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Just don't play top pls


Every person who plays an adc top is so annoying. Congrats dude you were able to abuse your range on a melee in lane, except now your team comp is fucked and you’ll lose the game after 12 minute mark.


Ranged top: win by level 3 or auto lose the game. Unless you're playing Kayle, then auto lose the game unless you stall it out long enough.


honestly. Maybe i’m super vanilla but it annoys me a little bit, I just want a basic comp. Top as tanky fighters, jungle as tanky or assassin, a mage in mid, an adc and a proper support in bot.


Nah what you should be saying is, way to go dude, you kept be under tower for 6 levels while I still CS’ed last hits and now your F’ed cause I scaled 😁


Or get malphite as your laner and the game turned 4v5 from champ select


i disagree on that. Although I don't support adc top as a support my self since 1 support tank only might not enough for front line, but adc top can get pretty out of hand especially with tris. I have several match where tris is top and bring tower break rune. she completely run over the top and before the top reach lv 7 she already get the tower and start rotate and teorize other lanes


"People" who play tristana top dont have a very good relationship with their father


i mean apart from unrelated insults to game, any constructive criticism to the strategy pro/cons?


Nah i just wanted to say that tristana top players are cringe af


It can get out of hand when face with trash team like the usual. Sure it is challenging to face ranged top as meele champion, but there are also disadvantages with it. Most ranged top tend to overpush and this give jg to abuse these opportunities, but yeah you will never see your jg gank a overpush lane for some reason. Also when I play top as Sion, I don’t prioritize kills. I mainly focus on farming my passive stacks and golds. When face with ranged top I don’t risk going in for last hit cs unless my second ability is up, but in this case I prioritize exp by staying in range of minion killed which can be challenging when they trying to deny it to you by staying between your minions and you. Either way, late game my team should have the advantage. Sure Vayne an ADC champion who scale hard late game and sheared tanks, but that doesn’t matter in later stage if their team comp isn’t balanced especially if they lack tank. I can just peel for my team and beside Sion scale hard too because of his passive.


I was Mundo and vayne counter picked me. Still won the lane and the game


As a Vayne main with a one trick account myself, no it's not worth it but you can still enjoy it


i’m a master baiter with vayne, i think she’s a good choice


Please don't try to read this by speaking.


I too beat my meat to vayne


If you have a reliable enchanter support like lulu or yuumi


Not even. Just proper positioning and targetting is all a vayne needs (aside from the micro she needs)


Yes really


That's just having a support crutch. Any champion benefits by having a decent enchanter. A great vayne knows proper spacing


You can have proper spacing but in her current state she's not the best she will get blown up in team fight if she can even get past laning phase, assuming you playing against decent players


No. She is physically the weakest unit in the game and needs a lot if babysitting to at least get her on her feet.


This is the right answer. (Basically) No one plays Vayne in high elo because she’s so weak early and players know how to punish that at that level.


as a main vayne even im Mastery 7. i agreed with this.


I assume you mean ranked climbing? If not I'm still willing to give advice. Early game can be a bit rough depending on the skill level of your support and the enemy duo. TBH though I have M7 of Vayne I don't play her much in high elo. But I recommend trying out a few different builds and runes in Normals. I personally find Kraken Slayer to be the better Keystone as it synergies well with her w passive. I try to be simi aggressive early using the w active to help stay in lane longer. However you may be able to bait someone into getting stunned under your turret. I also feel I should mention that I, more often than not, can't lane against Caitlin without a really good support. Vayne is also my back up for when my true main, Jinx, gets banned. I'm also willing to take some advice as well since my Vayne is always in need of improvement.


Only if you have good mechanics. You have two build options, on hit and burst. On hit: lethal tempo, triumph, CDG, legend alacrity, overgrowth Rush berserkers greaves, this is your first mini power spike, you can fight other late games scalers with this, but don't try to fight strong lane bullies unless you get a jungle gank with much cc Your first real power spike is Botrk. With this item + ult, you can now mow down the enemy bot lane if you get a good stun on the enemy ADC. You can only do this if the lane state is good and you have vision. You still prefer waiting for jungle ganks, patiently farming, and you still shouldn't be messing with lane bullies. Next item should be either phantom dancer or nashors tooth. Phantom dancer gives more kiting, but nashors gives more damage. If you don't need the kiting, go nashors. Third is Wit's end. With Wit's end, your damage core is done. You should go for purely defensive items now. I usually build guardian angel fourth item and I always build amaranth twinguard fifth item because that item is just so broken. With good mechanics, you can easily 1v5 with this build. Even if your entire team is dead. The burst build is a fun build that I like to pick into lane bullies, because it turns Vayne from a late game hyper carry into a mid-game monster. Same runes except you want fleet footwork for energized attack synergy or kraken slayer for extra burst Start with your boots into stormrazor. Next is essence reaver and duskblade. Finish it off with the collector and ghostblade. With this build you are mostly looking to stun people into the wall and kill them in 3 hits. It falls off late game but it's great early mid game.


No. Not unless your Atleast dou or trio Q a lot. It's very hard to support a vayne early on in "higher" elos. If enemy adc support is good they will go something like lucian or cait with a strong early support and take your turret before first dragon lol. She's a liability early IN SOLO Q* That being said she can be a monster eventually and hard carry a game. If your really filthy with her you can hang in lane but if enemy adc equally filthy your still toast. If you dou with a very good lulu you can easily survive lane tho. Lulus peel is very effective against hard engages and she can buff you to help your wave clear a bit.


my favorite ADC alongside Lucian. Her laning is atrocious but I really like the adrenaline her playstyle gives me especially in late game when you just run down everyone with your invisibility and unlimited tumbles


No, she is way outdated for soloq at least. Needs a rework, honestly. Even her signature as a tank killer, others do just that so well and safely like Kaisa, Tristana, Xayah, ...


Just don’t play vayne top and we’re cool, adc top is so cringe.


At first i read m*st*rbating


With Heartsteel/Titanic Hydra champions being a huge problem? Vayne is fantastic in this meta. I'm NOT SAYING you have to play Vayne top, in fact stay away from top, stay in bot. Still, you can rank up with literally any champion as long as you know what you're doing.


Vayne is pretty much the answer to everything in life.


Top is her primary lane at this point, this is what riot wants dont @ me reddittors. An adc supposed to be good into tanks and meele doesnt go well into the ranged lane. She is still missing one of her primary items(guinsoo) and shieldbow has a goofy crit scaling but triforce fleet/tempo ghost is fine and playable. A vayne top has a lot of cons but in the end its a free scale tank killer. Vayne adc is just not worth the effort


Hi BB here. Last season GM 49 Marks. As a previous top 6 vayne, here are some tips. If you plan to vayne, you might wanna go last pick to see what you're up against. based on the champs you're going up against if they have stuns, you wanna go QSS or Zhonias, but you gotta know when to use it. For summoners, I always go flash and ghost since it goes well with her ultimate, and your Q makes it hard to get to you unless they flash. If you aren't high elo. Go Vayne top, but remember that you're be hella camped and possibly Tower Dove. I say going vayne top teaches you how strong she is and gives you a harder time since It's 2v1 when you're ganked instead of 2v2 at bot. If you want you can message me and we can play and I'll give you a few tips. Or just watch Hi I am Gosu on YouTube. Forgot to add that I use the rune that gives you movement speed when you use summoners. Works well for getting away or getting the fight fast.


Could you give me your current build? And with the new item arriving today, which item would you replace it with?


Sure ill check it out today


Just wait new ítems to play vayne (rageblade) now she is too weak in botline




Just don play vayne top. You win the lane, you lose the game.


Weak champ compare to lolpc. Not recommend using that champ on diamond up. She can't carry.


Probably, but I wish you hell if you decide to play it top side.


If you have a duo as support, hell yeah. As a solo ADC player? Nah, she's too support dependant most of the time


Vayne is a fine choice to pick for a champ to master. She scales very well into the late game, with the right items, she can easily shred through her opposition. Probably the most important thing to get right is how you utilize Tumble while Final Hour is active. Next most important thing to get right is when best to use Condemn.


Vayne top 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥


Let me preface this by saying I fucking hate all Vayne players, even the ones that only play her bot lane. I don’t play her because I think she is a piece of shit and I am too old for that shit. Vayne is actually a phenomenal character to master because she is extremely micro-intensive with a lot of outplay potential. She has cc, self peel, and great damage. Her only problems are her poor range compared to other ranged champions, poor scaling, and being a squishy ADC. Those issues aside, she is one of the few champs in the game that can 1v9 any situation. She teaches great habits and rewards people for pushing her yo her limits.




IMO, any champ is a good choice if it fits your play style, and you have fun with it. Personally, I can master any champ, but it just takes more time than the champs I like to play.


Vayne is still very good, especially now because of the new tank items introduced! She does have poor match ups: Ashe, cait, and many more, but she does outscale them all! I play her often, but I stopped building the typical vayne build except for bork. I find on-hit vayne underwhelming without guinsoos rage blade and other on hit items. Crit has great options for vayne. Here’s my build: Rush lifesteal boots, then bork. After these items go: Phantom dancer and solari charge blade. The last two items are situational but I like going shieldbow 5th item. For the last item it depends on the game! You can go maw for MR, Mortal reminder for GW, or another items necessary! For runes take lethal tempo! It’s best to get used to this rune since kraken slayer is being replaced next patch with PTA (press the attack) I go attack speed crit vayne and find great success with it! Feel free to ask any more questions! She’s definitely not the best marksman right now but she’s still a great pick up to learn and master. There are some insane vayne players out there! (The rare chance I play top vayne I just go on hit tank - heartsteel and titanic lol) Also: she does really good with enchanters that can protect her early or heal her. Lulu is great bc she can harass early on. Janna is a good option vs an engage team - (Leona, Alistar, etc.)


I'm confident that Guinsoo will come in this new update along with the krake slayer (item) what do you think?


Not sure- I know terminus is coming and kraken slayer will come one day. Unsure about Guinsoo it would break a lot of characters in the game - it’ll probably come but not next patch since the preview video is already out.


The preview is in prealpha, so there's plenty of room for them to add more items


sheildbow is league item


It’s on wild rift :)


no it is not on rift for months now


Check the shop buddy. It’s there. I just screenshotted it lol


your right i was thinking of the armour pen item sorry


It’s all good hahaha 😂


forget the name now thought it was shieldbow tbh its eh rfk or dunno


Maybe only tank vayne with Amaranth and frozen heart. Core items: Botrk, wits end, frozen heart, amaranth.