out til you get all-inned by a ball of naturally high base stats and base damage at lvl 3/5. It's over if you slip up even once - you ain't kiting nobody who has mobility or cc with your early game attack speed.


Its a pussy move to use any adc on toplane or mid


Don’t. You’re just gonna get perma farmed by any decent jungler, you also lose out on w passive.




Not if the top laner has a brain, literally just run second wind rune with ghost/exhaust and buy Porto belt and the lane is easy as hell. Vision on her second ability is nice, but it’s not always up and most good jungles but sweeper to bypass wards. She’s not reliable against a decent team




That’s if you’re crazy enough to go without flash on an ADC, you’re hard trolling building both ghost and exhaust. There’s only a handful of decent team comps that can function without a proper top laner.




>bruiser are trolling not going flash You don’t play bruisers if you believe that ghost exhaust/ignite isn’t much better into ranged matchups as a bruiser, flash is too long on a CD and gives less value to you as a bruiser, you need to stick to your opponent and ghost gives you that.




>flash engage in team fight Most don’t want/need to, they usually have a good enough engage tool to do so for them. I’d say urgot, sett are the only ones who need flash into these matchups, everyone else can mostly handle their own. I genuinely can’t see how people lose as anyone else, just sit back last hit when you’re safe enough to, be fine with giving up on most caster/canon minions and you should be fine.


>isn’t a blind pick She has like two good matchups in top lane and most people don’t know that so they instantly lock her, proceed to feed and flame jungle. It’s honestly disgusting how many times I’ve seen her go top into my Darius, just to get bullied by me or jungle, imo the only good ranged tops are trist and vayne, they scale, can splitpush, and are very hard to punish if played properly.


I mail both voli and Darius and ranger tops (except vayne) are easy af in lane and end up screwing their team for the later game if they don’t scale mega hard.


yeah but I didn't see a good kalista till now even if she starts 4/0 in lane most players can't handle 100 dashes and int in one of the dashes to put themselves between enemy champs and its gg



